Christian ivf mums or mums to be

hi hi Vanilla! Yup i try to pop in here whenever i can. Today so busy, luckily its knock off soon!

Did you sms me? Sorry, my SIM card spoilt just after i got my new phone *bang wall!!* so i am living on a prepaid card for now. Will only get back my SIM card this coming monday. Can PM me if urgent?

By the way, just to update, i saw Dr F again yesterday, waaa, his memory very good leh. He remembers the 'homework' he gave me to go get certain statistics from KKH! Wow, dont play play.

I also went to do a Saline Infusion Sonography. Turned out i might have a small polyp. Still waiting for reports to confirm.

hiya Sunny - that explains! Yve and I sms-ed u recently, and was wondering why there was no reply. today I asked Vanilla whether u have changed your number! Yve wanted to tell u about GonalF from Dr F. I was on 450iu Puregon with Dr F last year. Never been on GonalF. 525 seems like a lot!
Hi BB! Oh shucks! I missed all yours and Yve's SMSes!!
Sigh ... all my stupid phone's fault! It decided to go dead on me last wed then spoilt my SIM card in the process end up i got new phone over the weekend still cannot use phone and line. Oh dear! I hope when i get my replacement SIM card this coming mon, can catch up on my SMSes! Thanks for trying to help with my enquiries!!

Thanks Yve for trying to help with my enquiries too!!

Dr F also told me 525iu is very high. He say he will give 450iu and thats already about 600iu puregon equivalent! I think i will settle for 450iu cuz high dose doesnt necessary means good. Though can help with quantity but will compromise quality. Maybe that explains all my ivf failures, stimulate too hard end up embryos all poorer quality. Hmmm ...

Hb likes Dr F hahaha. He say "this doctor good, talk alot" Hahahahaha. But Dr F tells us think carefully about ivf costs as for me will run near $15k. He even suggested may be more worthwhile doing at KKH since we know quite well whats next.

I saw Prof Ng too. Found him funny, abit like santa claus, abit like those mad scientist with his white cloudy hair and round specs, haha .. oops, haha
Sunny - hope your phone will be well soon.

Think Dr F's advice is good - take time to consider and decide. May the Lord bless u with the wisdom. Be of good courage and good cheer! Jiayou ah!
<font color="119911">hi sunny - no worries, how ur phone and SIM card cooperates and get well soon

Ya prof ng like a santa claus.. when i see him, i feel encouragement cos he and his wife went thru so many rounds of IVF to get twin boys.

haha... Dr f has another male supporter now
In addition to bb's hb, sunny's hb can also join in the fan club

Sunny - wat is Saline Infusion Sonography? u doing it w dr F?

God will calm ur heart and mind so u can make a decision. </font>
Hi hi Bb! Yup, cant rush this time as i also have to factor in a polyp removal if its really there. So +/- also will be about 2-3 months then can ivf. So i get to think. Maybe God wants me to slow down too.

Hi Vanilla, oh is vaginascan with saline infusion. As they scan, they pump in saline as well to inflate the womb to see if any unusual things inside. Normal ultrasound cant pick up these things as the womb would be deflated. I did with KKH, it was arranged during my initial review with Dr L.
Dont know leh, have to review the results at KKH next week then see when Dr L can do for me. I am hoping can be done within Mar's AF so i can take Apr and May to recover then cycle in Jun/Jul. Thanks for prayer.

Any sisters here cycling soon? With Dr F, he told me he will be travelling in Mar/Apr and thus not doing cycles then.
Good morning sisters, sorry have not contributed to th's forum of late. No worries I am still following everyone's development.

Iloveshoes, hw's everything?

Sunny I pray that God shall prepare the path for u, timing wise n decision also.

Vanilla, sorry have not been joining the lunches. Lunch hour is kinda constrained so going to far away land is not quite possible.

Bb srf here. Hope to see you soon:)

To the rest of sisters, wave wave...
<font color="aa00aa">Morning all,

Just to share that I had very bad bloat (verge of hyperstimulation) 2 days ago, prayed for it to subside and now no more symptoms! Miraculously overnight (was still really bad at 1-2am Mon night) and tues am at 8am, felt all fine and dandy - which IS also worrying, cos CARE wants me to have some bloat.

