Cup cakes for birthday

Ruffy, JJ, Eron...thanks for the encouragement! will keep on practising ....

MayWong...wah...ur agar agar looks very nice ! can share how u make it....

jj...really luvs ur flowers pretty!! looks so artistic....

These few days busy till no time to come in here....soooo many post, i lost lioa la.....

May wong,

your agar agar very nice! hope that u can teach me how to do it.


Nice banana cupcake.
the deco is buttercream?


Wow..nice deco of coconut pandan fudge cake .
very ....


U bake three batches of egg tarts hah....take how long? Yu Heng who look after?.


So fast your gal being complaint by her teacher?? she super active is it?.


Me opposite, very scare of preggie days....that's y till now still don dare to plan for no 2.

xiau ling,

Everydat u got new foods to make me 'lau nua'.

My granny's 80th bday coming soon next month (in Feb) and my mum's 60th bday in June. Would love to hear from you how to make such a BEAUTIFUL agar agar so I can surprise them. Can you please teach us? Thanks!
hi ladies,
am new in this thread although i been reading and trying some of the recipes here.

have a Q. i baked a banana pound cake yesterday. its the first time i did a pound cake and the texture is dense, even denser than butter cakes. i was wondering if i did something wrong, lousy recipe or its just the texture of a pound cake. its delicious though, just that its not as soft as normal cakes. does anyone know how a pound cake shld be like?
PPP...cos my oven is small time can only bake abt 9-10 tarts...the receipe yield abt 28 tarts so 3 batches loh...i can only bake after my dear Yuheng sleep after 8 pm plus!! this afternoon bake pizza again !! addicted liao...this round is Hawaiian Pizza...makes u all drool again kekeke.

No problem jjsan. Actually i saw another online shop selling per set $16 leh! any kind mummy here going japan then maybe can help to find these cutter for us. Sure business gd gd!!!

Wah Maywong ur agar agar very nice. Am sure many mummies here would like to learnt from u. Do share with us how to go abt it!

Peng Where u stay ah? Can I go and take some from you not. My kids love pizza esp Hawaiian!!! I also drooling..

u r back!

mama to 5 Js, weclome to this baking thread. Er...any shifu can help in her questions?
see your agar agar is so good and well appreciated by mummies here. I am realli impressed when you first posted in our Jan 06 thread. Should learn from you and do one for my daddy big birthday this year too.

ha ha you quit scrapbooking and move to this baking thread like me ah ha ha .

tempting tempting to get oven.
Any recommendation for a good and cheap one ?
no lah hv not quit SB. just finished a disney album for our japan trip. been baking for 2 yrs plus oredy just that now with a new kitchen aid mixer, am trying more difficult recipes hehe...


xiau ling n pink
nice to see u here. we met at indo moms thread remember?>
Wow mama to 5Js,
Salute you man. I long long time never scrap. Showcase your layout at the sb thread hor

me newbie to baking. I attempted to bake cupcakes but hor all turn out flat flat leh. Can I know what is the definition of beat till fluffy. To what extent do I know if it is fluffy enuff. So is the flatness due to the fluffy ?
Pink, Niko, Catika, Hwee, Dearie_e,
What time are we meeting tomorrow? and where? burger king?

icelim...didnt forget u, will call you in adv to arrg meeting time and pl at SP.
wah... tomorrow 7 charbor + 1 small charbor... meeting... equivalent to almost 3 mkts... hahahaha... ikea/bk can take us??? (space limitation)

hammie... really no time to reply ur sms just now... been plucking vegetables (yeah... u've read it right!) ... 20 u sell to me first... i totally run out of cupcake cups liow!!! and hands super itchy...

last nite cupcakes FAIL!!! new oven still not used to it... on top a bit chao-tar... and inside not totally cooked... *sigh*
today i baked cake 2nd time, fail again.


what's the reason that only center rise but side never rise?
RE: Agar Agar
Let me go and find out the brand of agar agar powder that I had bought and I will share the recipes.

Here's some steps:
1) Base - I did two layer on a round tin. Coconut mixture first then red colour mixture. Freeze it then overturn onto plate.
2) Peach - Prepare pink and green mixture, use stringe (baby's medicine kind) to lay the leaf portion with green mixture. Wait for it to dry then pour the pink mixture over. (Repeat to get 6 peaches)
3) SHOU - Prepare red and orange mixture, use stringe (baby's medicine kind) to lay the word with red. Wait for it to dry then pour the orange mixture over.

Just arrange all the peaches and the word on the base. And u got it !!

Trick : Get Plain (white) Agar Agar powder. Just add coconut milk and colouring to get the colours u want.

