Anyone TTC in July 2006?

april lim
thx for ur advise. how abt chicken pox?Must i have chicken pox b4 have BB?? i thk chicken pox is quite danger during first trimester and 2 days b4 delivery..

Hi piggy mummy,
U're welcome. Anyway, din really know how to advise. As for chicken pox, so long you don't get chicken pox when pregnant, it's ok. Even if u never have chicken pox before. Don't go near pple with chicken pox. But I think most pple won't run abt when they have chicken pox.

Happy bday to your Keane in advance.
currently i taking folic acid 400mcg and 4 calcium tablets a day.Besides these 2, may i know what kind of supplement shd we take to prepare for conceive??
I thought all of us should have Rubella jab while in school days? I didn't take the chickenpox jab and don't have the intention to take as well.

As for if really 'bingo', it will be best to check with gynae about the issue.

Why you need to take calcium tablets? doc ask you to take? If your diet consists of high calcium stuff, then I don't it is necessary. As for folic, I know it is advisable.

Happy birthday to Keane... You must be real excited and busy preparing for the coming party.
<font color="0000ff">April &amp; Jas,</font>
Thanks for the birthday wishes. Yes, pretty excited and many things to prepare.
Hi piggy mummy,
Ya, u can oso drink more milk to get more calcium. Too much medicine oso not good. I drinking strawberry milk milk. haha....
i toke calcium because, our daily diet din consist enough of calcium,especialle for women, unless u drink 2 to 3 cups of Anlene milk (not the normal packaging milk).I missed the rubella when i wasat primary school, coz i juz toke the HepB injection,so doc told me to delay the rubella. But after sometimes, i 4got to liao...
Hi all,

Today I went to see my gynea as last week, my cyst seems to be actively disturbing me. And was shocked when my gynea told me the cyst have grown back to the size when I first discovered. Solution : Ops or to get pregnant.
I'm not sure if I'm ready for any of the suggested solutions. Ops, I will be very very scared. Even though I've gone thru that before. Pregnant, I'm not sure if I want to let the cyst spoilt my plan. Urghhhhh....... Why me?

I've checked with my gynea today abt the prenatal test. It's only $100.
my hubby and i are ttcing after June. both of us were born in the year of dragon, thus.. we are advised not to have doggy .. but piggy is good for us.

as i read thru, i've learnt a new term "folid acid".... where can i get this? was is the benefit of taking it and will it cause any side effect? if i am ttc in june'06, do i need to take folid acid from now?

i am quite lost here since this is my first try and any recommendation or advice on gynea for pre pregnancy test?
wow this thread is active...

hihi tigger &amp; pageup....
so soon planning for no 2 har..... keke

well i might be too.... but hor... i prefer piglet plus jan bb how.... maybe i tried 1st lor.... don know whether like Gerald anot very luckily got strike on 1st try.... haha.....

keep me info.... but mine is c-section... maybe want to check whether it is advisable to give birth so soon as i want to try for natural this round if possible....
hi poshies,

u also planning already?
think next year chinese new year is Feb so if you want piggy baby too, it have to be after Feb hor.

Me most likely trying 2nd half of the year. Now busy with moving house (I pantang abt getting preggie and move house at the same time). After that still want to have thorough checkup by gynae before trying.

I read that it is best to try at least half a year after c-section. I heard from one gynae during a preggie talk that most kiasu/kiasi doctors would still recommend the mothers who had c-section before to have it again for subsequent pregnancy. This is because they are afraid the wound will rupture.

Hi Oct girl,
it is recommended to take folic acid to 'build up reserve' now, it is proven to prevent neural tube defect. You can get it at many pharmacies, GNC or Nature farm (the one with Vit B complex). Get the smaller packsize one so that you can finish them sooner and have less exposure to moist.
If you don't like pills, you can try to take more spinach and other dark green leafy vege
The side effect of taking too much folic acid is yellowish urine. It happened to me before when I forgotten and took double dose of 5mg
hihi pageup....
yup lor... but now my boy already 1 year.. .so even if i preggy now.. .but then time birth... it will be going to be 2 year... so it is very safe... plus my previous gyn encough me to go for natural.... mine 1st one was born c-section due to medicine reason.....

actually i need to wait for a couple month later than try again lor... to ensure it is a piglet... haha....
my blood test was out, haha, i already have the rubella vaccine,so no need to inject. iDoctor said i only need the booster for Hep B. I decided to have chicken pox vaccination, coz i have not yet had chicken pox. May i know u all have this chicken pox vacine b4?

