Cup cakes for birthday

JsMum....stay at home until din know next mon is a holiday!! and i was wondering how come gathering on a MON! hahaha..blur me...btw wat mini bazaar hur??

Potluck gathering #2 cum mini bazaar
Date/time: 19th May from 11am to 5pm
Venue: Tampines St 32
(Pls indicate what you will be preparing to prevent duplicate)

1.Js'Mum - 3A+4C - pineapple rice
2.Maruolin - tau suan
3.Catika - 2A+2C - agar agar
4.Pink - 2A+2C
6.Peng - 2A+1C -

Would luv to attend but dunno wat to prepare, let me check with my hb if I can get 'leave'. btw wat is 3A+4C, 2A+2C? Some code words?
Pink, hope you can get over it. Cheer up!!

This is my weekend bake. Passionfruits Chiffon cake. I also bake some mini chiffon and decorate it. The last 2 pcs decorated by my boys.




like the soup u brew....make me feel like drinking it!!!

Gathering ....i want but can;t cfm yet!!!

Btw is the batam trip is on? Seems like no sound no pic liao hor!!!!
1st attempt~failed!!
2nd attempt~Passed

as u all can see the huge diff btw these two!! the 2nd time one raise so well! finally achieved a fluffy and soft texture :D


125ml (1/2 cup) yogurt (i used marigold sb yoghurt)
100g granulated sugar (i used 80g)
60g brown sugar (i used 50g)
3 eggs
95g ground almond
140g plain flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
125ml (1/2 cup) oil
some strawberries, diced


1.Pre-heat oven to 180 degC. Grease and line a 20cm round pan with baking paper.

2. Mix yogurt, sugar, eggs in a large bowl. Add oil and mix well.

3. Add ground almonds and sieve over flour and baking powder. Mix till combined. Do not overmix. Fill 2/3 of the batter in the prepared pan, arrange diced strawberries on the batter and pour the rest of the remaining batter over the strawberries.

4.Bake at 180 degC for 40-50mins or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.
Let cool in the pan for 20mins before unmoulding.

Ya, tot it's a holiday so working mum oso can come along to join us, leaving the weekends for our family time lor.


Regarding the bazaaar, I m currently arranging with someone to set up a mini area to show us some kids wear, bags, ladies wear,etc which should be suitable for us. And oso some tupperware (help clear my space..hehe). So while hving our wonderful gathering can oso do some shopping. Would be very fun but dun mind my humble hse hor.


Peng has helped you clear the code liao..haha. Come n join us.

Eileen, ling,

Come lah, join in the fun again. The last gathering I oso can't make it there...miss it.

Fatmum, Kim

You too, join us leh.
Hi Cat,

Me bake the banana cake base on your receipe ytd nite.

I use a rice cooker to bake the cake. It's not fluffy, taste like kueh.

But I will try again tonight using the oven. By the way, how would we know we have over beat the mixture? Cos me slow worker, do step by step.
Js, Ya, missed so many gathering. Will try to make it. Is everybody stay from 11am-5pm? When is the peak time where I could meet most of you? Hee....

Share my 1st attempt for a mango cake. Need to sharpen my skill on decorating.


I also tried choco chiffon yesterday night. So that if my mango cake failed I could change to Black forest cake.... hee...


Daiso Chiffon pans and cake pan are really good.
Hi Js'mum & all

Potluck gathering #2 cum mini bazaar
Date/time: 19th May from 11am to 5pm
Venue: Tampines St 32
(Pls indicate what you will be preparing to prevent duplicate)

1.Js'Mum - 3A+4C - pineapple rice
2.Maruolin - tau suan
3.Catika - 2A+2C - agar agar
4.Pink - 2A+2C
6.sngiam - 2A+2C - Fish ball & Hotday in a stick
jane, hmm... must use OVEN to bake... think will be better than rice cooker... (???)

when u overmix, it will be (very) runny... u shud just stir in one direction or just turn on electric whisk on LOWEST speed and JUST go a few rounds just to make sure things get mixed up well.

Hope this helps.
Hi Js'mum & all

Potluck gathering #2 cum mini bazaar
Date/time: 19th May from 11am to 5pm
Venue: Tampines St 32
(Pls indicate what you will be preparing to prevent duplicate)

1.Js'Mum - 3A+4C - pineapple rice
2.Maruolin - tau suan
3.Catika - 2A+2C - agar agar
4.Pink - 2A+2C
6.sngiam - 2A+2C - Fish ball & Hotday in a stick
7. Shers - 2A+1C

Havent think of what to make.. if can, i will do up my mommy yummy oreo cheesecake
ohh... more pics of food!

can I ask the experts, does voltage have any effect on the mixer? hand held one better or standalone one? I saw only 2 affordable brands, Philips and Kenwood...

BM, how's the ganache? I'm also keen to try ganache but scared it become watery too... let me know how it turn out...

Where can I get the wax paper to line the pan? And I saw this transparent plastic cake shops use to "hold" the side of the mousse cake, can buy from PH?

