Cup cakes for birthday

Lemon Tee (lemontee),
u new with us? welcome to tis baking thread....
yes i heard the bread machine result so so only. unless u bot those high end type which i think will cost abt 500+.
careful with those normal mixer when u wanna make bread, i'm quite trauma with it, thank God my hand never get injured.

SUNSWEET (sunsweet) ,
welcome to tis addicted thread..... pls do not hesitate to share with us ya?
perhaps u can visit my blog:
i've recipes corner which compiled those recipe from this baking thread.
i'm still trying my best compiling all recipes. this thread move like rocket.... sometime really can't catch up id never login for 3 or 4 days...
feel free to drop us a mssg if u hv doubt.
happy baking!

perhaps u can try the walnut to bake macs?
i know my shifu baked macs using groundnut... the result is quite good and taste better than almond.

ivy (greenpoison),
congrats in your 1st attempt of your cuppies.. looks nice!
welcome on board.... ;)

green muffin,
hm.... your macs recipe looks ok to me.... but your batter looks not ok, i suspected the folding method.
how do u fold / mix the dry ingredients to egg white?

durian ! durian ! durian!!!!! i want leh!

thks for the recipe! muack!

tat's my favourite soup leh! me saliva liao! especially in tis hour!

blueberry muffins, looks v tempting! hungry hungry now!

ok... gotta sleep liao.... brain dead n eyes half closed le....
later the more i talk, the more u all dun understand

nite nite!

2am and still typing ah? wah seh.... don't see double digit numbers in your closing ya? hahaha
I don't have walnuts so will gung ho and try hazelnuts... hehehe. Will post results next week when I attempt!

your apple cinnamon cupcakes making me drool... I want some for breakfast with my coffee!

the cuppies looks nice. The icing looks good too... by the size of the picture

which forest your mil go? I know some people collect from upper thomson area, near the SICC. So, does the durian taste better than store bought ones? I bet coz its free, right? hehehe

green muffin,
You try & try the macs... but who's eating them? I know my son would love it as he loves eating meringues.... but the sugar high he gets, I get no peace! lol

chicken looks very juicy.... yummm.
Hehehe.........hi Cat.

I was wondering what nice chiffon tins they were. Didn't even look at your name, than your next post you put paging for I realised it was mine. Paiseh, will try to pass by your place this Sat. Thank you for keeping them for me.

Lately, been on a oven hunt that I am so confused now! Sigh never realised it will be so stressful to get a simple table-top oven.

Anyone using Delonghi? Good????

I have narrowed to 3 choices:

1) Delonghi - huge 42L, can rotisserie, bake, with fan, but not sure if can select top,bottom heat. Cos they only have cooking functions by name like grill, bake, stew, etc. Very ex too.

2) Baby belling - reliable but not enuff height. No turnspit but believe it produces even heat. Cannot remember if got fan or not. Also pricey.

3) Rowenta - Also huge but fan no turnspit. If have turnspit, no fan. And the fan is at the side, not center. Also pricey.

Cannot decide. Can someone oven specialist help me????

maya!!! hahahaha... yeah... they are yours... was kept in my oven... took them out when i'm using my oven...

i'm using 42L morries brand... it's okay... so far, baked things all can 'pass' lah...
can rotisserie, bake with and without fan, select top/bottom/both heating elements etc. very good interior capacity... i bought only for S$100 (with $8 Carrefour discount) ... last known, the price up by a few dollars... still about S$100+ though.
Hi ladies! You gals are GOOD! I'm losing steam oredi... most of what I make goes down the throat before I remember taking a pic of it... haha...

sally, ur swiss roll looks so good!

pink, congrats in completing ur wilton course... ur cake really looks the best!

peng, what is the meaning of souffle huh? wah... even ur simple "snacks" look good! haha... but, i have to kiv attendence on 9 aug...

green muffin, i tot ur macs look good! what is "no feet"? macs is just 2 biscuits wif cream inside is it? i still dunno why is it called macs leh?

cat, ur baked rice looks great! recipe complicated? ur blueberry muffins look like those lava cakes, still watery inside... yummy! btw, ur roast chicken can just dump everything together and roast huh? no need to skewer then i dun hv to look for my oven skewer leow...

1-0, claypot chicken rice! more and more professional! how to make? hehehe...

