Christian ivf mums or mums to be

hmm, any natural remedies to lower FSH??

Will eating crabs / more seafood help... haha cos I got craving for crabs this week but not sure if I should be eating these 'evil' things

Hello Lena

welcome welcome!!! Do share your concerns with us and we will root and pray for you!

I have to thsnk you though for 'reactivating' this thread! We have been whatsapp-ing each other lately:)

as vanilla mentioned, trusting him n me both tried many years for #2. my elder is 10 and my bb is 1.5 yrs. Many pp like to ask why so big gap? I think to myself, it could only b 2 answers, (1) accident (2) tried v long don't have.

I was with Kkh for my 1st cycle. 1 fresh n 3 FETs. 2nd fet preg but terminated due to ectopic (whole world crashed...).

I shifted to dr f after being recommended by vanilla. He is the 'oh xiAng' of ladies in this threAD :p

anyway don give up. U can pm me if u hv questions to ask (my memory nt v good though)
Hi Sisters!

Been ages since I posted anything although I do see you gals and whatsapps most of the time. It has actually been so long that I almost forgot my password! Been struggling on whether to start my FET early next week when period reports. Wondering whether I am ready or not emotionally after the last disappointing cycle ...

Hi Lena, welcome to the thread! Am also with Dr F. Are you starting your cycle this month too?
Hi Mricky & Miraclebaby,
thanks for yr encouragement.. ya, i contemplated for a long time if i shld try IVF for #2... and the longer i tink, the gap widens...
tink i will stick with dr f bah..since he's been my gynae for 2 yrs..and I just pray that God will provide a solution ba.. cause I think I only hv sufficient funds for 1 cycle.. so if it fails, I guess that's it too...

will be starting my cycle pretty soon...menses came late and only arrived doing my bloodtest tom.. feeling jittery and uneasy..

did anyone do TCM/accupuncture previously? Would tat improve the results? Shld I still consider that too? or juz do plain IVF?

afraid and not sure how things will turn out...
<font color="0000ff">hi miraclebb - welcome back...have faith and courage to go forward...Let God handle..He does it 100% better than us

Hi lena, there are diff school of thots on accupture. some docs dont encourage it cos they feel that the patients will be stressed going to it, some docs say "why no.can try it if u r comfortable"...

For me i did it..cos i read a newspaper report that says some Denmark studies say it helps. </font>
Hello my dear sisters!

Thanks for the meetups before I left.. its been a week since I've reached perth! God has been good to us. From the flight to the accommodation and car.. all settled in 1 week... We managed to find a place and moved in within a week... and guess what.. heeheee... its down the road from the IVF centre DrF recommended us... but we have not decided what to do as yet....

To all sisters starting to cycle soon, all the best!
Pls pray for th's d n nz's j. Both r hosp for diff reasons. Pls pray for speedy recovery. Also pls pray that th will recover as d needs her.

vanilla - thanks for the update. will pray.

tokkie - glad to 'see' u here. miss u much! u jiayou too and all de best in all your endeavours in Perth! God is with you!
Update - j is discharged tdy , ptl!
Pls continue ur prayers for d n th. Th has stay overnite w d at hosp despite her being ill as well. Pls pray both will recover soon.
Thks bb
Thanks Vanilla for helping me update.. Danielle was discharged on sat evening cos she just kept crying since admission. we have to push the stroller out of the room. it was a bad experience for her cos she cant stand her drip.. It was a night mare for us cos we did not get to use much of the room, we are along the corridor ... NZ 's boy is so adorable!! really cheered me up..

now i am praying that My boy will not get it.
Now we have two merlions at home- 1 boy 1 gal throwing out.. esp after feeding them medicine..\
it is really a handful.. i was going to work then i saw gal crying so picked her up and next moment she merlion at me n i was late for work..
boy threw up so often that we are tired of changing his bed sheet... he will cough n all his meal will all come out. brought him to the pd already..he caught the gal's bug.
TH - Pray God's healing touch on your babies.

