Anyone TTC in July 2006?

I think I am in the stage where just settled down & getting into the marriage mood. Then pple started to ask. The worst thing is I also dont know when I want to have a BB. Initially was telling hb before marriage that we can start trying after 1-2years.Now when it is drawing near 1 year and I wasn't sure....

hi april,

i also scared failure lor... scully after few months still no good news i will panic liao. becos although i say heat of moment hor... but hor i will be OVERJOYED if really strike in july. but tot don't want to be so systematic (as in do just for baby not becos of passion) lor..

this chinese new year, one of his cousins even question if we got problems and if want her hubby to teach us a few methods or not... my hubby 'Chey' her.. haha!!! buay tahan...
any ladies start looking for gynaes liao? i interested in female gynae... heard Dr Mary yang have 3D scan.. i very interested in that. keke

ah_kat: try when u are ready lah.. don't have pressure on yourself. for me 1st year i was still in marriage mood.only after my 1 year anniversary then my maternal instinct starts.
hi piggy mum,

don't worry, it is normal that some of the semen will flow out. The sperm will swim up against the gravity to where they want to go.

hi ladies,

I believe nobody other than ourselves (including hubby) can decide when is the right time to have kids. Sometimes people just talk for the sake of making a conversation. Even when we get pregnant, we can't stop people from saying things. Last CNY, I was 4 months pregnant with my boy, a relative from my hubby side gave me an angpow and remarked that I must give birth to a boy. I had the urge to tell her if it is only right to give birth to boys, she won't exist in this world to make such ridiculous remark, but for the sake of my hubby and that angpow, I decided to shut up.

I got a friend who is 'superb' in handling such situation. She is one of those who doesn't like kids but her in laws kept pressurizing her to have one. She just tell her MIL bluntly "If you like babies so much, why don't you have one yourself?" Her MIL was dumbfounded by that comments. I don't think I would dare to say that if I'm in her shoe
hi all,
Initial we don think of having BB after a year of marriage. But heard a lot of fren din get BB so easily. Have a fren who now 35 year-old, have been trying for more than 5 years. They even went for IVF twice. Her HB sperm count alrite and her health condition is ok..So sometime will worried too...
hands up for your friend man!!!! i admire her for that.

sometimes some ppl are just so inconsiderate. when u have 1st kid liao, ppl will start asking you when is the 2nd one... like what u say lor.. make conversation only lor.

before wedding hor.. i ever ask my hb if we should go for pre-marriage check up... he asked me why... i told him maybe if i not not fertile, u might not want me? he say i crazy... if not fertile not fertile lor and say he marry me becos he loves me not love the womb.. the most adopt a kid lor.. haha!!!!

i think don't worry too much lah.. just be happy and heck about other ppl's comments...
I started seeing a gynae last sept for a pre TTC check, wanna make sure there's no cyst in my womb & my gynae did a pap smear also, also did a blood test and I got no thalesmia (blood disorder), my hubby got positive result for thalesemia, next time my kids will have but it'll not endanger their lifes.

My MIL dare not ask when we want to have kids cos she know her son will rebuke her if she ask too much, she say when we want to have is entirely up to us

I gotta start taking my folic acid, been telling myself for the past few days but keep forgetting to take
hi winniepooh,

u need me to remind u when to take folic acid?
i have a gf i new from sporebrides also remind me take folic via msn.. keke....
so far so good.. seldom missed unless weekends.. haha.

i have done a pap smear last year.. all ok.. but not sure of the thalesmia was tested or not (did a full body checkup last year mah) maybe tonite go home to check.

cyst wise i not sure leh.. that one have to go for ecg right? maybe i should go see a gynae on this... keke.
hi mandy

I juz gotta remind myself to take folic acid.

