Cup cakes for birthday

My fruit for today

Pasta for lunch


Coffee cake (can consider successful, cake soft but crack on the top)



Honey Char Siew




Sambal Lady Finger

Hv baked browine also but given all to friend. many yummy fruits!!! i luv ur char siew...ur coffee also great u can slice off a bit on top then spread whipping cream all over the cake deco a bit will not very nice liao..btw u used my brownie recipe? nice or not?
thank you for decorating the bread for me. Maybe can consider design it this way, hehe!

We are used to it la. Cat always like to use her imagination.
Peng, the char siew nice..nt enough to eat...haha..
No cream at hm leh..
The brownie nice coz i put many chocolate. especially when go with vanilla ice-cream...yummy yummy...haha
Sat go PS Daiso, buy many many pans 14 items...haha. Got 4 mini chiffon pan, 2 heart shape & 2 star shape pan, 2 mini rectangular pan, 1 bush, 1 spatula, 1 long knife, 1 pin HB c untill eye gng to pop out...haha
Morning gals!
Happy Mothers' Day to all!

As promised, my first attempt at tiramisu... many thanks to vanessa for the countless advice...

Yo! Greetings frm Phuket, using the free internet connection at the resort.

Ur bread looks ok to me leh.

WOW!! Big Feast ah!

what is wolfberries?? for what one? the soup look yummy.

Catika, ur photoshop skill again...but these ladybirds look sooooo cute.

ur tiramisu looks real good, really 1st try? U must be a genius!!
hammie, enjoying urself there huh? so gd..we hv to go thru Monday Blue for those working...Last nite after big feast, nw feel so lazy..

CL, no la, i'm not as gd as Peng & Ling leh..they r then consider gd cook..they hv to think of wat to cook & cook everyday yet so only once a week..somemore all normal food...
eh!!! correction.. i don't cook everyday de... so not gd cook... gd cooks are those who cooked everyday for the family & kids... me only cook for 2 so is nuthing.
but Ling..although u dun cook everyday but all ur foods r so creative once a week nia already dunno wat to cook liao...think Peng is No 1, u No 2 lor...hahaha
Ling, I cheated! I use sponge cake premix... hehehe... the lady fingers standby in case the cake fail... so in the end use them to decorate... I agree wif Jo, u and peng's cooking got "love" added one... mine is like anyhow throw together and whack... haha...

Sweetie_Hamster, yah, first attempt! But I made cheese cakes before so roughly know the procedure when I saw the recipe... I was so worried sekali it turn out to be nice to see but not nice to eat... luckily my mum likes it...

Pink, Ling, Peng, baking ladies, pls recommend me what brand of mixer you are using? My gal disturb me while I was making the tiramisu then the mixer topple, then next time I switch on to whip cream, the thing exploded and got smoke! Alamak, have to use hand to whip... siong...
Jen, MY god.. really got smoke comes out? I always tot it only happened in the *daydream section* or cartoon.

If you have the $$$$ Vit M, go for Kendwood chef mixer, they are good. Kitchen aid is also gd. Hehe but for me... i don't want to spent alots on a mixer yet so i am using philip one, retail is $71 but certain period they got promo it cost $60+++ or so.
Hammie...u so on leh, holiday still come in the thread, miss us is it kekeke...Wolfberries in mandarin is called 'Gou Qi Zhi', tiny orange seeds,high in Vitamin A good for eye sights, the leaves can be consumed normally cook in soup as wat i did..this vege can be bought at ntuc its got long thorny stems with a lot of leaves on it.

wat no lah..i luvs cooking so always try to explore new recipes and copycat n learn from my mil n my father loh kekeke

Jenjen...ur tiramisu so nice manz..i am now using a philips handheld mixer so far okay with it.
more a rest and relaz trip so just laz around in the resort, go spa and of course EAT & EAT!!!

Jen, U are good, 1st try already soooo good...if u expert then we all close shop liao.

like i told Joanne, there is really nothing much to do here at surin beach...we purpose choose here becos it is more quiet and less tourist.. and of course I MISS THIS THREAD and ALL OF YOU.
+ the fruits!!
hammie: ur hb muz be tinking.. @ hm surf not enuff ar... bring u to relax... u come here n surf again... should have let u stay @ hm and surf till u happy....
haha...Ling & cat, may i knw wat type of cheese u all use for baking pasta huh? i use those normal kraft cheese, nt nice leh nt chewy at all...

Ling, i went NTUC, carrefour to look for optima flour dun hv leh....
Today cook mee siam for lunch. Lazy to go downstairs provision shop to buy lime, so my mee siam is without lime one, hehe.

Bo Bian lah...there is really nothing to do i surf lor...else just eat & sleep come back can join the senior senior senior mentor group liao.... ie FAT!!

U want to bring a BIG balloon to SALES!!!! think u better stay at home and rest....later too many ppl push here and there dangerous.
sweet hamster, aiyoh... I make for fun, dun think anyone dare to buy it... :p

muffin, I used an eggless recipe and liquor can be omitted so quite safe for preg ladies or kids... my kid ate some which I add liquor... :p
sad to hear abt ur frd. from my own experience, just wanna tell u its ok to take time to grieve, esp if she is someone so dear to u but we have to move on after that. she will always be in ur fondest memories right? take care!

