Anyone TTC in July 2006?

Gal, yup, it was pretty different for Serene and Joy though both are girls. For Serene, MS was seriously bad from week 6, puking a few times daily. Somedays even up to 4 times. I puked one last time in week 12 and it was gone. For Joy, it was better. Though there was nausea from week 5, I only vomited maybe 1-2 a week at max. And also by week 11, it was gone too. So I think it gets better with no 2

Another story to encourage you: my friend had nausea for 9 months with her 1st girl. But now she is preggy with no 2 and its also a girl, and guess what, no MS. There is hope!

MS is very tough, but its only a short few weeks and its over soon enough!

Patty, glad to hear that your hubby has made the decision! Don't worry, your twins will walk soon enough. Some kids only walk bet 16-18 months and then after that, run non stop.


yah i ate a lot since 1st trimester. Just the milk itself, I took at least 5 glasses of enfa mama plus 2-3 glasses of fresh milk everyday until i delivered. Then i had at least 6 meals/day if not i felt nausea when hungry. Even midnite i would wake up and drank milk cos felt very hungry till cant sleep.
My twins cant talk yet(they r very noisy and talkative but i dont know wat they are sayg). But they can respone to us like shake their head when they dun want,will point the animals when u ask where's the dog,duck,elephant etc, will look out the windown when u say it's raining, etc. then ask them to 'sayang' they will lie on ur shoulder/chest etc.they know actions but cant walk only can stand very firm and stable liao.

sweet, my hub's HR still trying very hard to ask him to re-consider and they dont accept his resignation letter until now. All his bosses also do ask him to stay, but poor thing is their hometrip benefit which supposed given in the contract will be reduced next year liao, and the frequent of hometrips will be reduced too, hard to apply home trip leave also cos the local people there not so happy everytime my hub and other colls come back for home leaves. This caused my hub came to make the deicison to give up..

I asked him to come back b4 cny and once finish the notice but he said the co mgt ask him to extend until they have some1 to go over and take over the hub's said it's the 1st job (6yrs+) and dun want to make the outcome ugly so he will help them lo..sian
gal, actually i rather enjoy my 1st pregnancy. i love touching the bump every day! hehe i just hated the labour + confinement *arrgh*

your life also not bad leh! no need to work and can even have a maid ;p

patty, wa! still got to drag till after CNY? is it possible for him to come back for the CNY and fly back again?
I am curious at this age if they do know how to fight for toys or attention yet?

Still must endure until before CNY. Sian really!!! Never mind, better than nothing. He can see the twins 24 X 7 until he surrender and find work fast. hehe

Like what was mentioned before, the grass is always greener on the other side. At least u won't have to be 'mad' woman all the time heheheeh

Trishelle really loves you.. Sayang you so much the first day she is inside u already.

Not only the MS was killing for me. I do have to work but then I have to sleep like 8pm all the way to next day 8pm. Shocking hor. Where got people sooo tired? I kept asking myself. can't imagine having to entertain no 1 and be in that state.
Mich, your ms during Serene's time sounds bad too!!! I puked twice last week and I already felt so disgusted!!!! Wahahaha...I just hope no more puking as I really hate it!

Sometimes when I feel giddy or nausea in the day, I will tell Joshua mummy is not feeling well so need to lie down. He will come rest his head on me to sayang me then he won't insist I get up and play with him.

But its really no joke to have ms and yet have to look after a toddler eventhough he can be understanding at times. Still need to cook or buy his lunch, bathe him, clean his butt when he shit etc...very tiring and I have no stamina!

Patty, Joshua started walking at 11mths old. Yah, I heard that some only start to walk at 15mths old so do not worry yet.

Think maybe you can get your hb to help out the co but must definitely come back before CNY. Don't leave a bad name with his current employer as who knows maybe next time they have some suitable post, they might wanna headhunt him?

Gal, yes...make sure you have ample help from people around you before you ttc for no.2
Its really no joke!!!!
gal, trishelle is indeed a good bb while inside my tum tum, so much so that we nickname her "angel" back then. we always call her angel when we "talking" to her before we decide on her name ;p but the initial 6 mths when she was out, was horror! all sorts of patterns! but now much better liao

actually u dun have to worry too much. for most ppl, the symptons for 1st pregnancy are different from 2nd one.. probably 2nd one will be a breeze for u? ;p

hung, i think u might need iron tablets coz what u describe seem like anemia?
Gal, ya lor, it was really miserable to have MS especially when I had to drag myself to the office and I was so tired all the time.