I bought it from Jurong West 500+ market. I bought only 1 so need alot of time to make the whole artpiece. I can help u all to get if u need it. Let me post the recipe, and see how many of u are interested okie? My FIL loves it and many of the relatives say it is nice and taste nice. hehe.
I also interested in getting oven leh. Everytime need to go my mum's hse to bake, very troublesome.

RE: Oven
Anyone interested to share what brand is good and cheap? If I get one, will be able to bake when my gal is sleeping.. hehe..
may wong
mine is tecno brand buy from harvey norman 42L $129

carefour promotion morries brand 42L $100. U can check it out.

Have tried to whip the cream n successful but hor my log cake looks ugly so don dare to post here...hehe..when I try to roll the log cake, it break.

cl n mayw0ng,

I also just bought a new oven not long ago mine is tefal Activy S$199. This oven needs to take longer time to bake cake leh....


How much is the peach mould? got any other 'fruit' mould?
xiau ling,
Thanks. I will pop by these few days to see.

I only notice the peach mould leh. Dun think got other mould. If I pass by, help u see. The peach mould cost abt $2 if I am not wrong.
Thank you all for the lovely comments..

I wish I know how to make good Durian Cake too. Jane Cake Station Durian Cake is simply wonderful. They use good quality durian to make the exceptional taste..

Chicken Little,
Thank you for your kind offer. So far, nothing to get from Sun Lik yet.. If go, sure got things to buy. I am putting up in the East.

Wow, you scrapbooking too? I have bought all the materials but yet to start. Too hooked up with baking. Cupcakes is my favourite. Next time can ask you for pointers on scrapbooking.
May Wong,
Very nice agar-agar you have made for your FIL on his birthday.
I like the glossy texture and wonderful colours on the agar-agar.
Can't bear to eat..
I am sure he is touched.

Can share some pics of the fondant made?

I am sorry me no expert on chiffon cake.
Did you overbeaten the batter? It may cause the cake to sink if overbeaten as too much bubbles will be released.
Else, might be your oven temperature too hot and not evenly distributed.
Don't think substituing white sugar with brown sugar will cause that.
You may try it too, itz simple.
Wow, your Hawaiian Pizza does makes me DROOL AGAIN..
So generous in your toppings..
My gal will sure to attack your pizza anytime.

TQ too.
Yes, itz buttercream icing.
This time around trying out the brighter for a change for the New Year.. hehehe!

Mama to 5Js,
Welcome to the baking thread!!
You bought your Kitchen Aid? Wow!
May I know how much was it?
Planning to get one..
mama to 5Js,
The name 'pound' was given because the original recipes contained one pound each of butter, sugar, eggs, and flour.
Pound cakes are rich and creamy and dence in texture.
Your cake is relatively ok as it should be that way.
Happy Baking!

Thanks. Ya, will be great if any kind mummies going to Japan can help us buy..

Chicken Little,
To explain more details, do click on this link
This is a useful link and has many queries to all our baking questions and tips.
Save this link up for referral. A good one!
hi All,

I have not been logged on to the this forum for q some time. Just saw this thread has gone crazyly LOONNNGG.....

haven't have a chance to read back all the archives. but I must salute to all your baking/cooking and beautiful creation!
Really made me wanna give it a try!

Well done everyone......

Jj: wow, banana cake, my fav!....with such beautiful topping/deco!! So nice!! so I read (correct me if I'm wrong), you take order too? I may like to order some. do you also conduct classes? I think if I ever want to start baking, I REALLY need to attend classes. let me know if you ever consider conducting one, cos my kids LOVE cupcakes, or should i say LOVE all the nice designs?..hehe....

May Wong: LOVE your agar-agar!! vibrant color!! I'm sure everyone in your family is impressed! you wouldn't believe I don't even know how to make one!!

Peng: Your pizza made me drool.....very pro looking!! did u make the pizza base from scratch?

Sunny: I have yet to check out the previous archives, but give yourself a pat, at least you are trying. and it looks ok to me, cos I'm totally zero in baking! so 'jia-yu'!!

I'm gonna try coming back to see more creation here.

thanks all and cheers to all GREAT creative people!
mama to 5Js (blessedmommy),
wow... welcome to this baking thread...
one more mummy frm indonesian thread

welcome welcome....
yr nick bit long, can i juz call u mama 5?

