Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

Dear CL/BL,
is earning monies out of organizing sprees allowed?

Obviously earning from organizing sprees,
estimated $0.40 for a tube of Desitin Cream,
estimated of $1 for a tube of First Teeth Toothpaste;

Does this means she doesn't have to pay for her own shipment cost if she's the organizer of the spree?

This spree alone,
she's going to earn more than $30
Hi FriendlyMTB,
Organizing a spree isn't easy & is time-consuming. In the case of sprees for some overseas brands, I think there must be some form of 'reward'. Otherwise why would anyone want to organize it ???
haha Janet, someone should have told me that before I started the Baby Couture sprees :D never realized it was soooooooooo much work!!!

but re: the above, I think it's but fair because a lot coordination, overseas calls, time, packaging material etc is spent so $30 isnt' really that much really...
I've not organized any sprees b4, but if some people organize sprees one after another, won't she be 'rewarded' by some form of benefits, bcos like what you mentioned, organizing a spree isn't easy ???
janet, i guess my only worry is that some people may be organizing sprees to make money?? but actually, am not sure there's a lot to be made and if is worth all the hassle. There are some "serial spree starters tho," some with up to 10 sprees going on at the same time!!
Posted in many '06 and '07 MTB threads to consolidate BP on Security Camera.

Wynston Ma (stonston)
Junior Member
Username: stonston
Post Number: 496
Registered: 2-2007

Wynston Ma (stonston)
Username: stonston
Post Number: 588
Registered: 2-2007
Guess most serial spree organizers enjoy the points chalked up, bonus points (to be used for shopping next time) + other "shipping benefits" for the effort they put it....

Mommies just have to take note of all the conditions before joining sprees.. like the fixed exchange rate, shipping charges etc.... if you're not comfortable with the "mark-ups"... then don't join lor. Same with the BPs..
hi Leng Leng,

You may like to check out this thread

The user has posted under free items with a misleading title stated that she is giving away items and when you read the thread, she is selling things.

Similar posting with silimar " mistake " can also be found in marketplace in S'poreBrides.

When I sms her regarding the FOC items as stated in the title, my sms is ignored.

It is a case of " Gua yang hou, mai guo lou ".

Please look into this as the user is abusing the system. Thanks.
Hi Carole, actually if you post shamin's email here, its also helping her advertise? hehehe maybe should delete your above posting leh.
Hi Dino,
I suspect serial spree organizers are enjoying the points on their credit card to go shopping. Why else would they organize one after another ??
janet, they could also be making some money on the fixed exchange rates?? today prevailing bank rate is $1.53 - US$ 1.. if pegged at $1.60 not bad leh
I guess there must be something beneficial. But since there are a number of faithful followers for the sprees organized, then there is nothing for anyone else to say.
bank rates & CC rates varies. if we are gng to follow, guess we will only get to pay first and be paid later by buyers from sprees.

Moreover, packing of the goods are paid by us, and buyer only pay for postage. And the co-ordination work its not easy. Esp, when everyone is sleeping we are ordering and phones are ringing from US. We stayed up late just to make sure orders are taken and making sure OSS goods are being replaced.

Another thing, when goods arrived, we will take time to sit down just to sort and make sure numbers are right. and if not correct, we took pain to email suppliers.

If its so easy to organise and co-ordinate sprees, i will be the first to do every sprees. I only soley does OPI cos its seriously hard to do it. And its only upon request.

If you think we really benefits, please think twice. I am sure many mummies who organise sprees will be really upset to hear such comments.

That few cents is really nothing, cos we given more that it suppose to be.

You can ask those who are in my sprees. Did i charge them for the protective wrappings? the evelopes? the effort to bring to post office or their homes?
carole, totally understand what you are saying... and i do agree sprees aren't easy, was just wondering why there are some mummies who have 5-10 sprees going on at the same time? it can't be they need the stuff all the time right? something must be in it for them... just playing devil's advocate!!
Hi Carole,
I know it's not easy to organize a spree, but there are some who have a few at the same time. Sorry to repeat what Patsy mentioned earlier.
janet: could be that they're just bored and the sprees keep them busy, maybe best we drop the topic now before it escalates! hehe
Janet / Patsy,
Just to put in a word about spree organisers chalking up credit card points. Being a spree organiser myself, I do not wish to be a hypocrite and deny that we do chalk up credit card points with all the sprees organised. But banks here are stingy with credit card points. One typically need to charge at least $3500 to the card to earn enough points for redeem a pathetic $20 voucher. That means need to organise 8 to 10 sprees chalk up the points. All the efforts put in to organise 10 sprees for just $20? I doubt credit card points is the 'benefit' driving the so-called 'serial' spree organisers here.
Also regarding exchange rates, all banks charge at least 0.02 to 0.03 higher than market exchange rate. If rate now is 1.54, banks will charge at least 1.56, I use this as a guide. For my sprees, I peg the rate at 0.02 higher than market rate and will re-adjust when the actual rate charged to my card is confirmed.

I'm sure different organisers have different reasons for organising their sprees. For me, I organise so many because I seriously want to buy in each of my spree and want mummies to share the shipping cost with me. Ironically, I'm also wary of how some spree organisers fixed their exchange rate and divide the shipping charges or not transparent in how they calculate the charges. Hence, I decide to organise myself. There could some spree organisers here who may be taking in a few dollars extra due to fixed exchange rate or preset prices but really, I'm sure it's not as if the mummies are earning amounts enough to make a living out of organising sprees.
I think for mummies who have participated in sprees organised by different people, they will know who are genuine organisers and who are not; who are transparent and fair and who are not. And it's really up to them to decide who they trust and who they are comfortable with, even if the spree organiser may be charging some extras.
queen, i totally understand what you are saying, and my comment was not directed at people like you who actually buy stuff for yourself during the spree...
Hi queen
Totally agreed with u that some repeated spree organisers do organise such spree not for their pte order but to earn some "undisclosed disc/promo code" that were given to them during their order...but i noticed many dun specify it during the spree so it's pretty obvious tat they r keepin tat "promo/disc code" as their so-called profit/gain lor...tat's y if i really need sometin, i'll either order with the nice mommy or do one myself...but of cos, it's up to individual mommy if they find that it's ok to pay/participate in the spree...some mommies do not mind payin juz to save the hassle of doin 1 themselves...BUT I MUZ REALLY SAY TO ORGANISE A SPREE IS NOT TAT EZ..LOTSA TIME N EFFORT N ENERGY SPEND...NEEDLESS TO SAY $$ INVOLVED WHEN COMES TO CLARIFICATION WITH THE OVERSEAS MERCHANT OR SMS FOR COLLECTION WHEN SHIPMENT ARR...
hi i just read your post on 1st apr and referred to the links u posted. Yes, from her post on 31 Mar 8.59am, the organiser admitted that she wants to order bulky items (eg shampoo) from Drugstore and is making the spree participants bear some of the shipping charges. That's why the Desitin & First Teeth cost more than other sprees.
I was also thinking abt what incentives do repeated spree organisers enjoy... credit card points, free shipping for their own items...
but it's also true that the co-ordination can be mind-boggling, esp if kena some un-cooperative mummies who keep changing order, delay payment, uncontactable, don't collect the items & treat organiser's home as a free warehouse or suay: parcel lost in transit! etc etc
At the end of the day, if i'm not happy abt certain way that things are done (eg not transparent), i can always choose not to join. So if i join, i make sure i'm a happy participant. Jump in with Eyes Wide Open lor.

Happy Easter everyone
