Chinese 7th Month *pangdang*


New Member

As you all know, now is the Chinese 7th Month, and everyone is burning paper.

Maybe i am a bit "pangdang", but can pregnant woman go to the ancestor's grave to pray and burn paper? Or the hubby do can le?

Also, another "pangdang" matter, can hubby attend wedding dinners and be a "brother" ?

Please advise....

cream : i only know happy occasion ok but not sad occasion ... as for the prayer thing ... i suggest u seek old pp advice ...ask ur mother or mil ... if can i suggest dont go
Hmm i remember last yr when i was about 2 or 3mths pregnant i oso went to pray.. nth happen.. but it depends on individual bah..
I did pray during the 7th month when I was preggy with my first child. I agree with happy_chue that it is just prayers. I do recall that when I went to temple to bai tai-sui, the temple medium told me no need to kneel. My dad say when you are pregnant, you are exempted from kneeling.

However, you will NOT be allowed to go for funerals. Unless absolutely necessary, you can attend, you MUST wear a red sash around your belly inside your clothes to protect the unborn child.

As for weddings, I personally avoided them as much as possible. Just as couples do not attend weddings close to theirs, it is the same concept of clashing. But it is entirely up to you since it is your hubby who is going to be a brother...
Erm, actually I attended, think 2 weddings or so during my pregnancy, quite ok.. Think I was so happy to share in the newly weds' joy and just think that happy + happy = happier.. haha..

but if funeral etc, will try to avoid tho, then 7th mth praying at blk's void deck, think also avoided, hb went and pray..
if you really pandang then don't go unless very close etc for funeral if not im sure your fren/long distance relative can understand.
myself is believe the old folk, bcoz of our own stubborness then might harm the baby then is not fair to our bb.
From what i heard is that the baby inside your body might be a high level "shen" (god) so it is inappropriate
Wedding dinners are ok to attend, BUT it is advisable not to be around when they 'jie xin niang', bring the bride back. Both pregnancies I have attended weddings and baby showers.

But to be on the safe side, just don't attend unless absolutely necessary
I went to cemetery for qing ming, attend weddings, attend baby showers, attend birthdays, but avoid funeral
agree with golf to "siam" the jie xin niang. cos on their wedding day.. they are the biggest " higher statuas than the heaven" afraid of clash.

actually, if you want to be super pang tang.. there are so many things you cannot do..

1) be home before dark like 7pm?
2) avoid construction
3) cannot look at animals ( animal planet a no no)
4) cannot move any stuff in your home.. like furniture.. renovation
5)no cutting blah blah.. the list can go on.

just follow the happy occassion.. u will be merrier and enjoy this pregnancy.. a balance of all..

if you are too extremist.. also no good..
Definitely no-nos whether 7 mth or not (what I was advised):
- attending wakes and visiting graves/cemeteries
- being out at deserted/forested areas at night
- renovations at home/excessive moving
- sitting on the bed to sew/stitch
- going near prayer spots (where people leave offerings by the road etc)

Most importantly, stay relaxed and happy - don't get too extreme and overly superstitious.