Thalesemia can only be test thur blood test, cyst can be seen via ultrasoun scan, I got no fybroids, all cleared & really put my mind at ease if I got preggy by accident

Now I'm drinking 1 glass of fresh milk & cheese with bread every morning (except weekend), then birdnest once every 2 weeks
hi winniepooh,

u really taking v good care of yourself right now.. keke.. for me past few months have been working late hours.. weekends also working no good at all..

trying to allocate more free time!
hi mandy

now gotta start preparing my body first mah, the before preggy preparation is more important compared to when u're preggy. cos when u're preggy, part of the nutrients will go to the baby
hi winniepooh,

u are rite.. i trying to take care of myself also.. but hard lor.. keke... nbusy busy...
but must make effort lor
mandy, no matter how busy also must put in the effort, sometimes in the morning if I wake up late & no time for my breakfast, I'll still drink my milk, need to build up the calcium level in my body now
Hi gals,

I too, drink milk every morning. I love Daisy Strawberry milk. Low fat some more. haha.... And after that I'll take my folic acid. Sometimes tend to forget but after awhile, will remember liao.

i don't drink milk one leh... i find drink milk i grow fat v fast leh... keke. drink milk to build up calcium ah?
mandy, u buy those low fat milk, I drink for a few mths already & not really fattening leh & milk is really good to build up ur calcium
See u all so excited. Hope tt u all can get pregnant the moment u start to try.

For me..still not sure..will wait until after June then see how lor..
ah kat
It depends on individual as what the rest here says. I didn't really TTC for my #1, it is actually an accident due to my mis-calculations, so I am preggie with my #1 6 mths after my wedding.

My age ah... I am 31+ liao... old old already.
I got deliver my boy at age 29+, at least it meet my target to have #1 before I turn 30.. hee hee...

Don't be pressurise by external factor, most important is you must be ready for a bb yourself as utlimately you will be one who got to face the bb and caring for it and with the bb, it is definately going to change your lifestyle now.

Don't think too much of it now, the best let nature takes it course, who knows you might be like me... accident leh...???

Wow most of you younger than me leh.. envy....

Don't be sad okay... guess they are not prepared and in different mindset...

Me too, I am not so brave as your friend man...
ya, my gynae also suggest to drink Anlene if u r not taking any calcium supplement. For me, i drink 1 glass of fresh milk daily, not low fat(coz i abit skinny), 2 tablets of calcium tablets..
last time i was drinking 2 cups of coffee a day, but now, totally din drink anymore..
I can't take powder milk, the taste juz switch me off, the next best is fresh milk lor, I stop coffee long ago, only drink when I need to keep myself awake
hi ladies!!!
jastan: ai.. you already mummy of 1 liao leh....

i bought anlene but did not make an effort to drink leh.. read from the anlene container seems that open liao within 2 months must finish ah? mine i think got at least 5 months old liao leh.. oops.
You can take soya milk too, nowadays most have added calcium.

For powder milk, you can add them into beverages like milo or cereal or tea or coffee instead if you don't like the taste of powdered milk drink.

I believe there are some here also mummies of 1 but younger than me right????
Hi Jas,

ha ha..if i really accident,I also no know to cry or to laugh! : ) HB & I was saying that sometimes having a BB is like getting married. You will never be totally prepared & have enough money to do it but if it is abt time then juz close one eye & go for it!
Hi gals,
Don't drink Soya too often. Not very good too.
Like wat Jas suggested, can mix with Milo or cereal. It will taste nice. Nite time, can mix with honey. Not bad too. Then can have a good good sleep.
Thanks Jas for the comforting words...

Accident baby ya?? Hmm...I had been married since Dec 2004...But no accidents so far leh.....So sad..

When we did not want a baby,was happy when my menses come...Now..when my menses come,we are ironic...
Hello ladies
been very busy for the last few days.

why soya milk no good to drink often? and how often is often? I love soya milk.
Hi gals,

I am so sad today...

I missed my menses by one day(My menses is very regular.)..Supposed to come on the 13th but never come...So i test my urine on ClearBlue...It shows negative...Haiz....These few days have been suspecting that I mic be preggy coz got cramps,backache,breast pain,sensitive nipples, addition,my body temperature reamins high at 37 degree and above...I feel feverish on and off....We had been actively trying too...

