Choa chu kang mummy club

ling: its a rather small play pool. nothing big. i can bring along 2 rockers.

caramum: thks

hwee: oh yes i would love to have it. email to me ok?
ask her when she free come my hse teach me leh.
say maybe we organise 20 dec?

Jappooh: then u r luckily. so u get use to the new environment?
me last time stay in the central. then intial shift to west i feel veri far from town.
now kind of get use liao

carole: u shift again. oh my. then ur students how?
btw, sunny take bck her watch liao anot?
the play pool is it that one the kids play at ur play yard that day?

i ask my mil to cook bee hoon bah
both dates are ok with me.

hwee do u live near blk 441? if so we can go playground play sometime when the weather is good together.
serene, i'll send to you via the pm later. pink has a workshop on 20 already. if you guys are keen, let me ask her for 29 or 30 if its ok?

caramum, me at blk 513 not so near you. but we can stil meet. i'm working so have to be weekends.
Hi Serene,

ok lar cos i sell at slightly lower then my ex neighs now also. I used to stay in Bukit Batok b4 i shift so CCK is not too far so not much difficult to get use to it lar. At 1st a bit bu she du the Bukit Batok hse loh.
We not very far hor. Plus your elder one same age as mine right ? Hey how you preparing your older kid for Pri 1 huh ?

I also want to join the baking class. Count me in. I think my sil too. count 2 in.
Can ask your MIL to cook fried mee or not huh? Her curry yummy too.

Me will try to make it on 15th ok. I will bring potatoe chips so can snack and drink

Can we dun neglect our toddlers and the kids???

Can we have more foods suitable for them????

Red wine & Potato Chip not suitable for them leh
hwee: ok thks. i cant wait ti attend her class.
i both hands up.

jappooh then u working?

CL, i think we share start baking b4 the knitting class. hahaha

meow: u miss my mil curry ah. u 1 chicken or veg?
if fried mee then then kids ok? if ok, then i ask her do fried mee.

so how's the plc? 1 2 held at my hse?
if yes then i must start to deco the christmas tree liao.

nuttnuts: maybe some can bring fishballs.
ling, i guess the xmas gathering will be on 15th dec. if i come back early will drop by, if not can't attend liao. guess i'll miss the food cooked by serene's mil....

serene, cl, pooh, and other interested ladies, please advise if you all prefer a demo workshop or hands-on workshop. preparation will be different and i guess she'll charge differently also.
cl, wat sch do you intend to register? i'm going to try for pei hwa. i haven't done anything to prepare her lei.... wat to do huh? *lost liao*
I zero knowledge on baking I will go with majority.

Me old gal of Nanyang so going Nanyang lor. Dunno leh I now stress oso need to gear her up ready for pri 1
I can bring snacks for the kids too ah

I miss the curry chicken
Infact all ok lah, can have both boh?
Serene: not the big one... its a much smaller one that can only put in 2-3 kids. I only kept 2 students with me and the rest will come when i get my 2nd house. Sunny took her watch back already.
hi all! i am new there a toddler/kid playgroup in cck? boy likes to make new friends...he is now 23 mths old...we stay in bt panjang..
serene: no problem if you wana open your house... then settle at your house la... :p

Nutts: wat food u suggest for kiddos?? gummy bear, M&M etc hehe

oinkoink: welcome.. we dun hv regular playgroup la but occassionally mit up lo :p

hwee: paisei hvnt reply u.. its @

come back early and join us la.. major gathering la tis time round haha

is Pei Hwa a good school?? alot of ppl wana get into there leh.. but u staying in CCK, chances quite slim wor.. rite
pooh, cl, i'll wait to see if anyone else interested then we decide. agree hands-on will be more interesting...

cl, lucky you. then your ger confirm got place liao in Nanyang.

ling, pei hwa is one of the better sch around. i'm attending service in glory presbyterian so am affliated to pei hwa. hopefully can put my ger there....keeping my fingers crossed....
went to see yr kid's blog, you did a marvelous job! and they are so adorable.....very pretty like mummy!

for the party, will see how and let you all know.

welcome oinkoink! let's see if the younger kids can get together.
Hwee: icic.. alot of ppl go to their kindy oso wor.. sigh.. no good schools here leh..

thanks gal... i trying to improve the blog... its my gal's blog now have to adjust a little to become my ah ger and ah boi's blog.. haha

cl: ya lo.. yr girl confirm gg to nanyang lo.. where can i chk the ranking of primary sch har??
pooh, i think its only justifiable for her to come if we have at least 10 ppl. you can help by asking if anyone else is interested. thanks!

ling, many go that kindie meh? i dunno. but my ger is there now. who says there are no good schools around, de la salle is one of them lei. heard also difficult to get in.

looks like you have to start another blog for your boy liao! haha!
dun leh. No chocolates or gummy for the kiddos lah. Its definately a NO NO to my gal. These stuffs are too sweet for them liao lah. For sweets i only let Sheryl eat Goat Milk sweets and multi vits only. My mom gave Sheryl some jelly without my knowing and i made a big fuss too. My dad also angry with me telling off my mom and all these happen jus 2 days ago only.

