Choa chu kang mummy club

ya, hw you gals manage to get into schools not within cck area?? tot must be at least 1km for easy registration?? :p

pinkie bear, dun kia su.... your gal has another 2 more years lor. i only know de la salle is very popular in cck. i really dunno abt the rest of the schools.

pinkie bear & Ling, like i mentioned earlier, i'm attending the church that is affiliated to PH so i get to register my girl under phase 2B which should be ok to get a seat. i'm not sure how cuddles managed since 2000 was the baby boom dragon yr...

Ling, how old is your gal?
Hi Hwee...

My gal will go to primary on next 4 yrs haha...actually i don't want to think about this is my colleague who approached me and ask me start monitor the schools that my gal will be now is the period of registration for P1...make me stress only...
pinkie bear, wah go untul malaysia to dye hair
is it cheaper?

ling, yah i also like tat pix loh
c lah, u cant join us. nvrmind the nxt round ok

lyn-bb, my cousin at dela salle.
wah liao, i c them like damn stress on studies leh
pinkie bear, you really plan very far ahead lei. i mean you can keep a lookout from now but the babies every year lesser, so the chance of getting into a school within 1km of your house should be ok. if you're not ex students or affiliated in anyway, then you'll be in phase 2c.

Lyn Baby, hmmmm looks like de la salle really popular hor?

if any of you mummies want to increase your chance of getting into the school of your choice, please call the school at least 2 yrs before registration and do volunteer work. wat you do will depend on what the school needs. it can be fund raising, reading to the students etc. then you'll be able to qualify for phase 2b. of course if you're staying nearer, your chances will be higher. that's all i know for now.
Ha ha , when baby get lesser, no of class may reduce so the chances is almost the same. As old gal of Nanyang, I get to register at Phase 2A2. Called the admin office to confirm if I should pay $1K to register at 2A1 but they say no need. So should be ok lor. Lucky I still keep my report book till now.

For De La Salle. I called them they do not have volunteer system. So to get in either you are catholic and church affiliated or you are old gal will gain a higher chance. But the more popular school within CCK is South View which allows volunteer work.

Note if in phase 2B even if you have done volunteer work, if the number of application is more than seat available, then they will look at distance less than 1 km. If narrow to 1 km still demand more than supply, then ballot liao.
Hi serene, I never dye hair at S'pore le...all the while i dye in m' the same salon hee hee

Hi Hwee, yeah now i just go to MOE website take a look only...nothing much lah...have to monitoring coz i am not familiar with the studies system over here mah
Shd i still stay here within the next 6 yrs - am aiming De La Salle for Alex.

CL, u mean if i am a Catholic, got higher chance?
But i am not within the 1km zone. So i guess, chances also not tat good.
I even checked out De La Salle website ... kekeke
Heard tat it is v popular but didnt know tat it is stressful

Hopefully by then Alex is Pri 1, school not so popular because no matter what - i will send him to Catholic school!
poo power
you doing match making for serene's boy and meow's gal? hehe.... :p

talk about enrolment to primary school, just curious how the system works 'cos i nvr studied in s'pore before.
we can only enrol one school at one time? what if the school that we enrol can't give a place for our kid? or it's like you can have 3 choices of schools, then which ever place you got it, you just let your kids go to that school?
pinkie bear, so u go malaysia veri frequent lah?

poo power: sheryl is axler jie jie leh
cannot lah.

aiyo all abt sch. me now headache dunno wich childcare to enrol axler when he turns 2.
any recommendation???
wow, this is becoming like P1 registration disussion board huh?

Chicken Little, you really do your homework liao huh? already found out so much info....

pinkie bear & sunny, guess you're not local since you say you've not studied in s'pore b4. well, its stressful, very stressful and even more stressful when its our babies' turns! arrgh! as you an see, already registering got big headache. sigh!

poo power, you really thinking so far when Alex is only 6 mths old! guess, you have to hang on till the registration to get that advantage of being within the vicinity. as for catholic, i'm not sure if they are only affiliated to some churches or all?

pinkie bear, where you go do your hair in malaysia? heard its half the price there lei.
ya, me from m'sia.
wah, sounds really stressful leh. y har?

you wanna send axler to full day childcare of half day? your nanny can't take care of him har?
my friend let her boy go to a cc called flamingo. i think it's somewhere at crescent. she said so far ok woh...
serene, why you need to send axler to childcare? who is taking of both yr kids now?

sunny, its the kiasu syndrome. everyone kiasu so it becomes very stressful for the children. sigh!

Are you the same wendy I know ? Your son born in 2001 ? CCK Pri is actually ok because my fren used to teach there before going to Nanyang.

Cannot play play, because it is our turn next year liao. My gal very lazy so have to make sure I make the right choice. I now have a native chinese teacher who comes to my house every sat to teach her with 4 other kids chinese.
Hi Serene, if free or my gal is at M'sia then i will go mom is taking care of her gal is happy coz sometimes can stay at M'sia and sometimes can cross over the bridge stay in s'pore...