But the result on ClearBlue is soooo disappointing........and my menses is still not here yet....sighz...Wonder what is wrong with me...
hi hoonie

I experience the same thing as you in feb. Missed my menses, test on clearblue 3 times but all negative, went to see my gynae, she gave me pills to induce my menses also fail, did 3 blood test, result all negative. I was very worried & stressed for 2 weeks. I went to seek 2nd opinion, my gynae say lining around my womb is very thick (same ans as wat I got from my 1st gynae), did a blood test to check my hormones level, all very good, eventually it came by itself. same as you, I got all the symptons

My menses used to be quite irregular, my cycle can be as long as 40 days, now seems to be pretty regular, hopefully can get preggy soon
Hey winniepooh..

Thanks for ya reply...I am glad to find someone in the same plight as me...
What medicine did u take to induce your menses? Which gynae did you see?

Ya..wish you good luck winniepooh,hope you get preggy soon!
hi hoonie

I forgot the name of the medicine tat I took to induce my menses. my 1st gynae was Dr Eunice Chua at TMC, now I'm seeing Dr Yvonne Soong from TMC also.

thanks...wish u get preggy soon also
Hi winniepooh,

You are no longer on that medication liaoz?? How long have u been trying?? Do u think i should see a gynae since I am ttc-ing? My menses are pretty regular though...
Hi Peg,
Not sure whether true or not. Once I read an email, too much soya cos cyst. And i used to love soya milk too. But now, I seldom drink unless craving. Too much soya can gain weight too.

Hi Hoonie,
Dun think the result is so fast. Maybe have to wait till u missed week then u test.

Think u all too stress, that's why menses come late. That time after my wedding. I was oso quite stress. With a lot of new changes. My menses late for 2 weeks. But I 101% sure I not pregnant. But still like u all, I worried, so went to see GP. Test for preg but negative. haha.... The doc very cute, keep praying for positive. She disappointed it's negative. But I happy. haha.....
Juz relax. Sure will get soon.
Unless u tried for 1 year liao, if not, no nid to see doc so soon.
hi hoonie

the medication is only for a week, then gotta wait for a week & see if my menses come. I haven't start trying for a baby yet, will only start trying after I come back from my holiday in May
Alrite winniepooh..After May will be piggy baby hor...
..I love piggies...

Hmm...Maybe I am too exam period AF not here yet...I have tried to take more cold drinks to "induce" AF but in vain...(But in the past it does work for me though)..I will wait for a couple of days...If really dun have,then have to go and see gynae liaoz..
I got phobia of that HPT now...haha
hoonie, after May confirmed is piggy baby, I wasn't in any form of stress when I miss my period, I'm so happy tat its a 1 time episode
Icic...agree..I had one period with a 42 days cycle,that was scary man...I think this time is the same thing again...
Hi there,
Me also menses not accurate, ladies, dont worry too much long as u know that u are healthy, believe shant have any problem.

Btw, want to ask hah..saw yr saying abt eating Folic Acid. What is it good for? Must really take 3mths before trying for BB?

ah Kat
ah kat,
Why Folic Acid is So Important

Folic acid is a B vitamin. It is used in our bodies to make new cells. If a woman has enough folic acid in her body before she is pregnant, it can help prevent major birth defects of her babys brain and spine. These birth defects are called neural tube defects or NTDs. Women need to take folic acid every day starting before they are pregnant to help prevent NTDs.

Have to take folic at least a month b4 trying for BB.
Hi Piggy mummy
Thanks for the info...I see I see..okie, will remember to take this when we decided to start trying

ah Kat
I do agree to what your HB said to a certain degree, quite true in a way.

Why don't you just wait a few more days before visiting a gynae? Sometimes the test kit is not very accurate.
Me & hubby decided to wait till Aug after my bdae to see if motherly instinct kicks in or not..
Good luck ladies!

Rem to post here if u get pregnant in Jul
Hi Gals,
haven't got the time to come into the forum for quite a while... suddenly got so many projects to handle.. so sian....

thanks for the website. Looks interesting...

I think good news most probably will start appearing after july...
Hi Jas,
U're welcome.
hehe.... My fren intro me, and I thot I shld share here. Ya, do look kind of fun.
Hope it's accurate. haha.....
