Cup cakes for birthday

The cereal prawns look great. I am waiting try this out. Hope it will turn out as nice as yours.

Your dd will be remember this moment, birthday cake baked and decorated by mum. Not many mums have the skill nor time...keep it up.

if my shifu see i cannot make it. ha ha i will just order and better dun lose her face. Ha ha. Need to do one more round with marble cake. If it sink, I will stick to oreo ha ha.
<font color="0000ff">Peng</font>,
haha... mine also all mati liao. The "corpses" are still lying outside my corridor (for months).. mummified already...haha... waiting for my HB to clean them up.

<font color="0000ff">FAtmum</font>,
like what Peng said, our area is just not good for planting. My HB tried quite alot of different plants but all cannot make it. Now our neighbours must be mocking at us, because they warn us before that plants will not grow (because they all have tried), but my HB just like them so much they he keep planting a few rounds.. but in the end... sigh... all when heaven..
<font color="0000ff">Peng</font>,
i just made roast pork yesterday, noticed that u have made before from ur blog. Check with u, does ur roast pork skin turns hard and chewy after they are cold? The taste of mine was good, but after they turned cold, the skin became very hard... ANy idea why?
Hi ladies,
Today finally got time to make some cupcake for my friend's daughter...

Have never make cupcake with deco. After seeing so many nicely decorated cupcake, tempted to try too.
Can someone tell me if that buttercream sugar ? The very sweet, harden when dry type? If it is, what could be the alternative ?
ling, 1-0, i'm thinking of making cereal prawns too. ur recipe easy? can share? thanks!

nice fruits on this page!

CL, ur fondant decor looking good!

fatmum, u put mash potato around hard boil egg and deep fry is it? looks yummy!

kl148, wow! ur doll cake looks professional!

dior, where did u get those cute HK faces? are they edible?
Hi Dior,

I've been searching high &amp; low for the flower shape like mashmellow, cld u share where can we find it? thks
mdl: the mashmellow flower, if count by weight, you can buy from mini toon. Sometimes those uncle tibits kind of stall oso selling.
To make cereal prawn very simple. Just deep fried the prawn n curry leave. Leave it aside. Then pan fry the cereal without oil n using small fire n don't it burn. Remove it. Fry some butter, add in the prawn, cereal n curry leave. Fry a while then ok.
Pink, Green Muffin,
haha... tried the macarons this morning with hazelnuts, big flop!!! hahaha.
I expected this as I used whole nuts...and after pulverising it, it came out in clumps due to the "oil". So... when added to the egg white... had to stir &amp; stir to remove clumps.

I guess I better go buy almond powder.... hehe.

I love orchids. I grew up with orchids around and I remember helping my mom breaking charcoal and flower pots to use to plant orchids. My uncle was soo into orchids, he used to take part in orchid shows. Now with 3 kids, no time for plants anymore. I told myself, when I have a landed property... I'll have a "proper" garden.... so, looks like I will be waiting long long! lol

Those watermelon tarts looks amazing! Good idea too!

Nice cuppies!
Eileen...wah the cereal prawn sound so simple! going to try soon then post on my blog hahaha....

Yany...u so brave try the macarons kekeke i still pondering whether to try out or not..did u toast the nuts first then blend then sift? maybe toasting will make the nuts 'drier'..
dear mommies, many "fruits" here! very welldone.

come to PENG's potluck leh... then bring the cereal prawn.... kekekeke!

u not only have "flour" fingers, oso have green fingers hor? my mama oso like tat leh.
i only have fat fingers....
my mama very scared if i touch her plant... scared die on my hand. hahaha!

nice cuppies there! where do u buy the choco mould?
ah yes, regarding AY, yes now she seldom post recipe liao.....
since someone accused her showing off, etc.... those looser.
if you see her blog, at start, she always post every single recipe.
she already so busy with her own biz, take care of her subordinate, but she still spent so much time posting the recipes, but the result? being accused lor... it's hurt her....
she stopped posting for a month.... then we all begged her to continue share thru the blog, then she decided to post the recipes randomly or those "goodie" with the highest comment.
You can post the comment and ask for recipe.
when i've time, i usually will help to post comment to bring up the posting numbers.
i do call her and asked which book or ingredient/s she use, she will verbally told me, so i gotta digest fast lor... she is a good mentor, her baking knowledge is excellent!
i knew she have to spend lots of time to type those recipe, convert from hard copy to soft copy is no joke. so i always respect her decision.
she is a very kind lady, you can just post comment on her blog and ask then.

practice makes perfect okie?
crumb coat the cuppies first before u lay the fondant.
fondant "like" to show of the "shape", it's best to coat the cake before cover it with fondant.