May wong,
welcome to tis thread

sorry missed out yr Q, lucky JJ helped to answer..
nice agar agar........ very pro looking n i trust super yummy too.

nice coconut pandan fudge, is tat same with the bengawan solo pandan kaya cake? quite sometime i never make liao, since my daddy go back to jakarta, i think ard 6 mths...
my daddy loves it so much, but 'cos he has diabetes, so i made the diabetes pandan kaya cake for him....

you are back... hope you can login more frequent..
yes yes will design & write simple accounting program for you, no worries, excel is powerful enuf, Visual Basic Applications, macro is a fantastic tools

btw, i oso very tham chiak leh.... can i have all of the food you list down? pineapple rice, yam cake, tom yum soup, curry puff...... gosh! me hungry liao...

thks for answering may Q, me scroll up n down using mobile very diff to read thru whole thread

nice banana cake there.... with buttercream frosting, will it taste too dense and jelat?
wanted to try sometime ago but scared too dense.

to me, sponge cake & chiffon cake is totally difference.
you can go to one of the archive and find my sponge cake recipe, and you can go to my blogspot to get my chiffon recipe.
welcome back to this baking thread.
Yes tis thread moving like japan bullet train, ha ha!
Me really have doubt when wanna start this thread, now no regret at all, many recipes and tips shared in this thread.

enjoy yr day!
Hi May,

I love your agar agar. May I know if the Jurong West shop faces the big open air carpark or the hawker centre? I was there last weekend but never see the mold leh ....
ya, i do think that it's because of the temperature of the oven.... nvm let me try again. thanks!

thanks for the encouragement.

thanks! saw that one of the steps is to:
(3) Gently fold beaten egg white into egg yolk batter
what's the correct technique to fold the ingredients into the batter?

the recipe that i used was using baking soda. how would it make the difference if i use baking powder?
replied yr mail on friday leh, rcvd?

too bad u can't join our party

or you wanna bring her along?

see durian cake remind me to yr b'dae, 4 or 5 yrs ago? We had dim sum, but we smuggled in durian cake i made for u.. Then we sing a super loud b'day song for u to make u red face, ha ha! Then i lost my office ID card after tat meal
Hi sunny,
i usually use baking soda when the baking ingredient content acid thingy i.e yogurt, or fruit juice.

Jj extracted a full term of baking soda n baking powder, u can scroll up n read it

folding method, hmmm.... Many ways i think, some ppl using write number 8 method.
I'm using my mummy method, like scooping or playing yoyo method, and cutting method, tis is oso the method i'm teaching in my workshop.

frm yr photo, yr sponge cake texture looks smooth, seems like not the folding method faulty. perhaps baking time not long enuf? Oven temperature?
ask u ah, why when i cook the pineapple ah,
1) it become crunchy after bake, why ah?
2) then why my pots burnt ah?

which kind of pot should i use?

yummy pizza lei!
can share the dough receipe?
Log in c so many delicious n beautifully decorated yummy slurps!

How u find time to do so many things? I maintain 1 blog, yet the posting r so back dated, u can even maintain 2 blogs while looking after 2 bois

Yes v tired. How many mth r u now?

Thot of going to UOB to check agn
Go! Go! Go! Dun tap fingers. Peifu u, your gal 6 mths rite

Catika, Js'mum
I like being preggie but not delivery. Contraction v painful

Your hubby is a great helper for your baking n cooking. Envy

Wow I love to eat agar agar! How do u make the shou tao stick to the base?
Do u heat up the agar agar agn n agn since u only hv 1 shou tao mould?

I haven't take my bfrest. I want your egg tart!

Chicken little
Your cup cake flat @ the top? Dat's correct! I wanna achieve dat

Y'dy baked cup cake agn Total failure. Cup cake doesn't rise

Took out my brand new oven which sat in storerm for 5 yrs to try on Sat. Power trip everytime I switched it on. Any remedies or gotta buang liao?

Do u gals beat the egg b4 putting into the mixer to mix wif other ingredients?
Hi Bakers and mummies,
Totally enjoyed this thread! Simply loved the passion for baking here. I thought it would be nice if we could borrow the idea of the other bloggers- occasionally(we r all busy poeple!) , we could set one topic like cake using fruits, cake using certain ingredients, whatever. Then we can try to bake the same thing and share our sucess/failures/experience. Like that can learn a lot from each other. Wat u think? Can be fun. Maybe PINK can be the one to set a topic?

Haha.. I talk a lot hor? Seldom post any fruits here.. lazy la.. must resize n upload... paiseh..
hoho...i got the receipe from this thread also..if u want extremely thin crust...remove a little portion of the dough b4 shaping onto baking tray...