During Serene's time, my boss was really nice to me. I told her I really need to take leave and she told me to go home and do my work instead. I didn't go to the office for 5 weeks and returned at week 12. So when JOy came along, I was only working p/t so wasn't too bad cos can go home anytime from work since p/t only. And I had to enlist my MIL to help with Serene during those MS days.

But these days when I look at both of them, and how cute they are, I will think to myself those few weeks of suffering was worth it!

Irene, I totally understand. There were times I really couldn't look after Serene and had to impose on my mother in law. It was such a big struggle.

Hung, you do sound like you need iron tablets. Better go see the doc to do a blood test cos iron tablets cannot anyhow take. Overdose is dangerous for the body. All the best as you TTC!
Hung, yes...I did feel light-headed during menstration days too. But I didn't go see doc or what as its not all the time.
After birth, I always have this problem too. Few days before period, I have migrane then during CD1 or/and CD2, I feel very tired and lifht headed most of the time until must lie down. My mom suggested I drink chicken essense and things like that but I didn't follow closely.

Hang on there. I really seriously think this is no joke but thank god you are still going strong. Few more weeks to go and u can run very fast . That's what happen to me for my no 1. I love tri. 2 the best.

Trishelle is better?? How's your discipline method huh?

If I have to be rational, then I think I have phobia thinking about no 2. Wait for 'accident' lor... No time to think and scare too much.
gal, i also feel permanently tired ever since after i have given birth.. i also dunno whether it's due to giving birth leh or expressing BM.. i only drink chicken essence if my hb bothers/remember to make hot for me.. if leave to myself, i confirm wouldnt drink

she is better in the sense that no longer have those weird patterns as displayed in the earlier mths. last time remembered i used to complain how she will pee and poo whenever i bath her? it went on for almost 4 mths! i was nearing my breaking pt, esp i got jie pi and cant handle the situation.. my hb till now still tease me bout a sms i sent him during my ML.. in my sms i said that i cant take it any longer. i wan to die. ask him to come back earlier to bath trishelle ;p

other weired habits like go out, she will cry non stop and sit in car seats, she will cry when car stops and her chilly padi character etc etc.. so it's not really discipline method, more like she outgrow the "bad" habits

if u wan "accident" to happen, u must stop using protection first
HAHAHAHHAHAHAH.....maybe must have energy to BD more first then accident will occur. Now, everyday so tired how to BD. HAHAHHAH ------ R-rated already

I think it's just a phrase then, Trishelle must have grown out of that phrase.
Gal, The chance of accident is less than 1% only! Anyhow, no need to BD often to strike, just that one time at the right time can already ;)
Mich, you talking about me ah??? time at the right time and kana liao!!!

gal, its really tough lor...sometimes I really feel like running out of the house.
I got terrible headache the whole of yesterday and even lie down also pain. I even have to wake up to throw up as the headache was so bad. Dunno if its migrane or what.

It doesn't help that although my hb has no lessons recently but he got to go out for projects discussion and all those year-end makan session. Just like this week, I will be on my own for 3 full days.

I keep having this evil thoughts that I feel like aborting this baby!
irene, aiyo pls dun say that!!!!

no wonder u didnt appear yesterday... u feeling better today?

can your hb cut back on the makan sessions and keep u company? at this time, u need his support the most...
Sweet, he is in sales can cut but minimal lor. I can only say I am glad we are going away for holiday next week or else he should be out every nite having biz related dinner!
irene, icic yuan lai, it's work related, i thot that he still dare to meet his frens for makan sessions ;p hehehe

hope that u will be in top form next week for your holiday
started packing liao?
Irene, ha ha, ya lor, talking about you!

Is it possible to enlist the help of your mother ths weekend so that you can get a little bit of rest? Think your mum will understand you need help for just this few weeks, and you'll feel better soon enough.

Think your headache is due to hormonal changes. Read that during preggy can get headache cos of the changes in the body. Anyway, can take panadol cos its safe so maybe you should eat some medicine to help the pain go away.

Yes, at least on holiday, you can get some rest cos your hubby is around to help with Joshua. Can understand how you feel, feel like really regret being preggy, why must go through this again kind of thoughts, rite? I also kept thinking the same thing when preggy with Joy.
Sweet, if its normal socializing with his frens hor, I will say no lor. The wife wanna die liao he still can go out happy meh?

