Cup cakes for birthday

wow... the cuppies and cake look wonderful! I really would like to learn to make fondant. I tried store bought ones... taste yucky! Also, had to shape them in my aircon room.. haha.
but hor... the big bird I made still melt. All the feathers that I stuck one by one... all droop down

Did not manage to buy any green tea powder so made chocolate cake in the end. Here is the amateur cake & photo ;)
Hi Xiao Ling,
So happy to see u back. Do take care & hope to see yr bakes & such soon.

Hi Pink,
nice to see yr posts again.

Js mum - hahaha, another mummy who is inseparable from this forum...shoo shoo..enjoy yr holiday. bet u will log in from Japan if u could.

Also, i am going to bangkok next week. anyone knows of baking accessories shops in/around bangkok?
the scale so cute.. how much issit from ikea? i saw the giant scale. didnt like the quality.. initially was $19.90 now become $10.90

the pinatas soo cute!! the cuppies are pretty!
akohle, japan! shiok!

yany, ur choc cake looks good... so dark... I bet I will love it... hahaha...

ep, it's $19.90... poster says up to 3kg but the machine print up to 5kg... I tested can use around 4kg... how much was the previous scale you sold? it looks nicer...

jo, I will love to but not free on Sats leh... what time is it?
hi mommies,
thanks for your kind words....
it's tiring but as wat cat said, the satisfaction is there when i see the bride eyes almost pop out and turn to tears...

coz i dun earn $$$ from tis wedding cuppies, the bride is my choir kaki.

take tis opportunity to thks:
CL - who helped bot the chubby mini bride & groom figurine, love#1 - who helped to collect the 25inch cake base (not big rite? it's HUGE!) thks love!, js'mum - who helped to get the crate from toyogo, cat - who helped bot paper cups from JW, 1-0 & other mommies who helped to check tis & tat !

akohle (akohle),
pinata any how do, kekeke tat's why ugly leh...
ah yes, IF i dun go biz trip tis week, sure i can go seah st on friday... wl update u later ya?

pork chop looks yummy yummy !

thks ! how are u? missed u so much leh! enjoy your trip okie? bangkok sure got lots of thingy to grab.

i agreed with keng, your chocolate cake so dark ! looks very sinful ! are u using valhorna powder and melted chocolate as well?
for fondant, yes outside ready use tasted yucky, try mashmellow fondant then.
to make it more peliable and stay in to the shape, you may mix the fondant with gum-tex.
u rite, fondant need aircon, especially singapore is very humid, so gotta becareful.

can show me the material? then i can advise u....
normal roman blind or normal curtain I'm quite okie.

anyone knows of baking accessories shops in/around beijing?
Hi pink
so surprise to find my name under yr thank you list, hehe! I didn't do anything just make a call & didn't help u then. Anyway u have make the wedding more wonderful & nice with yr cake.

U going holiday in beijing?
how are u ? how is baby dana?
interested to be my DIL? hahaha!
now dunno shd choose cat's baby or yours! hahaha!
let my son choose then..... siaw hor?

your bacon & potato casserole looks very tempting ! very ang moh style !

CL & blessed mom,
me no stay at home oderi looks very aunty leh... how huh? really wanted to have 30% looks like BM, no need 100%, then i'm very happy liao.
"skali" if stay at home i can become very trendy & beautiful like BM hor? if got guarantee, then i quick my job leh....

angie_king seth:
how are u? hope my king seth doing well huh?
no surprise lah.... u helped to get phone # etc wor.
beijing is for biz trip, u wanna come along? u very familiar wif tat area rite?
hope i dun hv to go lah... i hate biz trip, i got problem sleeping alone leh.... i scared hantu de....
I only been to beijing once with tour. I only familar at shanghai & shenzhen. Sorry la, I cannot sleep with u, haha!

Where u get the cupcake holder from? JW?
peng, if u ever do business for tingkat, tell me hor... hehehe...

ep, the scale is good enough for me... I can place a container on it before switching it on, then pour the contents to measure the weight of the contents only...

pink, thanks! one of my friends' hb made it before and I liked it... so asked how to do, just agar agar... and luckily, my hb is not particular, will eat whatever I make... btw, if u ever conduct a decor gathering again, pls let me know!
why dun wanna sleep wif me?

i no snoring one leh.... kekeke!
sh... dun let cat catch us, later she will start de...
from: how big is your eggs.... to.... how many hole you have....

JW got sell the cupcake holder, but bit costly, they sell 45cents each.
i bot it from sunlik, S$6 /20 pcs.
wah.. beijing.. u been there before?? how long yr trip?
i dun mind to folo u.. hiak hiak.. then can shop for baking things together.

yr ang mo dinner looks very gd!! my hb is into angmo food.. but i only know zhi char..
u can sleep with me? i mean, u wanna follow me? hurray! i think ard 1 week ba....
sure.... i'm more than happy leh.... then we shop 2gether.
btw, my sis loves your weighing scale leh.... the neighbour oso want, if they confirm, will let u know, i think ard 4 pcs... hahaha!
they said the scale very accurate and looks elegant yet solid.

k, will keep u in the loop when i send out invitation via mail.
i'm still drafting the outline, coz wanted to insert some fondant and wilton method as well.
i wan the invitations too!!
maybe u can tell them abt the ikea scale. see which one they like.
u going beijing for 1 week???? wah.. tot biz trip usually a few days.. u hv dates? can gimme? so i see if i can outsource my boys to someone haha.. travelling by sq? i always wanted to go china but no kaki.. hb ask me to go myself.. tsk.. :S
wow peng... you eat pork chop with strawberries? lol. Looks good..... slurp.

