Hi why don't you get KKH to make a formal diagnosis for Austism? Without the "status" it is difficult to determine how to do next . My son was diagnosis at age 5 plus due to we are registering him for P1. What we use to do is send him to PCF kindergarten in the morning (to mix around for social skill) and to Kits4kids for his EPIC in the afternoon.

Hi all,

My son is 21 months old. He started to walk when he was 19 months. He still cannot walk well and always walk with his toes. Sometimes he falls down easily.

He is very hyperactive. He likes screaming and banging. He likes to sing or humming. He cannot listen to the instructions. He is not verbally yet but babbling alot. His eye contact is poor but recently seem there's a improvement.

We put him in pcf childcare. But he gets sick so easily. The PD told us by age of 2, we will roughly know whether he is ASD or ADHD. Meanwhile, we also waiting for the assessment(Fei Yue).

I really so stressful as a working mother. I would like to quit my full time job but no income is an big issue to me.

Is anyone quit her job and taking care of ASD/ADHD at home?
Hi, if i suspect that my child has ADHD, where do i start ?
Do i go to polyclinic to get referred? or just any pediatrician will be able to diagnose?
Can't bear to see my kid struggle but my hubby doesn't think there's any disorder.
So i m come in discreetly, hoping that someone can shed some light to guide me on where to start ..
Hi lmhazel u can bring him to polyclinic tell them u want to do assesment check on ur child's development. From there they'll refer u accordingly.
Dear mommies,
I would recommend going via the Polyclinic route if $ is a concern as the savings can be quite substantial in the future (follow-up consultations, hospital therapies etc.)

While waiting for govt hospital appt, you may wish to consider private speech therapy or occupational therapy or both depending on the needs of the child.

Meanwhile, mommies can also borrow books from the library to educate themselves on how to help the child.
Some recommended titles include: 10 things every child with autism wishes you knew, Sonrise, Autism Breakthrough, It takes two to talk, Carly's Voice:Breaking through autism, Come into my World: 31 stories of autism in Singapore, Engaging Autism by Stanley Greenspan etc. or even go into youtube and watch how the Sonrise method is done and apply it when interacting with your child.

Child with suspected diagnosis by govt hospital can gain assess to govt Eipic programs via SGenable. Request the doctor nicely to facilitate the process if you sense the urgency to help your child.

It is a long journey ahead. But have faith and hope coz the child can improve or even recover. Every child is special and gifted in their unique way.

I have been blessed in this journey and am helping other mommies along the way. Coz I was helped and supported myself by other kind mommies here who were ahead of me in this journey. So this is just my way of paying it forward.

I do not visit this forum often so feel free to pm me if you have further clarifications.

Stay strong!
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Dear parents

I have a 4 yo whom I suspect he has Asperger symptom. He lacks eye contact and social skills. We also observed that he is unable to communicate properly with us, e.g: confuse 'You' and 'I'.

Quite often he will have meltdowns with screaming and hitting due to his lack of social skills.

We have been refered to KKH but he is not confirmed or diagnosed as autistic. He only have been refered to OT(July) and next session is only in October.

However we strongly think that he has Asperger's syndrome. We intend to send him for second opinion and diagnosis some where else. Currently he is in mainstream school (nursery-my first Skool) but we are exploring and considering other special schools in the east side.

1) I would appreciate if anyone could help provide any information or feedback of a school that we can consider sending him to next year (K1).
2) if anyone could recommend a place for second opinion?

Thanks all in advance!

I am contactable via mobile 96723969.

If you believe your child has Asperger, and should have more help and assistance, maybe you can look for a ICCP childcare rather than the normal ones (my first Skool) .