SO. I feel kind of wierd asking God to bloat a little please? And just can't help laughing a little. Funny or not?

Also a bit concerned but trying to shut out all doubts and fears. </font>
<font color="119911">hi shoes - God will protect u and give u mercy. these 2 weeks will be really a test of faith, in times of worries, but just be reminded that u are not alone in this journey.

talking abt bloat, not bloat, sore boobs not sore boobs...just rem all is different. I still rem NZ our dear sister who did her cycle after me by 1.5mths, have no symptoms and she has twins! </font>
<font color="ff6000">shoes: How's it going? How's the bloating? Got a bit? Hee hee. How many more days to end of 2ww? Hope it cumulates in a BFP. Praying for you. I think I will be the next to be cycling.

Has any sister here gone through a second cycle after one success? Or anyone with young kids while going through a cycle? This time round, my second cycle, seems so much more difficult since I've a 15-month-old to take care of. I actually forgot to inject lucrin one morning! Luckily it was a Sat and we could rush home for me to inject, but it was almost 5 hours past my usual timing liao. Sigh. Also so tiring rushing for dr appointments, acupuncture etc while trying not to neglect my darling. Trying very hard not to be stressed.

I've started suppression stage but first E2 test at 7 days shows my levels are still very high. 450 when it should be closer to 200. Really praying it won't be like the last time when I had a cyst develop and had to get it aspirated.</font>

<font color="ff6000">sunny: any updates on your end?</font>
Mricky!!! - srf, miss u! saw bbA on FB. So cute!

Shoes - all the best! God's thoughts and ways are above ours. Press on!

I read Andy Ho's article in ST last Thur on pologamy as a means to solve our low fertility issue. Quite tickled more than anything else. The counter arguments on Sat were articulate and good.
<font color="aa00aa">Hello good. Waiting for beta this Friday and meditating on His words
I read a book today with this sentence that moved me "Satan, represented by the crafty serpent, continues the same assault today: planting seeds of doubt regarding God’s Word and His character in the minds of anyone who will listen. " So in His name, I'm rebuking any negative thoughts and fears....

Thanks for your continual prayers and support</font>
Shoes- glad u r still pressing. Will pray for u

under his wings- u can ask trusting him cos she's got an active boy during her 2ww n preg. Jia u!!!

Bb miz u too!!
hi Shoes, thats right! Cast away all your doubts and fears! Wait in good faith! I know how its like to be reading and looking out for symptoms but really no symptoms doesnt mean anything. In fact on my BT day i was so sure i will fail but God gave the sweet surprise at the end. He will for you too!

Under His Wings, your gal sleeps with you? How about setting a different alarm clock for your jabs? Then have your hb carry her when you go jab 1 corner?

Oh Bb, i missed the article. But i read somewhere that now govt allows up to 10 times IVF for woman under 40? Actually why should they even set the number of tries? So frustrating with the conservative system here.

Sisters in 2ww, going to cycle soon, you are in my thoughts. Take good care!

Under His Wings, i am waiting for review tomorrow with Dr L. If confirm got polyp then i will opt to have the removal done. Hopefully can be in this month. Then will think about next cycle and where to do etc ... when are you starting stimulation? Take care also ok? At this stage our bodies very vulnerable must try best effort not to fall sick, stay hydrated and eat well, rest well.
<font color="119911">hello sisters...

hi shoes... when is ur beta? God bless and be strong cos your strength comes from Him.

hi bb - i only read the header and i went - "oh andy u are going to get alot of hate mail

hi underhiswings - do u have help like ur mum? i think help is v impt for no2. Hb's help too...

hi sunny dear - God protect ur review w Dr L.. hopefully u dont have polys. re the limitations by MOH - i asked Dr F's nurse and apparently one can write in to appeal.

E went for his heart echo on Sat ... he did well, doc is pleased so next review is 1 yr later. we still need to watch the artery but doc thinks 1 yr later review is ok... then E caught a bug and had fever since Sun..sian!

