Choa chu kang mummy club

hope u are feeling better already. And thank you for the playdoh and sweeties I got for the gift exchange...not sure it's from which mummy. ya, would like to see some pics as well.

Serene, cannot come la...
I delivered my gal on the 7/12.

Now everywhere also cannot go.
Very tiring.. taking care of both!
Hi, the mag is out. Thanks all CCK mummies for the support...

Congrat Zu. Rest well......How heavy is the baby at birth???

The cover...

Congrats Zu.
Post your darling princess pics leh.

She is photogenic. So cute. Must go get a copy and ask her to give me a handprint on the cover.
lynn, will u organise the spree again?
if got let me noe. might want to order again

caramum, feeling better. thks!

ZU, CONGRATS! so how's everyting?
yin, ur baby is so cutee! love her smile.

serene, will be organising another spree next week as got quite alot of people askin me to organise again
Hee, what spree huh? Let me know leh, i might be interested. And thanks for the compliment.

CL, thanks for the support, sure do the handprint for U.
lynn, ok u let me noe hor. thks!
wei me interested in the kai stuff leh
if u interested to head the spree let me noe hor

BTW, happy new year to all!
yin, it's bag spree

serene, no problem, haf alreadi inform mod to post up on wed. but scare not much order bcos like alot of ppl do BP on bags alreadi. esp the PG mall one. i actualli wan to see PG mall got nice or not but turn out veri lil choice and not veri nice and expensive but so mani people order! sigh.

<font color="119911">Here's wishing all mummies, babies and daddies a blessed 2008 ....
enjoy and have lotsa fun ... good health and good wealth ...</font>
Thanks everyone for the well-wishes.

Yin, yr gal is so sweet!
My baby weighs abt 2.75 at birth.
Came out early at 37weeks.

CL, will post pics when i'm really free. :p

Serene, i'm coping okie. Had complications during labour and had to go thru c-sect. Take longer to recover. But got both my mum and MIL to help me. Cnt rely on Jason la. Dat tym ask him to feed gal, he used Adam's milk lei!

Anyway, Happy New Year to all moms!
happy happy new year to all!

serene, you ok now? me also had eye infection and was on leave thus mia...hee hee.... so how? we doing wif pink this month?

zu, congrats! my boy last yr also came out at 37 weeks on 8 dec! anyway, glad to hear that you're ok.

yin, congrats! i also wan handprint hor! come my copy of the mag hasn't arrive yet.....haiz!
Hwee, U special a bit lar, i give u footprint...ha ha...thanks.

Everybody fall sick....guess maybe is holiday season, too crowded outside so virus spread easily. Hope all mummies recover soon.
Hi all mummies

I'm a new mummy, delivered just 2 months ago. On ML currently... Been a challenge to take care of the new born, and was lucky to have my mum to help out

Can I join in the baking session if its still on?
yin, thanks! haha! but let check my mailbox tonight. dunno why my copy hasn't arrive yet... :p

welcome gemini19! of course you're welcome to join the baking class.

serene, so how? think we have a class liao!
Welcome welcome. Enjoy playing with your little one.

Happy New year to all.
Today Aden's first day at cc, not so smooth because he cannot let go. Hope for better tomorrow.

I must pat myself on the shoulder, after not driving for 5 years. I drove all the way from Fuji Xerox Tower with 2 kids and during peak hours. Ha ha Very stress and xiong because of kids on board and heavy traffic. Plus parking ka you but ha ha managed to complete all.

And my hb says ha ha then next time I can take over the car liao. Driving damn xiong man.
CL: not bad har... tat time my hb oso knee swell cannot drive then I have to drive him to work to take someting.. so scare oso but ka you still can la... parking i very scare and gan geong oso.. :p

Gemini19: welcome and congrats on your NB. My boi oso coming to 3mths and Im returning to work soon.. sobx

Hwee: im gg back to work le.. can see you again HAHA

zu: congrats oso to your little baby :D
same same. Ha ha actually juz now back at home carpark, a2 and b2 got lot but ha ha I went up to a3 more lot to park and adjust ha ha. Now I think my hb sure will keep making me drive one
Lynn, k u update me.
Coz I tend to miss the boat for spree

Zu, speedy recovery. Hope to c u &amp; ur gal soon

Hwee, better thks!
U wear contact lens ah?
Wei so date when??(baking)

Gemini19, welcome 2 join us.
We love more ppl to join
hi serene, the BP is up alreadi

do let me know when is the bakery class.
lookin forward

gemini19 congrats! u mus b fortune to haf your mother support
cl, good on you! i'm sure you can do it at ease in no time.
its not that stressful to drive la, i enjoy it a lot!

ling, see when we go lunch...

