Christian ivf mums or mums to be

hi lena - not sure if it is common..u can call dr f and ask him or call his nurse and ask. I rem when i started suppression drug i have quote "an unusual" side effect - lightheadedness and giddiness. or u can ask ur tcm doc abt the spotting.

Hihi sisters! TGIF!

Lena, all the best, also must stay relaxed ok? When mind is relaxed then body is relaxed then stimmulation can happen at best pace and response. If you have the book 'supernatural birth', its a good read over and over again. I am going to get my hb to read also.

Tokkie, Vanilla, yup emailed Dr F. He say abit low but then again he say must refer to KKH's range cuz different lab have +/- range. According to KKH, it was good so i think i will just take it as even if good, its borderline good. But nevermind, God can make miracles.

How's all sisters?!

Ya TH, i fully understood your courage as though it was mine. We walked this path together since so many years ago! Am happy for you now everything has fallen in place. Seems like just yesterday that we were emailing each other and sharing our fears and anxiety, especially over the jabs!
hi sunny dear.. yes God creates miracles

ur turn will come.. i am very sure of it.. hold onto His faith and promise.

dear u have wat's app? then i can wats app u.. i invite u to get wats app..
Joie, waa i cant read on, blood boiling .. like that also can ah? *tsk tsk*

Thanks Vanilla, i got ur msg but i dont have smartphone yet, cant use.
thanks dear for the encouragement!
Hey ladies!

Glad to chance upon this thread!

Im in my 2ww now...had 14 follicles but only yield 4 good eggs, 2 good, 1 ok, 1 cannot make it. So in the end transferred only 2 embryos and non frozen at all

A little abt me, was married in 2007, hb had cancer and chemo and thus affected his swimmers, now, doing IVF-ICIS. In my 1st try!

God is good
So far not much problems
Hi sisters
Sorry! I have been quiet for a while due to work.

Chrisl - welcome and thank you for sharing your journey. i hope your hb is much better. Dun feel blue abt being able to transfer only 2! God is a miracle worker! i couldnt (and still cant) yield many eggs in my 3IVFs but one embryo did make it... in the end, it was MC but nonetheless a miracle to be grateful for.Are u resting at home? Watching K movies? Listening to worship songs? may ur first try bring you success! God bless u and keep u!

Lena - hang in there! my dosage was 450, so yours indeed is low but sufficient. let ur dr lead u!

Makimoo - u r new too? harro + wave, wave!

rest of sisters:
- ni hao ma???????
Blessings (lyrics by Laura Story)
We pray for blessings, we pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering

All the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things

Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops?
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near?

What if trials of this life
Are Your mercies in disguise?

We pray for wisdom, Your voice to hear
We cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt Your goodness, we doubt Your love
As if every promise from Your Word is not enough

And all the while You hear each desperate plea
As long that we'd have faith to believe

Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears?
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near?

And what if trials of this life
Are Your mercies in disguise

When friends betray us, when darkness seems to win
We know the pain reminds this heart
That this is not, this is not our home
It's not our home

Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears?
And what if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near?

What if my greatest disappointments
Or the achings of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst
This world can’t satisfy?

And what if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are Your mercies in disguise?

You tube movie for the song "Blessings"
trusting him, how are your lovely twins?
Yes, potty training can be quite tough and it's not easy when you have 2 active toddlers.
My mum and I spent quite a lot of time potty training my little gal. Time flies and now my little one can even have a decent kiddy conversation with me..

Chrisl, when I did my first ivf 3 years ago in 2008, I too only had 3 good embies to implant and nothing to freeze and Dr F told me that - "I only need 1 good one". I prayed about it and God told me that He will provide for my needs.

Trust God and what He provides is sufficient for you. Take the 2ww as a good time to reconnect with God and pray.
I did that in my 2 ww - read my bible, sing praises. listen to past sermons and always remember that our Lord wants to bless you in all areas of your life!

Of course, I also spent a lot of time watching my korean dramas, movies etc ..

