This agency is a home-base register company anyway to start off. The agent (Mrs Betty) after receiving the 1st deposit, isn't very pro-active at all in reply ur sms/call for any queries. During that day of receiving the 1st deposit, she promised to sent us a list of what to prepared before baby delivered. After 2weeks we didn't receive any news from her. Called her and she said she forgotten about it and mixed up her customers. Hello, don't she keep a record or database of all your customers?? And she will tell you things like she had told us this/that when in the 1st place she did not advise us at all.
Now, her confinement lady:
1) lazy - sleeping when she feels nothing else to do when baby sleeping. Answering her calls on HP. When baby cry most probably for milk, she will said things like "aiyah no need always feed one lah" or "i think he still not hungry". When she is eating and the baby is crying, she will just con't to eat, & will not attend to the baby. Sometimes when baby crying after few hours of sleep, I asked her is it baby poo or pee, she will said "No lah". Hello, she didn't even check before she tell us that!
2) Calculative - if she left 5 or 10 mins late after her working hours, she will tell you "tomorrow I come 10 mins late". And noticed alot of times roughly 1hour before her "going home" time, she will keep looking at the clock and tends to push the feeding and changing of pampers to u.
3) Inexperienced - Not sure if you guys heard of the "Ru yu" oil? But its suppose to drop a few drips on ur palm and rub it before u place ur 2 hands on baby stomach. Notice she pour directly on baby skin. Confronted her & she said "Aiyah ok one lah, I always do that to other babies and nothing happen.
4) Hygiene Issue - Noticed afew times the milk bottles after she washed still got white residue inside, probably due to the milk.
Definately not a good agency to recommend. Maybe I unlucky or what. That was last year period, not sure if that nanny still working under this agency or not. 55 years of age, not local.
p.s. oh ya she will not forget to ask you for the 1st ang bao on the 1st day & the last angbao on her last day of work.
Now, her confinement lady:
1) lazy - sleeping when she feels nothing else to do when baby sleeping. Answering her calls on HP. When baby cry most probably for milk, she will said things like "aiyah no need always feed one lah" or "i think he still not hungry". When she is eating and the baby is crying, she will just con't to eat, & will not attend to the baby. Sometimes when baby crying after few hours of sleep, I asked her is it baby poo or pee, she will said "No lah". Hello, she didn't even check before she tell us that!
2) Calculative - if she left 5 or 10 mins late after her working hours, she will tell you "tomorrow I come 10 mins late". And noticed alot of times roughly 1hour before her "going home" time, she will keep looking at the clock and tends to push the feeding and changing of pampers to u.
3) Inexperienced - Not sure if you guys heard of the "Ru yu" oil? But its suppose to drop a few drips on ur palm and rub it before u place ur 2 hands on baby stomach. Notice she pour directly on baby skin. Confronted her & she said "Aiyah ok one lah, I always do that to other babies and nothing happen.
4) Hygiene Issue - Noticed afew times the milk bottles after she washed still got white residue inside, probably due to the milk.
Definately not a good agency to recommend. Maybe I unlucky or what. That was last year period, not sure if that nanny still working under this agency or not. 55 years of age, not local.
p.s. oh ya she will not forget to ask you for the 1st ang bao on the 1st day & the last angbao on her last day of work.