Thanks in advance!
pink.. went courts the other day.. saw a kenwood mixer.. think $400+.. looks like kitchenaid design.. thinking on buying on installment.. :p should get?

jen.. ganache i melt choco 1st den add in cream. turn out nice oso.. think is 60g chocolate, 50g heavy cream..
hi Jen

i just got a Kenwood major for my X'mas gift. It's quite good even though the mixer is not stainless steel. u can buy extra stainless bowl from Kenwood.

The voltage is high for my model. u can check it out. i got it from Courts.

I get most my suplies from Phoon Huat.
Experienced mummies,
Not the right thread to vent but I am at my wits end. As all of you know, I am currently pregnant and due mid of next month. My gal seems to know that and started her terrible 3 stage (if there is such a stage). She now clings onto me, says no to everything I wanted her to do (simple things like washing hands before eating, she will cry for like 10 mins before relenting) Basically become quite ham bao. She was never like that before. She will say things like, "I dun wan mummies friends" referring the meetup we had at KFC the last round. Really pulling out my hair at the moment cos she had been sick for abt 2 months liao, I just got a bodoh maid, due to weather and lack of sleep my temper has been pretty short. Really not looking forward to giving birth at the moment. haiz
hmm relax. my gal was about 3 too when i was goin to give birth to no. 2. How much did you prepare your gal for the new baby ? Try making her more involved in welcoming the baby. like hey you choose the clothes for baby, then say baby will need her to help this and that. Some realli loves to be in charge so will forget that now everything has to be shared. Since she is a gal, get a doll to do pretend play with a sibling. Slowly i think she will let go
Nice n yummy cakes... Yum yum...

Too bad i cant go... quite far for me. Got to make a U-turn along mrt track.. :p

Relax n stay clam... Me too oso get my gal to involve w the baby inside my tummy then. Like morning, will ask her to say morning to bb n kiss n hug on my tummy. Let her listen to the bb n ask her wat did bb say to her something like tat. Sometime when bb kick i quicky let her feel the kick. Let her know that bb coming to play w her.
I think she getting more jealous w bb. As she know bb is coming to share muumy w her
Muffin, take a deep breath & relax urself. I hv nv come across wat u hv nw as my 2 boys age gap ia 9 years apart..but like wat CL mentioned, get ur gal when u go gynec, bring her along, let her c the sibling..heard from friend, prepare a present on hand (dun let her c it), juz when u gave birth tat time, ask ur HB to pass the present to her, tell her tat is a gift from the new arrival mei mei or di di...then she will dote on the baby in future..dunno it true anot but no harm trying...My friend ask me to try but i nv la coz my ds1 9 yo old liao..if i use tat method, he will say me siao dun lie to him la...hahaha..
agree with you. I actually tell my gal to tell my son in tummy what she wants. Then bought the present , wrapped and left in car. Then when i delivered, i left in the baby trolley and ask her to pick it up as it is present from her didi. She opened and go " wow , didi realli knows what i want leh." " he is clever le". Then now when she sees that toy, she wil tell him you buy for me one le and the boy will just give her that blur look.

Of course it probably would not be useful when the kid is 5 years old. Ha ha my fren used the same method, and her older daughter says " aiya, it is you all who buy one."

But can keep giving the impression that she will be te leader. what ever she do baby will follow. Then she must do all the right thing. If she cry, baby will cry too.
Muffin, Both you and your husband must be patient and be assure to your gal that both of you loved her very much. Involve her in welcome the baby is very important. For yourself, relax and don't be too stress out. Pls take good care.
Just wonder for the pandan chiffon, can I replace the coconut milk with fresh milk?

Ya... Js, is your house near MRT? How to go from MRT?

Jo, hope the photos that I post give you some ideas on the chiffon pan.
hi mummies,

Thanks for all the advice. I will get her more involved in the prep of her baby bro. I just need to vent cos I dun really want to vent at my HB as he is recently v stressed with work and too many things happened to my family recently. Feels so much better after letting it out. Thanks for hearing my rubbish. hahaha.

Jenjen, thanks for ur advice, will try out that method.
Hi Muffin,
I can understand how you feel at this moment. I too am in the mid trimester of my pregnancy and my gal is also coming to 3 soon. Her behaviour changes at times, especially lately, everything given to her or ask her to do whatever things, she would surely say 'bu yao bu yao' and also likes to cry (especially when going to her playgroup in the morning). Guess we really need to be patience with them and try not to stress ourselves out or else we will be the one who is going to suffer beside the little ones.
Perhaps before you put your gal to sleep at night, try to get her involve by holding her hand to touch your tummy and then ask her to tickle her didi or mei mei inside the tummy. Think it will help eventually for her to bond with her siblings. And not forgetting to keep telling your gal that you love her even though next time when didi or meimei is born. That's what I have been doing every night and it does helps abit.
That's my 2 cents worth of sharing.
kendy, thanks for the tips!

dream, urs is handheld or those which got rotating bowl?

muffin, no need to thanks. I din help much. Just vent whenever u need to.

CL, I really luff at the 5YO reaction!

jo, grilled black pepper chicken wings!!!

I also want to know what's going to be sold at the mini bazaar?
Cat & Peng,

Thanks for the encouragement! I did it. But had a hard time posting the pic online. Hubby love the cake, the top is crispy and warm, it is almost gone before i take the pic to show my report card..
