Anyone TTC in July 2006?

hi yoji

ic... yes he had cradle cap. Tot cradle cap is normal for all baby? But he took 2 mths for his jaundice to clear.

No I still consume dairy product as normal.This doesn't affect him at all.

His rashes mostly on his face eye and mouth area. But his rashes will clear after few hours.

Mummies do you get frustrated when your baby refuse to eat?? I have no patience when come to feeding them. You want to eat , you eat, don't want I let you go hungry hahaha I am a bad mummy hor
mikiko, usually I will do that when the baby is older, say ard 18 mths or older. If he is younger, I'll try coax them to eat... i dun wanna risk him waking up at nite due to hunger.
mummies, any idea how to get rid of the molds formed in pump tubes of medela PISA? i see liao very irriated though its not suppose to affect the milk..
Sweet, cannot be rid of it at all... have to buy a new tube. If its not alot, just ignore. If its alot, have to get a new tubing.
Sweet, I have it too...but its only recently that I notice it so I just ignore it as I am going to stop bfing soon.
If his rashes clear after a few hours without leaving the rashes on face that needs steriod. This means he is not really highly allergy.

Just like mich, when Serena is younger, I will think of all ways to make her eat. Eg : making things in funny animal shapes that is appealing to her and cook things she likes more often. Generally she has been eating quite well. Ironically, she wants to eat everything. I noticed there are times of the year(a month or so), she refuse to eat properly. I will just let her go and the next month or so, it picks up again on her eating.

I recalled buying new tubes. Very irritated to see those molds while I pump. U plan to breastfeed until Tristan is almost 1-2 years old?
So sian...Joshua started coughing and has running nose over the weekend. So today he didn't go school and I have to bring him to see the chinese sinseh later.

Last nite he cough and sneeze so badly till I have to get my hb to sleep with him in the other room or else the whole family no need to rest!
Yeah. very sian to have the child coughing and having running nose. It's like the long journey for this all the time. Serena had this entire 2 months (stopped for one day only in between ). How many treatments do u need to go for the chinse sinseh's massage?

If Joshua has running nose has stopped but still coughing, will u still bring him to school?
Gal, the thing about cc is you can bring the kid to school as long as there is no fever. And yes, all parents do that and the teacher won't stop you from going in for class.

I didn't send him to school today because I want to bring him to the sinseh. If not I will send him to school too as his cough and running nose isn't as bad in the day.

I remember the last round when Joshua was coughing badly, I brought him for the treatment and massage 4 times before he recovers. I find the massage quite good too as it helps to improve his appetite.

Its troublesome for me to bring him to the sinseh as I have to take a cab to my mum's place and drop off Jayla then take bus with Joshua to the sinseh. Its 2 buses somemore.
Or else I have to take a cab and bring both kids along to the sinseh.

I just hope he can recovers asap as my hb travelling again this wed till fri.
4 times a week to the sinseh with the routine you mentioned. It's really a lot of effort. It must be really good.

Since the CC allows kids with cough and running nose to school, germs might spread easily. is the CC air con? Even when Joshua gets stronger it might be a good idea to bring him to sinseh weekly to make him have stronger immune system.
gal, no lah..not 4 times a week. Its over 2-3 weeks. The doctor will give med for 3-4 days then ask me to go back again for review till she thinks he is ok then say no need to come back.

Yes, thats why Joshua kept falling sick the 1st 3 mths at cc. Nope, the cc he is attending is non aircon.
irene, hope Joshua feels better soon. Hang in there, things will improve.

Gal, the TCM is really good. Since taking TCM, Isaac has seldom fallen sick, even when the girls are not well.
mich/irene/gal, icic then guess no choice have to buy new tubes liao

gal, yup min target is 1 yr but ideally plan to express milk till 18 mths

irene, wish joshua a speedy recovery!
That's the same TCM i brought Serena to

Just read in facebook that your hubby is going overseas today. How many days will he be away this time?

I am sure you can make it for 1 year and longer. U did so well for trishelle too.
Patty, Joshua medicine is both liquid and powder. 2 types. Not sweet and not nice so not easy to take.

