Choa chu kang mummy club


Can. I plan the other 4 days for you. Any place you die die must go ? Are you into Hello kitty? Have you decided where to stay ?

cl, i'm not super into hello kitty but my girl is. if its not too out of the way, would love to go there. have not decided where to stay, any recommendations? prefer to stay in ryokan. at least rooms bigger with the kids.
haha, CL, I'm not too young either

Yes Hwee, my anniversary is near his BD also. So easy for him to remember.

My gal, at 2 mths old, seems to be coughing. Not very sure whether coughing or choking on her saliva. Can advise?
gemini, ya, same here. hubby b'day and my anniversary also only 2 days apart, so save on present! haha! yr gal only cough when feeding or on and off? does she cough when sleeping? if coughing only during feeding, its choking. teats flow too fast. if sleeping also cough, then could be coughing. anyone in the family sick or down with flu and cough?
hwee, she's couging when she's awake though not feeding. Just a bit of sound here and there. My mum and cousins are sick recently, could be gems pass to her.

Are you a SAHM?
gemini, no la, me FTWM. if someone in the family is sick, then could be. oh no, she's only so young. are you b'feeding her? pls do, may be able to pass some immunity to her. if giving fm, cut down a little of the milkpowder, that is to dilute the milk a little bit just in case she develop phelgm. take care!
stop breastfeeding. got much difficulties as I've inverted nipples and no support all round

Yes, I've cut down her milkpowder as per mum advise.

gemini19, you poor thing. i also got no support for b'feeding. but its ok, your girl will be as strong!
just make sure you have good ventilation in the house and stay away from everyone who's sick, both of you will be fine.
Hwee, Gemini 19
ha ha same as mine,
My anniversary 3, hb birthday 7 and son birthday 9 all in jan ha ha so hard to forget ha ha.

If my hb can manage to bring my gal alone to hello kitty land you sure can. I personally love the place and make sure my hb bring my gal. ha ha

Dun worry, if well taken care of your baby should fight off the virus soon. Last time when I sick and breastfeed my son at second month, I wear mask. I oso inverted nipples but I deaf ear to all and insist on breastfeeding
I tried but was very upset with myself. My mum nagging at me to rest more, my hubby trying hard to make me happy, my gal also naughty, cries very hard when she have difficulty sucking. People around me all says I underfed her

In the end, I tried pumping, but only managed 20 ml each time. Ended up crying and crying so hubby get different pumps and massage my breast every night to stimulate them.. ended up he also very tired too...

Anyway, I just stopped pumping last week.
Hopefully, my gal can recover soon...

I'm on ML now, returning to work end of the month. Sure miss my gal
Dun worry. can always try for second baby. My first baby my mil did confinement for me. Though she meant well to ask me to rest, she keep feeding my daughter FM while i sleep. Then keep calling up her friends to ask why my milk not yellowish , why not much milk, what to feed me. I also equally stress by her. Ha ha bleeding nipple lah, pain lah, crying baby lah. I still insist for 6 months as that time it is promoted for 6 months ha ha .

second round, mil passed away liao. mum did for me super bo chup so I get to do everything my own way. second time smoother but ha ha this time boy big eater because size fat. so i pump amd pump like siao.

Where is your workplace ? if near Hwee, Ling, maybe can go there and meet for lunch ha ha I think I easier to meet at workplace then meet at CCK

second baby? I'm thinking hard abt it. Age is one factor and many other factors also.

I actually engaged a confinement lady this time but she did not turn up. send a replacement to me instead. the replacement is quite horrible and even laugh that I got no milk when I try pumping. Send her home and mum and mil did the confinement for me. Guess when own mum do for you, also stressful.

I'm working in Millenia Tower. Where are you ladies working?

Which part of CCK are you staying also? maybe we are near each other.
ha ha Gemini19
I not very far from you. Me at cityhall, odeon towers beside bras basah. I do walk to suntec to meet up with some mummies or my fren for lunch.

Me staying st 52 , near limbang. you leh ?
lynn, i nvr recd the link leh
u sent to [email protected]

hwee, we see how many ppl can on that day

wah liao ur all 9 or 10 yr anniversary liao ah.
me this 6 yr find veri long liao.

CL, i been to hill top resturants b4.
there got satay also
No no, the hill top you talking about is near bukit batok one ? I going Seletar Hill Restaurant. Must book otherwise no space one. They famous for smoked duck. This guy open restaurant many years in New York
hi serene, have alreadi email u liaos. pm not workin again i guess.
date confirm liaos let me know okies

so mani of u workin in city hall. hahas. i used to work der also nw move to other company liaos.
Tks yoyo & sunny : )

Yoyo sheffield kidworld sound good cause is walking disturb for my gal...wat is the rate like? do u have the no i can call?

eeh the link not to i search for the CC page?

great, we can meet up for lunch when i'm back at work

I'm at st 64, The Quintet.

