Anyone TTC in July 2006?

Did you all subscribe to starhub or singtel for broadband and TV? Now making a decision which to join.

Gal, I am using MIO Home... more worth it to combine broadband, TV and home line. My Mio home is only around $60... whereas my broadband line would have been $80 stand alone.
Hey gal, serena is the tallest in class ah? She is even taller than the boys!
And, Serena is eating very well is it?
Life is so unpredictable. ONe of my good friend's daughter has been diagnosed with lymphoma.. only 3 yrs old, have to go for sugery and chemo. Sob Sob.
mich, oh dear so sad!! is it some form of cancer? hope that its in early stage and can have full recovery. must be very hard on the family. wat are the symptons?

think serena's photo is found in the rich boy's blog..

ask u mummies, when bring your lil ones to public toilets, do u remove everything from waist down? coz yesterday trishelle insisted to wear panties out so half way thru, brought her to toilet. 1st time, dunno how to do it, so i removed everything (luckily i did so!) and i didnt position her properly.. when she pees, the urine shot out and kenna her thighs, toilet bowl lid and drip down to her slippers.. it was a damn mess!!

think she was scared by the experience, today when we went out, she asked for pull-ups.
Sweet, yup cancer of the lymph nodes. If it hasn't spread, then chances of recovery are high. She couldn't eat or drink, kept vomiting. So when they did a scan, saw that the intestines had been pushed aside. The doc did a surgery and found thr growth.

I usually remove everything or will pull it down very low or else they will sure pee onto the panty cos they dun know how to aim properly. And have to sit them further in, so the pee goes into the toilet bowl. I also kenna before... have to clean up in public toilet very messy.

How's things going at work for you?

Gal, saw Serena's photo, she is indeed much taller than her classmates! And very pretty too
mich, wow sounds very scary!!! life is indeed so fragile and precious

really quite messy.. trishelle ended up standing on the toilet floor with her bare feet coz she dunno how to slip the slippers through the shorts.. it was a learning experience for me too!

is joy poo-ing in toilet bowl liao? trish still poo in diapers *faints* but she has been dry for the nights for the past 2 weeks liao.. but we still let her wear diapers just in case she pee on the bed

work wise still rather sian leh!! half hearted whether to look for another job a not.. how are things at your end?
Sweet, joy sometimes will poo in toilet bowl, but mostly still insist on having a diaper on. And Joy also doesn't wet her diaper at night, but I still wear lah... dun wanna wake up to change bed sheets in case she wets the bed *lazy*

I'm also in the half hearted mode - wanna look for new job, but feel lazy... i wonder if I should take a short break first.

When is your sis giving birth? Soon, right? What's the arrangement, as in your parents taking care of her baby too?
Sweet, I cannot advise on the peeing part as Joshua is in standing position.

I suggest you let her practise at home then maybe you and her will soon figure out how to do it properly?

Mich, yes I saw the photo from the rich woman's blog.

I have started looking around for Part time admin job. Feel very sian staying at home all the time with a girl who likes to cry so much!
mich, same! i am surviving on less than 6 hrs of sleep now on weekdays.. the least i wanna do is to wake up to a wet bed! haha

now job mkt not bad, should be ok to take a break first then look for another job..

she just hit 38 weeks, so should be anytime le! yup the arrangement is that my parents will look after her boy too

irene, icic so they have small urinals in guys' toilets?

if u started working part-time, your mum will help look after jayla?
Sweet, no he can go to our sitting toilet bowl and pee too. He is doing the same at home. He will pee then flush on his own.

Yes, my mum not willing to look after Jayla full time so I will do part time 1st. Anyway I still want to spend time with Jayla now so PT is the best of both world.
I think Serena is tallest if not second tallest in class. Serena is highly allergy so heaps of food can't eat. Cannot drink dairy and eat egg. So if u ask me, not really eating very well leh... no Cheese, cakes and heaps of things...

Any luck or interviews so far??

