Cup cakes for birthday


Sure, last min can also come.


I am nt sure what time most of them will come wor.


My place is not near to MRT, needs to take a feedle bus. It is very near to Ngee Ann Sec and TPE/PIE oso. Can PM me your contacts and will send out emails on my address to all.


I will just put in your name first hor...

<font color="0000ff">Potluck gathering #2 cum mini bazaar </font>
<font color="aa00aa">** Mini Bazaar includes baby + kid's clothings, hair clips, super lover bags and ladies wear,etc by 2 Pretty Women (thanks to you). Oso my own tupperwares up for sale**</font>
<font color="0000ff">Date/time: 19th May from 11am to 5pm
Venue: Tampines St 32</font>

(Pls indicate what you will be preparing to prevent duplicate)

1.Js'Mum - 3A+4C - pineapple rice
2.Maruolin - tau suan
3.Catika - 2A+2C - agar agar
4.Pink - 2A+2C
6.Peng - 2A+1C -
7.sngiam - 2A+2C - Fish ball &amp; Hotdog in a stick
8.Shers - 2A+1C - Maybe mommy yummy oreo cheesecake
9.Joanne - (not cnfm yet) - grill black pepper chicken wing

Come in at this late hr...really makes me hungry leh. So so so many fruits lying ard here...yummy.

Peng, Jane, Fatmum,

Nice fruits...droolling...


You can really cook n bake very well...peifu peifu...esp your jing shen n never give up heart.
hey diddle diddle,
the cat and the fiddle,
the cow jumps over the moon,
the dog laughs to see such fun,
and the dish ran away with the spoon.... on a <blink><font color="ff0000">F</font><font color="ff6000">E</font><font color="0077aa">E</font><font color="aa00aa">D</font><font color="0000ff">L</font>E</blink> bus....

aiyoyoo..I must really go back to study on my English liao...always got shoot back arrow by you leh. Anyone here want to be my tutor?
Potluck gathering #2 cum mini bazaar
** Mini Bazaar includes baby + kid's clothings, hair clips, super lover bags and ladies wear,etc by 2 Pretty Women (thanks to you). Oso my own tupperwares up for sale**
Date/time: 19th May from 11am to 5pm
Venue: Tampines St 32
(Pls indicate what you will be preparing to prevent duplicate)

1.Js'Mum - 3A+4C - pineapple rice
2.Maruolin - tau suan
3.Catika - 2A+2C - agar agar
4.Pink - 2A+2C
6.Peng - 2A+1C -
7.sngiam - 2A+2C - Fish ball &amp; Hotdog in a stick
8.Shers - 2A+1C - Maybe mommy yummy oreo cheesecake
9.Joanne - 1A grill black pepper chicken wing

HURRAY, HB agreed to let me go while he look after my 2 ds...hahaha..FREEDOM I'M COMING
But wont be there so early leh coz nd to settle my ds2 first if nt wait when i rch hm everytin including my HB will be in a mess...hahaha
I couldn't help laughing when I read your fren's elder kid's reaction to the so call present from the baby. My elder gal said exactly the same thing when we gave her a present from the baby sis. She was only 3.5 yrs then!
Kids nowadays too 'jeng' (in hokkien) for their own good. Any lunches at city hall area coming up? I missed the last one at spore curry. Btw, haven't seen Hwee in this forum for quite a long while ....
you mean your gal still believe? my girl from day 1 start to question how come baby can buy present? and even asked if the present was in the tummy with me.... then later she think again, she knew it wasn't her bro! sigh!

sob sob! i'll miss the fun gathering and of course miss meeting you. :'(
you go so many lovers one.

Ya man that gullible gal still believe and never question So I must be very good in educating her that No MAN or BOY should touch her now. If not i scan she kenna con

Ok lets count by months, your kelly was 4 plus when it happen, my charmaine is 3 plus. She knows it is not th brother who buy but it is the brother who ask her mother to buy. Because i always tell her didi can hear whatever she says. So when she sing, tell story, and he respond with kick, she will says must keep quiet then jie jie sing some more.
hi Jen

mine is the rotating bowl, handheld one will made the hands tired lei.

if u got for fruitcakes etc which takes a longer time to beat, u go for rotating bowl better. My teacher so far never recommend me to buy handheld.

