Anyone TTC in July 2006?

indeed, it is now approaching May.. time does flies... however time seems to pass very slowly when you have a newborn baby and esp. during the confinement period.... I just dislike confinement..

welcome.. you also planning for piggy baby? Actually I didn't plan for piggy but I can't make it in time for a year-end doggy...
hi jas,
nope... we leaving nature to take its course cos we just came back from hm and AF came a few days back so din strike after all. Nw i am thinking should i go for a pre-pregnancy checkup before preggy.
Hi Jesmine,
Pre natal check up is advisable. Even though some test may be check during pregnancy, precaution is always best.

I used to think it's a waste of money. But after wat my doc said, I think it's best to go for a blood test.

I'm not sure is it only for blood type A- or for all negative blood type, during pregnancy, we need to have a kind of injection, it's a must. I fall under such category.

It's good to know everything is fine.

All the best.
my menses late for 4 days. Yest used clearblue pregnancy test, it shown faded "+"..But now has some brownish discharge.May i know izzit nprmal?
hi piggy_mummy,
I am not sure whether is it normal. Maybe you want to wait for a few more days and then try to test again.
Hi Piggy,
Ya, wait for few days then check again. Or maybe go see a doc?

I'm having peach color discharge. Anyone any idea why? Or anyone heard before?
Hi piggy_mummy,
think u shld go see a doc straightaway..coz it show +ve..but it is not gd to have brownish discharge if u r preggy....n if the kit shows a +ve, show be rather accurate as when one i pregnant, the HCG level is higher n hence using a kit can detect if one is preggy..hope it helps...
I tested using clearblue too on the day my mense is suppose to come..I din even wait b4 i miss my mense and there is also a little +ve sign n the next day i tested using another brand n also show +ve and i then went to a polyclinic to test coz i am not u may wan to go see a doc at the polyclinic juz on the safe side as u r having brownish discharge..
c doc liao.ya, brownish discharge is abnormal. do blood test liao, doc said it might miscarriage. but he said it is normal, coz my menses only late for 5 days,infact, many couple even did not know they r miscarriage when they miss their menses few days, but the menses come again after a week. If this happen, it is not true that ur menses was late, more likely that u r pregnant, but may b the unhealthy fertilised egg rejected by ur body, so ur menses come and discharge it out.
Hi Piggy_mummy, are you doing fine? How is the blood test result?

When I was pregnant with my son, I remembered I had brown discharge just a few days before tested positive. My gynae says it's normal that there may be some brown discharge when the egg attached itself on the womb.

Take care!
no hope liao, coz my menses came 2 days ago.Coz when the doc heard that i had the brownish discharge everday (for 5 days), so he said this is the sign that not succesful(nt pregnant)..
I need some advise here: Now i don know how to count my ovulation day for the coming month, coz it was late for 5 days liao.
My menses supposed to come on 30/4, but now came on 5/5.
Neberm lah..dont get so stress..remember sometimes having SXX is not juz to bear kids but also out of the bonding & love we have for each other...


Ask a stupid question hah..does it occur to anyone here who have irregular menses how to know if she is pregnant or not?

Cheer up okay... don't think of it too much.. can try again...

I think I belong to those with irregular menses coz mine will always be delayed for few days at each cycle. Actually for my #1, I didn't really think too much when my menses was late for 2wks coz it happened to me before. I give myself one more week and then bought a test kit to test, then only I confirm preggie. By then I was coming to 8wks preggie liao..
ah kat

I used to have irregular menses, after I miss once in feb, I tot I was preggy, but urine & blood test all negative, now my menses is pretty regular so juz gotta see when I strike the jackpot. I used my longest cycle to gauge my average cycle days, anything longer than tat I know I missed it liao, no other systom then missing period?
Cause mine super not regular & I am a very active person & always actively trying to lose, scarkly ganna and still do not know when to stop my other jumping activities how hah...

: P
Hi Kat,

Actually different pple diff symtoms. Some will vomit, some will feel bloated. Some may have craving.

I think the best is test. Maybe u stop jumping at the moment.
I did my PAP smear test last oct, so next PAP smear test is in oct'06 provided I'm not pregnant at that time, but since there's a free test till 9 June I dun mind doing it again
My gynea said pregnant oso can do pap smear test.
This free test come with consultation fee.
But for those working, u can claim from company.
Think the receipt wun write it's for pap smear.
hi april

some gynae say can do, some gynae say can't do, I haven't ask my gynae so juz assume tat I can't do during pregnancy
Hi Hung,

It's advisable to take folic acid before trying. Think shld be ok, if u start now.
I'm trying in July too. Sometimes I forgot to take my folic. Forgetful one.