I use whatever choco powder I have in hand. This time, its ghirardelli. Although I think blackberry jam I added in gives it a little colour too

No Varhona although I must say, their chocolate taste good. Only melted chocolate used is dark chocolate topping

What is gum-tex and where can I get it? Do you have a fondant receipy that is suitable for the local weather?
Yes... send me invite for classes as well... esp. fondant. I don't care if my cake taste bad... at least look good... hahaha.
You scared of hantus ah? I used to fly with SQ.. never met any hantus before. The only hantu are from the opposite sex.... hahahaha.

Going to take my kids to the Bt. Batok park for a walk. Bringing my gal too ;)

I know this thread only for food... but I find her so yummylicious!
CL, Jen....start tingkat biz!! no lah too stress to do biz lah, must handle logistic, manpower, accounts blah blah blah...sahm better lah i too lazy liao wahahaha...

Yany...not strawberries lah is cherry tomatoes kekeke

The curtain material is juz cotton material I saw at spotlight. Any material will do right? Din buy cos I dunno how much to buy also and anyway the house wont be ready for moving in till 2009 as it is currently tenanted out till end of the year whereby we will do some reno before moving in. I am just doing some advance prep. I read on websites that I need to measure the windows then multiply by 2??

Eh, can I also check abt the wine? Issit ready? Cos I read that you going beijing, and I am getting the feeling that I will pop soon, cos below start to pain liao...abit like contractions as I type.
wah ur gal arms really look yummy! she how old n how many kg. she looks heavy weight leh n so sweet!! i love her curls

so when can we get to see ur sweetie pie??
pink, thanks for keeping me in the loop...

ep, I very lazy to do zhi char leh... I like those everything throw together and throw into oven type...

yany, is that ur gal? she looks so cute!

peng, i'm sure lots of pple here wun mind helping ur "business"... hahaha... as long as we get to eat the food!

angel, baby dana is so sweet!

muffin, u are going to make ur own curtains? wow... must take care and monitor ur contractions...
yr girl soo cute!! wish i hv a gal too hiak hiak.. I hv 2 boys!!

dana is such an angel!

i do yr SK logistic hahah.. then i get free dinner??
yr pork chop, wat cut of pork u get? coat with wat to fry? u use egg? i used to use paxo but cant seem to find it anymore..
hi ladies,

have been reading your postings and really salute you all who can bake and cook so well. I'm actually trying to look for chiffon cake recipe but there are just so many archives. Can someone kindly direct me to the link or something?
Would like to try baking it soon

ep....i bought this frozen pork from ntuc cut is called 'wu hua rou', 6 slices in a pack. i season wif curry powder, salt, sesame oil, wine, 1st coating with flour, 2nd coating with egg, last coating with jacob cream biscuit crumbs, share my secret yummy delicious recipe kekeke...
Hi Peng,

Wow, I didnt know there are so many types.
Thought it's a standard recipe and any additional flavour is just added in. Am i wrong?

Would like the passionfruit,pandan and cheese if it's not so much of a trouble..

dana is so so so pretty! can reserve for my boy? hahaha!

your girl really yummylicious !!!!

will let u know when is my trip... u promised liao huh.... gotta go with me leh....

will call u tonite for discussion.
will defi go with u if i can outsource my kids. no one look after for me tats y i am a SAHM.. 1 week abit long.. but do update me with the details..

btw, jus to prepare u tat i will definitely snore louder than u heehee
mama to 5Js / Jen,
Kyra is 6 months old and 8.34 kgs. Getting very active and loves "pumping" ;)
I think she will crawl soon

I have 2 older sons too.... and Kyra was the bonus baby! If it can happen to me, it can happen to you too ;)

yeah... that's why I chomp on her rolls all the time ;)

Dana is such a darling! I love babies.... the smell, how they look at you and go... mmmm, food! hehehe

I cook the same way with my pork chops too. The only difference is that I slice the pork a lot thinner... and the pork chops is then .... well... chrunchy!
The jacobs biscuits make it really delicious!
Not only is my brains going, now, my eyesight too... mistaking your cherry tomatoes to be strawberries... hahaha
oh my...I only out for mtg this afternoon and now I have to spend so much time scrolling

Dun forget hammie in ur invite for...thanks in adv.

Btw, understand there is a miscomm last week for our lunch date. Do u want one this week? or next week? when u gg for your biz trip?
ladies, i feel that if those interested in pink's teaching, it be better if you drop her an PM instead of posting here. You know, there are "eagles" around looking at this thread. So to play safe. We won't want to lose this thread, don't we.
