Choa chu kang mummy club

Hi hwee,
cos we cant get a hse that we like and within our budget at Bukit Batok. We shift from a 5rm hse to EA flat cos my MIL, FIl and SIL shifted in with us. So 5rm too small liao. Happen that we like this CCk hse layout so we buy loh. and can walk to MRT though not as near as my Bukit batok hse to MRT. But must give and take loh.

ya my MIL quit her job when i give birth to my son. She take care of my son since young. She shifted to my hse when i give birth and leaving my FIL to stay on his own. So now decide to get a bigger hse and stay together..

meow, oic.... you can try to toast it in a cold pan with no oil with very small fire.....has to a stainless steel pan... may take like 20 minutes or so. you dun let you kids eat candies but campbell soup? try not to la, got msg and sodium also a lot, not good for kids lei.

jappooh, ic. i mus say at least the flats in bt batok and cck are quite big. those newer ones are smaller. wat a big family!
jappooh, wah so nice if ur mil to sacrfice her job.

meow: no probl mt hse can hold 40 head. NO PROBL. hahaha i got alot empty room mah. just that after that, cleaning up i got headache. u stay back help me mop flr. whahahahaha. kidding lah

hwee: star is my hse lah.
u noe wat it meant anot???
got meaning 1 leh, dun play play ah....hehehehe

CL, ops sori to heard that.

ling, no christmas song leh. u bring can?

sunny, wei ur tummy big liao can still go in meh???

wei for those new comers, i will PM u my add & contact later on
Hi Serene,
ya we appreciate my mil very much..

Where did u stay? Wow your hse can have 40 ppl har. Must be a big hse.
ling, serene, can someone pls tell me the story of STAR? oh, its serene, axler and risler and t mus be serene's hubby name? is it, is it? i guess guess only la....

serene, your hse so big so for the baking session we go to your place la! i go asking liao, pink hor....sigh! her dec and jan all full liao. then feb she's taking a break and she say mar onwards then say.... wa lau, wait till next yr!
wa jappooh, so i guess you're enjoying all the space you ahve now.
good for you! yes, its nice for the caregiver of your children to stay with you. that way can see your children everyday and no need to rush rush to pick and send. so you can plan for more now. hee hee....
meow, wow, so i guess correctly huh? i never tot of anything like tat! i know this couple who has 6 kids and her chldren's name start with r,s,t,u,v,w. tot she wanted to have until z.... haha!
can lah. i can cover with clothes mah. hehe..
if they don't allow me to go in, i will join you gals. hehe...
Hi hwee,
right from the day i give birth my MIL came and stay with me liao. Just that now my boy is getting older and my FIl joining us so we upgrade the hse. The only thing is i dun have er re shi hie b4 come my SIL move and stay in our new hse when we went honeymoon. Yrs pass and we give and take loh.

we wanted the E family, So my hubby and son english name start with E.

Hope to have chance to meet up those mummies in this thread next time.
jappooh, me stay at cck loh. mine is the blk opp the police dog unit.
my hse no much stuff mah. empty coz poor. no money to buy furniture. hahahaha...kidding. my boy 1st month i invite 100+ ppl, the plc juz nice can sit in almost 1/3 then the rest outside side my hse.
so ur name also start with E?
aiyah u can come join us this christmas party a my hse then u get a chance to mit up the rest loh
u r welcome to join us

hwee: bingo! like wat meow say, i plan b4 i give birth to them. i juz tell my hubby i want to start with A & he come up with the name. same apply to R.
huh must wait till MAR???? wah piang. that veri long loh

sunny, ohohoh....didnt c u since the day u pregnant. SLC might b having a christmas party at my hse on the eve or the wkend b4 christams.
c if u & WF can join in bah
ya loh... haven't seen you for long long time....
WF didn't tell me about the SLC gathering leh. i ask him to go find out. hehe....
jappooh, i guess sometimes its good to stay with family. yup, have to give and take.

serene, i'll forward you an email from pink.
meow: i pay u the $ tis sat k.. :D

serene: ok, i bring xmas song la... then hv btr ambience ma.. :p

activities: so any ideas how to entertain the little ones? :p
thanks for the invitation. This christmas gathering i cant join have something on already.
Maybe other time then.

ya when stay with in laws must give and take loh.
Helium Tank:
helium tank + delivery is 90, of cos excl balloons and streamers. this balloons and streamers can get at concourse.

supplier will deliver to STAR house. Serene, pay only $70 hor.

Wat can i contribute? i am just too far from CCK now... food will be too cold by then.
unless i make Pineapple fried rice and put inside rice cooker.. kekekeke
serene, got my email bo?

jappooh, its ok la, you can get to have your 'er ren shi jie' when you go holidays!

ladies, do you all need me to contribute anything for the party on saturday? if not, even if i'm in time will still be pai say to attend lei... :p
We still need the helium tank mah? Was it finalize to have that? Me lost. Eh i miss your pineapple rice leh and of course your dogs.