Yeah i know i'm strict to my gal, but i will only start to introduce these junk food to her when she's older say 3 or 4yrs old. Even those tibits, i refrain her to take too. Only those not so salty or sweet ones then i let her take. I recently jus started to let her drink packet strawberry milk. If its not that she's so indulge in strawberry shortcake, i dun think i will let her drink these flavour milk too.
meow: sigh.. i oso very strict with all these junkie but now bopian, my girl in sch... expose to all the sweets, choco etc... owaz come back with bday goodie bag wor... so hack la... she happy can le but of cos i dun gv alot la.. abit she is contented le.. :p

hey, i hvnt pay u $$ wor... can u sms mi your a/c number and which bank isit... :p

Hwee: wat ting?? baking cls isit? no new blog la.. both use same :D

No Gummy, No Chocolate lah...CL's Jap Dumpling, Serene's fishballs are okie for the kids....

Me still looking ard wat to get.....Dun ask me to cook as I know nut abt cooking or baking....Hee Hee

Let me goes ard looking to see wat to get okie....

Are u a teacher???? How is Clarrise as it has been sometimes we have not met each other......
Nowaday, the oct thread is so quiet.
you go get a log cake or simple cake lor. All time favourite even for the kids.

i can't remember the amount liao, its POSB savings 003-40727-6.
List getting messy liao ... haha

Date: 15 Dec (Confirmed)
Party Time: 5pm to 8pm
Venue: STAR House

1) Ling
2) hwee - wine
3) caramum
4) Chicken Little - wine/Jap dumpling
5) Nuttnuts
6) funkymom
7) Mayday
8) Agnez
9) STAR - fried beehoon
10) Jess
11) meow - snacks
12) Carole

Re: Helium balloons
The tank cost does not comes with balloon right? Guess should be fine if we work within 100 for our budget but engage entertainer will be out liao.

Re: Gift exchange
So buy the present depending on how many kids you bringing? I'm confused now on this ... haha ... pls someone must enlighten me.

Re: Food
Below are few items I can think of we still can get ....
Cake/Log cake
Chkn wings
Mini sandwiches
hwee: wah so many ppl interested in baking. wei i think check with pink then we organise one at my hse.
hwee u help me k. i quite busy lately. but ask her charge cheap cheap lah. we buy the ingr. ourself
then she come & c & guide.
ladies: for those interested in baking, will update ur'all later. jess, k wont 4get u

Jasppooh: wah u luckily to have ur mil to take care

Meow: i tht ur mum always go my mil stall? she nvr ta bao for u also?
wah liao. later she kill me ah. hahaha. 1 will do lah okie. just for u
hmm....curry vegy & mee bah. then if no one bring food i ask her cook chicken????
all cost on me. maybe someone prepare drinks

oinkoink: hi welcome
my sis also stay there

Ling: i setup the christmas tree last nite
4 feet tall only.

hwee: come after pink session lah
yes my mum still frequent her stall ah. Last few weeks i keep falling sick, so i will go see doc at interchange then i will packet breakfast for my mom lah. My mum only get curry chicken occasionally, her curry is thick for the chicken, vege i think more dilute hence i prefer chicken
Date: 15 Dec
Party Time: 5pm to 8pm
Venue: STAR House

1) Ling - mini sandwich (egg mayo/tuna)
2) hwee - wine
3) caramum
4) Chicken Little - wine/Jap dumpling
5) Nuttnuts
6) funkymom
7) Mayday
8) Agnez
9) STAR - fried beehoon
10) Jess
11) meow - snacks
12) Carole
Date: 15 Dec
Party Time: 5pm to 8pm
Venue: STAR House

1) Ling - mini sandwich (egg mayo/tuna)
2) hwee - wine
3) caramum
4) Chicken Little - wine/Jap dumpling
5) Nuttnuts
6) funkymom
7) Mayday
8) Agnez - Do you all mummies prefer Chicken Wing OR fish/sotong ball from Old Chang Kee?
9) STAR - fried beehoon
10) Jess
11) meow - snacks
12) Carole

Can someone pls explain the gift exchange, I am a bit confused?
My baby is 14mth old so what age range gift should I buy for gift exchange?

And one more qn, may I know where is STAR staying?
ok I'll bring the log-cake can. Just buy from cake shop leh...I can't bake yet.

Agnez, I prefer the fish ball.

