Choa chu kang mummy club

Hi Jo,

Normally it takes less than 45 mins, but sometimes longer. The other day Damien told me the uncle stopped at Limbang to buy something, other time he said uncle stopped at CCK stadium. Dunno how true his words are but feel a bit funny if the driver does use the transport time to do his own business.

Hi Snowball,

That is definitely a good deal. IMO, your DD1 is big enough to handle that journey

Hi Jo,

About the worksheet, I have not had the time to go and see what kind of worksheets they are. Hope they are like what Snowball said, coloring and drawing.

Damien has not even held his pen properly and does not really know how to color well. But as I said, this is the least of my worry. I do not recall myself writing or drawing that early. Still my handwriting is very good lol.
Hi Ashley,

If we transfer DD1, we are also considering to transfer DD2 to One-North.

Worksheets - My DDs bring back their worksheets/ workbooks/ handicrafts every term. So we roughly know what they do in CC. I guess Amazing Star will do the same.

Aiyo, the uncle can run arrands during working hour??? I don't like it leh... leaving kids and aunty in the school bus... not when the journey is 45mins!
Hi Jo,

Guess I cannot do anything about it as long as he brings Damien home within the time frame...

Btw, how is your DS1 doing in school? Is the school worth your effort of moving? I can't remember which AC school that is, Primary or Junior somthing?
ya... can't do anything... this morning, the admin officer told me there are a few children also lives in CCK... i guess they just pick children up from CCK and straight to Jurong...

ashley, the main reason is the school is affliated to secondary school... meaning no need to be so super stress up in P.6 heehee... Junior

btw, are u sending damien to any music class or sport?
Hi Jo,

Damien used to go to Kindermusik, Siempi, and Act3.
He did not enjoy Kindermusik because he was too young that time. Siempi and Act3 he enjoyed it but it's too far so we have stopped. We have tried Skygym but my hb commented that it's more for girls lolz.

Anyway, he is turning 3 soon so he needs to attend drop-off class, which I'm not sure he is ready. All the classes mentioned above are parent and child.

We let him try Taekwondo too, but he cried so much. Imagine the class is only 45mins to 1hr, if he cries half the time, I don't know whether it's worth thw effort. Anyway we are thinking of trying the Taekwondo again.
Actually my purpose of sending him to weekend class is to make him more confident. He is always very shy at first. In addition, he is a very gentle boy. If anybody beats him, he let them do it without fighting back, even the other party is just a baby. He is not scared of them. He is scared of beating them back. Should I teach him to fight back?

Haiz. When he is going to playground or bumper cars in malls, if somebody wants to snatch his place, or get into the car when he is already in, he just looks at me and says: He/she is so funny, why is he/she trying to get in when I am here? And then he will climb down and give place to that funny boy/girl.

Should I tell him that is his place and he can play first? Don't need to give to others?
Hi Ashley

I wan WZ to learn swimming but he still cannot express himself.

Oh, i will tell my children to report to the teachers if beaten by others (this happened to my elder son).
Hi Jo,

I want Damien to learn swimming too but need to find a trainer accepting 3 years old.
Also, wonder whether it is still early for him. I am not hurry with swimming though both my hb and I can swim rather alright.

I heard of aquaducks but it's far for me. I intend to find instructor in CCK or Bukit Batok pool. Does your DS1 go for swimming lesson?

Oh btw, I heard De La Salle is affliated to SJI too. Is it good?
Hi Ashley

DLS is good but we got to ballot under phase 2c (we don wan to take any risk).

My elder son used to learn swimming from a coach at CCK sport complex but he teach only on Saturday (not sure about now). we might go back to him after we return to yew tee... i tot it will be good to send both my sons to him but i think wz is still too young for group swimming because he still can't express himself. anyway i am also not sure the coach has any available slot....
Hi Ashley,

I intend to let my DD1 and DD2 learn swimming together next year when my DD1 is ard 4yo.