Sunny, how's your work environment? Pray that the Lord will protect you from your 'enemies at work' and give you peace as you go about your daily routine at work.
hi chrisl - God bless u during ur 2ww..hey dun worry abt having frozen or not... u cld have double blessings and can officially close shop
mine are frozen which are not in the best plc on earth too in a sense cos they cld never been unfrozen

Our God is a good Lord. He is so marvellous...I think of what He does for some of us.. I am amazed by His Al-mightiness..
Hi Christl, all the best to yr 2ww.. I'm still waiting for mine... Initially slated for ER tis fri but dr says my eggs r taking a slow time so mayb next mon ba,,

Can't wait for all these to end...makes me so sleepy everyday..haha.. But Thank God for his strength all these while. Thank u to yr ladies for being here too!
Posted on Tuesday, August 23, 2011 - 2:48 pm:   
Hi bberry, thanks for the info.. Really inspired by yr perseverance .. God is good n He knows what's best for us.

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.
- James 1: 2-4
Thanks all for you warm welcome! Feel blessed to be able connect here, was feeling a little nervous about it all as it's my 1st treatment and the injections of fragmin didn't help..made my stomach bruises so much!

To share:

Matthew 19:26 “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Not feeling too gd today aft review w dr foong.. He says the eggs r a little sluggish.. Most likely there will only b abt 6-8 eggs for ER.. Heart sank.. Not sure I will b left w how many ultimately for ET n much as I've surrendered to God, the feelings of disappointm , sadness n everything continued to creep in.. Afraid n juz praying for a miracle..
hey lena, don't be sad! Chin up! I've got only 4eggs out of the 14 follicles as the rest are empty
So you're better than me
Do pray abt it!! GOD is still in control!

I don't know if i will b better after all.. Coz dr only managed to scan 8 follicles... Thus I don't even dare imagine how many I will b left w at the end...doing ER only on mon...
Welcome welcome Chrisl!
God bless your 2ww, may it be as restful as it should and as fulfilling as it can be!

Lena, 8 follies for just 150 puregon is not too bad actually. Dont worry k? Instead , pray that they are all the most beautiful you ever seen! Everytime i look at my embryos pics, i feel like my breath taken away. Life is such a miracle just as its promised by God!

Joie, beautiful song and so meaningful lyrics!! I played it over and over! Till hb say "eh, player spoil ah?" Hahahaha ... What little F chat with you about? Must be so cute to talk to kids of such age, the things that go thru their mind is just so amazing! My work is bad, everyday i am surely upset over something, sometimes constraints, sometimes unfair expectations, sometimes just plain taken for granted. Haiz .. nvm, maybe by year end, i will quit!

Bb, what work you doing? Helping your laoye? Dont overwork ah! Nowadays i everyday 3plus sure headache, tsk tsk ..
Lena, scan is always lesser de. Come ER you will be shocked! It will be many more. But of course some will be quite small but should still be able to have quite a few embryos.
hi sunny,i hope soooo.. seeing dr again tom..haiz.. anyway, will surrender to God and let Him guide bah.. no use being sad or worried over it.. was initially very sad and disappointed abt it coz hubz and I had agreed on just 1 fresh cycle.. can do many FETs, but just 1 fresh cycle.. thus the thought of only 8 follicles did mean several things:
1) quality of the eggs being retrieved? coz I'm a PCO..
2) no embbies to be transferred?
3) I would be delighted if there was even 1 good one to be transferred..but I dont dare to think about it..
4) No frozen ones => no FET and if in later yrs, I would want another addition, I would need to start a fresh one..

ANyway, I did calm down and felt better after dinner.. hubz and I had wanted to do adoption anyway, but I wanted to give IVF one last shot.. and if this was the way that it's gonna end, I will accept it.. at least I've tried.. and now what I can only do, is to be optimistic, and Trust in HIm coz man can only do so much, but He can make the impossible possible.
Hi lena - dont give up ... God will see u thru. Did dr f up ur dosage? Sometimes it is good to have lesser eggs cos too many frozen might not be a good thing. It is like having ur bbs in freezer only to b discarded at end of 10 yrs. Think it as God's grace to u - not make u burden w this action later in life.

Hi sunny-rem work is the least priority in our lives
haha tdy i was told i m sup to report to london to a guy i dun even know.. I was like do i need to come in tom to work? My desk still here?

Hi chrisl- dr f will not allow us to take any tcm during 2wks. Cordecys n ginseng are a big no no to him.

