Baby Gender Prediction Chart (Chinese)


New Member
Hallo, i just found out that i m pregnant w my 2nd bb and i m anxious about the gender.

My mum is already giving me pressure by saying "its gonna be a gal again??" when i told her i m pregnant. She swears by the chinese bb gender prediction chart and actually remarked "wahh u must try again in 2 years time to get a confirmed boy"....made me so upset.....i dun even know the gender of this one yet and she is insisting i have to try again in 2 years time....

okay, here's the question. did the chart work for u? is it really that accurate? (you've to use your lunar age and lunar mth of conception)

i m only 5 weeks preg. by the time my gynae confirms my bb gender, i m probably very depressed le4... i just need to know if the chart is dead right

depressed, congrats to your 2nd pregnancy! U should be happy about it. think positive! Be it boy or girl, it's still your precious darling mah. don't mind too much about what others say..

Regarding the prediction chart, do u mean the one who looks at our age one issit? if it's that, not chun one lah. Says mine is boy but i got a little princess.

My MIL oso like dat. My bb only 2mths only. Dunno how she sees, always say...cham lah, next one sure girl again....i try to laugh it off lor and can be quite irritating. anyway, boy or girl, we have not much control, as long as bb healthy can liao.
hi depressed,

don't be unhappy yeah. it will affect baby. i agree with Ng, should think positive. gal or boy doesn't matter. the moment its placed in our arms, our hearts melt.

If your mil/mum still gives u alot of unnecessary pressure, try what i did.

i told her the scientific truth that the gender of the baby is determined by her son cos for us ladies, its always the X chromosome (ie gals). To get a boy, her SON must give a Y chromosome. That shut her up for a while. hahaha!

by nature, its beyond our control. just dun understand why these old folks cannot get it into their brain.
<font face="calisto mt"> Hi I understand how u feel cuz I encounter e same when I was preggie.

Duno how MIL see but she somehow figure tt I'm carrying a boi during my early stage of pregnancy. She was so upset, didn't even bother to cook me tonic etc even though I was suffering v bad morning sickness. Somemore even said, preggie is lyk tt one lah

Her attitude changed 180 degree when detailed scan more or less confirmed I was carrying a girl. She cook me tonic lah, always tell me to b v careful lah, help to wash/hang my clothes, brought me all sort of biscuit or stuff which is supposed to help w MS &amp; even wanted to follow us to gynae appts.

It doesn't matter whether is boi or ger as long as they r healthy. Dun care wat ur mum said lah, end of e day it's ur bb not hers.

Cheer up or it's gona affect ur BB</font>
Hi depressed,

U are not alone. Me too, when I was having my 1st bb, all symptoms and even those gender chart indicate that I shld be a boy, actually I'm not particular abt it, in fact more in favour of girl. My FIL has always wanted a grandson cos all my SIL gave birth to granddaughter. He always tot I will hv a boy, so when my scan results is out, his face suddenly turn when my hubby reveal it's a girl. My MIL is ok but I feel so hateful from the way he treated me. Then after delivery, he kept wanting to carry my girl which i refused.

Now I'm expecting my 2nd bb, tell my hubby dun tell my FIL. So only my MIL knows abt it, I dun want him to pressurise me again or show me that kind of look.

Why is gender still so impt in this modern society when pple shld be more educated to understand that this is something beyond every mum control and wouldn't it be joyful enough knowing you can conceive.

Anyway both are my bb, no one loved them more than I do, cos I carry them for a whole 40weeks. All the morning sickness, tiredness that you experience is something that no one can comprehend so they do not hv the right to demean you if you are unable to deliver a boy.

Cheer up!
hi all

I think i'll be shamed...anyway, I'm the conservative one who wanted a boy. Actually, I prefer girls, prettier and more guai like my two little angels (1 adopted, I chose to adopt a girl). But somehow, the way I was brought up psycho me to want to have a son. My father wants sons so badly, my mum has 5 children, turns up 1 boy (eldest) and 4 gals, haha!! I would say my dad loves us all, but when comes to delivering, and turns out to be a gal, he will say things like, "what a waste", although he loves the gradchildren all the same. I think it's just the mentality lor and it didn't help all my sis and me only have all gals. My sister in law, has 2 boys, lucky for her, as no pressure from my dad. I love my dad and have always want to live up to his expectations, so when comes to things like this, which i can't control, I'm bit of sad to "dissapoint" him.

My hubby is ok with either gender, though once he says if got son to watch soccer with also good, but most of the time, he says 2 is enough, he is satisfied with our 2 gals. My MIL and his granny also quite open-minded, never pressure me to have boys. I can't carry a baby full-term easily (have 2 misc) b4, so at the end of the day, i guess, gal or boy is no big deal, as long as I can conceive. Still trying to persuade my hubby to have at least 1 more times have changed!
Hi depressed,

Congrats to you for having a 2nd bb on the way. Agree with Ng that you shouldn't be too depressed over the gender, especially from the pressure from outside party esp in-laws. Whether its a boy or a gal, its still our bao bei. Of course when the first one is a boi, its natural to hope for a gal for the next one and vice versa. But its really not within our control.

As for the chart, I know which one u referring to. Its seem to turn out quite true for my case, ie after my scan showed that I am going to have a boi, I actually took out the chart and checked and it actually show its going to be a boi according to lunar age and month of conception, but on the other hand when I checked on the normal calendar and my actual age in English(which is one year younger) , it also turn out to be a boi, so I donno how true it is actually, perhaps there is some logic to a certain extent.So I think tat can be used as a hint but not 100% true. Just concentrate on taking good care of yourself and your bb inside you.

To ans your question, it's accurate for both my pregnancies.

Don't give yourself stress, anyway it's beyond your control.
hi, Reena,

can you tell me how it works.

if it not convienient to say here, kindly email me at [email protected]

or anybody can advise me cos also thinking to have a boy for my 2nd preggie.

thanks alot. : )
I tried that chart but boey zun la. Said mine is a boy but already confirmed by U/S tat's it a girl!

Yah, mostly people who are closest to us tend to be the most insensitive ppl, making insensitive remarks. It's your own child after all.

Anyway, jus to comment something. Only men will be able to "control" the gender of the baby. That is, they are able to produce X or Y chromosome, whereas women only have the X-chromosome.
For those who swear by the chart, probably it's juz a coincidence.
Hi all,

same problem here too. My fil and mil hopes its a boy. but they do not dare to tell me. They told my hubby only. and hubby told me this. Lucky for me that they din tell me directly. If they were to do so, i will tell them its not up to me to choose. It is given by the god.
Ok la.....

Quite zhun for me....except that I didnot really know the date of conception.....

But I hope to have a little princess later...
But to tell a truth, after a boy you will not feel any stress....from MIL (even tho she din say anything )

But from another pont of view gender is decide by the we cannot do much about it....

But pray for you is a BOY so you wun be stress or depressed anymore....
Hi Everyone! I'm new here. Just hope to join in everyone for some chat.

I'm currently tryin for a baby. Heard the Chinese Gender Chart quite zun too!
hi gal...ya i tink the chart is pretty zhun... however nothing is 100% zhun, just take it as a guideline...

for my 1st pregnancy it didn't matter wat the bb's gender is so i oni check the chart after i got pregnant and it's zhun that i was expecting a gal then... then come 2nd wan i hope to hv a boy so i follow the chart and lucky me i got a boy!

agreed with glayz that it's less stress giving birth to a boy 1st otherwise come 2nd pregnancy ppl will assumed that u wanted a boy and it's pretty stressed tho' our ultimate intention of hving 2 is for companionship.

my mil isn't particularly abt this but it's me that wanted to gv them a grandson/son.

blessed all who are pregnant with healthy bb as health is still the most precious and valuable thg that we want for our kids

any of u read abt the sad story abt a baby boy who was born with heart problem? it's so sad...
hi, the chinese calendar was not accurate for me and my fren. we both have boys when chart predicted girls.
Hi depressed,

Sori to hear wat u r going thru.. by right when pregnant, it's one of the most wonderful news to share with family and frens so I can understand how u feel when they "give u face to see.."

But look at it tis way. Compare yourself to the tens of thousands who can't even conceive much less talk abt boy or girl. Think abt the physical, mental and financial strains they have to go thru mth aft mth if yet they are not successful...I know cos we tried 9 years ago to start a family. We gave up aft 1 year of fertility treatment.