kl148 (kl148),
nice barbie doll there! thanks sharing with us. my fren juz called me last week, asking for barbie doll cake for tis coming friday

don't give up! practice makes perfect! macs is the most chivious cookies, bear with it okie? i'm quite lucky, 1st attempt got feet, but top part not nice. AY 3rd attempt of macs then got feet. so cheers up okie?
me dunno bring wat to pot luck leh.....
how about empty stomach and empty tupperware? hahahaha!
i'll see what the rest bring then hopefully can gimmi idea what i can bring.
last week,
sleep less than 5 hrs a day! earliest go to bed is 3am..... jia lat! busy with office work and baking as well....

my "fruits" from last week:
wanted to use the below cake for my church monthly b'day celebration, but my hubby said not suppose to put balerina.....

then i changed the balerina to flower lor:




use FRESH CREAM ( Toppin Pride) to make this cake, inside is chocolate cake with blueberry filling:

i'm so blur, the birthday girl shd be Linda !!!!! then dunno why i write Susan...... haiz!
lucky the customer never mad !!!!
Tang Ling,
come and join us at Peng's hse leh! dun be shy lah
will bring your umbrella there.
ah yes, Ivn't got chance to load the workshop pics to my blog leh.... haiz!
cos need to resize the photo etc.
can pls e-mail me your addy? i copy those photos to CD, then send to u via post, tis method is much more faster.

so sorry for the inconvinience cause leh!
feeling bored... so decided to do doughnuts... but i'm terrible at melting choco (white / dark also) ... and am most terrible in coating (like kena poke thousand times on doughnuts - become hedgehog) ... and decorating... so decided to pour my remainder choco chips and chopped almonds into mixture and bake! Voila! it works.

just in oven and just out ...


just out close up and all turned out ...


turned out close up and the inside... piping hot but fluffy!

1590347.jpg wonder u got sleepless many nice fruits! i luv ur fondant flower and they looks so real...

Eastern Gathering
Date: Sat 16 Aug
Time: 2pm onwards
Place: Punggol Field (Peng's Hse)

*Hostess prepared : shepherd pie, fuzhu baiguo...
1) kendy
2) Js'Mum (Tentatively Hey Zou but pls let me know if nid to be halal for muslim mummies)
3) Pink (Will pack Pink in my car boot if no place hor...hahaha)
4) Kl148 (Can only make it on 16 Aug)
5) Chicken Little (Tentatively cannot make it , might have event)
6) Joanne (will confirm again when date fix)
7) dearie_e
8) ep
9) sngiam (fried bee hoon by hubby )
10) maruolin
thks thks! me oso like the roses...

sleepless oso bcos of office work, last week got 3 days work till 3am..... 3am still in the office.... when i pay taxi, the fare is S$32 !!! FAINT !!

ah yes, gathering change to 16Aug? me shd be no prob lah...

carefull if u pack me in your car boot hor... all the hey zou gone then u dun regret okie?
Dior, Pink...dunno y got such unkind pple around...if dun like dun visit the blog lah y put such hurting comments right..AY is kind to share her recipe when i ask her too :D
Maruolin, Pink..if u all dunno wat to bring, then me have to cook big big shepherd pie n dessert, Jsmum make dozens dozens of hey zou and Sngiam bring super large large pot fried bee hoon loh wahahaha...
Peng, thinking of making durian swiss roll for the gathering but hvnt try out yet. Will try this week or next. If successful then will make it for the gathering, if nt then will cook curry chicken lor...anyway u prefer curry chicken or ???
yes but not the cabbage chap chai, ang mo chap chai. potluck also need vege dish, right?

joanne, i prefer curry chicken (hehehe) got fried bee hoon right? curry chic goes very well with it. :D
For the sake of the "suan pan zhi", I'm coming wif my family! Love this Hakka dish !!! My Dad makes delicious "suan pan zhi". Regretted not learning from him while he's still alive
This was made by my Mum a couple of mths' back.


Eastern Gathering
Date: Sat 16 Aug
Time: 2pm onwards
Place: Punggol Field (Peng's Hse)

*Hostess prepared : shepherd pie, fuzhu baiguo...
1) kendy
2) Js'Mum (Tentatively Hey Zou but pls let me know if nid to be halal for muslim mummies)
3) Pink ("suan pan zhi")
4) Kl148
5) Chicken Little (Tentatively cannot make it , might have event)
6) Joanne (curry chicken)
7) dearie_e
8) ep
9) sngiam (fried bee hoon by hubby)
10) maruolin (chap chai)
11) Yew Yen, husband &amp; daughter (watermelons)
WOw.... nice fruit.

