Anyone TTC in July 2006?

gal, new maid is good
she's more proactive and hardworking than my last maid. but of coz there are cons lah, she's not as clean as my ex-maid, she doesnt wash her hands as often as my ex maid.. i dun like to go for pretty maids coz they give me the impression that they will be more vain and not as hardworking... this one i chose her coz she has ex-SIN experience

Sweet, ya since you don't like the work, then no point hanging on. Slowly find a new job.

Gal, I've been thinking of finding new job for a while now but was waiting to collect bonus first. So will probably start job hunting shortly.
Ex-sin experience meaning not much 'teaching' from your end is it? How much are u paying her? ANy off days?

Oh.. Didn't think u will leave. Thought your enjoy your present job . Good luck in your job hunting
Looking for same kind of role like presen tone?
mich, yup! all the best to u too

gal, yup we just have to brief her on wat is to be done on which days and she just carry out the tasks, no training needed

we are paying her $370 with no off days
Gal, u looking for a new maid? I have been "enduring" my job for a while now. This scope is totally not my cup of tea. Will be finding a new scope but in the same line.

Sweet, thanks. Ur maid ok with no off days? She has a handphone?
Is your maid talkative? How old is your maid?

My maid contract is up. She wants to go home so it's time again to find another one. Still thinking if I should get a 'new' maid or ex sin? Usually ex sin, they will request for handphone then off days so I am still thinking...

Market is good. Was your bonus good as well in existing company? Btw, your job title is?
mich, has u started sending your resumes out?

yup, she's ok with no off days coz she wanted to save $$ for her family back in indo. she said that if go out, will spend $$ which she dun like. nope, she doesnt own a handphone too

gal, yup she's more chatty than my ex-maid but i guess that's coz she doesnt have off days and dun have hp = no outside she can only talk to us ;p she's same age as me and u keke
Wah.. your maid sounds very Guai leh. I was there in the agency, a few maids was returned cause they are consistency on the phone and too chatty. It's usually phone issue until they can't concentrate in their work.

So, I suppose your maid is never alone? She is usually 'supervise' by your parents?
gal, my maid was also a transfer maid. the reason she was transferred out by her last employer was coz she accidentally cut the flesh of the employer's daughter finger while trimming her nails and the MIL was very angry. for us, we are ok with it coz we will never let her cut my kids' nails

she's alone at home on weekends coz we are usually out. but at my parents' place, she's never alone coz there's bound to be someone at home at any pt in time
Sweet, yup, I started sending out last night ha ha ha. Your maid sounds very guai leh...

Gal, how come your maid only work 2 yrs and want to go home? She is homesick ah? Think ex-SIN easier, since no need training. My maid is ex-SIN but she is ok lah. It depends on the personality more than whether they are ex-SIN or not I feel.

My job role is in marketing/public relations/corporate communications... meaning I have done all of these before in the past years since I started work. My company typical bonus is ard 3mths + so really quite decent in that sense.
mich, i am half way editing my resume keke but saw a job opening that i m really interested in yesterday.. so hopefully can finish editing by today and send out

my maid is ok which i am really thankful for! with so much on my plate now, the least i need is a trouble-maker maid
Sweet, which industry is that job you like in? Is it also healthcare? So you managed to send it out?

Yes, so much on the plate with a full time job and handling all the kids... maid is meant to help, if not its easier not to have one.
mich, nope its not in healthcare but in oil & gas but the location is great.. haha i normally look at office location first ;p send out yesterday le.. this morning, sent out another one
Hung, nothing to do with the school bah... kids who go to school are sick every month! The question is how fast they recover.
hung, its normal during the initial 6 mths. trishelle had never had cough before until she starts to attend kindy! its her 1st cough and it was very bad, lasted for 1.5 mths and she infected her didi as well

but now think her immunity system has grown stronger, this 3rd term has been sick free

