Cup cakes for birthday

sngiam, mine not direct entry hor. under phase 2B still need to ballot lor. only cl is direct cos she's an old girl.

eron, wow, 5 yrs... hopefully my gal will not give up this time.
my girl ah, she eat so much also so thin. everytime ppl see her keep asking me if she ever eats. faintz!!

Wow, didn't login for a week. Me use one hour to read the previous posting.. read until I just glance thru them only.. too much reading.

Potluck before CNY :-

Date: 20th Jan 2008, Sunday, 2-6pm
Venue: (1) Function Room @ Eden (Tampines)
Food: Pls indicate your speciality

1) n2inpink (1+2) bring: rendang chicken, spinach and ham frittata, assorted sushi (simple one), risoles (indonesian finger food), onde onde
2) Js'Mum (1 + 2)
3) angel
4) xiau ling
5) sweetie_hamster
6) Dearie_e (3+1) peanut&red bean pancake
7) mdl (tentatively: tiger strips peppermin choco cake)
8) hwee (2+2) will bring desserts (let me know wat you all like)
9) nikonnet : Drinks
10) Catika (2+2) finger food
11) Ruffy_happy( cream puffs)

Dont mind I bring my maid along hor.. w/o her, me will have a hard time handling my gal. :p
CL,Pink ok so where we meet? CL you will bring food for lunch? Your lunch timing strict or not mine bery lei have to be back office by 1.30pm

I will make my "gor song" cupcake. You want some to bring home?
If you ok then I cook lunch for you all then you bring dessert. Oden (all different fish cake soup) with rice ? But eat where leh ? I am flexi in terms of timing so I can "qian jiu" u.

My gal oso skinny. 120 cm and 18 kg. Alamak my fil always says she skinny and like hint i never feed her but she eat a lot woh.

Mine is 5 Aug yours leh ? I juz ask mine if she still wants music and ballet she give flat no so ok i dun have to pay extra
Chicken Little
Bake cookies wif toaster? How u did it?
Your gal v sweet to wait for daddy till 11pm. Your hubby muz b v touched
Which enrichment school do u send your gal to?

How do u handle your 2 bois & cook dinner? 3 dishes somemore

OMG, I love the prune lapis esp the I'sian ones

R u a sahm?
Wz your 3rd boi borned in 2004?
I juz go to sunlik and get the mixture. juz add water can liao woh. Chinese enrichment is native chinese teacher come to home. Maths is MPM lor juz started. Then english now thinking must see what to do after assessment.
cl, my girl abt the same a yr girl. maybe ard 118cm and only 17.5kg. sigh! ppl muz be thinking why mummy so big and girl so everything and nothing left for girl. haha!my girl also eat a lot. :eek:
<font color="0000ff">Hi May Wong,

Mind helping me to buy a few 'Shou' &amp; 'peach' moulds if convi pls &amp; post to me? Thks a million! :)
[email protected]</font>

Hi Ladies,
Went to Daiso(PS) today.. bot madeleine silicon mould (2pcs) at $2/pkt. think still quite value for money as compare to other places( eg: 8 @ $14, 12 @ $20+ etc), furthermore it's faster grab the whole lot + other purchase. end up total payment $82 ('cry') just in 30mins..can't imagine if hv spare time to stay longer =ppp

Saw quite a few other mini silicon products..can go look see look see if keen. =)
Dear mommies, I will need to give the potluck a miss too.
gg to miss all the good food...

Potluck before CNY :-

Date: 20th Jan 2008, Sunday, 2-6pm
Venue: (1) Function Room @ Eden (Tampines)
Food: Pls indicate your speciality

1) n2inpink (1+2) bring: rendang chicken, spinach and ham frittata, assorted sushi (simple one), risoles (indonesian finger food), onde onde
2) Js'Mum (1 + 2)
3) angel
4) xiau ling
5) Dearie_e (3+1) peanut&amp;red bean pancake
6) mdl (tentatively: tiger strips peppermin choco cake)
7) hwee (2+2) will bring desserts (let me know wat you all like)
8) nikonnet : Drinks
9) Catika (2+2) finger food
10) Ruffy_happy( cream puffs)
hi ladies

like sweetie_hamster, I can't make it for the CNY gathering too.