Update on myself - I have decided to postpone my FET to Aug, after a whole week of agonising and about it plus some tears. The fact that I am agonizing so long about it tells me I am not ready. So many things have happened over past months with the spate of eczema and maid problems.

Sometimes don't know whether want to laugh or cry with maid. Just on Sunday, maid 'dried' my fish at the dish drainer before frying...her idea of innovation. It was no wonder that I had diarrhoea on 3 occassions at home. And yesterday, she used my kitchen counter cloth to wipe some lizard droppings and then she started washing plates without washing her hands! Today she broke my outdoor wall lights. Really wonder whether she can make it during my 2ww.

2 nights ago a rat ran into my living room from outside (hubby saw, not me). Also another rat incident 3/4 weeks ago. My house is now paved with rat traps, poison and rat sticky pads, but no success in finding the rats. Pest control company says that there have been many constructions around my house area and these have unearthed the rat burrows outside. Hubby says he is scared from the shock of seeing the 2 rats incidences. My area has also recently reported several dengue cases. I also got a few mosquito bites recently. The horrors of staying in a landed property!

I will use this one month to rest and be at peace. Too many stressful events in the past months and I just want to chill out this month in peace and physch myself up for the Aug FET. Only thing is my birthday is next week and the FET was supposed to be my birthday present. Telling myself I can still be fabulous at ** age! LOL

Lena, have you started your cycle?
hi miraclebaby,
i juz did my bloodtest last week.. seeing dr foong again end jul..shld b starting then..
actually been thinking about whether i shld still start coz i'm not at peace too.. but i know tat if i dont ever do it, i will regret.. nevertheless, i hope that God will guide me in my journey... hope that it's the same for you when you do yr FET in aug..
Thanks gals for your birthday wishes! Funny I have been one year old since I turned 35 (maybe even earlier)? One candle on cake...(not quite like this, hor?). Imagine one candle still when hair is all grey and skin wrinkled too...Haha

Lena, sounds like you are on long protocol. You will be end aug timing for embryo transfer...same as me assuming I go with aug. Pray God will lead us on timing and grant us peace.
My sister sent me the words of this song today. Thought I will share this, especially with you Lena:
“Today Is the Day!”
These are some of the lyrics of the song by Lincoln Brewster:
I’m casting my cares aside/I’m leaving my past behind/I’m setting my heart and mind on You, Jesus. I’m reaching my hand to Yours/Believing there’s so much more/ Knowing that all You have in store for me is good. Today is the day You have made/I will rejoice and be glad in it... And I won’t worry about tomorrow I’m trusting in what You say/Today is the day. I’m putting my fears aside/I’m leaving my doubts behind/I’m giving my hopes and dreams to You, Jesus/I’m reaching my hands to Yours/Believing there’s so much more, Knowing that all You have in store for me is good. I will stand upon Your truth/And all my days I’ll live for You.

Can go to u tube to listen to the tune.

The long protocol has about 2 weeks on down regulation which starts abt 2/3 weeks after period. Short protocol skips this part, you go straight to stimulation on D2 of cycle. Short protocol normally prescribed for older folks like me...
Hi hi Vanilla!

I am ok, as usual very hectic and stressful at work and seeing more and more of bosses' true colors to a point i am now seriously contemplating to quit since now they also blatantly put it across that 'they' changed their mind about my career advancement so no point me slogging out for them already. And who knows, maybe leaving the job is what i need for my TTC journey! I am just hesitant cuz i quit means a huge cut to our monthly income, cannot easily want to do ivf just do already. *thinking hard*

How's everyone?!

Recently i went to do AMH testing too. Dr F recommended this months back, i finally did it when doing review at KKH. My level is 2.3 ng/ml, hmm ... also dont know how bad is that. Haiz ..
It's good to hear from you! Every time I see a sunflower, I think of you! I dunno about AMH but I do know that a bad job can sap away your energy and stress u to bits. May the Lord bless u with the wisdom in the path ahead.