Anyway, there is also FOC swimming class when the kids to Pri School. My nieces and nephews learnt their swimming while in Pri Sch at ard P3/ P4. Hence, I am not too worried too about learning swimming.

Music class - My DD1 joined Yamaha Music wonderland at 3.5yo and now she is in their YJC for 4yo and above. So far, she has been enjoying her classes.

I always tell my kids to report to their teachers when they got bitten/ beaten by classmates istead of picking a fight with the other child/ children.

Both my DDs know how to feedback to their teachers immediately when that happens.
Hi Snowball,

For my son, the beating is in the school bus, not in class. He did tell us and the bus auntie but the girl did not listen. When I called the auntie, she told me she would not let my son sitting next to the girl anymore.

In class, my son will report to teacher when he sees that somebody is naughty too lol.

It's true that swimming is free in Primary. Just heard from my colleague the other day. It is under swim safe program. They even provide free transport!

Hi Jo,

So maybe we will settle for De La Salle.
Have not told you we are expecting a second boy this August
This again is a miracle child, coming when we least expected. I am well above cloud 9 hehe.

About private swimming lesson, I guess normally they will go to your condo or something. Much more ex I think. Any reason why you want to start WZ early?
Ashley, congrats!!!!!! feel so happy for u :D

oh so you will have two boys like me :)

i wan wz to start early, hopefully he can motivate his elder brother to swim cos my DS1 is very timid and always whine and cry during lesson :-(
Jo, thank u thank u!

Maybe you can try bringing DS1 to beach or swimming pool just for him to play with water first, dont ask him to learn swimming now. And try again few months later.

Btw, the swimming pool at CCK is so crowded during weekend. Last Saturday, I swam 2 laps and decided I'd better come up or else might get kicked by some kids.
Really hard to swim during weekend cos there will be one coach with their own troop of kids at every corner and side of the pool. I do not think it's a good environment for 3 year old.
Hi Ashley,

Congrats to you!

I intend to let my 2 DDs learn swimming together. I have checked with the swimming instructor who teach swimming at my place. He recommends that the child starts at 4yo. I'll have to wait till next year for both my DDs to learn together.

I have also thought of DLS for my DDs but will definitely have to ballot under Phase 2C. So, likely settle for Yew Tee Pri or Unity Pri.
Hi Snowball,

I heard Yew Tee Pri is ok. I like DLS because it's not very academic driven like South View. And of course because it is a Catholic school.

Btw want to ask whether you can advise on this. We are Catholics, is it true that we are automatically in Phase 2B with the baptism cert or do we need to produce any church clan paper?

Thank you.
Hi Ashley,

You will have to check with the school on the kind of documentations you need to produce to be in Phase 2B.

Yes, South View is very competitive. CCK Pri is not bad but a bit far from Yew Tee area.

Actually, if we decide to shift back to the East, then problem solved. I can put my kids in my former school. Then Pri thro' JC education sort of taken care of liao.
Hi Snowball,

I really admire S'porean parents. I think nowhere else in the world parents will move house just to get kids into certain school

I am Catholic and grassroot, so maybe will check with the school when the time comes. Thanks!
Hi Ashley,

Actually, I still prefer staying in the East. Air there is fresher. But, both my hb and myself are working in Tuas. It is much more convenient for us to get to work in the morning, esp with the mad morning traffic nowadays.

We still have 1 yr to decide whether we should move as house prices are also going a bit ridiculous and we do not want to be burdened by a heavy housing loan too (houses in the East generally cost more too).
Hi Snowball,

Er, depends on which part of the East. When we recce for house recently, we found some very affordable condos in the East. But not in the area we are looking for so did not go to see any.