The other thing is me (born in year of horse) and my husband is (rabbit).so i wana to know wether ok to have piggie BB..thx..
<font color="0000ff">poshies,</font>
Youre here too! I had c-section too and planning to try natural for my #2.
Planning to TTC after Jun and hope to get another Apr bb.
Hi pageup,

thanks for the advice. in fact i've bought a bottle of folic acid with 60 tablets today. my collegues know about it and they advised me to take folic acid as well. i bought from nature farm...with vitamin b which contains 800 mcg of folic acid per tablet. it is quite reasonable... cost me S$7.05 (b4 20% member discount) =0)
hi tigger....
get keane another didi hor.... me also thinking getter Gerald a didi.... haha....

so u start on folic acid? do we need to start now if we plan to ttc in jun?
<font color="0000ff">posh,</font>
Yes, hb says he wants another bb boy.
Hmm, I have not started on folic acid yet. Will start soon.
hi odie,
i don know lah... haha i want gal but my hubby want boy... u start to ttc ?

hi tigger...
oic.... how abt urself u want boi or ger?
Posh... any reason why your hubby wants so many boys? Personally I like a good mix. Me let nature take its course for now... not trying too hard ;)
<font color="0000ff">posh,</font>
For me, boy or gal also can. Anyway, I want at least 3 kids mah so #2 is boy or gal doesnt really matter.
Hi Poshie,

just checked,next chinese new year will be around 18-19 Feb 07
So after tcc after June will have higher chance of piggy babies. hee hee.

Hi piggy mummy,

GNC's folic acid doesn't come with Vit B. If you want, you can try their multivit for women, it contains all the essential vitamins and folic acid too. I think it is more expensive though.
I think naturefarm add Vit B to folic acid because it is good for iron absorption lah, they don't act together for preventing neural tube defect
thx,but i just started 2 weeks ago,so a nit wasted.Last week i asked my gynae, she said better take the prior Folic acid in stead of vitamin that consist of folic acid, because we need minimum 400mcg daily..but c how, coz i still left ard80 tablets..
hi all MTB,
i have a question here..May i know when we TTC, some sperm will leak out from my vaginal, is this bcoz the penetration not deep enough?my HB said it leak quite alot.Then i put a pillow under my hip, and stay for 10 mins, but when i laugh, the sperm leak out again..May i know izzit normal?or juz need to penetrate deeper?
hi all

I juz got married last May, intend to have a piggy baby also. I'll be going to taiwan for my hols end of tis mth, so hubby say we'll TTC after we come back.

I bought Folic Acid from guardian, 30 tabs for $1.75, never buy from ur gynae
You can buy folic acid from guardian.

Where you got the info that doggy is not good for dragon?

How's the birthday party? Busy entertaining friends and relatives huh???

I didn't take the chicken pox vaccine, can't advise you on that.

I also not sure about sperm leaking but I thought irregardless of whether leak or not, some of them should have been in already, so not necessary to have the whole chunk to be in to conceive.

Why not TTC in Taiwan, can have a made in Taiwan mah... hee hee
Hi Hi..this thread very active. Wanna join as well.

Me still not sure when I want abt BB, but plenty pple asking us aready. Just got married last year June. Don't u all think TCC after 1 year is abit fast?
Can I know yr age range?
Hi Ah Kat,

Actually, it all depends on whether u prepared or not. Some pple try immediately as they want to have bb soon.

Proud to announce, I'm 30. haha....

5mg per tablet for folic acid, is it ok?
Hi gals,

I am TTC-ing as well...Have started already...but yet see results...I am planning for a piggy baby as well coz I like pigs...heehe..However,if I strike a doggy also nvm...

I was married in Dec 2004, I am 26 going 27...How ab you gals??

my hubby wanna enjoy our holiday in taiwan, if I base on my current cycle of AF, I'll not be able to conceive in Taiwan also, cos my AF might report while I'm in taiwan

I'm 25 going 26 at the end of this year
Hi Hi..
Wow, so we all around the same age. Me 28 going 29 in Aug. Sianz leh..not sure wherther want a not but facing a lot of external pressure.
hi ah kat

never be pressurised by external factors. all my hubby's side relative also asking when we're having a baby, but we can't be bothered with it, the body is ours, when we want to have a baby is up to us to decide &amp; not them
Aiya, I don't think I enjoy kids as much to have one of my own. HB's side wanted a BB lor.