E is running a fever. Just fought w him on panadol. Sigh... Long nite....
dear sisters

I BFP on my first fresh cycle with CARE & is now blessed with a beautiful baby girl named Ariel. She arrived on 23/6 after torturing me for more than 12 hrs. I still have 16 embryos in the freezer

motherhood journey is indeed very very tough but its the most rewarding job I can ever be blessed with!
oh no!! you're not the only person saying that herbal soups are no no vanilla .. i took 2 bottles of cordyceps chicken essence and A1 packet bak kut teh..but then..what's done cannot be undone..i just have to eat normal till tuesday and test..praying hard and leaving to GOD!!! You sounded stress in your work...take care

OMgoodness!! 12 hours! your story is a reminder that one should not give up
thanks winnie!
Hi chrisl - ya dun worry everything in God's hsnds. I was telling a sister even if 1 has the worst stats- poor lining poor eggs poor sperms poor everything but if it is God's will who can go against God creating a bfp? God creates alot of surprises to us

Haha no lah work is ok... I just let my boss go settle all this nonsense.. I just sit at my desk do my stuff n surf to the thread here n there
Hi vanilla, ya, dr f did increased my dosage since mon to 200mg.. But last scan y'day didn't look too optimistic.. Will b seeing him again later..I had prayed before thevstart of this ivf, that God don't give me too many embbies, coz I didn't want to freeze them and subsequently throw them away. I prayed for God to give me enough , so that I can have many children.. Haha.. So kinda like wat u say, maybe God doesn't wan me to make the painful decision of freezing them n not using later..

Prayed tog with my cellgrp y'day n it did give me peace...
winniepooh, congrats! Enjoy the bonding moments with your baby.

Lena, actually 8 follies for just 150 puregon is already quite 'cost effective' :)

I injected 425 each day, and my hubby kept sighing when he paid the bill for the puregon.
I have gotten 10 follicles for my 1st ivf and 3 for ET. Dr F sort of 'hurried' me to transfer by Day 3 for my 1st ivf. We transferred all 3 for my 1st ivf.

Sunny, Toddler F and I have little conversations like the following:
Faith: Mummy, you having back pain?
Me: Yah, I cannot carry you and bring you walk walk.
Faith: Daddy is very strong right?
Me: Yes
Faith: Daddy can carry me and bring me for a walk. You stay at home ok...

"runs off to look for daddy"
hi Joie,

you are right.. guess it was shocking y'day cause kinda expecting more, but nevertheless, I will leave it all in His hands..

just came back fr dr f side.. tom still need to go over n do bloodtest..he's hoping to wait till mon to skip the weekend charges to do the extraction... kinda nervous about it.. still have work installed next week..arrgh... so many things to do but so little time...hehe..
Hi Lena, yes, hang in there! Your response is really not that bad.
In fact having too many eggs may not necessarily mean a good thing too. Cuz sometimes too much focus on quantity can dilute quality which we rather have over quantity right? Dr F shared this with me before and so if i were to cycle again, i am in fact going to reduce my dosage instead. So, and i think, God is in control, He is blessing your response to give just the right amount of eggs and good ones to implant and grow into healthy pregnancy!
So have faith, you will have embryos to transfer ok?! And maybe God doesnt plan to give you frozen embryos not only becuz you desired but also cuz you will succeed so no need frozen embryos?! God knows your desires! Be positive, pray and speak victory over your ovaries and your eggs!

Oh dear Vanilla, is E better now?

Hi Chrisl, not too late yet to tone down on TCM, just take everything in moderation. And yes like Vanilla said, God is delivering the BFP, what can stop Him? And definitely not alittle more TCM. So He will provide, dont worry, have good cheer and stay positive! JY!!

Joie! Little F is so smart! Hahahaha .. She is cheeky too! hehe .. very cute!

Watching the presidential election now .. waa so long still havent come to results *yawn*
thanks sunny -- his fever broke but his cough is like an old man.. couldnt sleep for past 3 nights cos he was coughing badly and had nightmares.

sigh always in a bad mood when he is ill.. has the cheek to tell him he is not a good boy, is a naughty boy when he refused to listen to me..

at 2am i woke up to feed him milk and saw that there was a recount on PE. really pity those officers.. hope they get 2 days off in lieu.
Harlow everyone,

I jus did my ER thus morning n now heading bk home.. Hmm, it was okie on a whole, juz tat coz I didn't know wat to expect (my first time Mah) so was a little fearful in the early morning. And I prayed to God to give me peace n I also prayed for his strength ru this journey.. Truly without him, I won't be able to last till now. And regardless of the outcome, I'm thankful of his protection upon me n my family. Hub n my girl woke up super early today to bring me here n I'm so thankful for them in my lives.. Sobs..