I thought Yew Tee's air is considered quite fresh :D Also there are a lot of ERP from the East side.
Hello Mummies,

2 weeks no visit this forum. Just came back from a short break to HK last week. Nice, cool weather there and my kids enjoyed this trip thoroughly.
Hi Ashley,

We went there for 6 days. Was super busy clearing work before the holiday. Now back from holiday, super busy clearing backlog lor.

Anyway, we visited the CC's One-North's Branch. Very nice environment and very big space. But, after consideration, we decided not to transfer our DDs there. The morning & evening traffic can get quite bad and we did not want to tire the kids out (travelling can be quite tiring).

How are you doing? When is your 2nd prince coming along?
Hi Snowball,

Oh so you have decided to let your DDs stay put. Maybe your DD1 can manage the distance?

Baby is coming in August. I am enjoying pregnancy though it is heavier than the first one.

Hi Pauling,
I visited Elfa when I was recce-ing for a CC. We were not impressed with the teacher.
Hi Ashley,

Yes, we decided to let our DDs stay put. Another reason is also for my MIL. She has been helping us with bringing them home every evening. If we transfer them, then, we can fetch them home ourselves at ard 6.30pm. Then, she will be very lost on what to do.

Good to hear that you are enjoying your pregnancy. Damien must be looking for his baby brother's arrival.
Hi Snowball,

Oh you are so considerate.

Yes I have always enjoyed motherhood including pregnancy :D We are all excited.

Btw, I am changing maid again, this time she herself asked to leave after not even 1 month, reason being my son does not like her haha, it was actually a joke. She'd got much scolding from the agency and requested to come back to try but no way we let her back. And my hb got to witness the best joke ever when he accidentally was there when the new employer interviewed her lol. We decided to switch agency and just forfeited the agency fee.
Hi Ashley,

My MIL dotes on my 2 DDs. She looked after them when they were babies and she already felt "lost" when we send them to fullday care. So, its now her little past-time to bring them home from CC.

Maid - My ex-maid also find ways to come back to work for us but I do not want to take her back. She wanted to transfer out after her contract so we let her be. After changing a few employers, she then realised her "mistake" and wanted to come back to work for us...I din care a hack for that.

Do you also have to forgo the loan advance for changing Agency? Its not easy to employ maid nowadays. Pay also went up quite considerably. My maid is going to continue her 2nd contract with us and we are adjusting her pay to match the market price. Hope she can work another 2 yrs.
Hi Snowball,

Loan advance can be returned. Wow can't imagine if we cannot get it back, with the salary already close to 500 for an Indo maid.

Actually we were fine without maid for a week. My husband took care of my son and did things for him that he did not do before, which made me feel so happy. My MIL also came to help with housework. Funny thing is my son also sleeps better without maid. He used to wake up at night and asked for milk or asked for me. But with the maid gone, he listened to me and suddenly no night feed, no waking up, just sleeps straight.

But with No.2 coming and my husband needs to travel for work, PIL went for long holiday, I have no choice but to continue with maid. Awaiting new maid to come and keep my fingers crossed.

Oh, I guess your MIL will have busy times at night when the 2 girls are home lol.
Hi mommies,

Would like to seek advise on any good playgroup in yew tee area for my gal. she is turning 18month in june and not sure if it is too late to register/look for a playgroup now. wanted her to learn more things as she is now just hanging out/ going out with my mum almost everyday.

so far i've checked agape at blk632A and tumbletots. both the fees and teaching stuffs are about the same but tumbletots, teacher student ratio = 1: 7 whereas agape = 2 :6.
Hi Ashley,

My MIL has shifted back to her own home after we sent DD2 to fullday care. She travels to my place everyday to help fetch them home, have dinner with us and them go back home. This is sort of her daily routine now. Hence, after some thoughts and discussion with hb, we decided not to transfer my kids.

Yes, kids are very smart and they know how to "bully" the maid. They know who they can bully, who they can't.

Yeah, when #2 comes along, you will need all the help you need at home. So, your maid will be looking after #2?

Hi Wei,

Its not too late to enrol your child.

