Cup cakes for birthday

emailed to u liao..
it will be on 22/23 aug.. will be the same venue as the NDP.. heard its gonna be on the waters issit? shld be nice.. tix on first come first serve n i need min 50 tic to get corp price..

Pink, I've obtained the kind permission to post the tofu cheesecake recipe.


<u>Tofu Cheesecake Recipe</u>

250g cream cheese (Note 1)
80g castor sugar
300g tofu (Note 2)
350ml whipping cream
3 tbsp icing sugar (Note 3)
2 tbsp gelatin powder
5 tbsp tepid water (Note 4)

1. Cook the tofu in boiling water and drain well otherwise you will have a weeping tofu cheesecake. I drained the tofu for 2 hours.
2. Beat cream cheese with sugar till creamy, add in the mashed tofu. Mix well and put it in the blender to blend till smooth and creamy.
3. Whip the whipping cream with icing sugar till mousse state.
4. Add the dissolved gelatin solution into cheese tofu mixture and mix well. Add in the whipped cream.
5. Pour in the cheese mixture onto the base. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

1. I used one Philadelphia pack 250g. Original recipe calls for 220g.
2. I used Unicurd silken tofu. Each packet sold here is 300g. I used only 1 pack as I was afraid taste might be too strong, probably that's why the filling is not as smooth as I thought. Original recipe calls for 540g.
3. I used castor sugar as I did not have icing sugar on hand.
4. I assume this is used for dissolving the gelatine.
5. I used a 7inch round mousse ring. Had some cheese mixture left over. Suggest to use at least 9 inch round size.
6. For the base, I used 120g Digestive biscuits (about 8 biscuits, crushed) and 50g butter (softened). You can use other cake or brownie base if you like.
based on last yr (since location of ndp is the same), swissotel, oriental, ritz carlton can see. the best view is of cos ritz. they charge me 980+++ for 2 nites min stay
Catika, no prob. More than happy to have them. Thanks...

Ep, I'm interested to get the tickets too. Hve pm you for more info.
Thanks for the info. Wah ritz is ex leh. Will try oriental cos last year I booked swissotel but slight blockage. Wonder if pan pac/ conrad/ millenia can c?
PINK...i try baking 'zebra' cake again using strawberry n choco paste, this time round did not sink but dunno y still cannot achieve a 'zebra' look more like marble leh...haiz...

wah yr mini donuts very pretty!!

is the tofu cake easy to bake?? does it taste like tofu?? how long u took from prep to table? looks yummy leh..

wow so ex for 2 nites..but i guess its worth the view..

the fireworks celebration display tixs are only $12 a head.. i hv not been before.. but sounds cheap to go sit in the arena to watch fireworks... i hv no idea wats its abt..
hope this can helpu achieve the 'zebra stripes'

I'm also baking tofu zebra cake. But dont know can make it or not.

if not wrong there will b series of firework display at the site. Most likely will be super crowded.

thanks for the recipes and info on fructose.

enjoy the NDP show!!!

Tofu cheeze cake looks yummy!!!!

Ur ger must be happy cos its baked by mummy!!!!

Another gd spot to see the firwork will be at the exterior of the food court at marina. But be prepared super crowded too.

I think you will hv to go v early to be seated, but the show only few minutes only. I only worry that my children cannot take the heat, the long wait and the noise. Toilet breaks is another problem. Not discouraging, but just letting you know the likely scenerios.

I attend the firework last year, it's amazing as the firework shoot out from the water and there is music like watching mucical fountain which you will not have a clear view if you are not seated inside the arena. You will be allocated a seat with the ticket so you don't have to be there very early to chop for seat.
good morning ladies!

akohle, ur doughnuts look so pretty!!

peng, i nvr have the guts to make marble or zebra cakes... my pattern will turn out haywire...

ep, it's a non-bake cheesecake so i don't think it's difficult to do... it doesn't taste like tofu, more like normal cheesecake... maybe if put more tofu as per recipe, will taste it better?