I usually take off everything for serena. I think she is used to it. If I dont take off everything, she will take it off herself. Is Trishelle diaperless in school?
irene, icic hope that u will be able to find an ideal PT job soon

gal, yup she's diaperless in school too just that we pre-warn the teachers that she will need the diapers if she wan to poo
Serena is diaperless in school too but when we go shopping/dining. I usually wear diaper for her. Scare we don't run to the toilet on time. Trishelle is diaperless in all occassions? How do u ensure u can find the toilet on time? I have fear for this.
Do u all know Hung is pregnant with no2?? Hope she can come and share this joy with everyone. Happen to see her msg in facebook.
gal, actually last sat was the 1st time when we went shopping that she went diaperless. she requested for it, so we thot just let her try. but if left to me, i would rather let her wear diapers coz i scare of dirty toilet bowls keke trish can hold her pee very well, so much so that we have to force her to use the potty at home!! she will just hold her urine and refuse to pee when she's playing!

that's great! did she mention how many weeks pregnant is she liao?
irene, when you are working part time, who is looking after Jayala is your mum can't help? Hope you can find something soon!

Just went to check FB page, and Hung's expecting a boy! If can tell its a boy, means at least 4 months liao... happy for her.

Sweet, will ur sis be hiring another maid to help? Or else how to manage?
Sweet, I noticed you also order Gymboree stuff from JXMUM, how do u collect from her? Her place quite far from your place?
Gal, started to find but not very actively kind.

Hung, congrats to you!!!

Mich, I have no backup at all if my mum can't help, I really dunno how.
mich, hmm i dunno leh.. they are financially tight at the moment so no plans to hire a maid for now. my parents and her will have to sort it out during her 4 mths of ML bah. she will have 1st hand experience how chaotic it can be at my parents' place with 3 kids!

i will opt for normal postage coz her place is too far for me to self collect

wow! congrats to hung
irene, if I know of any jobs available, I'll let you know. Part time as in work 2-3 days a week kind right?

Sweet, as long as the quality of care for the kids are not compromised and your parents can handle all 3, then probably no issue bah.
Jxmum is one of my fav spree organisers cos she is always reliable and prompt.
irene, if I know of any jobs available, I'll let you know. Part time as in work 2-3 days a week kind right?

Sweet, as long as the quality of care for the kids are not compromised and your parents can handle all 3, then probably no issue bah.
Jxmum is one of my fav spree organisers cos she is always reliable and prompt.
Mich, yes its those work few days a week kind. Thanks in advance!

Sweet, I think the 1st 4mths should be ok since your sis around too. After that also got 4adults to 3 kids so I guess should be ok too especially when Trish is 3yrs old.

Maybe the tough part would be taking nap. Could be too noisy.

So is Trist an easy to look after baby?
irene, yup the taking nap part is chaotic! even though till now.. when trist sleeps, trish make slight noise only, trist will wake up

he's def an easier bb to take care of compared to trish. his personality is more like his daddy, even tempered and chin chai. and he loves to sleep!
Sweet, so its true that the 1st baby is different from the 2nd one.

Joshua and Jayla has different character too! We wish that they can switch their character over.
irene, yup they are really different but i sure hope that tristan wouldnt grow up to be super notti and difficult to handle! hahaha coz though trish was a difficult bb but she was a manageable toddler
Hi gals,

long time didn't log in.....How's everyone?

Just pop in to wish
Happy birthday, Irene
Happy Birthday in advance, Sweet..
Hi Hung,
Congrats again

How is this pregnancy for you? Overall good pregnancy?

Is your girl in school half day/full day already? It'd might better if she is. Pilots plan their leave one year in advance so i guess your DH didn't block out Nov 2010 leave last year??

Advise needed for disciplinary issues
Situation 1
At this age, my girl is trying her luck with constant nagging to get the things she want and if I choose to ignore, she can nag for max 15 minutes . Have u all encounter this before?

Situation 2.
When I tried scolding her, she will always try to ignore and change topic. I didn't expect to a child will start this sort of pattern at this age. Any advise?
thanks wendy/mich for the birthday wishes! today i m helping my colleague for a lunch event, so only celebrating my birthday tmr

irene, happy belated birthday!

hung, congrats! nov is my fav month

gal, hmm trish dun nag, she will wail for things she want.. but if we dun give in, she will shut up pretty soon

my ger will siometimes pretend that she's busy with other stuff when we scold her. i will usually tell her to look at me sternly if she try to "escape" and most of the time she will obey or she will run to look for her daddy
Sweet, Happy Birthday to you. ANy great plans for birthday celebration tomorrow?