My DD1 used to attend PG Agape at Blk 632A for 1yr (since 21 mths) before I switched her to their fullday care. My gal learnt alot there. We speak English at home and she learnt how to converse in Mandarin within a few mths with them. But, I find the classroom too small.
Morning mommies.

Hi snowball, thanks for the feedback. May I know how u find their fullday care n their pricing after subsidy? Was thinking whether to send her to cc after her pg before n1. I understand that cc has to register much in advance right? I was in a delimma on cc vs pg. friends always have different opinion of both. some say cc better as our lo will learn independence whereas some says its like u pay money to cc to not have people to take care of them n hence independent as the teachers are unable to care for so many kids at one time.
Hi Wei,
You can actually check the CC fees from the MCYS Child Care Website. I should say their CC fees are one of the higher ones in CCK/ Yew Tee area. Both my gals are with them fulltime now (my DD1 joined them when she was 20 mths old). So far, we are quite pleased with their progress and I find that their Teacher-to-Child ratio is quite good. On learning, my kids are definitely learning much more, when compared, if I leave them a home with their granny and maid. They have also learnt quite a bit of social skills.

But, again, being in the HDB block void deck, the classroom sizes are rather small.

When sending your child to CC, we also have to manage our expectations. As the child progresses to older classes, the teachers will teach and expect the kids to do things more independently.

Advice to you is to visit the CCs of you choice and see the environment and talk to the principal/ teachers. Do bring your gal along to see if she likes the place too. Impt is that you feel comfortable and want to place your child there.

Just my few words of advice for you and wish you all the BEST in your PG/ CC hunting.
hi snowball

my neighbour is more than happy to transfer her son to one-north (fees remain the same and transport fees waived) because last year her elder daughter transferred to one north and they can see the difference.


can u email me the biodata of your previous maids? i am studying how to identify a good maid hahaha
Hi Snowball,

My son was very close to the previous 3 maids, and cried a lot when each of them left. But for this one, when I told him she is leaving, his immediate response was: Which new auntie will come?

Only after she was gone, my mum also told me her look was a bit funny, like a bit mentally unwell. No offence.

Hi Jo,

I can tell you my previous maid's biodata is immaculate. And my new agent told me the most you can rely on biodata is 50%. Yes, the most. And interview can only tell you 50% also. My husband was there when she had interview with new employer. She was taken right after that.

I will try to remeber to go home and find it to send to you.

mental unwell!?!?!?!? hopefully she didn't join a family which need her to take care of children... can't imagine she is home alone with the children....
Hi Jo,

My mum meant the look.

Anyway, her strong point was supposed to be taking care of chidlren. But she could not even handle Damien, not to mention only at night. She talked so soft you could barely hear. Even when my son cried, she also consoled him in a very soft voice I bet he could hear anything. Then never got close to him enough to pacify him, just keep a distance between him and her. How to soothe a crying child like that? Even I know it better. She is also a mother and has 6 years experience taking care of children in Singapore!

One night, Damien kept crying asking for me, for about 10 minutes. The next day she said she had headache. So good for her experience taking care of newborn, sleeping and waking to feed them and soothe them. All are rubbish.

Best part is, when Damien cried, she could not make him stop, she also cried! OMG, my hb nearly got a shock. Luckily he never scolded her once. If he scolded her, I think she would cry the hell of out us and run away from our house.

All in all, she cannot take stress, scolding or crying child.

Her new employer has 2 children, but big ones, 5 and 7 years old. The agency itself said she may not last long. She worked for us not even 1 month, no scolding even once and wanted to transfer out. Consider my house has not much things to do yet. I wonder where she can work.
Hi Snowball,

After a few episodes of maids, I am not sure I can let maid fully taking care of my baby anymore. I had no doubt about my first maid, who single handedly taking care of Damien and doing all the housework + cooking so well. She really loved my son and my family, followed my instructions better than myself (sometimes I fotgot what I told her). Maybe she is just one in a million.

