Choa chu kang mummy club

Forget to bring the disc out today...will get back to you soon. Paiseh

Looks like nowadays i must report myself here to show i'm still around hor?
yah loh, so siok. me also drag myself to work

meow: ok

CL, sorry last nite reach home late so nvr go over ur plc
i sms u again

ic ic... good good... cos i read in another thread someone paid 400+... while polyclinic charge 200+... in that case i can bring my bb to Dr Ng for the jab.... :p
yen, i wan to hide inside blanket and sleep lor... u notti lei...=p

meow, thks for helping me to get the photos frame! i did them up last nite...
Meow, the childcare i enquire is full.
So I'm on their waiting list.
Will prob start next year unless got vacancy lor.

I haven buy any frames yet. Also duno where to hang.
I just put inside the album first.
Hi Mayday
I am staying at CCK Crescent - Yew Tee N6. Thanks for info. When got time, will check out the clinics. I am more worried about wat to do should my boy fall sick or feel uncomfty. Guess tis is the anxiety for first time mummy.

Hi Meow
i too brought my boy to the clinic (next to DBS) when he was only 3 weeks old - he was whizzing n seems to have phglem stucked in this throat. At tat time, all the doc could do was check him (to ensure no water in the lungs) n tats it! They did not prescribe any medication. So, i am looking for a PD for bb

Hi Mashmallow
So how is the experience of taking care of bb all by yrself? Initially, i too tot i could handle after one month but to date (about 4 mths) i still needed help. MIL is helping - got good n bad - guess will need to close both eyes at times. I hope to eventually be able to look after on my own. But it aint easy at all. 1st month was a very trying period. 2nd month was fairly routine but now, bb seems to have more demands n his pattern/behaviours changes... it is never-ending ...

Hi Zu
Any advise as to how i can look after bb on my own? He is about 4 months but i dont feel confident in looking after him by myself. Bb seems to cry more as the months passes by ... First 2 months, we can pre-empt his needs n thus, cry was minimal. But now, he seems to cry more often - his needs seems to have changed n whatever i have done previously does not seem to work any longer ... hmmmmm
i too hope to find playmates for Alexander. Do u know is there any children similiar age to Alexander?

Hi Serene
Currently, i am reading n showing bb flash cards too. Its jus for exposure. He does get bored after 15 mins or so.
Do u think it is advisable to bring bb for swimming?
Read this in other posts n jus wanna share

"... guardian at centrepoint on 25th May as there will be 20% storewide sale from 8pm onwards...."
poo_power: yes i bring axler to farms & swimming
he start swimming since 6mths old.
1 2 bring him to the zoo leh

anyone got free tickets to zoo????

wah liao tell ur'all something
i almost lost my SON AXLER at the yew tee basar malam last nite.
almost cry out leh. luckily his daddy found him at the stall selling VCD. he was standing there watching barney loh.
if really cant find him last nite, i really dunno wat to do man!
now me still havent get over it

Glad you found Axler leh. Go crowded place realli have to be careful.

Dun forget to sms me you account details need to pay you money
Wau lau ... this is also one thing I always worried when go to crowded place ... even thinking getiing a strip to strip him down man!!!
Yeah least one parent must look after them or hold hands. Dun let him wander off alone in these places again leh.

Why i dun want go kidslink at times is also they can really tell me what's wrong with my gal when she has fever. All the doc can do is check if she has lung infection, ear infection, or throat infection. Then finally conclude she got viral infection....
Everytime the answer like the same and i'm paying a higher price leh as compare to GP.
Forgetful me jus call your office...haha. How's everything? Over liao? How's En's selection? Pass? On msn bo?
Helo helo....

Long time didn't chat liao...

BTW Welcome mummies who just joined us!

Nuttnuts, what over? must go selection somemore.
Yesterday BJG called me to tell me about the wkday class but hor do u think it's abit X ah?

Serene, wah liao..heng man..managed to find him back. so dangerous leh..usually if go crowded places, will carry Raine liao..won't really let her zoom ard. Scare such thing happen.

Mayday, just opp yew tee mrt. u wanna go ah? let me know when u going then can meet u there hehe.
funkymom, saw u last wed nite. u holding ur hubby white shirt. yah loh, axler lah, insist to come down walk walk. then i follow up. until i dunno y i juz leave my eye away juz a few mins, his gone loh. wah liao, really 1 2 cry out when we cant find him within that area. but luckily walk ard the plc & found him loh. nxt time dun dare liao.
Poo_power, can understand how u feel. Cos last tym when i was still working, i also v dependent on my parents. Esp when he was 2mths. Always cry at nite cos of his colic. But when i quit my job, i told myself i must learnt to take care of him. If every tg also depend on them, when can i learn. Dats how i started to care for him. So far so good.
Good Luck! Baby needs changes as he grow up. Dun worry. Try to play and interact with him often. Talking to him also helps. Altho he dun responds. haha.. Dun be shy ard yr child. I guess he's just trying to know his mummy better. Or should i say, 'testing' his mummy! haha.. I'm not good at words so hope these info helps. Cos dats wat i do last tym.