BM, i hope this year got chance to see NDP... my gal enjoys it... if no tickets, then i go and squeeze in ur room hor? hahaha... just kidding!

fatmum, thanks! i only post pics which i succeed in... hahaha...

Dory &amp; Bacon Dinner a few days ago...
Too tired to go out to eat and trying to get rid of the onion rings and dory as we seldom cook... dumped everything into the oven... haha...
pink.. where u get the mousse mold huh? come in a set ar? ex?? ph never sell the small small heart shape wan..

u very bad leh.. i no work alexandra den u make mousse cake.. i wana eat!! next time i drop by ur house take k.. :p
can u pm me for the details??

pooh / fatmum
u mean tis fireworks thingy has been goin on ah?? so swa ku.. i didnt know it exist till now.. sound interesting to be seated in the arena.. so excited now.. my boys love fireworks.. i rather pay then to hunt for spots to catch the display.. hope it turns out well..
Aiyo... me miss the lunch gathering on Wed...
Both my kids fall sick. esp small 1, fever for 4 days til today den fever stable. yesterday morning at 4am rush her to A&amp;E as she sudden shivering with high temp at 39deg... her highest record at 40degC, think her brain spoil liao kena burnt.. kekeke... Child sick leave for 4 days...

Nice fruits up there...
ep...i think this event been going for the past 2 yrs...quite interested also but the show starts at 9pm right think my boy cannot tahan until that time
I thought my boys only ones to get fever. Highest recorded was 40.7! Had to put suppository and ice him... poor thing. Lasted for 4 days... and strange thing is that no other symtoms. Same with older boy... but fever more controllable.

Is there some kind of bug going around?
Yap, I think they got different performance by different country on different day. I can't remember the time I think it start at 8.30 or 9pm and it last about 30 min - 45 min.

You must keep sponging your boy to stable the fever. You take care of yourself also.
Poor gal, my gal had fever also a month ago and no other symptoms. I always hv suppositories on hand to insert and I sponge her. When she was younger, I brought her to A&amp;E, that time more kiasi and I din know how to sponge her, I thot just wring the towel dry n wipe her body, turns out the towel was literally dripping with water when the nurse sponge her. See already v heart pain.

As I am typing this message, my maid is playing with my gal beside me. Cant help but laugh at the way they play. A bossy 2 year old gal telling a blur maid wat to do during a tea party. hahaha. Well at least she is playing with her instead of pushing her away.
Keng, my colleagues usually go to Bangkok to stock up their wacoal panties and bras, they buy by the dozens. Wacoal has a sanitary panty which is good during our period, no more overflow problems.
Maruoline &amp; Cat, tat day at Js'mum hsg heard u all say abt the Karihome sweet rite? Do u hv any lobang to buy at cheaper price?
PENG, pooh,muffin,yany,
Ya lor, no symptoms at all. just fever like nobody business. My gal dun like to be sponge. Me oso had insert 3x suppositories and she will say mummy tu pipi in crying voice... hahaha... then complain to my hb.
Hi Cat &amp; Maruoline, i hv 1 lobang for the sweet liao. buy 13 tins at $15.80/ friend is asking arn who wan to order liao if can rch 13tins then will proceed to order liao...u all wan?
ice lim,
my second boy actually find suppositories funny! lol. I call it the bullet and he will tell me, got bullet for my bum bum? hahaha

My older boy refuse to use suppositories but good thing is that he respond to Motrin well. That works fast for him!

Tried making muffin yesterday using nigella's bluberry muffin recipe... but I didn't have baking powder and didn't put any &amp; I used chocolate chips since I do not have blueberries. I find 20 mins could be too long as mine came out a little chao ta!


Then I made cheese biscuits today. Feel like having something salty after all the sweet stuff.
Dear mummies!

Thank God it's the weekend! Can relax and recharge. Took half-day leave today, came home to rest and catch up on my baking while my baby Dana was asleep earlier on in the evening. Here's my fruit



It's been a long while since I posted anything as I couldn't find time to bake since Dana arrived! Finally today...feel so fulfilled
Enjoy your weekend mummies!
Ok ok... after all the succesful bakes... here comes our hilarious bakes in Jurong West on 28 May - afternoon.