After maternity leave, maybe must ask my parents to come staying for a while. Or ask my mum in law to pop by once in a while.

Any of you installed camera in the house? I don't really believe this but my hb and some friends recommended it. What is your advice?
Hi Jo,

I know who you are referring to. Anyway, we visited One-North, considered and decided not to let my DDs transfer. Maybe, I'll let my DD2 transfer when she is in K1 (by then, DD1 in P1).

Hi Ashley,

If your maid cannot take the rather easy life with working with you. Sure she will suffer with new employers. Just like my last maid. I acutally spoke to her employer whom she was transferred to. She wanted a transfer out after working about 1 mth with them. Only then, she realised what a good life she had when working with us.....too late already.

Its good to have someone around while letting the maid take care of your baby. Maybe can get your Parents or PIL to come over during the day or make "surprise" visits to keep your maid on her toes.

I have a LiveCam installed at home to monitor my maid as she is alone a home most of the time after my MIL shifts back. She is aware of this and to me, if the maid's conscience is clear, they are OK with it.
Hi Ladies,

I'm new to this thread. Am planning to enrol my kid to childcare this year. As my mil lived at St 52, am looking at Ado playhouse or Edufarm? Do u have any feedbacks on this 2 centres?

Thank you
Hi JO,

Welcome to this thread

I have visited Ado Playhouse 2 yrs ago when they first started off, while scouting for CC for my kids. Their program seemed not bad but quality of teachers so-so (at that time). Do not know their standard now. I thot Edufarm is running Playgroup programs only. Do they also run CC?
Hi Jo,

I forgot to bring the biodata of my ex-maid. Anyway the copy I'd got is not that clear. The one we read at the agency is like this:
- Recommendation: very good at taking care of children, baby, newborn.
- 3 years experience with a chinese family, 2 children 1 and 3 years old, do all the HW + taking care of children + cooking
- 3 years experience with an indian family, 1 child 3 years old and 1 more born a few months after she joined. She took care of them both, HW + cooking + marketing etc
Indian employers went to US that's why she went back home.

They liked her so much they asked her to wait 2 years until they come back and call her again but she cannot wait. Anyway upon leaving they gave her 2 big cartons of items they cannot bring to US, blah blah, all sounded so good.

Yesterday just heard from my mum what she used to tell my parents. Hilarious I tell you hehe.
Hi Ladies,

Are there any feedbacks on the teachers and environment for Agape CC at Block 789 near Yew Tee Mrt?

Thanks in advance!

The thread is quiet for so long :D

The other day my hb went to collect cheque from agency and saw my old maid being returned back to agency again.

Just want to warn you that the agency name is Rejoice Maid (Bukit Timah).
Hi Ashley,

Have been busy chasing election news in the past week and this week super busy at work :p

Hey, Rejoice maid do not bring "joy" to employers leh.

Hi Nico - Both my kids are with Agape CC at Blk 789. So far so good. They are learning well there.
Hi Snowball,

Just realised that this is actually the 2nd time she was returned AFTER us.
Yesterday afternoon an officer from MOM called and asked my husband the reason we rejected her (actually she wanted to leave) because after us 2 other employers also returned her. MOM said they may order her to leave and ban her from coming back to Singapore.

Abt Rejoice, maid issue aside, attitude is also not good. You need to chase for everything, no initiative.
Hi Ashley,

Aiyo, this maid really got problem. I find the Agency unethical to keep pushing her to other employers. Shd just send her back.

I understand that my last maid got transferred a few times after she left us. Her housework and handling kids is ok. But, its her attitude, wanted to work for ang mohs only.

Your new maid here already?

Hi Snowball,

Yes my new maid has been with us nearly a month. Glad we have changed agency.

Workwise ok. Hope we do not need to change anymore for next 2 years.