Hi hwee, i don't know is half price or not, i dye and did hair treatment, total is is cheap? Some salons at M'sia charge expensive it is depends on neighborhood salon or at shopping mall salon..they charge diff..just like s' it is good to go to those that you know well...

Sunny...i am frm m'sia too
yeah not familiar with the studies system over here so must study and monitoring...then become kiasu & stress...aiks..Heard m'sia, nowadays the childreen and parents also stress about their study too...

Yah, that's me. As the registration getting nearer getting more nervous and confusing. Although I'm still within 1km from south view pri but its still a walking distant whereas cck pri its just directly opposite my flat.
Sunny, I looking at full day childcare
My nanny can manage juz that me & terence find axler pick up veri fast. Then we hope he can learn more

Hwee, my bb sitter take care of both my boy & gal.
Just that me find it's time for axler to go sch

Pinkie bear, Ic. I also go malaysia if free.
Go there buy stuff. Usually drive in
Last time while I'm expecting my gak, we drive in all the way to malacca
pinkie bear
ya, i heard it's stressful to study in m'sia now. last time during my time, not so stress. only during the period of the final exam, or SRP or SPM then start kan cheong. and i always start studying the day before the paper. haha..... luckily, i still can make it. :p

ya, i think if axler can obsorb things fast, better to let him go to school earlier. any preference on the location? what type of curriculum you prefer? mayb half day would be better for him to start off. 'cos my friend told me those full day one hor, basically didn't do much thing leh. it's just mainly childcare centre, she find. and of course got some timing is for the kids to learn lah.
since you got nanny can take care of axler, and your main reason is to let axler learn things, better send him to enrichment classes. though it's shorter time, more things for him to learn loh.
that's my view lah.
guess its the domino effect ... once it starts, all will follow

it is actually so ironic tat i do not want my son to be stress about school but on the other hand, if i limit his exposure, he may 'lose out' (or even feel discriminated) to others ... while others are the hare, wld i want my child to be a tortoise ... hehehe

Life is jus so beautiful
Hi Serene,

yeah most of the stuff at M'sia is cheap
Me too, last time while my gal hide inside my womb, i went to KL, Genting too...hee hee..relax & enjoyed 1st before she came out...

Melaka huh...i miss the luk luk...that satay gravy...yum yum...did you try b4? Let me know if you plan to go Melaka, i have few friends from Melaka and they know where can find good food

tomorrow i will going to KL, attend my colleage mate wedding at the meantime can shop shop around especially M'sia is having mega sales...yiak yiak..

yeah lotsa of ppl tight the knot on tomorrow is special date: 777...lucky day..

Hi Sunny, yeah last time during our time, study is not so stressbut always burn midnite oil..hee..

Hi sugarbun, dun need stress yourself lah...14 months only...enjoy motherhood 1st
Can start to plan when your child turns 3 yrs old like me..heee
serene, agree with other mummies that sending axler to enrichment classes will be better. either the weekend or week days if nanny can help you bring better!

pinkie bear, i also go to m'sia pretty often. was jus in putrajaya 3 weeks ago. that time the sale hasn't started yet. so you don't bring your gal back often? you working?

looks like a few of us go to m'sia quite often. and with some m'sian mummies, maybe we can go there to shop shop one day.

think no one wants to stress their kids. but poo power puts it so nicely... well, everyone just wants the best for their kids and better still if their kid is the best!

Life is fantastic!
Chicken Little, wow, you really planning very far ahead. extra lessons huh? so far how is it? you didn't think of sending to those chinese enrichment classes? i'm only letting my girl attend phonics lesson every sun. we speak mandarin at home, so her english is quite weak. can't read yet. me worried, so send her to phonics.
Hwee, pinkie bear, ling

apart from my gal, there are 4 more others at her pick up pt for the sch bus, and its 3/4 full. So the kids around here gog to PH is really more than I expected.

In CCK area, the more popular schs are - delasalle, Southview, CCK and Concord

I tried delasalle but since i am not w/i km, the staff told me no chance. So we tried for 2C balloting (there were 200+ ppl vying for 70 seats!!!). So we went for Concord as we guessed most others who were not successful will head for CCK. Even then Concord more than 1km also need to ballot. My gal got into Concord. It was a very SCARY and PANICKY period last yr. I will not want to go thru it again! But i still wanted my gal to go to my choiced sch, so I signed up for waiting list at Delasalle, Southview, PH and RGPS. Ok, I may seem a kiasu mother, but which mother dun wanna do the best for her child. As long as we should know our child's standard. So i went to each sch and sign up. At least i am not guilt ridden that i din do anything for my gal. If we dun get it, at least i know I have tried my best instead of sit there and lament. I was already so regretful that I din look into PV before.