I am planning a gathering at my plc on Vesak Day cum a mini bazaar for all who attend so that we can do some shopping at the same time..while enjoying. Pls do join us if you can...

Let me start the ball rolling...

<font color="0000ff">Potluck gathering #2 cum mini bazaar
Date/time: 19th May from 11am to 5pm
Venue: Tampines St 32</font>

(Pls indicate what you will be preparing to prevent duplicate)

1.Js'Mum - 3A+4C - pineapple rice
2.Maruolin - tau suan
4.Pink - 2A+2C
Pink, I've been busy but I still check this thread day to day. Really want to give you a big tight hug. Yes, as Mamato5Js say, take time to grieve and remember your friend's legacy fondly. I've lost 3 babies to pre-mature births and a good friend to an accident so I know how deep it cuts. Just be comforted that she's in a better place than all of us and you've the support of your beloved family and your 'sisters' here. {{Hugs}}
Potluck gathering #2 cum mini bazaar
Date/time: 19th May from 11am to 5pm
Venue: Tampines St 32
(Pls indicate what you will be preparing to prevent duplicate)

1.Js'Mum - 3A+4C - pineapple rice
2.Maruolin - tau suan
4.Pink - 2A+2C

dunno what to bring n how many ppl to bring yet!

angel, u come? so we can all take a peep at sweet dana!
alamak...I can feel a few guns 'shooting' at me leh..jia liat...dunno die how many times liao. Hahaha.


Dun like tat lah...fren me leh...I want to meet you too. Will sure meet some day lah...sayang ok?
Potluck gathering #2 cum mini bazaar
Date/time: 19th May from 11am to 5pm
Venue: Tampines St 32
(Pls indicate what you will be preparing to prevent duplicate)

1.Js'Mum - 3A+4C - pineapple rice
2.Maruolin - tau suan
3.Catika - 2A+2C - agar agar
4.Pink - 2A+2C

I must wear darker colors and vertical stripes that day liow... BM coming... hahahah... maybe slap on thick thick colorful wayang face to look bright and good... :p :p :p muahahhahahaha...
no use one...even if we stop eating from today till 19 May, we still look extremelly BIG beside BM...unless BM eat 5 full meals a day from today onwards...and gain at 10 kgs else we ban her from going..hee hee...
hammie arh.... are u on holiday with ah lau or not?!?!?!? why are u always online... more ON than when in singapore! free internet access must use till 'gou beng' and computer short circuit arh? ... shoo shooo... go pei ah lau!
he so lomantick.... u down here click click click! hahahahaah
Pink, just had time to read thru ur post. I lost my cousin last May and it definitely hurts. Condolences.

Mto5Js, angel, wow! U ladies are really brave!

Js'mum, would love to join the gathering but planned something on that day oredi.
Cat, hammie,

Like tat BM dun dare to come lor...unless she wears a scarf to cover herself...hahaha

Urh...hammie, u on holiday hor...why so 'eng'? Hb complain arh?


You must practise how to shoot back the arrows first then come for the party hor.
js mum... scarve cannot!!! will only enhance the 'star-dom'... she must wear poncho... hahahaha... that'll make me and hammie feel more 'porportionate'... hahahaha :p
Ling...wif regards to the strawberry yoghurt cake think i overbeat the batter or added too much flour, cos the cake suppose to be moist n fluffy!!
let me check the timing first...hee hee i let u know when i back in SIN.

Cat, Js'mum,
the free internet is at the SPA, hee hee...i sign up a 3 days package so will be visitng here resturant upstair u will see login b4 &amp; after massage, BF, Lunch N dinner. just finish my massage shiok!! later gg for Seafood BBQ Buffet....chiam..sure fat after this trip...

Hb did ask why i hv so many emails to read meh????? hahahaha...i told him...i miss u all at the must come and login...he faint!!

Hammie...but i not happy with the texture i want to do it again!!!!!! suppose to have muffin like texture!! though my one is dense but lucky the taste is nice cos of the strawberry chunks inside..


125ml (1/2 cup) yogurt
100g (1/2 cup) granulated sugar
60g (1/2 cup) brown sugar
3 eggs
95g (1/2 cup) ground almond
140g (1 cup) plain flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
125ml (1/2 cup) oil
some strawberries, diced


1.Pre-heat oven to 180 degC. Grease and line a 20cm round pan with baking paper.

2. Mix yogurt, sugar, eggs in a large bowl.
Add ground almonds and sieve over flour and baking powder. Mix till combined.

3.Add oil and mix well. Fill 2/3 of the batter in the prepared pan, arrange diced strawberries on the batter and pour the rest of the remaining batter over the strawberries.

4.Bake at 180 degC for 40-50mins or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.
Let cool in the pan for 20mins before unmoulding.

another interesting Soup Recipe to share: Spare Ribs Burdock Soup