SGEnable has the list and you can check it up. ICCP

If your child is in EIPIC, whether public or private, that can help you along.
Hi mummies, I m new here. My son is 2yrs 10mths. He is diagnosed with ASD. Austim dr has confirm 100%. I can accept it but my hubby cannot accept it as he dun look like having Austim. He is speech delay & he dun mix around with younger kids. But he is very sociable with any adults or older kids. He is my only son tat y from small he hardly mix around with kids. He seldom have eye contact to other ppls. But to us he is okie when ever we call his name. By right Nxt yr he should study epic school. But due to overwhelming have to wait for another yr tat is 2017. Meanwhile he still k study pcf next yr. sometimes I wonder is it he is only speech delay & not ASD. Any one k help me.
Hi Kyson2595,
One option is to ask for a second opinion.

But if the Dr or yourself recognizes there is speech delay, you may want to work on it meanwhile. And if you are a believer pray over the child - pray God's word over your child.

If the child is with a govt hospital, they may provide the child with OT or SLT (once ever few weeks) or both depending on the needs of the child while the child waits for enrollment for the child. It's better for parent to be there to learn hands on from the therapist how to help the child.

In a lot of instances, the husband takes more time than the wife to accept the condition.

Stay strong!
Hi Kyson,
Since how old does your child started to respond to you when you call his name?

Does he like to play gadgets? If he has been playing gadget since very young age (like a few months old), then high chance he have developed some social issues, especially speech delay and less eye contact, because they are not used to.

However, asd is a consist of more traits most of the time, and if he really do have it, 2 years old plus is the best time for early intervention.

If you would like to seek for second opinion, I have a few friends who are working in this field as special needs teacher and therapist for several years. They cannot diagnose a child, but can only give other advices based on their experience.

some info on son-rise that I know of:
4 basic fundamentals: 1) Joining 2) Motivation 3) Socialization 4) Attitude.

Basically Ron Kaufman shared this in brief back in Jan/Feb. It can contradict those EIPIC program and most special needs program, but the principle actually resonates much more than the traditional way of managing and treating Autism.
Besides Son-Rise, there are several other approaches which work on connecting with your child, such as RDI and Floortime. And even the Hanen approach teaches us to be attuned to our child.

There is no one single approach that can solve all problems. From my experience working with children with special needs, we need multiple approaches. The approaches I recommend often depend on the needs and personality of the child and parents.

I also believe in evidence-based approaches/programmes. That means research must be able to show the effectiveness of an approach/programme.

There are more and more diagnosis of Autism. I am fearful of businessmen using this as an opportunity to make money from a very vulnerable group of people, i.e. parents of children with Autism.

So do ask your doctors and therapists for their opinions before deciding on anything.
Dear All,

My son is 2yrs 3mth old and started to attend 3-4hours childcare 2.5months ago. The very first day the teachers commented that my son has no eye contact, not responding to his name and does not seem interested to play with others so they suspected that he might be autistic. My son when with me and hubby is ok. After 2weeks in childcare, teachers commented that he responses to his name and also have eye contact. They still strongly feel that he has autism as below will show more signs as they mentioned.

1. Everyday crying badly when we reach childcare and teachers said he may cried or whine for an hour. Super separation anxiety. Btw, I'm a SAHM since his birth till now. He super attach to ME.
2. He is also more attach to one of the teacher and if she went out of classroom he will start to cry.
3. Teachers said he have problem with transition and would cry badly during shower time, though I already told them not to shower him to save up the trauma. There are bruises around his chest area when he came home as they might be holding him too tightly when he struggles. At home he enjoys shower time as there are toys.
4. Does not like circle time and when they on the music he sometime cried throughout the song. But would join during music and movement.
5. He needs a teacher to be close to him and if no one attend to him he will purposely climbed up table to attract attention.
6. Does not play with classmates. He would play with his cousin and my friend's children as only small group.
7. Cried when strangers looked into classroom window.
8. Fear sound of vacuum cleaner. When at home if I need to use blender I will let him knw beforehand and he is ok and even come and watch me blend and the sound louder than vacuum cleaner.