Gal, he will be back only on vesak day evening. No long weekend for us

So how you find Yu Guo?
WHich yi shi did you go? I was trying out Huang yi shi cause I was told she massage the child herself while other yi shi just do consultation and pass to others to do the massage. Since I was there for 2 months. I tried almost 3 yi shi in total. It's ok in the beginning but I went there for Serena's allergy issue but it's really a little too slow. They mentioned can't do much for Serena except to massage. So after 2 months of going weekly (twice a week) , I stopped. It's also because Serena can't take any medication except for the powder medication on the belt.

Which Yi shi are you seeing in Yu guo.

Seems Ur hubby got much more travelling comparing to before when Joshua is about 1 year old. Did he change his job scope or change company?
Gal, haha...I dunno the yi shi's name. The 1st one is long hair and skinny one which I think could be the lady boss.
The other one whom we saw this week is wear spec abit plump one.

I heard TCM is slower as it will cure the root problem.

Yes, there was a change in his job scope.
Yes. there's two long hair ladies. The boss is Xu yi shi. The other wear spec plump one in room 9 is Huang Yi shi. It's good to cure cough. Serena tried a few times and it manage to fix her cough and she is no longer coughing which I think is good. As for her allergy, I am trying out this quantum physics therapy recommended by Serena's ex school mate for Allergy. Still trying to sustain the treatment weekly. Each treatment is about 150 dollars.. A killer in price but it cured her classmate's allergy so we thought we should try as well.

No wonder your hubby is flying so often. A change in job scope. Hang in there. Think positively, a change in job scope means better propsects for you and your family.
Gal, ya...I think it should be Xu yi shi which Joshua used to see. I dunno how they arrange the duty roster for the yi shi. That day I saw Huang Yi Shi in Room 7.

I think eventhough its ex but we as parents just want our kids to be healthy so if it can really cure or improve the current condition, we will be happy to part the money.

I am ok la, coz when I know him I already know he will always be in the 'flying around' kind of job scope. I just wish he can make as much as a senior pilot. I see my hb fly more often than my pilot neighbour!
It's so funny.. Ur hubby flies more than your neighbour pilot. So, he can have those sort of PPS membership for kris flyer already. Biz lounge and first class lounge that kind right?

Similar thoughts here. As long as kids are healthy, the money parted can be earned back. Just save more in other areas.

I was just reading facebook. Is Leona tulips? She mentioend she is expecting no3. WOWWW>. I am totally impressed. More and more ladies are having 3 kids.
Gal, yes its tulips. Huh? I thought her no.2 just turned 1 yr old and she is expecting no.3 already? Wow...another brave one.

He is silver kris flyer member but not PPS. I think PPS is for those who fly by biz class often.
Only gold kris flyer can access the lounge. He hit the gold once but he didn't fly often enough after that so drop back to silver.

Hey, so you must jia you...we are waiting to congrats you!
HAHAHHHAHA.... ok when I start to TTC. I will ask for motivation from all of you. U want to TTC together?

It's not easy to attain gold kris flyer. My DH and myself flew back from melbourne 3 times one year and got silver but it's like such a long long way to get GOLD pps. It's really more for ppl that is treating aeroplane like a car. Travelling on it everyday if not every other day.

Curious here : can be pregnant so fast after giving birth? Thought period comes 8-9 months later?
Gal, no thanks! I cannot manage 3 kids on my own.

If not bfing then menses will be back earlier. My mense came when Joshua was 6mths old and 7th mth for jayla's case. Some can even get pregnant at 3rd or 4th mth when they resume intercourse after delivery.

Think Pps have to be biz class. My friend's hb who fly more often than my hb and in biz class gets pps. Somemore you have to fly far distance too.

The good thing with hb flying more is we can claim mileage and get free airtix.
Gal/Irene, I was quite surprised to hear that Tulips is expecting #3... but her #2 very young, think she is super brave lor... I'm still trying to get used to handling 3 kids *faint&

Gal, jia you!!! I also can't join u to TTC either, me closed shop already.

Irene, u hb back? I thot he was the sales role? Now changed job role and even more flying?
Mich, hahaha...dunno if its planned or accident for tulips leh. She don't come in here anymore.

No, he is not back...missed his flight. I was so angry and pissed when I heard this news. Everyone enjoying their long weekend while I am home alone with 2 kids.

The thing is there's only one flight to and fro so have to wait till tmr evening.

