<b>Anyone delivering @ NUH?</b>


Hello mummies,

anyone will be delivering @ NUH or delivered there? Need to know their charges as subsidized &amp; private patient. Alot of diff or not?

Hi KS Lover,

As a private patient, for antenatal checkups, I pay $60+ for senior consultant (first visit is $90+) and $90+ additional for an obsteric scan if the gyne thinks it's necessary or if you request for one.

I can't remember the exact delivery charges, but the bill was between $3-4K for my 2-day stay in 2010.

If I am not mistaken, subsidized patients at NUH are seen at a different clinic from private patients. I do not know if you get to see the same gyne at every visit or if you can even select your gyne.

There is another local forum that has a thread discussing delivering at NUH, but I can't post it here. Try doing a google search for "subsidized patient delivering at NUH".

Hope this helps you with your decision!
Hi Baby_lang,

Thanks for ur reply. I delivered @ NUH too in 2010 aug thru C-sect &amp; my bill was almost $4k before subsidized. I paid nothing in cash dats wat i remembered. But all my antenatal checkups was at KKH.

I dont mind not having the same gynae every checkup, its just dat frm what i know NUH dont have lots of female gynae, i personally prefer female.

If the antenatal checkup not much diff to subsidized patient, i wld prefer to take up my own gynae.

Thanks for informing me abt the thread. Will try to google it up.
Hi KS_Lover,

I just checked my bills last night. I made a mistake about the cost of the consultation. It's currently $120+ for 1st checkup with senior consultant and $90 for subsequent visits.

There are at least 4 female gynes I know of at NUH, A/Prof Mary Rauff, Dr TM Chua, Dr Su Lin Lin and Dr Anita Kale.
Hi baby_lang,

thanks for checking for me.

which doc was urs? natural birth? with epidural? which ward did u stayed in?

tot of choosing Dr Su Lin Lin if i opt for private patient.
Hi KS,
I was under Dr Su Lin Lin when I delivered my daughter in 2011.
She's a patient doctor. I will recommend you to take her.
My bill was abt $5k. I stayed in a single bedded room. Spent 14hrs in delivery suite, I think that is one of the reason of high bill cost. Single bedded will be in the new tower. Isit called tower d or a. Can't remember now.
Hi Su_yana,

during ur antenatal checkup also Dr Su Lin Lin attend to u? Same cost as baby_lang roughly?

Ur delivery normal? with epidural?

Ur bill was abt $5k rite, so how much can be deducted frm ur medisave?
LS, you mean the monthly check up?
Yes, dr Su attended to me on all check up. Since mine is considered private so it's this arrangement.
I cannot remember the cost but should be the same as baby mentioning in her post.
If I remembered correctly, after 22weeks I took a package. I paid less than 1k for thr check up till the last check up before I delivered. It's worth it. It include another detailed scan at week 32. No scanning for every visit. I think if I ask for it, then should be extra charge.
Mine was normal delivery with epidural.
I had to come out abt 3k, the rest is medisave.
I'm with NUH currently and seeing Prof Mary Rauff.

Su_yana, can u remmeber how much was the accouchment fees i.e doctor's fee?
I just delivered @ NUH in Dec 2012.

I went to Clinic G from week 4 to week 21, subsided. Then I took the package from week 22 @ Women Clinic. Same as Su_yana, all the consultation and week 22, week 32 scans are included, you required to pay only for the medication or addition blood test if required. I would say scanning is depend on luck and doctor, as if the doctor cannot found the heart beat, he/she will scan to ensure the baby is OK and the scan will be NO charge.

I will advice if affordable, it's worth to go women clinic as the waiting hall is more comfortable and waiting time shorter if the doctor didn't go for delivery.

I was intended to get Prof Mary Rauff, but she refuse to take patient when i was in week 22 as she have too many patients already. Please chop her before she fully occupied if you intended to choose Prof Mary.

I was with Dr TM Chua throughout my pregnancy but c-section by Dr Biswas as Dr TM Chua going for holiday during my due date. A bit irritating for this, but after that i am fine as Dr Biswas is the head of Dept and I am having little complication too.

I took 1 beded, bill size as plan around 6k, medisave 4k and top another 2k myself. Highly recommend NUH as the room is comfortable and nurses are helpful. I experienced very bad engorgement on the 3rd day after delivery, there are 2 latation consultants and 2 nurses take turn to help me massage and advice the correct way to latch. I think this is important for 1st time mommy like me to be confident for breastfeeding.

Hi ,

NUH is the best compare to KK and SGH.
Price also ok.

for Normal delivery :Max 4K (stay 3day)
Labour room charge with package 5hrs free, later 68/Hr as i am EP Holder
Doctor fee: MAX500$

For C-section deliver :Max 5.5k (stay 3days)
Labour charges as the normal.
Doctor fee: depends on doctors seniority most
senior upto 1.5K(it comes under package).