Mich, so its normal to feel this way. Really bad thoughts lor.

No, my mum works on weekends so not possible to ask her for help. My hb will be around on weekends so will get him to help.
irene, so your mum only works weekends? or does she work on weekdays as well?

The crazy thoughts will go away when the MS goes away and you feel well. hang in there.
Oh.. Please dun have negative thoughts. It's bad for you and ur baby. Definitely make you feeling more miserable. Stop thinking about abortion. Baby might feel it.

Other than your mom, all your sisters working? Cannot help you on and off so can at least endure 13 weeks. Aiiii, 13 weeks really long long time.

Do u endure or take medication for headache and pains?

Hope you can enjoy your holiday and be stress free for that period of time.
Sweet, Mich
Actually it's nice to have couple time when without child. Now with baby - hard to have couple time liao. Tomorrow is my wedding anniversary, just thinking of spending couple time also tired, like some more of extra homework to do Let alone BD moments.

In Australia, it's couple to go marriage workshop or marriage counselling to 'remind' couples why they are in a marriage and rekindle some love. However, in singapore I dun think this is couple. I kind of forget about what love is about but just topics of raising up the child almost everyday.
irene, at what week did your MS for Joshua go away? Think by week 11, should start seeing improvement already, so just one more month...

Gal, are you and hubby going out to celebrate your wedding anniversary? Its really tiring raising a child indeed, I definitely agree with you on that! But since you can get your maid and your mum to help jaga Serena, you should take the opportunity to go out with hubby... at least those moments can remember what "er ren shi jie" is.

I think quite important to maintain the marriage leh... dun let it go down the drain.
Yes. Maintaining a marriage is not easy. We tend to take each other for granted. Also, less opportunity to show how much each one care for one another. Aiiii, (maybe it's our wedding anniversary tomorrow. More sentimental in one way or another.) Sitting down here wondering why couples should get married in the first place. Marriage is just a cert and nothing else leh.hehe

Wedding anniversary - felt like nothing much to do and dun feel like going going anywhere. So, maybe just half day walk around singapore or even JB(we haven't been before.. mountain tortise we are)
Gal, going to JB would be interesting! But still must get hubby to buy you a nice dinner somewhere romantic

Maybe can do a simple exercise like list down the 10 nice things abt your hubby, helps you to remember why you married him kekeke
I have advance presents until V-day already so no more presents tomorrow. hehe.. Maybe a nice dinner - still no plans yet.
Gal, sounds like really nice pressies! I think for my anniversary, my hubby got MIL to babysit and then we went out for dinner. But I cannot remember where we went already...
Gal, my sis is a sahm and she is preggie too! So really no help from anyone else. My mil is working freelance and even if not working, she isn't the kind you will wanna leave your kids with kind. My Fil is a retiree but jus found out he is not feeling well so hor, who can help me huh?

Think if it's running nose I will take med but headache depends.

We usually go out for nice food on anniversay too. As for pressie, can get anytime no need to be on anni.

Now that with a kid, already hardly talk much so let alone couple time. Really need alot of effort to maintain the relationship! I dunno how it will be when no.2 comes along!!!

so hor, jus enjoy your freedom now!
Wow.. your sister is preggie too.. So nice to have a same year companion for no 2 already.

My hubby usually want to label those gifts so that I dun get overboard and get too much pressie. Other things like clothing, beauty products .. so on and so on, he dun really care much.

Yeah lor. That's what i feel too. With a kid also dun talk much. Common topic is : how's serena today, is she behaving, what did she do entire day ..." Everything is about the child. Moms are the last thing they will ask.

A lot is really a lot.. Dun know where got such energy to maintain the sparks and at the same time raise up the kids. HOW TO walk hand in hand until old age. I did see some ang mo, they really hold hands until old. Singaporean chinese old folks like more of the bo chap and argue till old. This is what I see on the streets.

Btw, your headache better? Today is thursday no class for Josh?
Physically, it's her 3rd. Technically it's her 5th kid. You all go figure it out yourself. Hahaha...

My hb won't say how much I can spend on as he knows I am not the spendthrift kind. That day I wasn't feeling well before Joshua's class and wanted to take cab to US, I even SMS him to ask for permission.