But my friend (who is a food critic) mention to me some handheld is good but must be right speed/voltage otherwise the cake will not turn out right texture.
dun so loud lei! later my love#1 heard and jealous then i jia lat!

ya, maybe a few more months of school did help my girl think more. haha! i hope she remembers the no man touch her thingy too! :p
You have long life ah, just talk about you only, then you appear.

Talking about mixers. I saw harvey norman selling Techno brand mixer with stainless steel bowl. They are offering it at $58 now. Not sure whether it's good or not though. My akira stainless steel mixer bought from Carrefour is quite ok but rather noisy.
hi mummies

all of u are so capable to go for 2nd one, i so tired with my boy. to think of a 2nd one, i so scared. all vey capable. i still thinking to go for a 2nd one or not.

i saw one mummy from SMH y/day, oh, her 2nd child so cuteeee......

almost got impulse to have 2nd one too. hee....
If you want, and can afford, can go for it. Because 2 kids and above quite fun. See how they fight and still love each other.
go ahead! 2nd is no problem. you will be surprised to know that quite a few mummies here have 3 or 4 or even 5!

yes, babies are sooooooo sweet.

hee.... happen to be not so busy today and log in. then see your msg. i hope to have long life too! haha!
Chicken Little &amp; hwee

i think to wake up every 3 hrs to breastfeed hor, i got chicken feet liao. i just able to rest properly.

HB always travel, so i need to oversee my boy education. a bit slow talking. just quit my job to look after him. Mummy is great, ha...
Ur gal still young thats y she believe. Hwee's gal quite old already leh.

Sorry but I cant make it for the potluck. Hope to see you are the next gathering.
Potluck gathering #2 cum mini bazaar
** Mini Bazaar includes baby + kid's clothings, hair clips, super lover bags and ladies wear,etc by 2 Pretty Women (thanks to you). Oso my own tupperwares up for sale**
Date/time: 19th May from 11am to 5pm
Venue: Tampines St 32
(Pls indicate what you will be preparing to prevent duplicate)

1.Js'Mum - 3A+4C - pineapple rice
2.Maruolin - tau suan
3.Catika - 2A+2C - agar agar
4.Pink - 2A+2C
6.Peng - 2A+1C -
7.sngiam - 2A+2C - Fish ball &amp; Hotdog in a stick
8.Shers - 2A+1C - Maybe mommy yummy oreo cheesecake
9.Joanne - 1A grill black pepper chicken wing
10.Kim -1A +1C - egg tarts( experiment it &amp; hope it is successful)
Happened to see your postings in the bakeware thread. I had the same problem with the same organiser in her lucky vitamin spree. When taking orders, she sounded nice and eager and responded to emails promptly. But when it comes to distribution, she disappeared totally. Sms and email also no use. Though she ultimately sent out the items to me, I am still 1 item short to date. That happened more than 1 yr ago. So when I saw her organising the bakeware spree late last yr, I mentally reminded myself to give it a miss coz once bitten twice shy. Vomit blood ah.
Peng, yes its a nightmare. All the chasings are not worth few $$$ saved. That's why from that experience, I either order myself or only place orders with organisers that I am familiar with. Does anyone in the bakeware spree have her home address. Maybe some of you can pay her a visit to do bulk collection?
That stuffed squid i like very similar to a japaese cuisine. Put glutinous rice

I kay poh where is the bakeware thread ?
I also bought from her from her old Abercombie spree. Was a nightmare dealing with her, 1st told me my items are not here yet, when ask for refund, told me that my items in the mail. Then suggested that my items are lost in mail when I chased her. She kept changing her story so I dont believe that she sent out the items and I chased her for refund. After a long time, she refunded me. I avoid her sprees at all cost, I dunno if she is dishonest or just plain disorganised.

She stays in serangoon. She is a property agent. Long ago she goes by nick lynettelim.