Btw, I also worry that my son is bullied in class as he came back with scratches on face and ear once and other time at the side of eye bleedin a bit. I asked teacher and she mentioned that there's indeed a bully there. I fear he aim my son as he only speak 1 or 2 syllabus, not in a sentence. We just send him for SLT at polyclinic this mth and therapist said to give him more time as still young so next appt nov.

In fact when he was 18month we thought he had autism as he used to has not much eye contact or response when called but while waiting for his appt he improve a lot by 20mths and the Dr find him ok no hint of autism. But now 7months later, though my family can see great improvement and no autism signs when my son is with us but he in school he seem to be special needs. We have another review appt with KKH in Sept.

Sorry for the long post. But I just feel I need to talk it out and find the support if things are not going right. Thank you very much.
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Dear Faithday,
Your boy may or may not have special needs. The fact that he is making progress is a very good sign. You are also doing whatever you can to help him now (going for KKH appt, giving him SLT) which is good.

He is young, so time is on your side. Take hold of it and help your child to close the gap with his peers, whether he has special needs or not.

Even if your child has special needs, he can improve. My child's classmate (a K1 child) in the EIPIC centre is doing so well that I really can't distinguish him from typical peers. In fact, I felt that he is even more well behaved than some typical children. I understand that this child has OT and SLT on top of EIPIC and mainstream kindergarten since a very young age.

So early intervention does help!

You can PM me if you want as I do not check back this thread often.
Hi cookie_m & summerstherapys,

Thank you so much for the encouragement and and advice. :)

Cookie_m, I would like to pm you but as I'm new to this forum so I cant figure out how to pm. I read some past threads and find out that you are a believer too. Please email me at [email protected]. Thank you.
Hi Mothers,

I am currently a year 3 student from Unisim - Visual Communication with Business, completing the capstone module. In this module, I have chosen Art for Autism as my research and design topic.

The purpose of this survey is to better understand your perception, receptiveness and understanding of Art for Autism. These will help me to analyze and evaluate the viability of creating art resources for children with autism at home and design solutions for parents as part of my final paper.

This survey have 18 questions and will take about 10 minutes to complete. Privacy will be maintained and therefore there is no need to indicate your name in this survey. Thank you for your participation.
Hi mummies..
I am anisa a mom of 2 my #2 has down syndrome. I know how hard it is to be a mom of child with special needs.
A friend of mine who is a nurse of 15 years has 4 boys 1 with autism, is having sharing session for special mummies (daddies welcome) like us.
attached details.
please pm me to confirm place. Limited place available.
Cheers and Jia You mumies!!


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Hi cookie_m & summerstherapys,

Thank you so much for the encouragement and and advice. :)

Cookie_m, I would like to pm you but as I'm new to this forum so I cant figure out how to pm. I read some past threads and find out that you are a believer too. Please email me at [email protected]. Thank you.

Hi Faithday,

If you want to PM cookie_m, just click on her name icon and click start a conversation.
Anyone has special needs friendly (adhd & dyslexia) after school care to recommend? I am out of wits as the current "friendly" centre that I placed my son is closing down soon.
Anyone has special needs friendly (adhd & dyslexia) after school care to recommend? I am out of wits as the current "friendly" centre that I placed my son is closing down soon.

Maybe, you can try asking in other more active, targetted or specific groups like Kiasu Parents forum under Parenting,
Special Needs & Learning Difficulties, All About Autism.

Or even Facebook groups like Education And Autistic Kids in Singapore,

hi all,

My son (just turned 3) said his first word when he was 2.5 years old too. But quite difficult to understand him so we brought him to Kandang Kerbau Hospital. He is seeing the speech therapist there but waitlist was quite long and can only see him once a month. 2 months ago the speech therapist said he may have apraxia but they still can't give him more regular therapy. he is seeing a home speech therapist once a week now and the Kandang Kerbau Hospital speech therapist once a month - so far he's getting better and slowly combining 3 words though some sounds still not clear. But at least he is shouting and crying less coz now he can say more.

