Choa chu kang mummy club

poo power, yah he dare to feed the goat wor.
but kanna bite by the goat on his little finger

yoyo, not to wori
there's always other time.
the nxt round heading to cow farm

any1 1 2 join me again?????

Found Dr Siaw to be friendly,assuring n knowledgable - he gives me the trust n confidence!
After visit, my heart feels more at ease
Liked the way u allow yr children experience life!
Books cannot teach n money cannot buy

When yr cow farm trip???
Glad you felt at ease with Dr Siaw. I like him because he will check thoroughly. And he will spend time to answer your query. That is why his q also very long lor.

Ya me and hb was so sick waiting outside. Saw they say so loud dispense wrong medication, no scolding from senior to the junior assistant and no immediate action to contact the patient so we quickly walk out of the clinic. crawl also must crawl to another clinic
poo-power: i try to let him expose more to nature. let him mix ard & get involve in activities. surprisingly, he pick up quite fast
i was thinking if i shld put him to childcare when he turns 2 leh.
cow farm will be in AUG. coz july too many activties liao

CL, wei ask u hor, remember we order the pooh cookie cutter b4? u noe what's the site mah??? i 1 2 order something leh
Poo power

i pm u liao.


when my elder gal was 2-3 yo, we started to bring her to all these places. Cos hb, me n DD likes to see animals, so hb will go find all the farm marts la, goat farm la, animal resort la, pet farm la whatever farm la. Ev Sunday we will go. Hehe.. use to be our weekend hobby.
wah, the mummies here really can talk leh. wahaha.. move so fast i always read, cannot post.

Dr Siaw is also our family doc, followed him all the way since he's at Limbang! current location better for us, cos nearer, kekeke..

yeah, agree that Dr Siaw is very friendly & good! and my gal loves to ask him for stickers, wahahaha.. his nurses are also very friendly.

oh, btw, just brought my gal to review last evening, was told by the nurses that they go by "appointment system" now. meaning to say, walk-in case might need to wait longer. no longer the "go early mean get to see doc early" case.

what pooh cookie cutter? me also interested!
cuddles, same here loh. my boy once reach 1yr old me start to bring him out for expore.

CL, yah bought it at the bp spree. but now dun seem like to see it here anymore leh. juz only tat once wich was b4 i expecting rslier leh.
i want to get the pooh chocolate mould maker leh
that time miss it. shld have order also. sob sob
i stil havent use the pooh cake mould hahaha

angelia & lyn bb, ur'all also pooh fans????

I found the japan website

Their online shop should be this

Angelia yes yes I follow Dr Siaw from year 2000 when I move to CCK after getting married. If not for the benefit under parkway shenton that my kids can claim under company, he is always my first choice. When they dun recover after first consultation, I will definitely go to him to seek help. Even my bil now will travel from bukit batok to see him
hey tat's the rite site leh
cl, u so clever
but mostly i buy liao juz the chocolate mould
anyone interested????
Welcome Sugarbun.

I finally sign up for the baby contest, Group D slot 9 am

Dr Siaw Tung Yeng is from Healthmark Family Medicine Clinic
Add : Blk 601 Choa Chu Kang St 62
#01-09 Singapore 680601

Tel: 67672281

No evening clinic on tues and thur
<font color="aa00aa">CL,</font>
ya, ya. actually i first got to know him was when i was wif my ex-coy and can claim. then when he left, we make him the regular GP for my gal. when i left my ex-coy, then officially he became our FAMILY doctor. hahah..

i oso drag my mum from Bt Batok to see him if she doesn't recover after visiting the GP in Bt Batok.

now his biz so good till Tue & Thu no evening clinic...

<font color="aa00aa">serene,</font>
not pooh fan lah. but the kid will like these cartoon character
angelia, hehe, me like mickey mouse & pooh. so my kids ma jiam like no choice also have to like it

lyn-bb, the yew tee bb contest. the same one we took last yr
serene, so the kids all enjoy themselves at the goat farm? i guess no outing on sundays for me till end of the year when my ger finish her phonics. sigh! so boring.

so far how many mummies sign up for the bb show contest at YT cc? still thinking whether to register or not... wat do they do at the contest?
hwee, well my boy enjoy loh. the last few pix is taken at the dragon fruit farm.
the bb contest they check the growth of our kids.