My gal was coughing quite badly this morning so hubby decided to bring her to the PD. Luckily, pd says nothing serious, put her on medication now.
Ok, mummies, next time you can go try Seletar Hills Restaurant. My fil says the food not bad means should be quite good as he realli quite choosy on good food.

Famous dish Tung Po Meat, Smoked Duck, Szechuan chilli Fish, Sea cucumber, Butter prawn. Even the simple Dou Mian Egg soup is plain and nice. Check it out. Dessert Chendol oso nice nice
mine oso coming tis june 9th Anniversary lo.. haha..

Gemini 19: hwee and i working tanj pgr area :D

my boi is coming 3mths oso... sometimes he cough oso but i believe he choke on his saliva la.. :p
Ling, my gal still coughing badly leh. initially i thought is also choking, but later think the sound is different so hubby thought better to see doctor.

dun know is it because i did not take care of her properly. very upset abt it, just hope that she recovers quickly.

The rate is $390 a month after sub for working mum. You can call Mr. Puhal at his mobile no. 96484749 to check for seat availabilty. Guess you have to act fast because he said left only 4 to 5 seat at that time when I went for registration on Dec 07. He is the principle of that CC. He is very patient and friendly to answer your qn and very willing to explain the school programs and teaching in details.

to search for the CC page at yahoo search engine you just type "child care centre in Singapore" then click search. Then you will most likely have the link to search for CC at whatever location in Spore.
It is not your fault. bb at this age easily get flu or cough virus from adult hence make sure to keep her away from adult or kids who are sick. Taking care of bb is not easy especially when u r a first time mum. hence dont blame it on urself ok. just be patient and strong to give more care and love to her. Now that she already on medication she will get well soon.

My son is 15mth also always down with flu, fever and cough. My sis daughter also always sick. So it is very common lah. Just bear with it when ur bb grow up to 3 or 4 yr old they will be stronger and not easily sick liao.
cl, thanks. if its easy to get to hello kitty land, will sure go.
ya, me and ling same building. maybe can arrange for lunch. without the kids, good! haha!

gemini, dun get too stressed. i didn't want to do confinement the 2nd time but mum insisted and end up everyone stressed. i only managed to pump and feed for 1 mth for my #1 and 2 weeks for my #2. can you imagine pumping so hard for the whole day and not even enuf for 1 feed! sigh! better stop la. so give them fm. its ok, as long as you tried.
of course when you go back to work, will miss yr baby la. we all do. its normal.
take care!

ling, you back at work already?
cl, will try seletar hills. i lovel chendol! haha!

serene, you're so much younger than me. 6 yrs anniversary already very good liao!
you started earlier.
ling, hmmm... see when we can go makan ba...
long break for you liao hor...hee hee..that's why sian to come back to work is it?

gemini, shout and scream if you need help. cck is not tat big. can pop over to help.
CL, oh diff huh. hahaha

Lynn, later i check

Gemini19, my fren also staying there
my mil stay opp blk 657

hwee, me not young leh
sob sob
aiya, serene, you definitely a lot younger than me lor! :p and you already have 2 kids also. i so old liao also dunno how to think of #3.....sigh!
ling, the plays are interesting, but i think a little too kiddie for my girl. its good for those with 3-4yr old.

cl, ya, young at heart all the time!
actually we dun. if you're talking abt those overnight fishing, then we won't do. hee patience. if go to those pond for the kids to play also, can.
Here's my gal.
Just turned a mth ytd!

CL, tat restaurant u talking abt belongs to hb's uncle.
Din know its dat popular.
Cos i myself never eat there before.
She is so cute. So tempting but i closed shop liao

Yes yes quite popular and anything my fil pass it it is good ha ha. Price reasonable oso.
I love babies too but i think 3 quite rowdy. That day brought my niece out with my 3 kids , me and hb shake head and agree no more
CL, i tink the more kids the merrier lei.
But this will be my last also.

Hwee, all come out one shot better.
Then next tym can rest earlier.
haha! cl & zu, ya more kids better. i dunno abt the resting earlier. but ok la, now i get to sleep in till 9+ during weekends also. haha!
Thanks Hwee and CL.

My gal is better now. Wow, I like kids too but its not easy to handle them isn't it? I used to teach in schools and CCs and its a joy to talk to the kids

Maybe we can meet up before CNY for a small gathering. Also, how's the baking session?
Little Sarah is so cute, looks like Adam right except Adam's cheek more rosy like you. Happy right? A boy and gal, so trying for number 3 too?
everyone talking abt no.3 haha... mi oso not so soon la.. yup.. the more the merrier but provided u have help else headache wor... :p

Hwee: yup, my hb looking for fishing kaki leh.. keep asking me to join him fishing.. faint

zu: cute gal... i luv babies too hehe
gemini19, good to know your girl is better! take care
yes, a small gathering will be nice. serene, you there? anyone organising?

ling, huh? you shud join yr hubby once a while lor. sorry i dunno any fishing kaki...:p

serene, aiya, many ppl also manage more than 3 kids with only hubby working. i'm sure if you're mentally prepared then you're fine.