Re: durians
had some yesterday... the really good stuff but not enough... cos good stuff more ex mah, so quantity lesser lor... somehow can't bear to use durian to make things leh... hb say rather eat fresh... if not mix wif whip cream or whatever very wasteful?
Yah, I saw the morries one. Giant selling for $119 I think. I was excited when I saw the size. But your oven pic cannot see the fan leh. Is it at the side? Do you know if the fan got heating element?

How long have you used it?
very easy to cook one. Just season the chicken & mushroom 1st, then wash the rice, add some salt, remember to reduce the water. Put the chicken, mushroom and some ginger on top then on the rice cooker. When the rice is half cook, put in some chinese sausage. That is all the step.
maya, u face oven, open door, fan is at the right hand side... fan got heating element??? i never hear of it leh... fan is to propel wind to even the heat distribution... hmm... experts pls advice/correct me... thanks
jen, boy and ah lau prefers the skewed and rotiserrie kind... more dry (yet moist and succulent within) and more 'roasted' ... my throw all on plate kind... is when i'm superb lazy... hahahaha... got taste and can eat can already lah kinda attitude. :p I marinate on that metal plate, store in fridge, and take out and just shove it into oven... voila! :p
Yup, but I think the latest models now come with heating element with the fan which helps for even distribution of heat (I think).

Anyway the Delonghi I am considering has it. Not sure if Rowenta has it nor not.
yummy chicken, so juicy.

Shiok gal the rice.

thanks for the compliments.

Nice cupcakes. From aunty yo's recipe?

wow first attempt, veri good lei.

Dun mentioned, we are just stating the facts.
Dun forget to check the umbrella for me ya. It belongs to TL's. Its blue espirit umbrella.

Wasted, cant meet u at downtown east. Another time.

Thanks for passing the item to me. Sori, cant talk, as with my frens n kids are making so much noise. Catch up again.
U are very sharp
. It must be the folding method, cos i can't really make fluffy cakes. i fold in the dry ingredients in 3-4 parts, carefully from the side to centre and repeat, carefully without deflating much of the whites.

thanks for your encouragement. They are so round because i have been trying and trying. So instead of making macs, its more like i am practising my rounds. haha..

i eat them myself lor..
but usually only eat 20%, throw the rest away. Because they are just too sweet to finish. I gave them to my neighbour, they also find that its very sweet. So cannot always gv pple :p u are lucky ur boy is helping u with it, not so wasteful

thanks for the compliment. But wait till u see Pink's mac, that is call gorgeous. (wink at Pink) haha.... And maybe u are seeing from "far", my macs are ugly from near. haha
Macaron is a kind of french cookie, u can find out more from here:

thanks for relpying xiau ling. I forgot to mention that the recipe makes 4 small bowls of custard. Your muffins sounds healthy and yummy, because i like the combi of apple n cinnamon
i must try making it!
I want the one with many many many bananas... muahahahaha...

the inside reminds me of the brown sugar pray pray cake... duno whatz that call... steamed one... must be growing old... feeling so nostalgic and sorta mizzed that taste... muahahaha... and i used to not like it at all...
Hi I'm new to this thread, so many delicious pictures to inspire newbies!

may I know how to keep muffins and cupcakes? Ater they have cooled from oven, can put in airtight container?
How many days in the normal room temperature?

Thanks a lot!
Thanks all.

I think I "perform" better in making Mini Donuts than the cupcakes.

Pink - 9 Aug gathering at Peng's hse cannot lei. But I am ok on 16 Aug after 2plus. Your cake is SO SO nice. I felt like ordering the same design from you but hor my girl wanted Magic Winx for her birthday in Nov.

Can I ask the is lady beside the teacher also attended your Cupcake workshop last year?

Peng - as usual your cooking all very nice and drooling one

Catika - I have been reading the past postings. Very peifu with your determination on the Cream Puff.

CL - nice seeing you here. Hope can meet up with you at Peng's hse if do in 16 Aug.
Jen..A soufflé is a light, fluffy, baked dish made with egg yolks and beaten egg whites combined with various other ingredients and served as a savory main dish or sweetened as a a french term..

Sally, i got the recipe in one of my cookbooks :p

Erica..i put in airtight container and keep in fridge..i will reheat the muffin b4 eating, after reheating hot n fluffy as freshly bake..

Saw a couple of u cannot make it on the change to 16th ok...any objectionss?