Yeah, pls tell me where is STAR staying.

we should probably write down who is coming, otherwise dun know how much food to prepare leh.

caramum: 3 (me, my ger and my maid)
Date: 15 Dec
Party Time: 5pm to 8pm
Venue: STAR House

1) Ling - mini fried spring rolls
2) hwee - wine
3) caramum
4) Chicken Little - wine/Jap dumpling
5) Nuttnuts
6) funkymom
7) Mayday
8) Agnez - Do you all mummies prefer Chicken Wing OR fish/sotong ball from Old Chang Kee?
9) STAR - fried beehoon
10) Jess
11) meow - snacks
12) Carole
Date: 15 Dec
Party Time: 5pm to 8pm
Venue: STAR House

1) Ling - mini fried spring rolls
2) hwee - wine
3) caramum - (me, my ger and my maid) Log Cake
4) Chicken Little - wine/Jap dumpling
5) Nuttnuts
6) funkymom
7) Mayday
8) Agnez (me, husband and my gal) - Fish & sotong ball from Old Chang Kee
9) STAR - fried beehoon
10) Jess
11) meow - snacks
12) Carole
Date: 15 Dec
Party Time: 5pm to 8pm
Venue: STAR House

1) Ling - mini fried spring rolls
2) hwee - wine
3) caramum - (me, my ger and my maid) Log Cake
4) Chicken Little - wine/Jap dumpling
5) Nuttnuts - Drinks
6) funkymom
7) Mayday
8) Agnez (me, husband and my gal) - Fish & sotong ball from Old Chang Kee
9) STAR - fried beehoon
10) Jess
11) meow - snacks
12) Carole
Date: 15 Dec
Party Time: 5pm to 8pm
Venue: STAR House (Blk 610 near Yew Tee Mrt but must walk)

1) Ling - mini fried spring rolls (2A+1T+1B)
2) hwee - wine
3) caramum - Log Cake (2A+1T)
4) Chicken Little - wine/Jap dumpling (2A+2T)
5) Nuttnuts - Drinks (1A+1T)
6) funkymom (2A+1T+1B)
7) Mayday (2A+1T)
8) Agnez - Fish & sotong ball(2A+1T)
9) STAR - fried beehoon (2A+1T+1B)
10) Jess - (2A+1T)
11) meow - snacks for adults and kids (2A+1T+1B)
12) Carole (1/2A+1T)

TOTAL- 21A, 11T, 4B

T-toddler(13mths onwards)
B-baby(12mths and younger)

Note: I make a guess one hor, those wrong one please self edit

As long as above 1yr, you dun get baby stuffs ok? You get a mix of fish and sotong ball lah, more fish as for kids. I like sotong ball hee
I have a pack, but i lazy to fry..very oily, so norm i throw into my instant noodles only
You confirm your house can place so many ppl? Seems like you got to empty your sofa to the room and everyone to sit on floor liao. Hee....
Date: 15 Dec
Party Time: 5pm to 8pm
Venue: STAR House (Blk 610 near Yew Tee Mrt but must walk)

1) Ling - mini fried spring rolls (2A+1T+1B)
2) hwee - wine
3) caramum - Log Cake (2A+1T)
4) Chicken Little - wine/Jap dumpling (1A+2T)
5) Nuttnuts - Drinks (1A+1T)
6) funkymom (2A+1T+1B)
7) Mayday (2A+1T)
8) Agnez - Fish & sotong ball(2A+1T)
9) STAR - fried beehoon (2A+1T+1B)
10) Jess - (2A+1T)
11) meow - snacks for adults and kids (2A+1T+1B)
12) Carole (1/2A+1T)

TOTAL- 21A, 11T, 4B

T-toddler(13mths onwards)
B-baby(12mths and younger)

Note: I make a guess one hor, those wrong one please self edit

Ok I edit 1 less under mine for Adult.
Oops mistake,

Pai seh, my grandma juz passed away last week so I think I cannot visit people's house now. Please remove me from the party list. But if you want I can still prepare the Onigiri for the kids
Date: 15 Dec
Party Time: 5pm to 8pm
Venue: STAR House (Blk 610 near Yew Tee Mrt but must walk)

Ling - mini fried spring rolls (3A+1T+1B)
caramum - Log Cake (2A+1T)
Nuttnuts - Drinks (1A+1T)
funkymom (2A+1T+1B)
Mayday (2A+1T)
Agnez - Fish & sotong ball(2A+1T)
STAR - fried beehoon (2A+1T+1B)
Jess - (2A+1T)
meow - snacks for adults and kids (2A+1T+1B)
Carole (1/2A+1T)

TOTAL- 19A, 10T, 4B

T-toddler(13mths onwards)
B-baby(12mths and younger)

Edit - 1 more adult cos bringing my maid along

delete from list:
hwee - wine (maybe come late)
Chicken Little - wine/Jap dumpling (1A+2T) (not coming)

serene: u have xmas songs at home bo??? else I can bring along mine
serene, i'm not going to pink's house on 15 dec.

ling, est wat time you all starting and finishing. then let me check my housewarming time. my dd's fren b'day party is from 5 to 6.30pm. hope to attend the housewarming earlier so can come over straight from the party.

ladies, the party is at star's place or serene's place? i'm confused..... :p or serene=star? me blur liao!

meow, next time dun fry those sotong balls, i also like to eat sotong balls, put inside oven and bake them.
no oil.

Home no oven lah, not even micro wave oven leh

Soup for the kids? Cambell soup? I can cook that if needed. Sheryl loves soup...jus like me