200 gm. plain flour - sifted
1 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. Instant Yeast
1/2 tsp. salt
110 ml. water
1 tbsp. cornoil or olive oil

200 gm. Ham - cut into small pieces
5 Tbsp. Tomato Paste
some sliced Hot Dogs
7 slices of cheese (Kraft singles slice)
250 gm. Mozarella Cheese

(1) For dough: Mix ingredients in a mixing bowl. Knead into a pliable dough. Add in oil and water, continue to knead until very smooth. Leave to rise until it doubles in volume for about 40 mins.
(2) Punch down dough and shape it into a ball and rest for 10 mins.
(3) Roll dough into a round shape - the size of your pizza pan. Use fork to prick holes onto the dough.
(4) Rest dough for 20 mins.
(5) Half-bake ( 200C ) the pizza dough for 8 to 10 mins. then remove from oven.
(6) Spread tomato paste onto the pizza dough.
(7) Place slices cheese, then ham, sliced hot dogs.
(8) Sprinkle mozarella cheese on top.
(9) Bake at 200C for about 15 mins. or till cheese turns golden brown.
(10) Remove from oven and serve hot.

* You can use any topping you desire like prawns, tuna, cuttlefish rings and clams
tats my recipe

easy hor ?? my hubby & kids like to make it...
glad you enjoy it...

motheragain (motheragain),
not talk alot lah, infact, tat's a good idea!
however, most of us hv a diff priority, diff mood
perhaps we can try tis idea after CNY?

thanks for your idea!

have a blessed monday!
May Wong, wow, your agar agar really good. Any slice picture to show? Can you take picture of your mold also? I wonder how is it looks like. May be I saw it before but don't know that can make a wonderful agar agar ler.. Pleasee....
hoho03 (hoho03),
1) it become crunchy after bake, why ah?
===> you bake the outside pineapple jam syle issit? did you brush the egg yolk + oil? need to brush lei.
2) then why my pots burnt ah?
===> i usually use the non stick pots / fry pan to cook my pineapple tarts filling.
which kind of pot should i use?
===> using TEFAL non stick brand
jj, thanks for slice it out for me. So yours is those dense cake? Not soft cake hor.

Eileen, your kaya cake looks very nice ler. Your hubby so nice help you deco!! Got chance meet up to give me one slice hor.
Morning mummies

Multitasking lor.. actually.. I have more then 2 blogs 6 actually.. 2 for cooking related , 2 for homeschooling and 2 personal(mine & boys) keke

This week want to try to make tiramisu..if do well will post pic here.
im in the east too! near xiau ling, its a temporary place till my hse is ready in kew area.

its hubby who got me the kitchen aid. costs abt $690 after disc, got it from kitchen culture. think he is sick of me complaining abt my small tefal mixer always take long time to mix! wow this kitchen aid is a good investment. whip everything so fast n smooth!

thanks for the explanation on pound cakes. i dun think will ever bake that again cos its so dense n dry leh i tot it should be moist at least?

wow i love ur agar agar too! so nice to have u as a daughter in law!!

yes can call me mama5 or blessedmommy (BM) p.s. not breastmilk hor!
ha ha the problem is mine oso never raised at all man. I think I never beat the egg till fluffy. My sil say must beat it till it turn white. Like that ha ha I must invest mixer too.

You sell cupcake meh ? Got do eggless or not ? Alamak i ordered from for my son's bday this Wed for his childcare
wa! so many many to catch up?! faintz!

cl, my girl is slightly older, may.
and welcome to the baking club! yes, buy an oven! haha!

sunny, sponge cake and chiffon is definitely different. i see yr cake like overdone. heat too high?

caramum, you not joining us for the CNY potluck? why lei? if you need to bring your kid, we can go together still, me also bringing...
Pink...thanks for the receipe!! i save in my pc so cannot remember who post this on the thread! kekeke...indeed simple n ah lao even want to make it himself next time!
Lets go shop for one together then ask for receipe to start hee hee.

Your gal older than mine ah. But our boys same year but ha ha 1 just celebrated 1st bday another one going for 2nd birthday liao

Ha ha soon lah. That day she juz celebrated birthday oso
mama to 5, yrs already 15 mths? mine not even 13 mths! haha!

pink, catika, niko, icelim....who else? what time meeting today? me need to go prepare liao.
pink and hwee,

firstly the timing from 2-6pm, my ger sleeps from 2-4/5pm. I was going to go alone.

sencondly not only my MIL but my SIL also and that means my hb also must bring along, so total me, MIL, SIL, hb, ger and many ppl v paiseh leh and troublesome.

also if bring ger can only come after 4/5pm then u all wait till neck long long then get to eat the bee hoon. that's why i think i better not join.

Thanks mummies for the compliments on the agar agar. But the peach is for diaplay only dun stick to the base. I just arrange it on top. Sorry to have mislead u all. I wanted to get a tray that had the peaches on it but dun have. So ended up doing it separately lor.

Sorry dun have sliced photo leh.

RE: Agar Agar Mould
I will go take pic of the mould tonight and show u all.

You going where to get the oven? I was thinking of baking Jamie's cupcakes at my mum's house. As for my own oven perhaps can wait. Maybe we can arrange to get together. hehe.