Sisters, I stumbled across something I wrote last year. It was about 3/4 written back then. Me no poet nor writer... Just thoughts from the heart. Thought I should share with us here who are on the TTC journey:

Sisters on the journey,
Joined together by a common pining, a yearning, a heartache and ceaseless prayers.
Familiar with jabs, the taste of tears on one’s lips and the hollowness of one’s womb,
We cry, we pray, and sometimes we pretend not to care.
We ask questions and waver between ignorance and knowing it all,
Uncertain which will serve and which will only shake us to the core.
Still we plod on because we hold on to our God,
Trusting Him to hold those who slipped through our palms
Trusting Him to be sovereign and good as we sob in His arms.
In His good time, He says yes, no or grow.
With awakened hearts and refreshed souls, His peace we will know.

I dunno if you are experiencing peace, pain or joy. As God commands us to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep, may we be as He desires here. Hugs and blessings to all.
Hi hi Blackberry!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Yes its so real to our hearts. Many times in the past months, i forced myself to totally switch off from TTC too, dont care, dont plan, dont want to know anything. I felt happier too but i also know my hb still wants to try, my parents still hope though they always say 'have or not' nevermind. So i have to plod on holding on to God for his grace and mercy. Thru Tokkie, i also learn everything is really in God's will and time. I just hope i can know more of his will for me and when its time, i know He will not be even a sec late!

Haiz, my job sucks. Now internet access is also restricted, SMH is considered forum so its banned here. See lah? As if we are so hard up for their internet access, next time i can use phone to surf also what.
hi bb - it is really a poem that touches our hearts as we know so well.

hi sunny - when is ur review with the doc? from there then u can ask more abt it? or u want to drop Dr F an email?

maybe u could look for another job which is less stressful but u still can have ur pay (cld be lesser)..for me i need to earn my money lah....

Yes God is great and He has His will and timing for all of us. He is a God with a sense of humour too
The more things revealed to me on what He does the more i know our God is a good Lord who watches over us and sometimes smile when we are exasperated and fling our hands in desperation.. His smile is " u will know when the time is right my dear.. hold on".
Hi Vanilla, no more review already. You know lah, KKH dont review every BT. Ya, maybe i can ask Dr F. He does reply emails? Thats great! I go find his namecard, thanks for suggesting!
harlow ladies,

i'm in the midst of undergoing my first IVF... have started on 150ml of puregon today.. juz wanna check if that amt is normal? coz read fr somewhere that the usual amt is about 450ml??

2ndly, anyone has PCOS and doing IVF and had extremely OHSS? Anyone has any remedies to it? ANy foods to eat or avoid?

3rdly, after egg retrieval, issit have to be on bed rest most of the time? Can't work? Muz stay at home?

welcome all information.. thanks to all!
hi lena -

amt of puregon is v dependent on individual, as mentioned if u are PCOS ur stimulation drugs will be little cos u are already at risk of oHSS and if stimulate more will be worse.

OHSS - eat lots of protein - egg whites, those protein drinks and h2O drinks.. the only thing to avoid is the HCG jabs during the 2ww... i was glad i didnt take that jab cos i think i will seriously need a tummy tap if i did.

i had OHSS - i think my doc expected.. it literally want my life. avoid soy beans. I am lactose intolerant so i asked if i shld take soya bean milk but my doc said no cos it has estrogen and it is not good.

after ER it is ok.. it is only after ET that u need to rest .. technically it shld be 2wwks of rest - not totally bed rest.. but no heavy carrying and bending... but i know some girls just take 1 week off work.

God bless
Hi lena

I think 150 puregon is on the lower end. The dosage depends on individual. I have pcos and had ohss during 2ww. Almost 'died' from the symptoms but dr foong said it's medium seriousness:p
Oh so OHSS is only experience during the 2ww?so this 2 weeks when I inject Puregon still no need to start on egg whites right? Tinking when I shld do my Protein diet.. Kinda exciting yet fearful. Did my first Puregon injection today n I drew blOod! It's bcoz of the pen or I so happen to hit my vein?