Want to give who want Pizza Peel the one with with wooden handle, used for removing pizza from oven coz i want to throw but see whether any need it.
morning everyone!
Lastnite sleep at 10pm, then tis morning woke up at 7am. Shiok!
If can everyday can sleep like tis hour, i can gain back my youth look. Haha!

Xiau ling,
Reserve for me leh. I want tat thingy.

Your suan pan zhi got gravy one?
Looks v nice leh.. Early in the morning makes me hungry liao.
Mine is dry one, like the one sell at bugis street.
So u hakka! Hi5!

Let me know if need halal food..
If not, i'll use pork n prawn for the suan pan zhi.
Nice tart there!
Dun juz make sherperd pie leh! Me how to da bao? Somemore me going to fasting 3 days b4 go ur hse. Ha ha!
ok ok, audience require, i will cook curry mid joint wing (coz i dunno hw to chop whole chicken..haha).

Peng ur hsg got anytin to entertain my ds2 anot. He damm active one leh, think will be busy looking after him instead if chit chatting with u all...

Eastern Gathering
Date: Sat 16 Aug
Time: 2pm onwards
Place: Punggol Field (Peng's Hse)

*Hostess prepared : shepherd pie, fuzhu baiguo...
1) kendy
2) Js'Mum (Tentatively Hey Zou but pls let me know if nid to be halal for muslim mummies)
3) Pink ("suan pan zhi")
4) Kl148
5) Chicken Little (Tentatively cannot make it , might have event)
6) Joanne with my 2 boys (curry chicken)
7) dearie_e
8) ep
9) sngiam (fried bee hoon by hubby)
10) maruolin (chap chai)
11) Yew Yen, husband &amp; daughter (watermelons)
Joanne...u know lah my boy only 20mths, so only have toys n dvd suitable his age..let my boy entertain him loh hahaha...anyway my hse not huge lah very safe one..
wah... eastern gathering so exciting! I want some of the goodies too...

I'm hakka but never learnt to make anything remotely hakka... hahaha.I remember my grandmother's belly pork with yam in black sauce and I drool over it. Too bad she's no longer here
. I also learnt to eat zha fan only a few years back... and now, will always look for it.

Oh... I'm also laughing my head off when I read you wrote "Susan" when the client was "Linda"! Too funny......

The tart looks so good but I am not into grated coconut... so not tempted! hahaha

Missy Ling,
I can't read chinese so is that dish "kung pow chi ting"? If it is... I love it. Teach me how to cook leh. I am so amazed that you hubby cooks. I still remember the time my hubby attempted to make steak dinner for me...... using a microwave! That was the 1st and last time I will eat his cooking!!! hahahaha
sorry to off thread here hor. Peng hv u train ur boy toliet or potty train already? wan to train my ds2 leh but he will cry like hell when bring him go toliet..
Yany: yes tat is kung pow ji ding. Nuthing difficult. I used the ingredients mentioned behind the ready-made sauce. my 1st try oso.

Yes my hb can cook simple things... but he is lazy to do so coz he said he nid to know how to eat, can alrdy. -_-"
Joanne...i not yet train him cos he seems not ready yet...cannot sit still on potty leh how to train..may wait till his 2nd bd see how..

Eastern Gathering
Date: Sat 16 Aug
Time: 2pm onwards
Place: Punggol Field (Peng's Hse)

*Hostess prepared : shepherd pie, fuzhu baiguo, homemade strawberry icecream...
1) kendy
2) Js'Mum (Tentatively Hey Zou but pls let me know if nid to be halal for muslim mummies)
3) Pink ("suan pan zhi")
4) Kl148
5) Chicken Little (Tentatively cannot make it , might have event)
6) Joanne with my 2 boys (curry chicken)
7) dearie_e
8) ep
9) sngiam (fried bee hoon by hubby)
10) maruolin (chap chai)
11) Yew Yen, husband &amp; daughter (watermelons)

more more more! need more food !!! hahaha! me sure very tham jiak one.... u see my size u know lah... totally opposite with blessedmom lor.... she very careful wat is going in her stomach.

wow i didn't know many "suan pan zhi" fans here...
okie i'll make more so tat u all can da bao.
skali not nice.... hahahah!... but i can achived 90% of my mama standard liao.... :p

come come come to PENG's hse.... plenty suan pan zhi there...

want hakka "lei cha" ??? let me know! will bring if majority want it.

now busy eating pork rendang with brown rice, my today lunch:

and bring tis to office, is for my dinner, gotta OT lor... mth end closing mah
focaccia sandwich:
