
After a certain stage, most of the parents are in need to know what to feed their baby and when to start it. The solution for this is to understand the baby food stages.
I exclusively recommend breastfeeding until the baby is one year old. As it contains immunity-boosting antibodies and healthy enzymes which are essential for babies' rapid growth and development.
Breastfeeding will help for a smooth transition and gradual switch to solids. The skin to skin contact closeness the baby and mommy is the major benefit of breastfeeding.
As the baby makes little milestone in growth and development, different types of baby-friendly provisions should be introduced to complement breast milk. It's better to watch for the signs that the baby is ready for the next stage. The baby should get used to the various process like eating, resting between bites, and stopping when they are full.
Heres the four main baby food stages and what to feed and look for.
  • Stage 1 ( above 6 months)
  • Stage 2 ( 6-8 months)
  • Stage 3 ( 9-12 months)
  • Stage 4 ( above 12 months)