So dont't give up!

P.S. anyone know of any good childcare centre that is focused on speech and language or a good school for special needs?

My 2 yo boy is suspect to have autism. As the wait for EPIC is too long, I plan to bring him to private therapist.
Any good ABA and speech therapist to recommend? My boy can't speak a single word yet and he doesn't point much.
Better register him for epic first even though the waiting list is long. Otherwise, hv to wait even longer. That's what had happened on me. I heatitated for several mths. Then, waited longer for abt another year.
My 2 yo boy is suspect to have autism. As the wait for EPIC is too long, I plan to bring him to private therapist.
Any good ABA and speech therapist to recommend? My boy can't speak a single word yet and he doesn't point much.
I sent my boy to wee care in east for aba and the therapist are.really nice.he also attended speech therapies at dynamic forum shopping centre.there are many therapist boy Finally spoke after is 5 this year can talk but not really clear and can't express very well like other peers.but we are glad he has come this far.
Basically u gonna see which location is convenient for you.there are many good centres outside. Olive tree development, nuture pods,learning planet and etc
Yes. Have registered for the EIPIC.
Any good centre in the north?
I have to send him to ABA and speech therapist, which is 2 separate session?
Will the private centre assess him again during first visit?
normally will assess again unless u can get a report from the previous therapist who did the assessment. you can call and ask coz the assessment quite expensive
Hi Mummies!

Has anyone attended Social Skills group in Dynamics? Keen to enroll my child in their class to improve his social skills.

Thanks in advance!
Brought my boy to see doctor at kk last week.
Confirm he has autism.
I am surprise the doctor "label" him just after 1 hr of interview and observation and at such a young age of 2, they came into conclusion.
A lot of friend told me autism can only be diagnosed at 3 or 4 yo.
She refused to say if my boy case is mild, but she said my boy should be "easy to manage" as she managed to get his attention.
There will be an another assessment by psychologist after 2.5 years old. Why need this psychology assessment? To double confirm?
She said with early intervention, some autistic kids will become normal and will lead a normal life and there is no barrier to any types of career for them.
Dear bs1970
I am not sure if your doctor can formally diagnosed a child with asd within a short time at such a young age. Generally, a formal diagnosis is done by a psychologist.

An option for you is to hold off a formal diagnosis, so that you can still buy a comprehensive insurance coverage for your child first. Remember, your child can enter into an early intervention centre with a suspected special needs diagnosis. You can join the Q first.

The doctor is quite right to say that the kids can grow up to be normal. During my grieving stage in my child's early years, I ploughed through the internet and borrowed books from the library to read stories of recovery. I also went through youtube clips watching recovered kids before and after early intervention/ biomed/ prayers or combination of these. Boy do they look normal. I believed it is possible.

After several years of early intervention, biomed and God's healing process on my child, his mainstream school teachers, enrichments school teachers could not find anything amiss with him. In fact, when I revealed his background to them, they were very surprised. He is the last person they will think have special needs in his class coz he is such a good and endearing boy who is able to socialize with his peers.

Take heart! Children can recover. I know.
Rainbow centre at Yishun is one of the more established EIPIC centers in Sg. But my child did not go there, so can't really comment much.
Dear bs1970
I am not sure if your doctor can formally diagnosed a child with asd within a short time at such a young age. Generally, a formal diagnosis is done by a psychologist.

An option for you is to hold off a formal diagnosis, so that you can still buy a comprehensive insurance coverage for your child first. Remember, your child can enter into an early intervention centre with a suspected special needs diagnosis. You can join the Q first.

The doctor is quite right to say that the kids can grow up to be normal. During my grieving stage in my child's early years, I ploughed through the internet and borrowed books from the library to read stories of recovery. I also went through youtube clips watching recovered kids before and after early intervention/ biomed/ prayers or combination of these. Boy do they look normal. I believed it is possible.