It was the most devastating and depressing time of our lives. Everything was made worse when others around you got preggie so easily.. u oso see people abandoning babies.. it's a terrible feeling! U oso feel so inadequate..something so basic and you can even do it, u wonder if u r a woman and if u r normal..Now, I see so many of my good frens going thru what I went thru.. one couple have been trying since they were married but still nothing..tried everything... coming to 4 years oradi. My heart really goes out to them!

Having a baby is indeed a blessing and gift from god, cherish what u have and explain this to your in-laws, much beta get hubby to "wake" them up.

Having said that, we recently started trying again and we are lucky this time round. I'm going into my 8th week after a few months of trying on our own! Considering our age (35) never expect can conceive, thought have to go thru what we went thru last time.

Of course, we prefer girls but ultimately, as long as we can carry baby to full term and baby's healthy, what other matters? Guess we are lucky as FIL &amp; MIL already v grateful tt we have decided to have baby or they wouldn even have a grandchild.

As for calendar, it;s fun and quite accurate! My sis, frens, mom and MIL - I tried on them, all correct! But for myself, different sex for diff age leh.. so don know lah...

Cheer up ya??
congrats sugarbean....Take very good care of urself and the little precious inside u....

I have tried the calendar before for my two preg, i can say not accurate and for my sis too but works for my cousin. For both my preg, i should have a boy, turnout to be gals. my elder daughter(19mnth) very boyish like lor, i can say. Don't know for younger one cos she's only 3weeks old.
i also have the chart but i didnt exactly follow.. dunno how tru it is. it shows yr gae of conception. &amp; the time or day u should have intercourse in order to conceive a boy or a girl.
dear all, thanks for all your encouragement. In return i want to let other mummies know about my experience to spur them on.

i went to scan today and got to know that i'm carrying a boy. Spoke to my gynae about this gender prediction chart and he sez its not accurate. He has a lot pf patients who used this chart to conceive only to find themselves disappointed...

so mummies, hold on to your beliefs, that whats most important is a healthy baby. and everything else really is secondary

the chart has almost driven me into depression.......and at the end of the day, it is not accurate! my gynae even sez its more accurate tossing a coin.......

Just want to add that when I am pregnant at the earlier stage, I checked the calendar and it says boy. Went for the scan recently and true enough it is a boy.I got to know from a colleague that some people may find it inaccurate cos they are not sure of their lunar age and the lunar month of conception. I tried the calendar for my first preganancy and it is also accurate.

You may go to this site
where they will calculate the lunar age and month of conception for you and shows the result. All you have to do is to key in your age and information based on western calendar
Hi All Mummy or MTB,
Is the chart accurate for you ? For the age & mth of conception, must we key in the lunar or western date?
Gender Bender- How to get a boy or a girl?