He is still in the Biz Devt role.
ur hubby will be back tonight. Hang in there. Make sure he goes to the airport a little earlier today

How's handling 3 kids like? Possible to handle without maid and just u and ur hubby? Other than going out /overseas for ME time, guess not much time for each other at home?

Seems Wendy, hung and tulips don't come in anymore...... Wonder why?? hehe Other than wendy's updated news from blog/multiple, wonder how's everyone else hor.
irene, could be accident I suppose, dun think anyone would deliberatly have kids like 1 yr apart rite??? How crazy can it be?

Gal, it's quite a mad house. Its only recently improved now that Isaac is older. Its possible to handle 3 kids between us. But if have to add housework and cleaning up after them, then its not so easy. Its still not so bad to hahve some me time cos Isaac sleeps at 7pm and the 2 girls at 9pm... so we are free at 9pm.
Mich, that sounds logical. I know 2.5 yrs apart already not easy so anything lesser than that is no need to imagine.

I think to manage 3 kids without maid is possible but the eldest has to be at least 5 yrs old, hb must come back at 6plus or 7pm. Then the 2 elder one must go full day cc.

If just a sahm with 3 kids + housework I think can...but will be fustrated all the time.
I also think u can... dun ask me why. U are like super super capable.

I really dare not imagine. It's like entire house is in the chaos state all the time.
Gal, I sleep ard 11pm or so... yup all 3 sleeps through now *phew*

irene, maybe there are women out there who love kids alot and won't think its frustrating! But not me... haiz... there is this lady I know from church who has 3 kids w/o maid. Her eldest is 7, 2nd is 4 and 3rd one is 1yr old... so all around 3+ yrs apart. So I guess she can manage it all alone. But she was also the one who told me I shouldn't have such a big gap, and I should just get it over and one with... just struggle for a few yrs and it'll be over.

Yes, cannot imagine being SAHM witih 3 kids, and if all 3 are home all the time and hb is not around... Think I will resign first.
Gal, hahaha...I will not even think of trying.Its not possible to have 3 kids for me as I am too fussy. I don't want maid and I don't want to stay with my parents or PILs.
Only one way to have 3 kids for me...if my hb can retire rich now!!!

Mich, hahaha....think the mummy will be unhappy very often with 3 kids alone all the time. I agree must really love children alot to be a sahm with 3 kids and no maid!
Talking about retirement. I wonder how much one need to retire. Seems standard of living is so much higher now.
Gal, at last calculation, my hb says we need 1.6million factoring in the kids uni education and our living expenses for the next 30 yrs LOL
Gal, forgot to ask you this.
You bought a flat in TB huh? How many rooms flat and how much?

Why you buy a flat when you plan to go back to Aussie in another few yrs time?
I got the TB flat for 640K 5 room. Thinking of getting it for the rebate and low interest rate from HDB. Australia interest rate is about 8% p.a comparing to 2.5 p.a in Singapore. HB said treat that like a way to save money so that we can munipulate it when we go back to Australia to get a property next time. Why? U interested in that area?

Sweet, Mich
1.6m not enough meh?? Scary hor.. dun know must work until when then hb can retire.
Gal, 1.6m is definitely enough... it is comfortable... haiz... really dislike the rat race. Wish I could retire to some village somewhere.
In Singapore, we have to cater for health purposes too? But Singaporean got CPF health is it? In australia, 1.6m can live comfortable as car, house all very cheap. Health also provided by govt. Medication also heavily subsidised. It's like standard $3.95 for all medicine if you have a senior citizen card.
The property price went really crazy I got a friend who sold her sengkeng 5 room property instantly when she was offered 420K.
Gal, my sis sold her queenstown area 4rm flat for $520K ah!
I think my 5 rm flat here only worth around $500K. Very tempted to sell but I like it here and I dunno where to move to.

The pte market is also CRAZY!
Yeah... it's really tempting to sell. Seems a good time to sell and buy pte property. 5 room flat worth 500K - wow.. that's half a million but again pasir ris condo also 1 million now.. Really crazy.
Gal, but pte property now the prices also very high leh... so at the end of the day, if want to sell the HDB, only way is to rent a place.

Gal/mich, ya lor sell high also buy high now. If can hide at parents' or ILs' place 1st then buy later would be good.

Even ECs are about 1m now. I can only stay put.