Once delivered we have to take admission to new born baby its cost arroung 1 to 1.5k

Room cost depends while taking package you have to choose four,two or single (for EP holder only two or Single)
if we stay morethan package days we have to pay extra room rent.

Hope it will helpful.
Hi Geeta

Thanks for sharing. When was this billed coz I was told my doc's fees for normal delivery without intervention is $1.3k. Additional $300 for assisted delivery. For c sec it is 2.5k.
@ocean_blue, when's ur EDD?

@thor yee yin: thanks for the detailed info!
but how much did u paid for the package @ wk 22?

@geeta: yes, i wld say i agree that NUH is better, though ive never gave birth @ KKH, but frm siblings &amp; friend's experienced, the labour ward for subsidized patient u can hear other patients screaming!! i was shocked when i went to NUH's labour room...i tot it was for private patient...as for SGH, my sister gave birth to both her daughters there...i just dont like SGH overall, place looks so old, alwawys confuse with all the blocks! haha
Thanks for sharing, tnghome.

Hi KS Lover, my EDD is 19 April but maybe early as I'm already experiencing slight contractions and am on home rest.
Hi Esther

It's exp if u aren't on the package though the package is still exp but cheaper in terms of it's unlimited access for appts.
hi, sorry to hijack the thread. =p do you have any male gynae in NUH to recommend? =)esp with respects to their sweing skills.. haha! heard tt is the gynae is gd at sweing the cut, recovery will be quicker n easier too.. =p
My gynae is AProf Mary Rauff. My 2nd preg with her and is very pleased to be under her care. In fact, many doctors or doctors' wives also go to her. Very popular and senior, expensive though. My Edd on 28 Apr.
Joanna, just for sharing.. I went thru c-sect and if i am not wrong, my gynae used those surgical glue. No need to stitch or sew... More advanced technology now.. And my scar heals fast and nicely.
Ocean, sorry did not reply to your post. Cannot remember the gynae fee. If I happen to find the bill will update you.
@KS Lover: I paid 1k+ for the package, as I am SPR, so slightly expensive for my package compare to Citizen.
Hi all,

Just an update to those who wish to know more. Last fri i went to NUH clinic G for my 1st appt. During the registration, the officer told me frm wk 22 onwards, i cld take up a package just like tnqhome, which wld cost $400 for spore citizen.

1stly i did a scan, which im very excited. Thereafter met with the gynae. She asked some questions then was told to take blood test. All that im paying $184.40.

My next appt will be on 19apr. Will update again.
No. The package you pay for include diapers, pads, wipes and etc.

I know Thomson give diaper bag and baby clothes.
hi Blue Yes, actually if it is first delivery they provide Candile light dinner for wife and husband before the discharge day in NUH.

I am not sure for all room Categories(single or doble room.....)
I took single room in NUH.
Jamie: so u have delivered in NUH? If yes, may I know what toiletries does NUH provide? Do they provide towels also? I'm packing the hospital bag now, dun wan to overpack or under pack e bag. :p
Yes, I delivered at NUH 3 years ago and will be due for my 2nd boy end Apr.
don't worry, they will provide towels and also basic toiletries like toothbrush, comb, shower gel, etc. You may like to bring your own facial cleanser though.
Thanks Jamie! Congrats! Wow end Apr is v v soon. I guess u must hav prepared everything. Heehee

Did you bring sleeping wear to NUH?
Ok ok. Thanks Jamie!! Going to strike tt out. Heehee.

Are going for natural or c-sec this time? Previously u mentioned that ur wound heal faster n nicer with e surgical glue.. So u r able to do the route work after a week? Sorry lots of Qn.
Azel, Are you with Dr Su as well ? Wow mid May ... Congrats !!! , what toiletries to pack for labor ? You ops for natural or C sec?
Hi Gigi, yes i'm with Dr Su.. Congrats to you too~ Actually my EDD is 1 June 2013, but she said that I will b either early May or mid May. If not, our EDD will b rather close. Jamie mentioned that basic toiletries r provided. Think I'll bring toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, facial cleanser n moisturizer. I'll prefer natural but it all depends on bb positions, Dr Su mentioned tt we will discuss tis issue in 2 wks. What abt u, u ops for natural or c-sec?
Hi Azel, for c-sect, you will need to be confine in bed the 1st day. and the most painful moment is when you first step down from the bed. But I am very determined to have a speedy recovery so I endure and practice walking on the 2nd day. And well, I am fine to do normal work by the 3rd day. But pls dun carry heavy things.
Jamie: Wow thanks for sharing the information and advice. It is definitely useful, if my gynae advice me to go for c-sec, I will remember to endure the pain and start walking on day 2 (if i cant withstand the pain).. Sure sure, i will not carry heavy things.

No worries Azel...My gynae is Prof Mary Rauff. She actually encourages me to try for normal first, and if baby still doesn't comes out by EDD, then will go for c-section.

Ocean_blue, have you delivered already?