His heart doc asked me if i want a didi or mei mei for E. He said that is the best present for E. i asked him the chances of no 2 having E's probs..he said.. in a normal case, 8 in 10,000 babies are born w heart conditions - so that is 0.08%. But cos E has one, the siblings' chances are increased to 5% which is alot.

i asked abt the chromosome test me n hb shld take. he said no point cos E's chromosome is ok, but it is specific genes of chromosomes that are missing. Chromosome is like chapters, for E, his chapter 22 cld have a missing paragraph. or he cld have missing sentences in a paragraph.

actually he had asked us to test E for a Catch 22 syndrome already since E is born. but my PD said he does not suspect E has it. So when i told the cardiologist, he said ya E does not look like the full blown case, but he still cld have slight deficiencies of catch 22 - in his words - missing sentences, not few paragraphs... so only testing E's blood we cld have a better pic.

Sigh - i dont mind me drawing my blood to test... but poor E? He is supposed to do another bld test in June for his kidneys and i will ask his kdiney docs how much more bld they need to test catch 22... </font>
oh dear Vanilla, is E fever lower, better now? And PTL of the good heart echo result!!! Isnt that great!

I know your dilemma regarding having a no.2 but i believe God will not give you more than you can bear. Maybe pray about the bloodtest needed from E and do it only when you are at peace. Personally, i feel good to test also, at least have an 'All Clear' closure.

I am also battling a cold as we speak. On/Off fever since sun. Take things really slow today. This morning was so nice to sleep in. True enough many MCs reported at my workplace today.
<font color="119911">thanks sunny - ya keep calling home cos tdy he is w my mum... came down but still hovering 38 degrees...yesterday went to 40.2 and last night 39.9.. wah i was sponging him until 1am.. i cannot tahan.. when his fever went down to 39 i threw in the towel and slept.. until 330 to measure again. Poor chap, his fever so high that he shivered under his covers..

u take care...there is a v strong bug. I got sore throat and E fought for 1 week until Sun he got it. that caused his high fever. now my nose is blocked...this one is gotten from him...try drink more barley water. I drank 2 pots a day E is overdosed on barley too...

i am still thinking abt the blood test.. think i asked first how much more tubes they need.. if 2 tubes then i forget it...

yes PTL for his heart.. he was so cooperative too.. Doc was so pleased w him, kept saying he is a good boy.

Thanks shoes.. i am not courageous, this is just God's will on me to be a mum to E..will pray for ur beta test this friday... i have positive vibes on this....</font>
Oh dear that sounds bad, his fever! Will pray for healing over him. You take care too, how about taking a day off to fully rest and recover? I was denied of this when i asked boss this morning, now struggling to stay alert and sane, very torturing. My nose also blocked, it was so bad i started wheezing in my sleep and hb thought got ghost between us (he believe in ghost cuz he saw before during teenage years, also on his bed), he dare not open his eyes. lol!
<font color="119911">oh no..u got use nasal spray.. for me it helps.. but cos now is infection doc gave me decongestion...real yucky...

thanks for ur prayers... i cant take rest tdy cos i am only one left on desk.. my other colleague is on leave so i need be around...

try going home on time today? drink hot lemon + is good and helps clear nose abit</font>
<font color="ff6000">too busy at work to type much but just wanted to say, HANG IN THERE, VANILLA! You're doing an awesome job!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Vanilla, you should also try to take more fluids cos you must be spent nursing the little boy.

Thanks for the positive thoughts
<font color="119911">hi under his wings - thanks!

shoes -thanks i am drinking more kopi than ever cos on little sleep....

E's fever didnt break, called doc and now he say by thur morn.. initially he said 48 hrs on Mon...

E lost his voice and when fever reaches 38.5 degrees he will be v leng bek.. no fever he will be it is a comfort...

developed a cough now.. and puke all over bed this morn (my fault lah.. gave him milk...).. he puked and when i made him sit up he immediately said "sorry mama"...aiyo heart wrenching..

but i know with God's healing and grace E will get well soon... this sickness will pass v soon and E will be cheeky monkey again</font>
vanilla - sorry to hear that abt E. Pls give him a hug for me and tell him that auntie bb praying for him. u take care too! dont overtire yourself! u sweet E needs u!
been a long time since I've posted here... hi Vanilla, hope you remember me, and hello everyone else!