Eastern Gathering
Date: Sat 16 Aug
Time: 2pm onwards
Place: Punggol Field (Peng's Hse)

*Hostess prepared : shepherd pie, fuzhu baiguo...
1) kendy
2) Js'Mum
3) Pink (if jsmum go, then i go, coz tumpang her mah, i sure lost if come alone).
4) Kl148 (Can only make it on 16 Aug)
5) Chicken Little (9 Aug ok, swing by before going for high school musical at 4pm)
6) Joanne (will confirm again when date fix)
7) dearie_e
8) ep
Eastern Gathering
Date: Sat 16 Aug
Time: 2pm onwards
Place: Punggol Field (Peng's Hse)

*Hostess prepared : shepherd pie, fuzhu baiguo...
1) kendy
2) Js'Mum
3) Pink (if jsmum go, then i go, coz tumpang her mah, i sure lost if come alone).
4) Kl148 (Can only make it on 16 Aug)
5) Chicken Little (9 Aug ok, swing by before going for high school musical at 4pm)
6) Joanne (will confirm again when date fix)
7) dearie_e
8) ep
9) sngiam (fried bee hoon by hubby
Eastern Gathering
Date: Sat 16 Aug
Time: 2pm onwards
Place: Punggol Field (Peng's Hse)

*Hostess prepared : shepherd pie, fuzhu baiguo...
1) kendy
2) Js'Mum
3) Pink (if jsmum go, then i go, coz tumpang her mah, i sure lost if come alone).
4) Kl148 (Can only make it on 16 Aug)
5) Chicken Little (Tentatively cannot make it , might have event)
6) Joanne (will confirm again when date fix)
7) dearie_e
8) ep
9) sngiam (fried bee hoon by hubby )

Sorry sngiam, if 16 high possibility i cannot make it
Fed up studying so decided to make something sinful... lol. Then, found my digital weighing machine, no more battery! haiz.... so, decided to go ahead and use the "eye" judgement ! hahaha
At least, boys are happy with the maltesers muffin!


don't think I got the "measurement" correct as the batter quite runny... and end product more like cake but quite moist! haha
Eastern Gathering
Date: Sat 16 Aug
Time: 2pm onwards
Place: Punggol Field (Peng's Hse)

*Hostess prepared : shepherd pie, fuzhu baiguo...
1) kendy
2) Js'Mum
3) Pink (if jsmum go, then i go, coz tumpang her mah, i sure lost if come alone).
4) Kl148 (Can only make it on 16 Aug)
5) Chicken Little (Tentatively cannot make it , might have event)
6) Joanne (will confirm again when date fix)
7) dearie_e
8) ep
9) sngiam (fried bee hoon by hubby )
10) maruolin
Eastern Gathering
Date: Sat 16 Aug
Time: 2pm onwards
Place: Punggol Field (Peng's Hse)

*Hostess prepared : shepherd pie, fuzhu baiguo...
1) kendy
2) Js'Mum (Tentatively Hey Zou but pls let me know if nid to be halal for muslim mummies)
3) Pink (Will pack Pink in my car boot if no place hor...hahaha)
4) Kl148 (Can only make it on 16 Aug)
5) Chicken Little (Tentatively cannot make it , might have event)
6) Joanne (will confirm again when date fix)
7) dearie_e
8) ep
9) sngiam (fried bee hoon by hubby )
10) maruolin
wow the prawn look so good.

Nice watermelon tarts

Today's practice for next week's big day. Today is marble cake. Used the wrong cup with wax yday and it sunk, later must think what to do with it. This morning tried again, still sunk a bit.

Next week is her birthday she is now in Pri school, got to think of something else that she cld bring to school....sigh.... does anyone knows if non-baked chese cake or mousse cake could be leave outside fridge for about 4 hrs ?
hee....long time never make this potato egg liao.


Jst want to share the pink & purple orchid I bought at orchidvilla this morning. Very sweet!!! All the orchid there so nice...feel like buying all the different colour...but corridor already full house liao!!


fatmum, i like ur Orchids.... i got 1 purple n white one as well... hehe like u said... Limited space outside... i wanna to get more... mus look for racks... how much the rack u using cost?
wah 1-0... very nice and big prawns... like the cereal thingy... got add curry leaves? sedap!

fatmum... nat'l day coming liow... good citizen! hahahahah... i love orchids too... once bloomed, can tahan very long... good for vainpots like me... hahahahah... sui sui decorate corridor/house without worrying about wilting flowers too!
just now cooked the saba fish... <font color="ff0000">keng</font>, how to use the teriyaki sauce exactly? *goon-du here*... i only rub rub it before sizzling in my flat base non stick pan (sprayed some canola oil first)... hmm... taste very saba-ish... non-teriyaki taste.
but overall, husband and josh and jeorg LOVES it...

