Cup cakes for birthday

Jst finish. now allowing it to rest. It took me 1/2 hr to sieve. Phew!!!! But i think no feet leh cos when whisking the egg white i find the texture like not very right!!!! keeping my finger cross.

But this time round batter not as runny as b4.


Wish you the best of luck!

These yummy cookies are sooo tricky. I am still trying and judging by the amount I have consumed, I'd get diabetes soon! hahaha
Fatmum...hahaha 2nd attempt i too impatient to sieve the almond properly resulting the cookie to be rough next round must not make this mistake again :p
haha! i tot u opening cookies shop soon ! :p
glad ur kids love the messy girl cake.
ah yes, the fondant will "run" away from madeira cake is b'cos my madeira is soft and loose, tats why, but u just eat it together, then taste will be very nice.
original madeira is more firm and slightly harder.....

later i check my mail ya?
didn't a lady with green top leh... jia lat... my eyes no good?

choy choy choy ! smelly mouth ! go and brush your teeth! havent bake then u said no feet liao! dun curse the macs leh!

btw, macs batter looks good ! don't go and sleep hor ! later over rested....
check the texture every 10 - 12mnts... GENTLY ya? dun poke it leh.
hope u catch the right texture before u "throw" the macs in the oven...
cross my fingers !!
yany & fatmum,
no worries ! after couples of time practice, you will lost your appetite to macs, then u just get addicted to bake but to eat....
so.... will not "kana" diabetic.

it is NOT OK to pipe on the orange line, i tried before.... the feet result will diff, and will stick to the orange line, the "butt" will no longer smooth... will like using silicon type of "butt".

little info to share:
wat kind of shifer (dunno the spelling lar) is the best for macs? TUPPERWARE one... hahaha!
within 5mnts, done!

<font color="0000ff">jsmum,</font>
u ask tupperware to "re-produce" the shiever again lah... for the sake of macs! :p
Fatmum...did u blend the powder mixture in a blender 1st b4 sifting..blend it finer will be easier to sift...2nd time i din blend it so is a flop :p
Alamak, I never sieve the almond/sugar mixture. I find the almond powder at dunlik is coarser than bake king brand. Even after blending, still coarse.

Made some and again, flat ones and without feet. I never get the texture when it wont stick to fingers when rested. Why? Why? why? (shaking head)

I need some advises. I need to make a birthday cake for a birthday bash - 1st birthday for 60 pax. Wad type of cake can i do? Tot of doing cuppies but i am not so creative in decoration. If make a big cake i scare my icing not nice!!! How??? please advise if can show me some pics of the self made 1st birthday cake pics. Thanks...
Please add me in for the purchase as well? These ladies here are really tempting me. If ok, do pm me how to transfer and collection point.
Posting the final list:

Price Calculation is as follows:
Price in SGD per mat: [(US$18.49 x 3)/4] x 1.52 = S$21.07
1. cookiepie
2. Peng
3. Tulip
4. mdl
5. mdl
6. kathy
7. mdl - fren
8. mdl - fren
9. S@L
10. Kim
11. Kim
12. muffin

I will either email or pm my bank details to you now. Pls drop me an email after you have transferred the funds and indicate mode of collection. Tks.
fatmum, yr macs looks good le.. failed?? because no feet? nvm.. can eat its good enough.. i bought once at Central (clarke quay). its expensive, super sweet, super big and no feet!
Hee.... Hee..
Thank you so much Cookiepie.

Hi Yany, Peng, fatmum &amp;...., What was the taste of the failed macs? When compared to Pink's macs, was it very diff in taste? or it is only the look matters? I also tried once and failed, taste like some sweet cookies( sweet....wonder can cut down the icing sugar...don't know how to describe....). As I did not taste a macs before, I can't compare.
Hi Kim,
For my case of failed macs..... the taste depends. As I was experimenting with my oven heat, I have had different textures. Once, it was nice and crispy.... then, some taste almost like Pinks... but of course, not as "pong pong" as it didn't rise as much. It still had a crust and soft on the inside. It is sweet but as Pink mentioned, the macs are tricky and the sugar adds to the "texture", so don't know if you can cut down or if you do, by how much.
Kim...though no feet as Pink one the texture comparable..i reduce the sugar also..think i cut too much...agreed with Yany..dunno how much to reduce then wont affect the texture ...
Hi, Ladies
folding is very important in cake to 'trap' bubbles is it correct?...but when we pour the mixture into a mould ..isnt it the bubble will 'burst'..(saw bubbles disappeared when pouring the mixtures).still practise how to fold..Really need baking mummies advises....Thanks =)
cookiepie, thanks for including me.

Mummies showing you my first attempt at making MMF cake from scratch.
Dun laugh hor....