Well... the bakes turn out bad but well... contradicting? Nah... We are 'innovative'! :p

Easiest bake ... Doughnuts!


Lovely Heart-Shaped Doughnuts!

Baking them and the Results ...

Next, we decided to do something VERY challenging aka The Swiss Roll... may the force be with us... but ...

The Mixing and Readied Batter


Poured into swiss roll pan and the Baked unroll roll ...


Transferring to Baking Sheet and doing a Pre-Roll


The Rolling and The Result - Skinless


Failed but we had great FUN!
So now, our Chocolate Nutella Swiss Roll is BROKEN and SKINLESS... what to do... INNOVATIVE and FUN LOVING us... decided to transform it into Nutella Layered Cake and do a simple decorating lesson for 'her' ...

Our Nutella Layered Cake ...


The Teacher's 'Artwork' versus The Student's 'Artwork'

Now... the group of determined 'Westerners' decided not to admit defeat and therefore, another attempt to do a Green Tea Swiss Roll with Mango Cubes Fillings ... *drum roll*

Preparing the Mango to be spreaded


The Unrolled Pre-Rolled Green Tea Swiss Roll *Tongue Twister*


Teacher says must Fast Hand in spreading and the Result ...


The succesful Roll and the result after refrigeration ...

After a hilarious and fun-filled day with the group of Westerners... Mummies are tired and our kids are tired too .. home sweet home... with Green Tea Mango Swiss Roll, Nutella Layered Cake and Eileen's Non-Baked oreo Cheesecake!

If you have enjoyed this episode of not-so-successful-yet-edible bakes with the 5 Westerners ... Do stayed tune in for our next episode; tentatively set to be aired next week... Stay Tuned! *winks*


1-0, Ling, Lim, Keng and Meow; also, Glenda, Charles and Joshua for adding to the fun and the bottomless pit in their tummies allowing us to bake and dump all our end products!
meow: hahaha next week we take video ( tinking: WOW all the screaming of the kids... the mummies laughter...) .... i charge my cam to the fullness....
wah the western bakes sound so fun!!! with pics to show somemore!

where did u get ur cupcake stand? so nice! n ur cupcakes looks so beautiful! photography v impt huh

imagine baking so many items in one afternoon...phew!!!! couldn't keep up. thanks a million for not showcasing the cream puff that didn't pass Stage 1..hahaha.


hehe..u hv a magical kitchen..some of the bakes were impromptu but the ingredients just appear.

Children: Glenda, Joshua, Charles, ZL,

thanks for company and polishing off the doughnuts and declaring it very nice.

1-0, 0, Lim &amp; Meow, thanks for showing the way n fun to bake together...u all are an incredible bunch.
thanks. ya, now i remember..on one of our previous trips with many ladies, almost a full day was devoted to this department..hahaha.
Hi cat
thank for taking all the nice picture! It was really a fun &amp; enjoyable baking I ever have. Thanks for bring some much fun for my Zhe Lei, keep laughing &amp; shouting.
Wow Meow,
with ur pro photographer make our fruits so nice le.

Thank u for 1-0 to let us use her kitchen &amp; oso pai seah my kids play till ur house messy messy.

For this baking time i hv learn a lots from meow,1-0,0 &amp; keng, Thanks all Shi jie.

Next week....we continue hv fun...
i saw this mini-steamboat which is just nice for 2-3 ppl. Does anyone know where to buy it?

It comes in 4 parts, the electric plate (red colour) a teppanyaki plate, the metal container (for soup) &amp; cover. Capacity i think only 1 litre. TIA.

1456601.jpg can see the brand name Morries leh...maybe can search at carrfour or giant? i have one wif a teppanyaki plate also and a detachable soup bowl in the middle.. so at the same time can bbq and steamboat!!!