also, tried the vermont jap curry with beef... i find it too sweet and too 'thick sauce' but again, husband and josh LOVES it and gives it thumbs up... BUT i think i bought wrong beef... the 'tendons' make it very un-chewable for josh and old woman - me ... hahahaha...

anyway, thumbs up! ... husband now 'pester' me to go get the things again... since it's really cheap and GOOD lor... the saba and beef though frozen, cannot taste the 'ice' taste.
thanks keng.
happy.gif share my cooking method...i will marinate the saba in the terikayi sauce for 1 hr before grilling...left some gravy will cook it to reduce the liquid like dizzle over cooked fish. For the curry beef..i find it ok leh..maybe u can add moer water to dilute it, for the beef if i want to save $ i buy the frozen cubes one but this one have to cook longer or else as u say cannot chew leh kekeke..Today i make shepherd pie again this time round i use fresh ground beef..realise is cheaper then frozen one! 300gm for $2.00, frozen one $3.70 leh!
Woa!! so many nice fruits!!

<font color="0000ff">Peng</font>,
Nice watermelon tarts! But how do they taste? Btw, its surprising to know that the frozen beef is more expensive. Is it because they are from aust? Went to your blog, very nice! Looks like some recipe website. Very organize!

<font color="0000ff">Fatmum</font>,
nice orchids!! So envy! Have been wanting to plant these but our corridor no cannot.. Most of the plants that we planted were all gone after a while...

<font color="0000ff">MissyLiny</font>,
your cereal prawns looks very nice. Looks restuarant standard. Nice? Can share how u made them? Cos we seldom eat prawns at home, so don't know how to cook prawns :p
I bought this at Orchidvilla $25 per pcs. the most can put 3 pots oni. I went back yesterday wanted to get another 1 but no stock. He advise me to go thomson &amp; get. Need to secure using additional string to tie on the potted plants cos if strong wind am afraid it will topple.

BTW I bought few rack that holds individual pot from daiso. Then kanna receive warning letters from town council. Now become white elephants.

Catika, yes i gd citizen!!!! nat'l day oso work lor ha...ha..... can;t agree more...orchid can tahan very long. Because of the orchid, i gave up my mint leaves!! I hope i can add in more color to the current range!!!

nice cake. Izit difficult to make? any special cake mould required? And thanks for the info.

Green muffin
try planting those that does not required strong sunlight. The purple one u saw above cannot expose to strong sunlight so am hanging inside my balcony!

I only started abt 1/2 yr ago. Fall in love when my 1st pot of orchid keep now siao into orchid. ha..ha....
Hello ladies,
MIA very long...been very busy but saw all the gatherings you all have I'm so envy...Wish I can join you all one of these days..

nice cake you made...The course you attend must be pretty ex...Btw, want to check with you on Aunty Yohana wedsite...not all the receipe can be found...if we ask her she wont share the recipes hor?? I notice that some of the items you made some time ago are from her but dont seems to be able to find the recipe posted on her get direct from your shifu???

Very nice watermelon tart you make...My saliva dripping already...
Green Muffin...guess our area not good for planting! kekeke my corridor also not expose to sufficient sunlight all my plants mati liao..if u got chance to come my house u only see empty pots stacking outside hahaha...
Happy to hear they love the saba fish. My cooking method is very simple, I marinate it in home-made terayaki sauce for abt 30 mins., grill using grill-pan (as in pic) until desired crispy-ness , squeeze lemon juice over it. I have not use the "thick" terayaki sauce before so have no idea.

The cubed beef needs pressure cooker, otherwise takes ages to cook.

I love my oven too much to cook anything else except cakes, so my trusty grill-pan does a great job for steaks, fish, chickens &amp; all kinds of vegetables:

I like to eat potato n didn't know can make potato egg. Will try it one day.

I got put curry leave. Last minutes want to cooK cereal prawn, lucky my downstair provision shop got sell the cereal prawn ingredient &amp; curry leave.

U really work very hard for yr dd's birthday. A good mummy!

very nice cake! But I don't have a girl so no chance to make doll cake, hehe!


It is not difficult to make a doll cake. But, very time consuming. Got to make a total of 3 sponge cakes. Cut them into the shape you want and decorate it accordingly. However, I saw the mould at Phoon Huat the other day. It makes the job easy but I think, it costs $30+.