Chances are most couples trying to conceive a baby have heard at least one old wives' tale of how to manipulate the sex of their child. We take a fun look at some of the theories being floated in books and on websites (some more dubious than others!) as well as the scientific methods being used today.
High-tech sex selection
Scientists have developed machines and techniques to "sort" sperm. In one method, called the Percoll density gradient centrifugation procedure, sperm are whizzed around at a high speed. It is said that X-bearing sperm will gather at the bottom while the Y-chromosome sperm will be closer to the surface.
In another procedure called MicroSort, sperm cells are stained with fluorescent dye that enables scientists to distinguish between Y-chromosome sperm and X-chromosome sperm, which have about 2.8% more genetic material.
These procedures are often used to
help prevent hereditary sex-linked
diseases for couples who may have
a history of such disorders. In the
UK, some authorities oppose their
use for frivolous reasons. like
carrying on the family name or
simply because they don't want a
girl. However. in other countries like
US, which is less regulated in such
areas. these procedures are
commercially available and even the
stricter UK has private clinics offering
sperm sorting. However, none of
these methods are foolproof and high
proportions of sperm are lost during
the procedures - about half for
spinning, and more for MicroSort.
Sooner or later?
According to the Shettles method, to have a boy, a couple should have sex just once about 12 hours before ovulation. If you have intercourse too early (like three or more days before ovulation), more Y-chromosome- bearing sperm (for boys) will die off, increasing the chance of getting a girl.
This is because the sperm carrying the Y-chromosome (for a boy) is lighter and faster but dies sooner, while the female chromosome carrying sperm, is larger, hardier and can survive in vaginal fluid longer.
To get a girl, a couple should have sex not later than two days before ovulation. This is to ensure that more Y-chromosome sperm die.
Dr Landrum Shettles and David
Rorvik, who wrote the book How to
Choose the Sex of Your Baby, claim
a 75 percent effectiveness rate if their
methods are followed scrupulously
Other rules include abstaining from
sex for four days before the crucial
ejaculation, if you want a boy, to
ensure that sperm count is higher.
According to the Lunar Phase or Lunar Cycle of Fertility idea, a woman is most fertile when the moon is in the phase it was in when she was born. It supposedly affects the bio-chemical environment of the endometrium.
A Czech psychiatrist, Dr.
Eugen Jonas streamlined
this method so that it can
be used to identify those
days in a woman's cycle
on which only a girl will be
conceived, and those days
on which only a boy will be
Interested to find out more?
The representative office of
the Dr. Eugen Jonas
Method (r) for Singapore,
Malaysia and China, has a
website: Biochemistry and pH
In her book Boy or Girl?, Elizabeth Whelan suggested an opposite theory to the Shettles Method. She said that biochemical changes may favour male sperm early in a wornan's cycle, so to have a boy, have sex four to six days before ovulation. For a girl, have intercourse two to three days before ovulation.
Another related angle is
that a more alkaline
vaginal fluid is helpful to
Y-chromosome sperm.
Some women douche
with baking soda and
water to increase
alkalinity, while some
experts suggest a
deeper penetration so
that sperm are
deposited closest to
the cervix, which is
more alkaline.
By the light of the silvery moon...
If you believe that lunar forces determine the tide might be true that the moon dominates sperm movement as well. So one theory: For a boy, make in the sky. For a girl, have sex when full. Environment
Some scientists think that envi ctors play a part. One study found that couples who smoke around the time of conception have a greater chance of conceiving a girl. Head north
Electromagnetic forces are the woman should be aligned in the North-South direction with her head towards north. (There, finally a use for your multiple- function watch-with-cornpass!)
Calendar Girl
By another theory, more boys are conceived on odd days of the month, while even days tend to favour girls.
More lunar tunes...
An astrological theory says that couples should check which zodiac sign the moon is in. The moon passes through all 12 zodiac signs in its 28 day cycle, and the signs alternate between male and female signs. For example, Aries is considered Male and Taurus Female. The sex of the child depends on whether the moon is in a male or female sign at the time of conception. Sugar and spice and all things nice...
"Sugar and spice and all things nice... that's what little girls are made of." And what this old wives' tale seems to that for a girl, mums should nibble on sweets or chocolates or cat fish and veggies, but for a man-child, tuck heartily in to meat (red, preferably) and salty food. One belief in Portugal is that round fruit and vegetables (such as apples and grapes) produce girls while long vegetables (such as carrots and cucumbers) produce boys. Boy or girl? It depends on whether the ovum is Left or Right
According to one website, Ayurvedic studies says that an ovum from the left ovary attracts sperm for girls, and a right-side ovum attracts Y-chromosome side of the ovary is determined by the positions of stars and planets. Get deeper
Position of intercourse and depth of penetration have been identified as important considerations. A deeper penetration places the sperm closer to the cervix and the egg, enabling the sperm to swim directly into the reproductive tract, without too much of a journey through the hostile vagina. The missionary position
my MIL and my friend say the chinese prediction is quite accurate. Also heard people say the 1st child looks like boy then the 2nd bb is possibly a boy.u believe? all these not for me. for me as long as they are healthy and happy, what gender is not so important.
hi all , for me, i tried according to chinese calendar but turns out to be gal instead o boys :p

btw i am jus curious on hw to read chinese calendar?
1. read e calendar according to age (our age or chinese calendar age)
normally chinese calendar age is 1 yr older. frm e chart according to mth and age whereby ur bb wil be delivered or whereby u wil become preg???

hehe.. tinking o using shettles mtd for no.3 liao :p
seems like chart is accurate if you checked it after you conceived.. and not so accurate you try to conceive according to the chart.

2 of my friends was inaccurate becoz they followed it trying to conceive a boy. We were thinking that it might be god's way of telling you its all fated.....
Charts predicted correctly for both my boys... But i think its abt as accurate as coin toss thats why its accurate for some people only
