Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

My customer feedback to me that her threads were deleted. I need to know why was that so as I have already advertised in this forum and I was informed by BL that customers can hold BP and get supplies from me.

Pls advise via email. Thanks
Hi girlgirl27

Pauline did pay to advertise in the business thread.

But I think some mummies are as equally confused as I am. We do see some members doing BP for a particular advertiser more than once or twice. Then we do see advertiser coming to the BP thread to add on comments, providing support to the organizer or tapping other people's thread to promote their products. Sometimes, we do see a new comer with a "1" as post number starting a BP thread for a particular advertiser. This easily make us suspect that she/he is a member of the advertiser as well.

Maybe CL can clarify when a member paid to advertise in the business thread, what are their rights? Are they allowed to self promote in the BP thread, are they allowed to tap on other thread to solicit business etc etc?

sorry to mess up your thread. Just wanted to help. Not advertising. I have no connection with pangbaobao.

think you should also highlight to bee_hoon to enquire in another thread or section perhaps?

pls DELETE my post in prettymama's thread. I didn't expect to offend her with the intention of helping a mummy. Thanks
No worry about messing up my thread. I am more concerned about you getting into unnecessary trouble. I believe I know you after so many BPs with me
I'd rather you be informed than to risk account suspension since it is done no-mercy!
Hi Cheezel,

Just to clarify, it was not due to virus infecting the forum. The corruption was actually caused by the current hardware not able to cope with the current high activity (as demonstrated by the high number of 5000+ messages) which resulted in corruption of the file.

The long term solution is to setup multiple servers for the forum. However, the problem is that this is an expensive solution.

Chin Leng.
Carole, I am curious to know too. I did we brought up the case to CL but he has not responded. Remember seeing 1 advertiser went to a member's thread to "get" business when this member could not get the BP going....
Hi Carole,

Previously, we had allowed business threads to be in business category only. However, due to some recent developments, we are currently relooking at the restriction. We've not come to a decision yet. The forum is forever changing and developing. The guidelines we have yesterday may just become obsolete today. This is the reality of Internet which makes it even harder to moderate and manage the forum.

You may also noticed that there are currently 5500+ messages in the last 24 hours. We don't know how long the current server will be able to handle the increased traffic.

We just have too many things that require our attention and our limited resources is not helping.

Chin Leng.
Hi Kanec,

I'm sorry that I've not responded to your query but I'm terribly overswamped by emails and work requirements that need my attentions. I'm totally stretched.

I would have loved to answer all queries that I've received but it has just become humanly impossible. I'm sorry that I've missed out your query.

Chin Leng.
Hi all,

I've just quickly read through some of the older messages here. It is not that we don't remove all threads that violates the rules here. We remove all if we can. Sometimes there are really more threads than we can handle in a period of time. Each highlight posted here and emailed to us will require our further investigation before actions will be taken. It isn't as easy as it sounds. It is not a simple task of just pressing a delete button. Also please note that we do have other duties too so that we can ensure a continuous stream of revenue to keep the portal running.

We would really appreciate if callous remarks about the SingaporeMotherhood team are not made. Please remember that behind the computer screen is a fellow human being who is made of flesh and blood and have feelings too. It is really very discouraging to read those remarks especially we are overworked, overstressed and understaffed. We are all trying our best within our human capabilities and with our limited resources to make this a useful and friendly community for genuine parents and parents-to-be.

We really appreciate your understanding and patience. Thank you.

Chin Leng.
No La, Chin Leng. Don't apologise. We know you are very tied up.

Some of us just are curious why certain BPs get to stay and some banned.
Hi Kanec,

Thanks for your understanding. I hope one of my 3 earlier messages will help shed some light why some BPs don't seem to be removed.

Chin Leng.
CL: getting more n more traffic means that your Forum is doing real good and well.

But there is really a serious problem, if Biz Owners are riding onto the BPs without having to pay for advertising.

I understand the limited resources, but i am sure u do see some "1st time poster" who claims to know or come across suppliers, which just dun make sense.

CL, stay cool & work hard! Cheers.
Ya, I agree with Carole. Many times, we see same organizer doing BPs over BPs. Some will indicate as buying for xxx, supplier clearing stock etc. Then when you ask then for the supplier's contact, they don't give.

And when you delete a new comer's thread, we dun see him/her coming back. So the answer is obvious.
Hi Carole and Kanec,

We understand and we are not oblivious to what is happening in the forum. Yes, we do have more traffic but where is the bulk of the increase in traffic? From the marketplace related threads? More business owners masquerading as users trying to sell their products here? Or more genuine parents and parents-to-be joining the community here to learn and share with each other?

I don't have the answer but I'll be glad if it's the later.

Chin Leng.
CL: Jia You Jia You! U are just doing a great job, but work harder to clamp down all these Nonsense Biz Owners who just love to take advantage!