Potluck before CNY :-

Date: 20th Jan 2008, Sunday, 2-6pm
Venue: (1) Function Room @ Eden (Tampines)
Food: Pls indicate your speciality

1) n2inpink (1+2) bring: rendang chicken, spinach and ham frittata, assorted sushi (simple one), risoles (indonesian finger food), onde onde
2) Js'Mum (1 + 2)
3) xiau ling
4) Dearie_e (3+1) peanut&amp;red bean pancake
5) mdl (tentatively: tiger strips peppermin choco cake)
6) hwee (2+2) will bring desserts (let me know wat you all like)
7) nikonnet : Drinks
8) Catika (2+2) finger food
9) Ruffy_happy( cream puffs)

Wishing all of you a good time and do post photos after the event.
yah am a sahm. my 3rd boy was a nov 2003 baby. dunno whether its becos he is a yr end baby somehow i feel he forever like a baby leh, never grow up. how abt urself?

CL and pink and who else ah
wow u all meetg for lunch again? v on hor
BTW, can anyone enlighten me about the difference between greaseproof sheet, cookie sheet and baking sheet? If I did not use, any different in result?

realli same same. But i think i bigger size than you. Tell you all a joke. My hb always tell my gal to eat more then can grow fatter stronger. She look at hb , you oso eat a lot, but does it work ? ( hb oso skinny)
help help gonna bake for my gal's full mth.

Anyone use whip cream to coat cup cakes instead of buttercream? can keep for how many days in fridge?

if use coating chocolate, can use a spatuala to spread the choco or must dipping method.
cl, dun think you any bigger la. anyway, think my girl also like my hubby, leaner. sigh! next thurs i'll gatecrash for the lunch meeting. if everyone bringing something, then i bring fruits can?
CL,no problem but where to eat lei? Otherwise just go BK or Mos burger at City hall and have lunch can? Only these place can allow us to sit and talk food court cannot lei. You bring dessert la...i bring my cupcake haha. Can name the dessert i want? Hmmm do you know how to make mango sago or honeydew sago..haha.
chicken little, alamak! paisei, I blur liao. My younest gal is May02 lah...Its my 2nd gal 3Aug99. Sotong mummy..haha...

hwee, my youngest gal also very skinny. eat very very slow..before finish whole bowl, full liao. Don know how to make her eat more...
mdl, where is this 'Daiso'? Is a bakery shop like Phoon Huat? Heard a lot of mummies saying but don't know where. Got branches in north or east area?
nice attempt on the maracoon, I hv the recipe too but always find it too difficult to follow thus never try it before, but I order from this baker before and it is really good. just want to share her beautiful works.

Can't comment on ur cupcakes as I'm a total failure when comes to cupcakes, lets leave it to Shi Fu Pink..hee hee... AND I SUPER WOPER love ur choc cake leh...hee hee...can share how u make it? yummy...yummy....
Diaso is at IMM, remember my colleague told me they have a new br...but cannot remember where...i go back and ask..or if there is any mommies here who knows?
xiau ling
I bought it at NTUC n I think is $3plus not too sure. It needs about 1 &amp; 1/4 bottle for a packet of the spring roll skin. It is better to finish making 1 packet of spring roll skin in a day because it will turn hard. I will freeze the prawn roll until one week before CNY then fry. So depend when I can finish prepare it.

nice choc cake! where did u buy the ganache? No time to go to buy the ganache n I like choc cake. So good...
There is another Daiso at Plaza Singapura. Today go IMM but didn't go Daiso, miss the chance to buy the mould lor!
chicken little
toaster temp v high, how u bake the cookies?

hwee, chicken little
my son eats a lot but doesn't put on wt, juz like his daddy

my son wz borned in May 2004
kids r forever bb in parents' eyes

v chocolaty choc cake slurps!
hamster, eileen &amp; nikonnet1, thanks! seems that there isn't any daiso in the North or East area. don know when got time then can go town area...

gunjan, i like the choc cake with chocolate ganache. Very nice leh..
Gunjan: I like ur chocolate cake. Looks yummy!