It was too late to warn you ladies abt her as I joined this thread after the bakeware thread.
wah, so many victims from this thread alone. we sama sama...seems like she keeps spinning the same story to us ....i also avoid her sprees at all cost.
Muffin, Peng,
Does this mean tt the organiser and the so call person who helps her to distribute are actually the same person using diff. nick???? Fainted....
her nick in brackets () still the same, lynettelim.

I find that she will do one proper small scale spree where those who joined will get their items to gain trust. Then followed a major big spree, where there will be alot of screw-ups. I joined 2 of her sprees. The first spree with good experience, the other horror story.
luckily i didnt join her spree at all..

so far i only have 1 bad experience with a spreeist (touch wood).. after longggg time then got my stuff..

now me waiting for GAP and Birthday Direct items to reach me... (cross fingers)
Hmmm......I did find it funny when the organiser suddenly mentioned that somebody offered to help her. How can the someone offer her help when the organiser did not publish here at all that she need help?

Anyway I got my things, only waiting for the refund of the additional spree. But since she mentioned that the last to arrive item (betty crocker) shipping is high, I suppose I have to forget about getting it. Imagine $40+ for BC, I might as well could have gotten a Wilton set here itself and maybe cheaper.

Wonder why are there such ppl out here.......
Please pardon me from asking this here.

Anybody have good hairdresser to recommend. I was trying to locate my usual hairdresser, but found out from another blog that she had passed away.
I see the whole list of people chasing. Lynette is last time that Eggie ? I think some used to have problem with her BP and she stays bishan I think. But I blue organiser not angelin ?
muffin...angelin=chitan=lynettelim? faint....cos the so called Chitan say she mailed out the items to me but rejected! but cannot be loh cos 1st round Angelin mailed it to me no problem at all! when i requested to collect from her instead till now did not get any reply from her..i know she stay at serangoon

Hurray, glad to hear that. Have replied your mail rgdg my plc.

Muffin, Hwee, Icelim,

Ya, hope can meet up next time in future gathering...maybe North or Central...who want to organise?


Believe you are quite new member here? Sure, you can join in the fun. Just indicate in the list above.

Peng, Ling,

Wow, your dishes are cooked with LOTS LOTS OF LOVE leh...nice.

Today I asked my maid to cook brocolli with abalone mushrooms for dinner...but...end up she cooked abalone mushrooms with brocolli...haiz...just a few pcs of veg niah. HEADACHE!!!
Js' : lol no choice la... the king is back on a trip so muz cooked something to make him happy...

Luckily u still see brocoli with the abalone mushroom... if its the one @ my pl.... u will see a plate of brocoli &amp; a plate of abalone mushroom seperated.
Hi all I am back after MIA for more than 1 month.

Nowadays the mummy here sleep so early ar. I have sleepless night, woke up at 2:30am. Sent my girl to Malaysia on Tuesday night as her school close for 10 days due to HFMD. Missing her so much and non-stop tearing. I think preg woman is very emotional and sensitive. A little bit of thing can feel very sad, start to cry, really useless.

muffin, hope you girl not night mare on the KFC meet up! Hehe.. For my girl, we bought her a toy baby right before I discharged from hospital. Last min quickly rush and buy. She scared of that baby so much and throw it to her toy bin and don't dare to touch. Haha, so much buy the correct toy lor. We thought she can learn to take care of baby while I take care of my new born mar. Anyway, she is now very prof jie jie already, keep saying she got take care of her didi.

Hammie, I almost want to laugh out when see you bake japanese cheesecake again. Like one cake for every occasion huh? Hehe.. Btw, really think that Jap Cheesecake is the so far easiest and always successful cake. I made it twice, taste is always right just that sometimes break on top. But you deco until very prof ler, got to learn from you ler.

Hey mummies, when will be our next lunch gathering? Don't miss me out hor. Everyday hectic life in office, not even able or have the mood to check my yahoo mails. Now my girl not at my side, no need to rush to childcare before 7pm, so can OT more liao.

Any fool proof recipe to share huh? Something like that Jap cheesecake the best. Never fail. Hehe..

Jsmum, I can't join the gathering as I want to have more time to stay with my girl and boy in Malaysia. Will get back to Singapore on Tuesday morning.

bktan, i can still see the mickey, pooh and tigeer clearly. Not fail lar.
