Dear bs1970
I am not sure if your doctor can formally diagnosed a child with asd within a short time at such a young age. Generally, a formal diagnosis is done by a psychologist.
An option for you is to hold off a formal diagnosis, so that you can still buy a comprehensive insurance coverage for your child first. Remember, your child can enter into an early intervention centre with a suspected special needs diagnosis. You can join the Q first.
The doctor is quite right to say that the kids can grow up to be normal. During my grieving stage in my child's early years, I ploughed through the internet and borrowed books from the library to read stories of recovery. I also went through youtube clips watching recovered kids before and after early intervention/ biomed/ prayers or combination of these. Boy do they look normal. I believed it is possible.
After several years of early intervention, biomed and God's healing process on my child, his mainstream school teachers, enrichments school teachers could not find anything amiss with him. In fact, when I revealed his background to them, they were very surprised. He is the last person they will think have special needs in his class coz he is such a good and endearing boy who is able to socialize with his peers.
Take heart! Children can recover. I know.