Pink &amp; Xiauling: I find lapis so difficult to bake. Pratically got to standby near the oven right? And uses lots of yolk. But its so nice to eat. SinfulX3!!! Pink when u baking the zebra cake I'm keen to learnt leh!!

Pink: My elder boy is also P3 this year and my 2nd boy is gg P1 next year...same as ur kid

Maywong: Guess a lot of waiting for the jelly to cool. Thanks for the detail steps.

Peng: I guess u no need to order frm Pizza hut liao cos u can create ur very own flavour.

Catika: When I 1st used my techno oven oso got lots of smoke emitted. But after warming up for abt 15mins. its ok already.

3 rascals: Wow congrats!! Thats fast u celebrating ur bb 1st month liao! Peifu that u baking for her! Sweet mummy! I have tried my 1st batch of cuppies (b4 attended pink workshop) using fresh cream. Find that its more watery as compared to buttercream. Then cant expose in the rm temp for too long. BUt if placed in the fridge then u probably need to thawn b4 serving else the cream turn hard. Perhaps Pink or JJsan can help to ans ur query better. Once again congrats on ur new born.

Baked chocolate chips cranberry biscuit on Sunday.
hihi all mummys, am new here &amp; newer into baking too!
hihi 3rascals june! congrats!
thx fatmum intro me here...

am a SAHM staying JW w/a 18mths irritating king seth...
would love to make new frds here to bake together even!

daiso @ IMM, Vivo &amp; PS,
phoon huat @ JE,
Jurong west st52 Blk 500+, behind e mkt, oso got a pretty huge baker store!
Thanks all gals for appreciation for choc cake.

sweetie_hamster: blog is too cool. Karen is oso perfect baker. wow!

Choc cake is made only with eggwhites no egg yolks.

bktan02: no need to go out n buy lah, U can make it inadvnce and freez it,

here it goes,
100ml whipping creme( i use president brand)
100gr. chocolate (cut into small pcs, Valrhona is da best, can get @sunlik,shermay,BIY)

Bring the whipping cream to the boil and pour over da chocolate. Mix until smooth. U hv to whick lil fast as choc gets tendency to get harden. freez it. it is ready.
Hi Ladies,

Sori for my late reply n update on the CNY gathering. There's a slight change in venue but will still be within Tampines/Pasir Ris area. I will confirm with pink again latest by tmr nite. Hope you gals are ok with it.

Potluck before CNY :-

Date: 20th Jan 2008, Sunday, 2-6pm
Venue: (1) <font color="ff0000">Has been changed - within Tampines/Pasir Ris area</font>
Food: Pls indicate your speciality

1) n2inpink (1+2) bring: rendang chicken, spinach and ham frittata, assorted sushi (simple one), risoles (indonesian finger food), onde onde
2) Js'Mum (1 + 2) : yam cake, pineapple rice
3) xiau ling : layang layang, Lidah kucing( Indonesian cookies )
4) Dearie_e (3+1) peanut&amp;red bean pancake
5) mdl (tentatively: tiger strips peppermin choco cake)
6) hwee (2+2) will bring desserts (let me know wat you all like)
7) nikonnet : Drinks
8) Catika (2+2) finger food
9) Ruffy_happy( cream puffs)

<font color="0000ff">Xiau ling</font>
Sori, unable to bring tom yam soup for you. More diff to handle while travelling.

Angel, Caramum, Sweetie_hamster,

Oh dear, why cannot join us huh? We can wait for you leh.

<font color="ff6000">Angel,</font>
Tot can pass you the bakingware at the potluck leh. Hb will bring back for me by then. How? I will sms you again once I hv it with me hor.