I miss taiwan sausage. Hee...maybe you prepare to steam some sausage those can ones?
Yeah mah, think back that was how long ago when we went to your place at Warren? We seems like lost touch like that after you moved.
sunny, not yet lah. havent cfm the date & time yet
so he dun noe abt it yet

hwee: i have check my email.
will do it later ok

carole: need helium tank ??? cfm ah?
i miss ur pineapple rice too!
Looks like me going to miss good food liao. Sigh.
Please update me if you still need me to do the rice dumpling for the kids. If yes, someone come and collect from me ok
calling all baking fanatics, anyone interested in attending a baking workshop? likely date and time is 23 dec 2 - 5 pm. let serene know pls. thanks!

any mummies here have a standing mixer? those like kenwood 4L and above type. need to borrow for the workshop.
caramum, no its mixer not blender. we're trying to arrange for her to come. unless we can get a full class of 10 - 12 pax for her. :p
Anyone interested to attend the class conduct by pink?
<font color="ff0000">S$35 / head count</font> - fully paid one week before workshop
minimum 10 mommies.

<font color="0000ff">Date: sunday, 23 dec</font>
<font color="0000ff">Time: 2 pm - 5pm</font>

things to prepare:
1.5 kg of unsalted butter
2 kg of shortening
2 kg of icing sugar
2 kg of plain flour
1 kg of fine sugar
100 gram oreo cookies
1 kg of vegatable oil
10 tbs of choco powder
1 btls of vanilla essence.
5 botlles (diff color) of food coloring
sprinkle etc.

thingy to sieve flour & icing sugar - need 2.
11 pcs of stainlesteel spatula.
30 pcs of piping tips
50 pcs of piping bags
2 mixer (machine)
oven size required: more than 40 litres.
8 big bowl
min. 100 pcs of white paper cup

me and my sil wants to join but she away for holiday till 28 Dec leh. So cannot leh. Other dates we will join like 29 or 30 Dec
serene, let's see how. its the only date she gave me.

meow, sorry, i dun take those chinese sausages at home. so no idea which is good or not.

Ling, i can make those mini donuts or mini cupcakes? i should be able to come over like 7+. Serene, gimme your address, k?
i am interested. but the timing can switch it later a bit? the fee that we pay include the ingredient?
serene, looking at the extensive list, think we better just pay her in full and she bring everything. how on earth are we going to prepare the mixer, spatula, piping tips and bags etc? think her class is like $60. i paid more the last time. plus she's coming over to cck and won't be charging us extra too....
Date: 15 Dec
Party Time: 5pm to 8pm
Venue: STAR House (Blk 610 near Yew Tee Mrt but must walk)

Ling - mini fried spring rolls & XMAS songs(3A+1T+1B)
caramum - Log Cake (2A+1T)
Nuttnuts - Drinks (1A+1T)
funkymom (2A+1T+1B)
Mayday (2A+1T)
Agnez - Fish & sotong ball(2A+1T)
STAR - fried beehoon (2A+1T+1B)
Jess - (2A+1T)
meow - snacks for adults and kids (2A+1T+1B)
Carole (1/2A+1T)

hwee - mini donuts/cupcakes(maybe come late)

TOTAL- 19A, 10T, 4B

T-toddler(13mths onwards)
B-baby(12mths and younger)

Reminder: the event is this coming saturday :D
Those that havent indicated type of food, kindly do so :D
i update the total attendees.

Date: 15 Dec
Party Time: 5pm to 8pm
Venue: STAR House (Blk 610 near Yew Tee Mrt but must walk)

Ling - mini fried spring rolls & XMAS songs(3A+1T+1B)
caramum - Log Cake (2A+1T)
Nuttnuts - Drinks (1A+1T)
funkymom (2A+1T+1B)
Mayday (2A+1T)
Agnez - Fish & sotong ball(2A+1T)
STAR - fried beehoon (2A+1T+1B)
Jess - (2A+1T)
meow - snacks for adults and kids (2A+1T+1B)
Carole (1/2A+1T)

hwee - mini donuts/cupcakes(maybe come late) (2A+1T+1B)

TOTAL- 21A, 11T, 5B

T-toddler(13mths onwards)
B-baby(12mths and younger)

Reminder: the event is this coming saturday :D
Those that havent indicated type of food, kindly do so :D
Me & Mayday are buying sushi..

Date: 15 Dec
Party Time: 5pm to 8pm
Venue: STAR House (Blk 610 near Yew Tee Mrt but must walk)

Ling - mini fried spring rolls & XMAS songs(3A+1T+1B)
caramum - Log Cake (2A+1T)
Nuttnuts - Drinks (1A+1T)
funkymom (2A+1T+1B) sushi
Mayday (2A+1T) sushi
Agnez - Fish & sotong ball(2A+1T)
STAR - fried beehoon (2A+1T+1B)
Jess - (2A+1T)
meow - snacks for adults and kids (2A+1T+1B)
Carole (1/2A+1T)

hwee - mini donuts/cupcakes(maybe come late) (2A+1T+1B)

TOTAL- 21A, 11T, 5B

T-toddler(13mths onwards)
B-baby(12mths and younger)

Reminder: the event is this coming saturday :D
Those that havent indicated type of food, kindly do so :D
since so many of ur'all interested then we postpone the date
but ur'all prefer to prepare our own ingred & stuff?
charges is diff.

hwee: we delay to another date bah.
Mummies going for the DHL balloon...
i was there today but didn't get to ride the balloon thou the sky hasn't start to rain. The staffs says weather forecast is cat 1 so suspended.
Well i ask the staffs its the balloon is going to end on end of the month. Good news is that its extended till Aug next year. So meaning i will ride it later than.

See you gals tomolo

serene, when you wanna borrow let me know in advance. i go and find the email and forward to you again. so how was d party? my hubby down wif flu then pass to my son, now me also liao! sigh!