give it some time, christine will build her immunity system too
Hung, I have been stuffing my girls with vitamins and supplements. Things get better when they become older. Serene is much better now at 5 yrs old compared to when she was 3 yrs old.
Hung, is she taking muscosolvan? It's one of the medicines that the PD normally prescribes and it works well. Or I understand that there is a chinese med called Hou Ning? If not, have to go to doc to draw out the phlegm.
Hung, Joshua has similar problem and he is diagnosed with mild Bronchitis. He gets runnning nose every morning and he is always coughing. The cough will go away for a while then it will be back again. Sometimes when its bad, he will vomit too.
Hung, I don't usually give him medicine unless he coughs very badly. And I will give him te pi pa gao. I don't like the western med as it makes him lose appetite
Hung, you may want to consider TCM after this episode of bronchitis is over. Isaac had 2 episodes of bronchitis, it was terrible cos he needed nebuliser. After TCM treatment, he stopped falling ill often and even recovers very fast if he happens to be sick. My hb has asthma, so I am worried about the kids inheriting it. But my PD tells me not to worry as childhood asthma will disappear by the time the kids turn 7 yrs old.
Hung, I bring Joshua to Yu Guo when he coughs badly. Its near Kembangan MRT station.
8-B Jalan Masjid #01-04 Kingston Terrace
Tel :64474761

Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri

Don't go on Sat and Sun as its madness there!I think best is to go around 11plus and if not crowded just take take number and see doc. If still crowded then take a number for afternoon session then go back at 2pm.

tristan having constipation leh
remembered prune juice can ease the condition? where can i get the prune juice, buy from NTUC, any specific brand?
Hi HUng,

It must be really exciting for you.... 3Kg is a good size. Everything is going to be alright. Which hospital are u going to this time? Thought of a name for him yet?
Hung, so you can only be induced after Thur.
You can get MIL to help right? And your mum?
Getting CL???
Christine in full day cc now right?

Gal, hung's boy is going to be known as Thomas..named by jiejie.
Hung, since your mum is going to stay with you then you can get her to send Christine to cc everyday. Easier to just settle Isaac with your mum and/or hb. Coz you still need one adult to do the cleaning and cooking of home.
hung, I guess by now you would have given birth? Update us soon! Which CC is Christine in, has she settled down well?

Gal, where have u been? How's Serena doing?
By now, thomas must have arrived.
Congrats. Do update us.

Which CC did u end up putting Chrstine? Wee Care?

I have been almost the same. U? how are u ?? How's your kids?

Ask you all, does all your kids' childcare has chinese and english teacher? As from next year N2, Serena's school only has 1 hour of chinese and no more english and chinese assistant teacher at all time. Wondering if chinese will be enough for her..
Hung, congrats on the arrival of Issac! The 2nd Issac boy in this thread!
Do rest well.

Gal, Joshua's form teacher is english. Then he will have chinese lesson and sometimes this chinese teacher will be around to look after them when the english teacher is not around. His cc teacher always rotate around so all the teacher knows all the kids there.

surprisingly, Joshua starts to speak mandarin now although we don't speak mandarin at home at all.
It's good that JOsh is speaking mandain. Serena is resisting to speaking mandarin. She keeps telling me she is like daddy and can't speak mandarin and dun want to learn mandarin. Like that very chiam. Now thinking if I should send her to some enrichment chinese program that is fun.
gal, you can speak mandarin to her or you get your mum to pretend dunno english so she has to speak mandarin to your mum.

I always tell Joshua his grandparents dunno english so he has to speak mandarin to them if he wants something.

Every now and then he will speak mandarin to me too.
Yes. I keep telling my dad to keep mandrain to her cause he is chinese educated but somehow my dad knows serena can't answer /understand so naturally try to speak broken english to serena hehe.. Will try harder this coming year.

Eh... just curious -- any of your kindergarden/childcare increase school fee again?
My boy has the same problem too. He refuses to speak mandarin. Before we came to US he spoke good mandarin cos there's a lot of china cher in sg cc. Now when we speak mandarin to him he replied us in english gosh....
Mikiko, Serena is the same like your boy. Will u be coming back to SIN eventually for their education ?

Irene, Yes. Serena kindergarden also increase about 100 dollars. So i am thinking it must be the same nation wide. Inflation
Gal, school fee very ex ah. I am thinking of changing cc for Joshua as soon Jayla will go to the same cc and my cost will be high if both go so have to find a cheaper one.
Hung, congrats on the arrival of Isaac, just saw his photo on FB... so cute... miss those baby days
enjoy motherhood this second round.

Gal, yes school fees did increase... think Serene had a $90 increase or so. Reason is cos they have to increase teacher's salary. I also dun mind, cos if teachers are better paid, then they will be motivated I hope!