Thank you ladies for Yr answers! Really appreciate it.. Otherwise tink I won't hv the courage to even embark on this..
hi lena - not necessary - u will experience bloatedness during ur stimulation stage if u r PCOS.. as u are v prone to OHSS... i suggest u start ur egg whites...

2 of our sisters here are PCOS and they start on protein during the stimulation stage.

for me i took the HL from ET but it was a mistake... after ER i wasnt feeling i took off and went back work for 1 day and then has extended HL for 5 weeks.

Makimoo - haha.. that is Dr F for us! I was in pain, trying to seek his sympathy and get some med to make me feel better. He told me nothing will help except protein, told me i ain't bad (look 5 mths preggie instd of full term) and i need not to be on drip. so cruel of him hor! hahaha..

it is weird cos i was not told i am PCOS but i had bad OHSS. but he kinda expected it cos after ET he asked if i m bloated.. but the ever sotong me just told him.. no i am fine and when he called the next day and asked if i had appetite i was still like ya i am thinking what to eat. only day 2 then it hits me hard.

Lena - seek courage and strength from God! He is really very great. I think now what He has done and I smile and praise His Glory. He created alot of miracles, gives alot of surprises and mends alot of broken hearts and spirits. Hold Him firm and u will be fine!
Hi vanilla, thanks for the advice. Yes I'm pcOs kinda worried abt OHSs.. Read elsewhere tt some hd to b on drip n was constipated n go vomitted too.. So aft reading tt I couldn't zz for the past 2 nights even thou I told myself to leave all to God.. Trying my best to stay optimistic..

Hi miraclebb , have u started on Yr IVF? Hope everything is smooth sailing for u too ! Take care!
hi lena - dun worry too much.. take things as it comes as God will not burden more than u can bear... haha if i looked 5 mths preggie and Dr F told me still ok.. means it aint that bad...just eat alot of egg whites... like 10 a day...
ya but just the whites.. some sisters eat that amount...

for me it is like how much i can eat..or swallow...i not v good.. can only manage 4? so no effect on me...
Hi all! Greetings from Perth!!!

Its been a while since I came in here...

Sunny : Good to hear from you! Have you emailed DrF? He will reply his emails... even when he is away on holis... kekekek... I know coz he even reply my emails even though now I'm downunder..

Blackberry : Indeed.. your poems and thoughts are close to all our hearts..

Lena : Yeap just start to take your proteins gradually... but not too much... I'm also PCO and had gone thru quite IVF with OHSS.. but I think I did overdid with my proteins..... Dun worry you r in good hands.. DrF is quite careful with his dosage....

Gosh... I miss all my wonderful sisters from this thread! I missed all our lunch gatherings!!!! Really hope to see you all really really soon!!!
thank you vanilla, tokkie, and makimom for all yr advice.. really appreciative of them..

won't know how I would be if not for here..hehe... coz i dont know anyone within my circle that has done/is doing an IVF.. plus none of my friends were a PCO.. so kinda depressed when I found out.. but nevertheless, I guess GOd always has plans for us, and like what Vanilla said, He never gives us a challenge we can't handle.. so I shall keep you gals posted! Can't wait for this whole thing to end soon..haha..
lena it also took me a lot of courage to go ivf.. i took clomid for few yrs, did 2 iui, 1 so ini n i natural ivf ( no injection ) just clomid..i lapascopy n then finally ivf..

hang in there!

trusting him,
wow..tat's really a lot ah.. admire your perseverence..

btw, i did my first accunpuncture y'day.. then shortly after, i had spotting.. juz wondering if its usual? Coz I dont rem seeing spotting as one of the sympton in the ivf..considering tat i juz started stimm?