Congrats to your bb gal. Wow, so nice of you to bake for your bb even you still in confinement. Peifu but must take good care of your body first can give enuff nourishments for your bb.


Can't read all just keep it short. Saw many nice n yummy food leh..drooling liao.

May Wong,

Well done on the agar agar cake for your FIL's bday. Very nice but must be hard work hor, got to wait till harden then can pour...


Wow, 4 hrs on baking the lapis cake arh??? Think I better just order from you lah. How much you want charge me huh? For sale or not?
I will sms you once I cnfm on the venue.


Phew...shrimp rolls...very hard work on wrapping them leh, must be real tiring on you. An india curry pot for your pineapple fillings??? No kidding leh, must keep on stirring till it cooks n blends well too. You better prepare to sit on a high stool in front of the pot to stir. Peifu... I did once last year but only small quantity lah, oso lian qing qing.

Chicken Little,

Let me guess, r u using the tupperware tupperchef fryer to bake your cupcakes? Cos pink n I oso hv the same one. Let me know if you nid more recipe to using the fryer ya.


Oh, abt the dessert, wat's your specialities? Guess watever dessert you make will sure make all the tham jiak kakis droolllll first. Haha!
Wow, we (incl lollie) were classmates thought different class but same teacher.

Nice spread of bake you have made. makes me drool and feel like having all of those.. but muz watch out for weight too.. (hehehe)
Thanks for sharing your photos.

Your chocolate cranberry biscuit with almond toppings look so good!
Bet it waste heavenly too..
so many postings... phew again!

pink: just gimme about 2 - 3 hrs notice lah... see if hubby at home to take care of the two kids... hehehehe... by the way, hubby loves your zebra cake... heavenly! Forgot to ask u one stupid question... how come lapis can one layer beige, one layer brown? ... how to do that leh? ... think i need to explore how to grill (<-- is it gently bake?) using my morries... *sigh*.

CL and Hwee: wah seh... u all going branded school... :p ... i last min. 'push' son to his current pri. sch. ... very 'irresponsible' mummy... *sigh* son also never go to any enrichment class or 'CCA' class... hehehehe... 'lazy' mummy... :p hope he can catch up with his schoolmates this year... *fingers cross*

hammie, fatmum: hammie... need to repair my morries first lah *me v sad...* ... smoke keep coming out while baking... 4 times use, 4 times got thick smoke!! ... open oven door... all whoosh out of house... son and hubby all drop jaw....

fatmum: techno like that normal lah... the person at morries service centre (i called up) says first 1 - 2 times will 'smoke' ... but i 'roar' at her say that i 4 times liow... still thick smoke sia!!! if neighbours see that kind of smoke whooshing out of house, sure call fire engine one! hahahaha... sad thing is top burnt, inside still 10% not cooked! (cupcakes) *big big sigh*
xiau ling, NTUC should have... under prepacked dried goods section. also if NTUC have got a baking section, it should be stored/hanged on the rack there...
should not cost much... less than S$2 perhaps...
I put all the dough near to the middle, first try those at the side all burnt woh. So from second tray, i put all nearer to the centre. Sunlik auntie tell me can so i tried lor then realli can leh.

I worry for girl , prepared to transfer her out if she cannot make it. My friend says pri 1 no exam in Nanyang. So maybe can only access at pri 3.

J's mum,
Nope, not the tupperware fryer. Mine they call microsteamer. I have 2 tray for the cupcakes too. The agent could only give me 1 recipe. You have more ? share share leh. can email [email protected]
wah piang!!
didn't login for 18hrs only, so many posting liao..
hope didn't missed anyone Q

nice cookies !! how i wish can try your creations! always makes me drooling

you pass by tampines not? if so, keep some for me leh..... tham chiak hor ? u see my size u'll know lah...