After several years of early intervention, biomed and God's healing process on my child, his mainstream school teachers, enrichments school teachers could not find anything amiss with him. In fact, when I revealed his background to them, they were very surprised. He is the last person they will think have special needs in his class coz he is such a good and endearing boy who is able to socialize with his peers.

Take heart! Children can recover. I know.

Thanks for your post.
Can you share with me more how did you help your child?
1) At what age he was diagnosed? Mild?
2) what kinds of therapy, how many hours per week and which centre he went to?
3) did you adopt strict GFCF? Which biomedicine doctor you went to and what is the cost?
4) how long does he takes to "recover"? Did you get him to be assessed again by psychologist?
5) I have bought medical insurance (through medishield) for him. What else I need to buy?

You can PM me too. Appreciate your help.
This thread has been very quite.
Dear bs1970,
Have pm you a more detailed account.

Simplified replies here:-
1) He had issues since several months old. Given suspected GDD label at about 14 plus months. Given suspected ASD label at about 3.5 years of age. PD gave us an option whether to go for psychological test for formal diagnosis. She saw asd traits but psychologist gives official diagnosis. After much thinking, we decided not to, because we believe in recovery. Not sure if the Singapore system allows a person to lose diagnosis, although in US it is possible.

2) He went to Govt susbsidised EIPIC at about 2 years old. 5 x 1.5 hours a week. Later, because of the change in label, we switched him to another EIPIC at 2 x 3 hours a week. Prior to EIPIC, the govt hospital was able to give him a few sessions of OT, SLT. We picked up the techniques from the therapists and apply them in our daily lives.

3) I did not adopt strict GFCF though I tried to limit his gluten and casein intake as far as possible. I did not visit a biomed doctor/DAN doctor because they are expensive. I read up from books borrowed from the library and adopted very safe methods to supplement my child. Note that I am not medicating my child but supplementing them with safe doses of vitamins, probiotics and methylb12. I highly recommend the library book The Autism Revolution by Dr Martha Herbert (a Harvard medical professor) who laid down very safe n not too challenging methods/ supplements to apply to your child.

4) My child is about 5+ year old now (k1).

5) I would think getting medical coverage for accidents, major illnesses, hospital stays etc. will be important.

Thanks for your post and encouragement.

Went for 1st OT today. According to the therapist, once labeled, it won't be removed. The MOE system will have the record and school teachers can easily find out from the system.
Dear Parents,

We are a group of final year Occupational Therapy students from Nanyang Polytechnic.
We are currently embarking on the research study of " Parental Perceptions of Raising a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)".
If you are a parent or main caregiver of a child with autism, we would like to invite you to participate in our survey.
Please click on the following link to find out more:


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Yes. This is very encouraging. Tks cookie. By the way, do you know what milk to buy without gluten and casein. Is it soymilk? I think the food intake is quite true for autism kids. After i stopped giving him milk, i noticed slight change in my son. I find the diagnisis is not very helpful. Maybe it is me. No matter what ur report say, the physcologist will still spend the first session assessing ur child and decide on the plan. But, it does help to get the child a place in the eipic centre.
I find the book relating to son rise program is very encouraging and useful to me. Library also hv. Autism breakthrough by raun k.kaufman.
Can share with me regarding the assessment by psychologist? What did the psychologist do?
What is the purpose of this assessment?
Is the diagnosis by the psychologist same as the doctor?
I have withdrawn him from EIPIC (last month this Oct) coz he told me he has learnt enough. He is currently with the K2 kids in EIPIC who will be moving onto mainstream P1 next year. I felt that there is no point for him to learn the same curriculum next year.

His mainstream kindy teacher fed back to me that he is doing very well academically and socially in school.

We'll see if we can use the time n $ to pursue other interests like art, music etc. for him.

is this group still around, Can I join you guys?
My Son is suspected to be Autistic.
Now going through Speech therapy
But I see that His symptoms getting stronger