Wonder if this is just a terrible threes phrase or it will just get worse. More and more pattern these days from serena.
Hung, that time I hired a CL but I bathe and wash hair everyday too. The CL will boil the herb for me to bathe/wash hair. She did mention better not to wash hair daily but I just tell her I cannot tahan then continue doing it then she will just accept it.

It will be good to have a CL as hb will play with the elder one but Christine might just want you to feed/bathe her so you might end up having to feed/bathe 2 kids.

So with a CL around, she can clean the house, help to cook for all, and feed/change baby in the middle of the nite. That time I just wake up to pump milk in the middle of the nite and my CL will feed the baby and change her diaper.

You can leave the running errands to your hb.

Gal, Joshua will either nag or cry if we don't give him what he wants. Sometimes I just talk to him then he accept it but when he cries, I will just tell him no and tell him I dislike this attitude and walk away. When he stop crying then I will talk nicely to him again.

Joshua has very bad attitude problem. I get him to greet the teachers every morning but he just refuses to. He refuse to sit on the chair and let the teacher take his temp and check his palm/feet. Always end up my hb and I angry with him then start scolding him then he cry.
sweet, $150 for forum mummy cos the photographer is one of the mummy's hb... quite reasonable lah cos all photos back. U planning to do a photo shoot also?
mich, wow!! very good price indeed

yup, we plan to do a photo shoot too but am waiting till when Tristan turns a yr old

btw, my sis gave birth yesterday le. exactly on EDD! bb weighs 3305g and very short labour. from admit to popping only 4 hrs plus
Sweet, yes, easier when they turn 1 year old to take photos so that they can at least stand. When Isaac can walk and run, I'm gonna do another round outdoors

Congrats to your sis! That is a very good sized baby. Its a boy or girl? Is she doing confinement at your dad's place?
mich, have u uploaded the rest of the PS pics? ;p

its a boy. nope, she doing confinement at her own place, she has hired a CL. yesterday her boy cannot latch on well, so today she's asking to see the LC.. hopefully will get the issue sorted out
sweet, yup I did upload the rst of the pictures, go see and let me know what you think.

Its good she is doing confinement at her own place, or else really will have too much activity going on at your dad's place. Hope she can latch on successfully! Which hospital did she give birth at?
saw the pics liao. very nice!
how long was the session and can include siblings?

same as us! Mt A
she's discharged this afternoon le.. hope everything go smoothly. according to my mum who visited her again yesterday afternoon, her bb cried very loudly while latching on.. apparantly cant latch on well or not enuff milk
Sweet, session was 1 hr plus, for parents + baby only. Think add sibling got additional cost which is why I didn't include the 2 girls. Anyway this one meant for Isaac so that was ok with me.

Hearing you talk about your sis experience reminds me of those early infant days. Can only say I'm so glad that's over for now :p

Hung, Les Amis? Riders Cafe? All very romantic...
mich, icic it was still a good package!

yup yup, so glad that its all behind us liao keke

btw, tristan has started on purees but he doesnt like any of them! i have tried apple, pear, carrot, pumpkin and purple sweet potato.. he dun like any of them and always give a puke face and tried to push them out with his tongue but he loves cereal though. wat should i do? stop giving purees for the time being or should try other types of vegs etc.. any suggestions?
Sweet, I always thought babies would prefer fruits and sweet stuff compared to cereals! If u mix the fruits (a little bit) into his cereal, will he take it? Looks like he may prefer the not sweet kind of stuff, how about cauliflower but mixed into the cereal also...

Are things at work busy? Is it more interesting now that you have gotten the hang?

I finally went to update myresume. Now have to stop being lazy and send them out ha ha ha
mich, yalo he's 1 weird fellow!! we havent try mixing it yet, probably will try this weekend
thanks for the tip! keke

work is mixed mixed.. sometimes free and sometimes super busy.. work is not paced not nicely kind but sadly, nope i dun feel it interesting! i am really getting very fed up with the work and people here.. so going to update my resume this weekend and start to send out too!

U went to update your resume?? Looking for new job?

Just wondering how's your new maid? Did u choose your new maid based on looks or her biodate?