Also, don't want to give birth after age 30 - just a personal thing that I cannot get pass.
So I like left with not much choice. Actually I am quite lost on this whole child birth thing.
Kat, think of the positive side. It's fun to see them after a hard day at work. They might make u angry but at times, they are juz capable of making u laugh.
kat, my sis juz gave birth to a beautiful gal in feb, I treat her gal like my own, everytime her smile juz melts away all my stress at work, my hubby can really sense my joy. actually we don't intend to TTC till next year, but 1 factor that really pressurise us is his granny, she always hope to be a great grandmother &amp; I also hope to have a child while I'm still young, at least still got energy to chase after them
Actually, I also in a spot. I dont want to have kids when I am too old but I thot to have a BB after 1 year of marriage is too fast! Also, facing pressure from hb's family as well. Like I said, I dont mind kid but to have one &amp; need to give up so many things is what I am not ready now

But I see a lot of yr here is planning for a BB after 1 year of like to see things from different angles
this thread very active, i also want to join in.

We are not actively ttc yet, just taking the natural course.

Ah Kat
when u want to have bb really depends on individual. Agreed with Winnie that we should not let external factors pressurize us into have a bb. For me I am hitting 30 this yr, have been married for a yr plus already, maternal instinct kicks in end of last yr so now taking the natural course. Think we are ready to have a bb to make the family complete.
Hi Mandy,
U oso like the month April? Work hard, good luck.

Hi Peg,
Welcome, a very very warm welcome. haha.....
Let's work hard together.

Hi Kat,
Don't bother abt wat others say. My MIL sometimes oso ask am I pregnant. His relatives too. But I cun be bothered. If they want, they can go give birth till they happy. I give birth cos my mum said so. haha.... Juz kidding. It's our plan. To have bb in the year of piggy.
Yeah gals..Glad to see so many pple joining this thread..I am happy to find pple like me...I told my not married but attached frenz who are older than me that I am surfing Motherhood forum,they say I am crazy about having babies...I am so sad and hurt by their comments...Haiz...

They think having baby like so easy,want to have sure have...Not likely though from my experience...Maybe their mother's instinct is not in yet...Can't blame them lor...

Good luck gals...Hope to hear good news from u all soon!!!
Hi Hoonie,
Dun be sad. Nothing wrong with hoping to have bb soon. I already start looking for info even before I'm prepared to try.

Good luck to you too and share with us if u have good news.
Hi April,

thanks.. i quite like the month of april... will try to be more 'active' in july... haha... but don't want to count the O dates till so accurate leh.. felt that the baby should be becos of heat of moment one!!! haha.. not becos O date then do... keke.

ah_kat: i am also 28 going on 29 this year. i got married in 2004... hb's cousins all got preggie immed after wedding.. so for me relatives keep asking but i also like that lor. keke.. i find kids must be u want then have lah.. not becos of external pressure.

i started taking folic acid liao.. i like piggies...
i told my MIL i want piggies.. instead she ask me to have 1 dog and 1 pig then!!! haha.
My maternal instincts only start 2nd half of last year.. keke.. but it is coming v strong... keke.

i keep telling myself and praying that hope everything will be smooth...

Hi hoonie,

don't be sad too.. i already start looking at gynaes liao ah.. keke.. i also considered v kiasu.. wanted to make sure that when confirmed preggie will automatic know which gynae to go to instead of asking around keke.
Hi ladies,
Thanks for the encouragement.
Actually, I just wasnt sure what I want....
Maybe mother instincts have come by lah..I don't mind kids but juz not sure abt having one yet.

HB sis got married in Nov &amp; now pregnant..sometimes super stress on this

Hi Mandy,

I still thinking when the time come, we'll try to do for the stretch of peak period. Then see anything happen or not. haha..... Like got so much energy. But I kind of scared of disappointment. But will try to overcome it.

I started taking folic too.

I only dun like pple pressure me to have bb. The more they say, the more I said dun want. My hubby got one fren even said cannot be my hubby who dun want to have bb as he like kids. Then hinting must be me lor. But actual fact is, both of us not ready yet. He's the one who said later part. And I agreed cos that time I still want to go holidays often. So angry after hearing that. But now, I dun care abt them liao. It's not their womb, wat they said dun count.