Serene, dun worry abt the incident. Take it as a lesson learnt. Boys are always active so whenever i bg Adam out alone, I oways make sure i hold his hands. Sometyms when he wana break free, i pull his hand until ppl see me think im cruel.

Oh yah, i tried using a leash onhim. only ONCE! But i dread the stare i get so have since sold that away. I tink that leash lagi cruel lah.

Nuttsnutts, I'm sending him to this childcare at CCK Ave 2 here. Its called Little Dolphin Skoolhouse. Y? Cos i've searched many places this is the only one so far that offers both Chinese and Malay. I wan him to be exposed to the 2 languages. Then see which one he more comfy to take when in P1. hehe.. Tink so far hor!
Hi Serene
Luckily u found yr boy ... can imagine the anxiety u r feeling!
also must remind him when he is lost - stay at the same place n do not wander around, if not, everybody end up in circle looking for each other. Most impt is not to talk or follow strangers.

Hi Meow
Yeah - i too agree tat we should not pay more when the doc cant even explain or state the reason for the illness. Will check out Edinburg

Hi Zu
Thanks for advise. As much as i would like to learn to take care of bb - its not tat easy cause MIL is also helping. For eg. each time bb cry n i try to pacify - she will 'take' bb away from me n comfort him instead ... but overall, i am glad i have her to help out.
Hey, my husband was also thinking of exposing Alexander to CL n Malay. Can we send bb there from 18mths? Or must it be 3 yrs n above?

Take care everyone - its going to be a cool nite... time to take covers under the blanket
zu, yah loh. nxt time i must hold his hans tight tight liao. really learn my lesson. if he dun let me hold his hands, then my eye also cannot leave him for a sec man.

poo_power: did told him tat day but he still too young to understand leh. his only 20+mths old
very tiring..esp nitefeed..i still struggling to cope..when i buay tahan, i SOS call to my mum n ask her come over to help..
poo_power, no prob.. We all learn fromone another in this forum. Dats the disadvantage abt having ppl ard to care for baby also. When i just gave birth, my ILs were v excited, cos Adam being the first grandson. So every week, they 'camped' at my place. The moment Adam cry, they just 'snatch' him away. Until i told hb off. Altho i appreciate but i guess i need my own time to bond w my son. If they kip 'snatching' boy, when will i ever learn to take care of my son, rite?

The childcare center takes in from 18mths onwards. u may wana try calling them at this number to ask more: 67656347. Just curious, why yr hb wana exposed him to both CL and Malay?
let me know when you wanna go zoo lah. i see if can get a card.

gosh.... luckily you found him. my friend's friend lost her gal at HK disneyland, till now still can't find. so scary right? but kids like to walk by their own when they have master their walking skills.... what my auntie did was she would stay a distance from the kid, and let the kid thought that he lost the parents and let him cry and kan cheong, then go approach him. she tried 2 times. there onwards, the boy always hold her hand tight when go out shopping. i dare not try that method.... she tried in m'sia leh! so daring hor?
Haha...long time didnt come here to chat liao.

Hello to all new mummies who join in this club.

aiyoo ur story v scary leh....hope they can find that little gal soon.
Meow: gong xi gong xi. welcome daryl

sunny, we go one of the wkend leh. somewhere in jun?
wah liao then how huh? she must be veri sad loh.
then come back spore w/o the child
grandparent all must be veri angry rite?
My bb 7mth+ old liao...thinking of bring him to swimming but not sure how to prepare him for the swim...can share ur experience?

Yesterday i bath him with room temp water. He will quite scare cos every time i bath him in a warm water.
meow: gong xi!

i heard liao also very scared. it's the grandma who lost the kid. (it's a 2 yo boy, not gal *correction*) 'cos she was chit chatting with friends at that time. they closed the playland, still can't find loh. so sad....
sunny,wah liao then the parents must be veri angry with the granny loh
Poor things. So sad!

Yoyo, my boy last yime also scare when he touch the water coz cold lah
So let him sit at the side with his leg in the water 1st
Once his ready, carry him down
Hi Yoyo
Maybe u can bring bb for swimming in the evening about five plus when the water will be warm

Alternatively, u can buy for bb 'wet-suit'. You can buy them either from Kiddy Palace or Metro.