Vanilla... I don't have the time to read back through all the posts but am praying for you and E. If you need anyone to talk just send me a PM!

and.... I just might be joining you guys on the IUI/IVF journey!
<font color="119911">hi blackberry - thanks soo on kopi #2. shld be ok... went robinson bot another mattress protector on standby
oh yes havent measured yet.. last night poor chap slept before i come out of my bath so cant measure... will try do it tonite.

hi patsy - of course i rem u dear sister! hee hee i m ur fb fren.. can see u travel here and there... thanks sister! when u starting the iui/ivf? will pray for u dear sister... u are such a faithful and strong sister... </font>
Oh dear, i pray and hope E get well soon! Vanilla u take care, hard on you too.

Patsy *wave wave!!!* You have been on my mind all these while. How have you been?
dear all, im new to this thread but i felt v encouraged just reading your posts. i felt v thankful for the 2 boys that concieved through ivf at kkh dr sadhana. the second one will be out by 1 june.
hi ann01 - welcome! so happy for you for your 2 boys! i was with dr sadhana too for 2 fresh and 1 frozen. it didnt work out and i moved to pte with dr f after that. am not cycling now though. may you n your little one rest well, eat well n rest in His perfect plan!
hi blackberry, yes i conceived pretty easily with ivf, after trying natural, tcm, temperature for 2.5 years. first one was fresh, and i conceived the first time, second was natural-frozen, and i conceived the first time too, sometimes i feel a bit of guilt whether i should have persevere more on all natural methods, rather than turning to artificial methods and i conceived so easily. Dr sadhana din recommend iui or so-iui as the guy's problem din allow. not sure if you understand my dilemma.

After reading the posts, i am just very thankful that I have been blessed with the 2 boys regardless as it is truly God's gifts to me.
Very very sad over the Japan earthquake and tsunami! =( Hope the death and injury toll dont go up further! Hope the people of Japan draw strength and courage to recover and go on strong! Praying for them!

Japan is like 2nd home to me, so close and dear to my heart! Some japanese people i know whose hometown are in Sendai have yet to hear from their loved ones as telco services have been disrupted. Its so heart wrenching to hear their helplessness and despair.

God, please have mercy!
My friend who is a missionary from OMF wrote this to keep her and Japan in prayers... let us pray that Japan will be opened to the Jesus after what has hapenned..

NZ we might not go Japan soon... sigh..i know u wanted to bring the bb there one hb say if we go to us end of the yr we will not transit via japan... sigh all i ever step into japan is the airport that i transitted in 2007.

Dear everyone,

Thank you for all your smses, calls, prayers and concern. You must have been worried. Sending emails was hampered apart from a quick post on facebook that I'm fine.
I'm alright and unhurt by the earthquake. Some things fell, crockery and books, but they are just things. I wasn't able to use my computer in this room, and is constantly on the alert due to the frequent tremors.

When the earthquake happened on Friday, I was at home seated in front of the computer in this room. I was about to send you my newsletter and write up entitled "Resistance". (I will send that next time).
But some laundry needed to be hung, so I opened the sliding windows. Just then, the partition doors in this room vibrated non-stop. I thought to myself, "Wow, the wind today is super strong."

Soon, I realized it was not the wind. I had to grab onto the veranda as the house shook for quite a while. When I could steady myself, I quickly turned on the TV, and saw the map of Japan, with different color codes of a big tsunami warnings in many areas, including Tokyo. Every channel reported the imminence of a BIG tsunami. Even the newscasters were in their helmets and emergency suits. Announcements to evacuate, news flash of the magnitude of the next tremor, came repeatedly. Soon after, the first horrifying video of the tsunami waves, the second, the third...then the night fires in Miyagi, followed by the panic around Tokyo as trains ceased operations. Many walked home in the cold for hours.

I left the TV on the entire night for the next alert and slept little, found myself hiding under the table when the next strong shake came or when the TV sounded another alert. I rearranged the furniture and packed my emergency bag.
Then came news about the status of nuclear power stations. Such news continue.

Yesterday morning was possibly the saddest worship service at church. Many were crying as we prayed for God's mercy on this land, for the Tohoku area. Unanswered questions, speculations, anxiety over the nuclear stations, the weather or the next big aftershock to come, can be seen on the faces.