Dr f came juz now.. He says there's 7eggs n some were not as mature asnothers n knowing him, he doesn't wanna give as much bad news as possible, so will wait for the results tomorrow.. Now juz looking forward to my lunch!!! Hahaha... Shall hv a gd meal before heading home to do the inserts! Oh how do u gals do the inserts? Is it difficult?
Vanilla, hope yr boy will recover soon. Kids tend to b more cranky when sick n usually when joy is coughing, I will switch fr air con to fan after she has fallen asleep..will continue to pray for a speedy recovery!
It's a bit messy with the inserts initially but once u get the hang of it, it will be fine. I prefer to lie in bed to put the inserts.

Praying for good embies! God will provide.

Vanilla, hope E feels better soon so he can have a good time during e public holiday.

Sunny, find time to relax on Tues!
thanks lena...

dun worry abt the numbers...God is in control...have a good lunch and spend the next 2 days quality time w hb and ur ger.. before the 2weeks "home arrest"... have a good lunch...wah tdy good day to eat steamboat/kimchi hotpot

haha i just had yummy kimchi soup..simply delicious!
lena - u got to lie down for at least 15 mins on the bed after insert. when i was doing mine then i so blur i was walking, going to work.. so more than half will slip out.
bad news just days before testing hpt this wednesday, im bleeding..from pinky to bright red..+ crampings...i called the clinic and nurse said that it's probably AF..told me to stop medication and jabs and wait till over, call them again. Im very down
anyway, i decided to continue with the lucrin inserts and go ahead test hpt this wed as scheduled and see what happens (cos read online that many ladies experienced bleeding despite being preggy) praying hard now
some says 1st ivf cycle chances of bfp are not too high is it?

lena~ the inserts (i supposed you're talking about lucrin or progesterone inserts?) they are pretty easy..just relax and do it while standing or laying down..i prefer standing..a tad tricky if you're a bit dry and also 1st time inserting but else manageable and you'll do better with every other tries
oh vanilla! have to lie down 15mins?? No wonder..maybe for me it didn't get absorbed well
therefore bleeding

maybe lena~ you should listen to vanilla take it while laying down then
and wait 15 mins
hi Chrisl - hugs, yes pls do try HPT and if faint line - get progestrone jabs.

The success rate is dependent upon age. overall it has a 20% success rate but if u are below 25yrs, it is as high as 40%.

Dont think it is the inserts that causes ur bleeding so pls dun blame urself...this 15mins laying down is also advised by another sister to me.. but it was too late for me.

rem God is in control. We have to listen to Him and let Him lead...
mastered up my courage and tested *BFN*

im 32 this year and the 1st time egg retrieved were not too good quality..anyway i'll continue to trust in HIM and prepare my body for the next round..
Ladies, ask u ah.. I tried to do the inserts today n was on bed rest so tat it will go in.. Butnwhen I woke up n pee, I realize that there were some remains of the white bullet ah.. Is it common or is it bcoz I didn't insert all the way in?
lena ~thanks
think you didn't push it in enough..that was what happened to me on my 1st try..try to push it gently in more next time
Hope E get well soon! Good thing tom is PH, Vanilla you too can get good quality rest.

Lena, are you given Crinone?

Chrisl, hugs .. will you be thinking of FET next? Yes, dont lose heart, prepare your body again. Next try might just be it! With every try, you are 1 step nearer to success, not further, remember that! Pray loads, God will give you strength and hope to go on. Take care!
sunny~ no cos this is my 1st cycle with no extras good ones left for freezing so definitely have to start a new cycle
thanks for your kind words
i needed that
Hugs chrisl... Keep ur spirit n faith strong n going cos the ivf path is never a smooth one but our good Lord is w us.

Thks sunny - he has just fallen asleep after hearing me rattle off the food i want to eat.. Hsha i am hungry n was thinking of bbq chicken wings roti prata pasta durian..

Lena - must insert deeper in n not move after u r done. Try not to pee immed after so wait 30 mins?

Chrisl u might want try tcm n give urself 3 mths to bu ur body. When u have ur review ask ur doc what he thinks happ for this round... Whether he thinks it is egg or sperm issue..

Some of us here does accupture n try eat healthier -more chicken soups etc. For those w cold wombs try eat more bu stuff... I m heaty base so i cant take certain things too much...

Hugs....tom go makan all the sinful food w ur hb... take ur mind off this for a while. Who knows when u off the cycle n trying u cld bfp too