serene, how? which date? no la, i dun wear contact lens, just that my eyes super sensitive.
could i get the contact of your kids' PD? and the location of the clinic? i am looking for one who can do the assessment at TMC for my NB, hope the clinic is near to yewtee/cck. the previous one whom my gynae recommended not very pro-bf, so, i plan to change another one....
then, the PD at kidslink only go Mt E leh....
serene, i will send another email to pink cc to you. we better get a date or else we really have to wait till march. :p
Hi mummies...

do your happen to know whether is there any CC around CCK that have playgroup for 18mth toddler har?
I used to drive my hb around during NUS days. Ha ha after preggy never drive then now like totally forgotten how to. Maybe realli have to force myself. See my auntie 70 years old also driving so why not hor.
yes yes, hwee,
Alamak today thot can have my 9th anniversary dinner with the kids but my hb work crisis. So me again gan cheong spider have to drive the kids home again. I pat myself again and evey day I have new test. Accident on PIE jam lah then CCK exit just had an accident lah. Hey lets try 7233 maybe can strike then we all have big fat CNY
I think if CC, you may like to try half day childcare. Because when I was sourcing for my gal, they all tell me only half day childcare.

My gal's ex schoolmate mummy told me to try out the yew tee cc there is a education hub or something like that which has quite good playgroup. I saw a banner for block 549 recruitment drive too. You may like to check it out.
lynn, wei diff 2 find the thread leh
can email to me the pix or link?
thks inadvance hehehehe

Hwee: hmm.....12 or 13 jan?
Hi everybody,
long times no chat here with u all le. Belated Happy New Year to all CCK mummy and daddy and baby. Wish u all have good health and fun for the whole of this year!
HI Zita,

My son is 15mth now and I just entrol him to a playgrp at Sheffield Kidsworld at Blk 433. He will start his class when he turn 18mth on April.

Actually there are many child care centre at CCK having playgrp which is for toddlers at 18mth onwards. This is the link to various child care centre at CCK/Bukit Batok/Butik Panjang.

Can browse thru this link to check for rates and call them to ask qn and make appoinment to visit the centre before u decide to choose the right one for ur bb.
cl, hmmm, you celebrating your 9th anniversary huh? i'll be celebrating my 10th later this yr. anyway, happy anniersary to you! thanks for the 7233, later me try buying and see if this CNY will be fat or not...haha!

serene, once the date is set, better quickly get confirmation.
What BP ? PM me too leh. Ha ha I running a curtain BP ha ha.

Too many dates, day started dating, ROM and customary so we will focus on the one with black and white so 3 Jan lor. 1.3.99 So sounds like yi sheng jiu jiu mah. Ok ok I oso go and buy for this weekend somemore right at the CCK exit. Should be meant for CCK mummies to strike man
cl, wa you also running bp huh? wat curtain? pm me the link go look look see see.... not bad hor, yi sheng jiu jiu!
mine is huat ah all the way! haha! 8898. and i make sure every year next day holiday, national day! haha!
wow, hwee and chicken little,

you ladies are married for so long already.
and hubby still so nice to celebrate the special day. heard many stories where hubby conveniently forget the day
Wow Hwee
Nice date leh.

haha then you can guess my age liao. Aiya only 1 day to celebrate so very easy for him but too bad yday my celebration "po tang" because he stuck at work.

Aiyo Jan very busy month for us, his siblings birthday, my son birthday and our anniversary ha ha so tomorrow our whole family going out for good dinner tomorrow.
cl, gemini 19, i choose a date for him to remember easily. no reason to forget! haha!

cl, wow, so where's this big dinner?
ha ha Hwee,
Dunno how it ended up me paying for all so Ha ha i bring them to seletar Hills restaurant. Already book Cathay restaurant for reunion dinner so cannot repeat there again.
cl, if i remember correctly, you've been to japan a few times right? is it easy to move around on your own? is local transporation very ex? was thinking of going but dun wan to join tour. let us know if seletar hills is good or not.
Yes yes Hwee
Me is the ah no ne but I speak Japanese. But now it is quite easier to move around. I can plan for you and teach you how to go around.

Tasted liao very good so bringing my gourmet FIL there to try. If he says good then it is good. Update you after tomorrow. Cathay Restaurant he thumbs up so you can try
any CCK mummy looking for experience nanny staying at CCK ave 4? let me know and I will give u her contact. My son is going to child care on Apr hence I/m helping her to look for next bb to take care.
cl, so desu ne! domo arigato! i was planning for chinese new year but think it may be too cold for my boy, so now planning for march.
If late march, must plan and book early. Can be season for sakura. Very very nice. Ok ok tell me number of days and which part of Japan you going. I plan for you.

Ha ha my nanny oso available liao since my boy already started CC.

cl, thanks in advance! i'm planning for 6 days in tokyo only. will spend 2 days in disney. 4 days around town ok? dunno abt sakura la. but weather better for the children.
thanks many many ya!