SPONGEBOB theme for my Son's 5th birthday in school.
The main cake &amp; the cuppies for the kids....

phew it's finally over...took me a darn long time to get the MMF figurines done...only touchup the last min before i set off to his school stressed. hehee took this as an opportunity to master my courage in decorating cuppies. Hope to be able to make some for my DD's 1st bday to compliment the cake I ordered from our MASTER Pink here....
R11, dui le dui le!! congrats!

Mac Bakers, want to share experience of whoz recipe u using - Ay / Pinks? and how much sugar u put?

So that we can all 'discuss' and see how much sugar is appropriate... enough for the pong-ness yet not too sweet for tastebud.

Monday come soon... P.H. ... 'man'power... Macs!!!

Catika...i try both...1st time one try Pink recipe (follow exactly), 2nd time try AY recipe (I half the recipe and reduce the sugar to 50gm! think too drastic change)

Rave...after u pour the batter into the tin...give a 'hard' bang to release the excess air...
hi cookiepie,
looks like you have another 4 if you add me in

Price Calculation is as follows:
Price in SGD per mat: [(US$18.49 x 3)/4] x 1.52 = S$21.07
1. cookiepie
2. Peng
3. Tulip
4. mdl
5. mdl
6. kathy
7. mdl - fren
8. mdl - fren
9. S@L
10. Kim
11. Kim
12. muffin
13. kl148
14. kl148
15. eron
16. yany

How, ok?
Hi all
seem that now everyone is hot at doing macs. Have no courage to try alone, so bake blueberry cheesecake today, hehe!
wah... the top just baked chia chia kind... yummylicious!

yarrow... Mon i got 'man'power then can join FULL force to concentrate on macs...
can't wait... MTs joint power... Shine!!! ...

think if can succeed also heng heng one lah... hahahahah... since now everybody still failing now and then... hahahahah...
actually I a bit ambitious and dunno whether I can make the figurine I want or not... coz I think it's for higher level one... I wanna make a woman figurine... holding mic, singing... and a baby siting on the floor... In this case, can still prepare it a week before? actually if I prepare it few weeks before, will it go bad? coz thinking if not successful, then I'll look for other alternative... if I keep in fridge, should be ok too right?

now i know why macarons so ex liao...
hi can someone help? I bake a pandan chiffon cake n looks good initially but later sink a bit, is it normal? Also how to make it drop out from pan nicely? Mine broke into I need to grease the pan?
chiffon cake need to be inverted immediately once out from oven. must wait till totally cooled - few hours? - depends on size.

once chiffon totally cooled, take a knife and go around the sides of the chiffon pan... it will automatically drop out.

the chiffon need walls to climb up up up...

Hi your pandan cake bake or steam?

I am looking anyone to teach me the traditional way of making this type of cake using steaming. Is that possible? I am first timer.
Anyone? I do not have an oven.

JTS: hb called me early in the morning to check and throw aways the biscults we had in the house: mummies do check if you have any of these:

17 biscuit products from Malaysia. Test results for the rest of the imported biscuits, including those from Malaysia, were satisfactory. The affected Malaysian-made biscuits are:
Julie’s Golden Kaka Crackers
Julie’s Wheat Crackers
Julie’s Cottage Crackers (Vegetable Yeast Cracker)
Julie’s Cottage Crackers (Original Yeast Cracker)
Julie’s Chez Creamy Cheese Sandwich
Julie’s Sugar Crackers (extra flaky)
Julie’s Waferico Chocolate Coated Wafers with Chocolate Cream Filling
Julie’s Cream Crackers
Julie’s Minico Rich Chocolate Chip Cookies
Julie’s Peanut Butter Sandwich
Julie’s Cocoro Crispy Chocolate Wafer Rolls with Vanilla Filling
Julie’s Le-Mond Puff Sandwich with Lemon Flavoured Cream
Khong Guan Assorted Biscuits
Khian Guan Biscuit Osborne
Leo Gold Finger Choco
Santa Chocolate Gold Fingers
Swan Chocolate Fingers

Locally manufactured biscuits are safe for consumption

8 AVA’s tests also included various types of biscuits under the major brands of “Khong Guan” and “Meiji” as well as other traditional biscuits that are manufactured in Singapore. Melamine has not been detected in these products.
i did the steam milk cake from ay's blog.. hehe mine didn't become "huat kueh" the texture was soft but the milk taste is still too strong for me. Prehaps next time can add in something to remove the milky taste.
I used the muffin cups to steam and the recipe only yield 4 pieces.


U using double action baking powder? Cos if using normal bp the cake will huat. But mine not as puffy as AY's, saw hers is so light n puffy wor. wat brand of fresh milk u use cos mine dun have the milk taste leh... me use same as catika's.

very nice spongebob cake!!! Is the fondant sweet? I was thinking of making one for xmas party but worry abt sweetness. Is the fondant store bought or u made urself?