Good luck.

Hi Jesmine.
I'm taking multi-vit now which contains folic acid also, gotta remind myself to swallow the pills every morning
Vitamin E good for skin?
Wow, then I must try too.
My complexion no good.

Winnie, thanks for the info.
hehe..... Sometimes when i forgot, I take in the afternoon. Is it ok?
Hi all, everyone started preparation for getting into action in July'06? Time flies, now end of May liao, only one more month left... Anyone getting excited?

Personally I didn't really prepare anything, no jabs, no folic acid, nothing special. the only thing I am doing now is slimming treatments... wonder should I stop the treatments for now...
Hi jas,

I also went for slimming treatment, in hope to get rid of the stubborn fats I accumulated over the last pregnancy. The therapist at the spa told me it is better to stop if I'm trying for number 2 because the electric pulses from the machine is not good for pregnant mum. Anyway, I have stopped the treatment and keep the remaining package for future use.
Now I just stick to my routine yoga, pilate and gym session.

For ttc, the best is to take folic acid with VitB12. Vit E is good anti-oxidant but I read that overdose will cause heart problem. Also need to drink plenty of water because health supplements tend to be heaty
Hung, it's normal. Cos folic acid is 'heaty' so some pple will have such reactions. what you can do is take on alternate days first. then drink more water. once you are used to it, then start taking everyday.

alternatively, eat more oranges. it is a natural source of folic acid

and you should start eating healthily. start exercising also
Hi Hung,

All health supplements are heaty. Actually the term 'heaty' doesn't exist in pharmacist's dictionary so they won't be able to advise you. If you can, take the tablets at the start of the day so that you have more chance to have plenty of water. Alternatively, if you are vege person, takes plenty of spinach and other leafy vege. They are good source of folic acid too. The name 'folic' comes from leaf.. so folic acid is leaf acid

Anyone plan to go for pre-pregnancy check up? As I'm planning for number 2, not sure if I should still make an appointment with my gynae for the check
I know pregnant mum sure cannot go slimming treatment but even when only trying also cannot? But now after so many sessions, my weight still didn't go down, been the same for a long long while.. so sian already. I hope to at least go down few more kilos before preggie.

you mean slimming got higher chance to conceive? Sorry but I don't really understand what you mean.

I never heard of folic acid can cause dizzy spell. I didn't specify take folic acid tablets, I just eat kiwi fruits.

If just take the Very Fruity and Very Veggie supplement can?

healthy pre-pregnancy weight will mean higher chances of a healthy baby plus easy pregnancy. However, as Hung said, extreme exercise and dieting will affect your ovulation.

If you want, take 3-6 months to focus on losing weight and not ttc first. in this 3-6 months, concentrate on changing your eating habits to healthy eating habits and start having an exercise regime.

Example is try to make it a habit to walk stairs instead of take the lift. make time to go exercise with hubby, jogging, cycling, etc etc.

It helps with couple bonding and helps both of you keep fit. The father's health status at the time of conception also has effect on the baby concieved.

Even if you do not lose much weight, your body is more fit for pregnancy. and when you have the stamina from the exercise, pregnancy will be a breeze
Hi gals,

July is coming soon. How's ur preparation?
I mean, excited? Actually not much to prepare. Anyone going to the Motherhood exhibition at Expo?

Going for the pre natal checkup too? The blood test.
Hi Jas,

I have not seen the ingredient list for the 'very' range supplements so I can't tell whether that is enough to provide daily requirement of folic acid. The daily recommended intake, including from other food sources like spinach is 400mcg and 800mcg for preggie mums.

Went for my papsmear and pre pregnancy checkup yesterday. Gynae also done a v-scan for me and have gave me a clean bill of health for ttc
However, I did raise up my concern I'm still a little overweight. He said that I just need to watch out my diet and have regular exercise if I manage conceive anytime soon.

Anyone heard of brewer's diet??
Hi gals

Can I join in?
Me planning to start TTC-ing in Jul as well
hoping for a piggy baby...

Hi pageup

What does the pre pregnancy checkup consists of? I am thinking whether to go for it anot... which did u do the checkup?
Hi Sweet,

Of cos you can. Welcome. Hope you have fun. haha....

I'm looking forward to July now. Hope the days of June pass by soon.

hi sweet,

depends on how extensive check you want to have. Some include thalassemia, hepB. I only went for my yearly papsmear and ultrascan to make sure my uterus have recovered fully from last pregnancy.