sugarbun, oh april bb.
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Location</TD><TD>Baby #1</TD><TD>DOB</TD><TD>Baby #2</TD><TD>DOB </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mayday</TD><TD>219</TD><TD>Boy - Tennyson</TD><TD></TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chicken Little</TD><TD>547</TD><TD>Girl - Charmaine</TD><TD>5.8.02</TD><TD>Boy - Aden</TD><TD>9.1.06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serene</TD><TD>610</TD><TD>Boy - Axler</TD><TD>23.8.05</TD><TD>Gal - Rslier</TD><TD>23.1.07 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ling</TD><TD>704</TD><TD>Girl - Velda</TD><TD></TD><TD>Coming - Oct</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sunny</TD><TD>785</TD><TD>Girl - Ying Xin</TD><TD></TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cuddles</TD><TD>433</TD><TD>Gal - Sheryl</TD><TD>25.12.00</TD><TD>Boy - Dylan</TD><TD>21.10.06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>YoYo</TD><TD>456</TD><TD>Boy-Malcolm</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hwee</TD><TD>513</TD><TD>Gal - Kelly</TD><TD>20.5.02</TD><TD>Boy - Timothy</TD><TD>8.12.06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Margaret Tan</TD><TD>540</TD><TD>Boy - Isaac</TD><TD></TD><TD>Boy - Ethan</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinkie_bear</TD><TD>659</TD><TD>Gal - Xin Ling</TD><TD>24.1.04</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nuttnuts</TD><TD>683B</TD><TD>Girl - Yin En</TD><TD></TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Meow</TD><TD>683C</TD><TD>Girl - Sheryl</TD><TD></TD><TD>Boy - Darryl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>C3k2</TD><TD>686A</TD><TD>Boy - Che</TD><TD></TD><TD>Gal - </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jess</TD><TD>686C</TD><TD>Boy - Bredon</TD><TD>28.5.06</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lyn_Baby(lyn_baby)</TD><TD>686D</TD><TD>Girl - Valerie</TD><TD></TD><TD>coming - Sept</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cutecute</TD><TD>687C</TD><TD>Boy - JiaXu</TD><TD></TD><TD>Boy - JiaHao</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Poo_Power</TD><TD>688B</TD><TD>Boy - Alexander</TD><TD>15.1.07</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Francesca</TD><TD>690B</TD><TD>Girl - Jewel</TD><TD></TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Home</TD><TD>690B</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angelia</TD><TD>692A</TD><TD>Girl - Shanice</TD><TD></TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>funkymom</TD><TD>692A</TD><TD>Girl - Raine</TD><TD></TD><TD>coming - Jul</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Precious Moment</TD><TD>692A</TD><TD>Boy - Ethan</TD><TD></TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>No_name</TD><TD>692B</TD><TD>Boy - Dillon</TD><TD>12.2.03</TD><TD>Girl - shannon </TD><TD>4.8.06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Clarissemummy</TD><TD>The Warren</TD><TD>Girl - Clarisse</TD><TD></TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Glad</TD><TD>Yew Tee</TD><TD>Boy - Gabriel</TD><TD></TD><TD>Boy - Fabian</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jeanyard</TD><TD></TD><TD>Boy - Cookie Monster</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hi Serene
Last sunday my hp battery was flat. When I recharge my hp & read yr sms is already 12pm+. I thought it is 2.30pm going.
Hi all new mummies, welcome to our CCK mummy club hehehe...

Just wanna pop in to say I haven't bomb yet hahaha...

Aiyo..the kids enjoying themselves for the goat farm leh...sigh...Raine missed the fun man..

if you are near Lot 1, then you can consider Edinburgh Clinic at CCK central opp the 24hr coffee shop. Can call and get q no first as they are super long q too. Look for Dr Kee Loo or Dr Tan (wife and husband), There's also this younger Dr, think its Dr Maria or Miriam, also very nice.

That area has 4 clinics! Dun like the 24hr clinic tho. Docs r inexperience and uncaring.
Hi All mommies...good day!

Wow Serene, the boy is your son right? look like the kids enjoyed very much...hope i can join you guys next trip

Hi Serene, guess what, at the end i didn't perm my hair haha
just dye it with highlight...dye and highlight already took about 4 hrs..can't imagine if i go for perming...i can't take it haha...
hi pinkie bear, hee didn't perm your hair huh? i ended up cutting my hair real short for a change...haha!
the last time i perm, colour and treatment took me more than 6 hrs!

thanks mummies! someone located Dr Siaw for me! i used to see him at Limbang, dunno where he disappeared to. now i know where to find him when i need to.
Hi Chicken Little, actually our 2 kids the same coincident hor? for the elder gal, i'll be putting her into Pei Hwa. She's attending Glory Kindergarten there now and we are attending churh there also. so she'll be registering in Phase 2b under affliation. if i remember correctly, cuddles' elder gal is there too right? are you already planning some particular school for Chairmaine already?
Hi Hwee

Yup yup second one both boys too. My boy older than yours, He jan 06. Pei Hwa is the one at Toh yi ? Me old gal of Nanyang pri, still thinking whether to enrol there or go for De la selle
chicken little, ya, yr boy older almost 1 yr but same yr...hee hee.... yes, pei hwa at toh yi side. i think you should try for Nanyang first. i know de la salle also very hot in our area lor.
Ya hwee, my elder gal in PH P1 this yr. Actually quite a number of kids in CCK goes to PH too. Ur Phase should not be a problem.

Chicken Little

my advise, if old gal of NYPS, just save the headache and go for it. Many ppl wan also dun have. De la salle's intake is small so chances are slim. I tried but no chance at all. Guess you are within 1km?

hey jus realise quite a number of 06 kids here. Chicken little, Hwee, No name and mine.. May have seen you ppl bef cos when i was preg las yr, i see many same same as me around.
Cuddles, oh, how you know quite a number of kids in CCK at PH? from the sch bus? btw, what time does the bus pick the kids and wat time do they come back? is it stressful in PH?

hey, the 06 mummies, SAHM or working? ya, maybe we met in Lot 1, MRT....
Hi Serene & hwee: the salon i went is at M'sia dye plus hair treatment too. I can't stand to sit down there for so end up didn't perm haha

Cuddles, hwee, chicken little, wow you guys childrent study at PH? it is not within CCK area right? PH is at Bkt timah right? Staying at CCK is easy to get it? how about others reputable and good school around our neigbourhood? Think must start do homework liau to decide which school for my gal...

nice pix... the kids are really enjoying themselves in the farm.. :p so cute the pix with axler and sheryl looking into the pond together on the bridge hehe :D