"LORD, the people you love so much are hurting." "Lord, help!. Lord, please stop the waves from coming."
"LORD, what is your will?"

Words were few. Desperate prayers. No long lists except for His mercies.

Prayer Requests
Do continue to pray for the people of this land, undoubtedly every person is affected to different degrees, by the loss of family members, property, sense of security. Today, power supply in many areas, including Tokyo, is rationed.
Uphold the workers at the nuclear power stations in Fukushima. A few lives have already been sacrificed.
That God will be merciful to save those stranded, trapped and still unnoticed by rescue workers. I'm praying that GOD will manifest His presence and reach them personally.
Hundreds of thousands at the Evacuation Centres - as water, blankets, stoves, medicine, food are lacking.

That God is still in control. And we can trust His character, His will, His sovereignty.
For saving the thousands and enabling them to evacuate to the centres/higher grounds, though undoubtedly hundreds did not make it.
On a personal note, I want to thank God for the love shown by the Japanese towards me even in the midst of their sadness. Several were worried about my safety after the earthquake happened, thinking that I must have been really scared since Singapore doesn't experience much earthquakes. (There is an aftershock now. . . thank God for His protection over the many smaller quakes since Friday night). Two of my shopkeeper-friends in Sapporo called yesterday and were so relieved to hear I was alright.
Thank God that all our OMF colleagues are safe. God protected our colleagues and their houses in Sendai and Aomori (areas within Tohoku)
That God is good, we cannot forget that. He is loving and just.

To all the Singaporeans, I want to convey a message to you from a Japanese man I spoke to at church today. He said,
"Thank you so much to your country for sending your people to help us during this difficult time."

Do pray for wisdom to deal with the volatile situation and safety if God wills. As of today, my area is not affected by the temporary stoppage of electricity and gas supply but that may change as the days go along.
hi vanilla and sunny!

am well, really busy with work (as you can see on FB!!) haven't had a week where I didn't get a chop in my passport since mid July 2010!

don't know when I'm starting yet, need to get healthy and stop smoking again (got really addicted to it after the 2 angels!!)

Sabie's angel day is actually coming soon... have targeted that day to stop. Am praying God will give me the strength.

Let's catch up in person soon?
<font color="119911"> hi patsy dear - my heart and prayers will be with Sabie on her angel day... actually everytime i think of her and her bro and u... tears welled up in my heart.....U r a faithful and strong woman of Christ...

God will give u strength and courage to face whatever u are embarking to do - IVF,stop smoking...

yes i think ur passport is really filled w chops so the airport officials must chop properly or not u have to make new passport
...i would love to meet u in person for kopi or lunch... let me know when dear...</font>
<font color="0000ff">hi sisters - sorry for the non-post... alot of stuff happen.. with Japan and now the nuclear risk... i am updating my investments non stop to head fight, screamed at bankers, go internet, news look at latest news..memorising the Japan map too.. sigh!

and then E fell sick... and now better recovering.. no more fever, finish neb but still loads of phelgm and coughing like an old man and sneezing alot... think he passed his virus to me (his is a dif strain).. now i am coughing and prospan really makes me tired..

in the midst of taking care of E, myself, work commitments i get unnecessary comments... yet again yesterday. Life is sometimes really sh*tty...but then i see Japan and what she is facing my sh*tty life is less painful. Must have the Japanese attitude - face everything w a straight face, stoic and overseas boss say he is shocked to see how Japanese faced the crisis - so much strength.. no one is crying.. i told him - dun worry abt Japan they will bounce back fast... give them 6 mths and Sendai will be rebuilt.

Japan - i have to cancel my May trip to Sakura land.. now thinking of changing destination...</font>
<font color="ff6000">will pray for Japan.. really wanted to do more for them.... yesterday my heart stopped for a mom as the news showed rescue workers in Sendai and under the rubble a small foot stuck out.. my heart really bled for the loss of a child and many more children. </font>
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">hey Vanilla.... yeah, my passport normally lasts for 1.5 years only, just had to renew it last Sept and it's filling up soon again!

let's plan for something say sometime mid April? I have Jakarta/Saigon/Manila before that!! </font></font>