Think you can send Serena for some chinese enrichment if you are worried about her chinese. LIke Berries that kind. When Serene turned K1, I enrolled her for Chinese class, cos I myself cannot teach Chinese for nuts. Teach until she gets it all wrong, can faint.

Irene, think LV fees are one of the highest around, hopefully you can find somewhere cheaper or else 2 kids in CC very siong. I feel the pinch since Joy went to CC.
U miss motherhood ah.. THought of going for no 4?? heheh

I am thinking of sending Serena to berries. It's usually in the CC right? I thought it's cheap but turn up almost 30 dollars a lesson as well.

How are you managing? Having 3 kids in preschool at the same time?

Ur kids 3 years gap? So, there will be moments where 2 of them will go preschool together? Its best to go to the same school. Pick up and drop them all together
Quite xiong for you....
Congrats to you. How are you doing? How's bb Isaac so far?
Which childcare did you end up putting Christine?

Re: end of the year concert .. This year for Christine? I haven't experience anything like this for Serena. No concert mentioned so far.
Mich, I also miss little baby but definitely no no.3!!! Hahaha...

Actually the LV Joshua is attending has the cheapest sch fees among all the LV. The sch fee is still affordable when there is only 1 kid but its really different when there are 2 kids.

So will Issac join Serene and Joy at cc eventually?

Gal, no...they are 25mths apart so yes, when Joshua goes to Nursery next year, Jayla will be in the toddler class so same cc.

But I think when it comes to pri school, they won't be going to the same one.

Hung, I thought your current place quite new why need to re-renovate the kitchen?

Joshua didn't have any year end concert.
Don't think so much.. you are doing your confinment now. Just take it easy , just wait till you see the concert and see those pretty pictures. Sweet...

TOday I got so upset and angry. Came back home and realised maid(maid is only 2 months old) is not at home. GOt panick thinking if she has fall downstairs (stupid to think about it now that I think back), then wait for 10 minutes and then she came home. I asked her where did she go and she kept quiet and look down and cry. After 15 minutes, she came to me and say she went downstairs and buy things(some sweets and chocolates). I was so worried thought what happen to her but in turn she went down and get things without informing me. Anyone experience this before.? aiiii
Hung, feed 4 hrly now is very good already.
Just try your best and don't worry about the rest.

Gal, you mean even when you are out, you expect your maid to call you and inform you that she needs to go out to get something?
I can't comment much on this as totally dunno how to work with a maid!
No.. I meant usually when I go out, She is suppose to stay at home to do cleaning but yesterday, she went out the house and left my house door unlock.......... also without my acknowledge that she went out... This maid ah... 2 months ago but so brave, dare to go out without asking for permission. Brave right?
thread is alive again!

re: school fees. trishelle's kindy didnt increase sch fees but from next yr onwards, have to pay GST *faint* so we paid for next yr of sch fees in full to avoid paying the GST.

re: mandarin. trish also dun speak mandarin at all before she enters N1 but now on and off, she will sprout some simple chinese words but not in sentences kind. she can understand wat we says (simple ones) but she cant really answer.

re: enrichment classes. will be enroling her into english/maths and chinese speech and drama in her kindy. easier since no need for us to ferry her on weekends. stop enrichment classes for a full yr leh, so planning to start again next yr.

re: yr-end concert. trish just had hers yesterday!
am very proud of her as she remembered all the steps well and didnt have stage fright esp she was standing in the front row at the centre

gal, we usually lock the gate and door when we go out. we told the maid that she cannot go out unless its an emergency ie fire. we left the spare key in a sealed envelope in case she really need to escape. if she opened up the envelope secretly, we will know since it will be torn open. so far, both maids never try anything funny but 1st maid ever took the key before. said she dropped clothes downstairs while hanging.

Pay in fee meaning 4 terms ? Pay annual fee for 2011 to avoid GST? If so, it is indeed shocking......

Trish school provide after school hours enrichment program? So its half day school and meals provided then straight to nap and then enrichment? That's seems very good.

RE: maid. All the time, I assume maid won;t be so brave to go out. I never lock the door when I go out thinking maid will lock in but never thought maid can just leave the house like that? Shocking and angry experience for me. My mum kept advising me to send her back to agency. 2 months and so daring and definant. Can you imagine having her 1 year? So, tomorrow first thing to do is send her back to agency and see what agency will advise.