Anyway, i was very lucky becos by end of term 1, PH had a vacancy and called me. I immediately made the switch. Big sacrifice on the sch book and uniforms too but no regrets.

Hwee is right, if you intend to do PV, please check with your choiced sch at least 2 yrs bef, some as early as 3 yrs. Cos u gotta understand they may not hv something readily available for u. There's waiting time for thesch to match the requirement against your skills.
Hwee, you mean bring my gal back to m'sia or s'pore? my gal follows my mom, if my mom wanna go back m'sia then she will follow her back...orlese will stay in s'pore...

yeah i am working mom...

yes, good suggestion, maybe can organize a trip to m'sia..
but no JB huh...scary..

it is nature, parents always give the best to their kids...if not we will feel heart pain if they suffer...

Hi Cuddles, you make me stress the way what is PV? volunteer?

CCK pri is not bad, my fren's daughter from that sch and she does well and now in one of the top sec sch.

pinkiebear, sunny

my fren staying in JB told me the schooling in Msia also quite competitive leh. She and hb also stress teaching her 6 yr old..


if you are catholic i dun know if need to be affiliated. But if not w/i 1km also quite slim chance. Best is to call up the sch to check. However, since you are not registering this yr, can call other times la, am sure the staff now bz with this yr registration

My advise to all mommies who are registrating kids in 2-3 yrs time - if you got any queries, dun be shy, jus call up the sch and ask. Not asking to be kiasu, but jus clear your queries and better planning ahead. This is from my personal experience.
Thanks for your advise
u r not kiasu - i wld do likewise too!
U hv prepared n now 'aiming' for the 'bullseye'
Hope u get yr choiced school ....

no stress no stress, jus to share some experience to give ev one a better idea. Its really up to you how you wanna do this.
pinkie bear, oic. so at least you get to see yr gal quite often. i tot she's in m'sia wif yr mum then you get to see her during the weekends only.

wow, cuddles, you really went thru a lot of stress b4. part of the reason was the dragon yr baby boom. anyhow, it may not be any better for those popular schools also for this year. i'm just hoping i won't be so unlucky in the balloting next year. i'm going to use my sister's address as the caregiver as she's within 1km from PH to increase my chance.

serene, maybe we all can go Melaka someday? pinkie bear says she has frens there....hee hee.....

Thanks. CCK pri is having open house tomorrow, will go and take a look. As I dun want my children spending time in the school bus that's why I thought of putting them in a school nearby so that they can sleep a bit later if they're in morning session. Actually I'm able to enrol them in methodist school as we're church member but due to distant and also afraid that my kid couldn't take the stress so hb and I decided to place them in HDB school
melaka luk luk in satay gravy ...can tell me the street and the shop name bo? That time my customer bring me there but I didnt take note the shop and street name...Want to bring my family go also cannot :p

pls note following extracted from MOE site:

8(e)If statutory declaration is used, children living with foster parents and residing within 1km of the school of choice will not be balloted together with other children residing within 1km of the school of choice. Instead they will be balloted together with children residing between 1-2km of the school of choice. Children living with foster parents between 1-2km of the school of choice will be balloted together with children residing between 1-2km of the school of choice.

thats good, as long as you n hb r clear of what u wan. Then go for it. differnt ppl have differnt priorities. Are u staying close to CCK pri sch?
cuddles, yes i know of that already. at least i'll be in the within 2km category. so far in history, all those within 2km vicinity in phase 2B all no need to ballot.
unless i suay then i cannot say anything lor. sigh! :p
Ever consider letting Axler go Playground? Find one nearby yr bbsitter hse.
I got the same thoughts as you finding Tennyson picking up and should learn something. Going to enroll him to playground near bbsitter hse.
So fast talking about primary school ... **stress**
My neighbour stress me by saying I should go do volunteer work. I stay within 1km from South View.
hi all, thks all for the adv. me really headache leh. hmm....maYBE i shld let him go trial c if he can take it

wei i always go jb when free
usually on wkend
that time malacca is with my hubby car club frenz
a few cars go in 2gether for 2 days 1 nite
then i got a malacca frenz
so he bring us ard
sure we can arrange so in 1 of these days.
You make passport for Rslier liao?

can my gal go in south view or not huh? Then same as Tennyson lah. Grandparents near can bo?

i have some milk formula to give away.

1.) Mamil Gold Step 2, 400gm (after 6 mths) (exp 09/feb 2009)
2.) Friso infant fomula, 900gm (0-6 mths) (exp 29/mar 2008)

Self-collect at my hse if interested. Pls PM me thanks.
no lah, near my parents mah. Unless after i ord, hb let me be sahm lah, else must look for school near them mah. Else who fetch my gal to and fro?
Meow, should be okie la.
Just write to the school or Mp. I also cannot recall how.
Cos my sister stays in BB but her chn go to school here in CCKPS, near my parents.

U ORD-ing soon? Got lump sum after ORD.
Sure can be SAHM. :p