3rascals (june06),
congrats!!! possible to send me your little princess photo? she muz be as pretty as mummy

ah yes, you can use whipping cream to frost yr cuppies, but must "fast hand fast leg" ya? whipping cream melt faster than buttercream in the room temperature.
so the moment you finished one cuppie, store in the fridge immediately, do till finished.
as you know whipping cream and buttercream frosting need to be store in the fridge, i'll recommend you to use my workshop soft cuppies recipe, you don't have to thaw the cake when you take it out from fridge, eat it immediately, the buttercream/ whipping cream and the cake will melt in your mouth

don't use my vanilla cupcake recipe, that's the normal cupcake recipe, you need to thaw it when you take it out from fridge, by the time when the cake is soft enuf to eat, the buttercream or the whipping cream texture changed, and you will feel "jelat" when you eat it, no longer melt in your mouth, it's melted by room temperature.
it is best to consume buttercream/whipping cream the moment when you take it out from fridge, melt in your mouth

frosting using coating choco, you have to dip it, or pour it, you can't spread it using spatulla, the result would be not nice and not shiny.

me lor sor hor? old aunty mah
gunjan (gunjan),
nice creations..... macaroon is not easy thingy to make..... thumb up!

can share how you make the white choco cake? TIA!

for your cuppies,
do you have the inner photo? wanna see the texture, i guess your oven temperature is bit too high... how many degree you use?
angi_wee (king_seth),
welcome to tis baking thread...
you'll be fascinated and addicted.... sound like estacy.. ha ha ha!

i saw the bone cookie cutter before, if i'm not wrong at johor :p
the bakery mart name is: NG ming huat... their store quite messy, but hor... many many cookie cutter there...
i never come across the bone cookie cutter in singapore.
catika, fatmum, js'mum,
wanna come tis saturday? after lunch time wanna make lapis and the zebra again.
my two monsters going to swimming lesson with their daddy.

js'mum, dun pressure me leh, so many cuppies order liao, dun wanna sell lapis, got so many ppl asking me about lapis... i bake for fun and to ensure my standard still there mah, cos wanna give it to my hubby subordinate, tat's why get so many tupperware from you mah.... put the lapis cake inside the large square away, the size juz nice!


500 cc eggs white
350 gr fine sugar
300 gr butter
300 gr all purpose flour
4 tbs condense milk
1 tbs baking powder
1 tsp cream of tartar
2 tbs choco powder

1. Cream the butter till light and fluffy (I use mixer), put aside.
2. mix the eggs white with sugar, add in cream of tartar till firm peak, add in flour, baking powder, condense milk, mix till smooth and mixed well.
3. combine the eggs white batter in to the creamed butter.
4. devide the butter in to two portions.
5. take one portion and put in the shieved choco powder, mixed well.
6. put in the batter alternately in the 26cm round tin, I use spring form tin so that easy to take it out.
7. bake for ard 1 hour or till cooked with 180C

adopted from sedap sekejap, translated by me
Pai seh,
Posted wrongly on my business id. I repost here later dunno who I am.

I put all the dough near to the middle, first try those at the side all burnt woh. So from second tray, i put all nearer to the centre. Sunlik auntie tell me can so i tried lor then realli can leh.

I worry for girl , prepared to transfer her out if she cannot make it. My friend says pri 1 no exam in Nanyang. So maybe can only access at pri 3.

J's mum,
Nope, not the tupperware fryer. Mine they call microsteamer. I have 2 tray for the cupcakes too. The agent could only give me 1 recipe. You have more ? share share leh. can email [email protected]
you post you cake again I very hungry now. Alamak skip breakfast today because laoye late and I have to oso late. Dare not eat then come for work because today me half day.

so we same same, got P3 and K2 kids...
me worry abt my boy, still so baby, sigh! dunno everything...

i think u rite leh, kids born toward the end of the year really baby one
mine oso leh... nov.
you wanna meet up oso next thurs?
me, CL, michelle at cityhall

hehehe.... me oso v hungry now, hvn't take b'fast oso.
u very smart leh, use oven toaster oso can make cuppies.... pei fu pei fu