Sometimes when we go out, my hb will carry josh and hold my hand at the same time. Sounds very loving right? Hahaha..

We do talk about other things besides josh. It can be work, some entertainment updates or some gossips.

I just read in some magazine that my hb's Tao hua very active next yr and it worries me. Although I am not very superstitious, but it still makes me feel uneasy as I know we will have 2kids next year so our relationship would definitely be affected.

My headache isn't as bad as yesterday.
Wah.. you so thrify type. Not feeling well still must ask permission. Good to have you as wife leh. At least you will not sign your hubby's credit card to the limit.

Your hubby 1975 or 1974??

My hubby and myself usually talk about Serena and then financial issues(can be in general, world and any other things)
Gal, now then you know I am the xian2 qi1 liang2 mu3 ah? Wahahaha....
I've never used the sup card from hb and never pay him back till recently when I am a sahm.

My hb same age as me.

Yah lor...I guess what we can talk about is rather limited. But I am a sahm will talk about more boh liao stuffs.
irene.... ha ha, what you say about your sister very *confusing*. So now she is looking after the elder 2 while preggy, must be super xiong!

You even ask for permission to take taxi. Your hubby is lucky to have you as a wife, instead of others who will spend spend spend. You must remind him how fortunate he is and appreciate it.
Same age as you. Are u a 'rabbit'?

Yeah. SAHM's topic is rather limited. I think we might gain more 'acceptance' if we are working mom hor.

Yes. Irene this type of wife cannot find liao. Like dino. extinct liao.
irene, wa you still ask for permission to take cab! really very thrify ;p does your hb give u monthly allowance?

dun believe too much of those fortune teller stuff, since u guys have a strong relationship going
Gal, i don't think i have more topics to discuss with hubby even when i'm working. The only thing extra is maybe to complain about the work, and the boss -- such boring topics leh... yah at times, I also wonder what to talk to my hubby about. Topics are like kids, in laws, home stuff, maid etc... also seems quite limited. When was the last time we talked like when we were dating? Talk about future plans, hopes and dreams and aspirations. Maybe after marriage and kids, no more hopes or dreams or aspirations!
irene, to add to what Sweet said, ya lor, please dun go and believe those magazines kind of thing. My friend was the editor of a women's magazine. She said that to write those kind of fortune teller column, they anyhow hamtam one kekeke

Gal, how about for you? How do you and hubby work out the expenditures? He pass you money monthly or jus help yourself to the bank a/c?
Oh.. Even working mom also like that. *demotivated*. Before when I was working, there seems to be a lot a lot of topics. We can lie on the bed and talk until 1am then we tell one another to sleep cause working day tomorrow.

For the allowance,we worked out a figure both he and myself feels comfortable and that is my allowance deposited to the bank monthly just like wages and that doesn't include my personal expenses. Then we compromised already since the day we got married ,(LUCKY I did that, he must be very in love with me back then). Every bonus and pay increment he got, I get 50% of it added to my allowance if I am not working. If I am, then it's 25% added to my allowance. I think my hubby would love me better if I mix more with irene to learn how to be xian2 qi1 liang2 mu3.

Now that both of you are working, do u have to bear half the household and contribute? Do both of you still get allowances from hubby?
Gal, wow, get 50% increment ah, so good!!

My hubby and I work out our expenditures quite differently. His salary goes into our joint account and he himself gets an "allowance" -- he agreed to this cos he knows he needs to manage his own spending. His allowance covers his food, transport (parking, ERP charges) and whatever else he wants to buy. If allowance not enough, or he wants to buy big ticket item, he will discuss with me first, then he can take more money to use. For his own allowance, I don't care how he spend it and I don't want to know as long as he keep within the sum. My hubby used to be the spendthrift kind. Before he know me, he used to spend ALL his salary every month till have to use overdraft *faint*

Then the rest of his salary, I will use to pay bills and do whatever else :p That was the arrangement when I was SAHM. Now that I am working, my salary also go into the joint a/c but I don't need to use it, so it just collects there as savings. So technically my hubby pays everything in the house. I always tell him, you have to pay everything. Whatever I earn is extra.

The agreement is that big ticket items we have to "agree" before we spend. That time I want to buy a thermal pot, I asked hubby first cos it was like $200+. But if I wanted to buy somethig like a cake mixer for $50, can jus go ahead.
So this arrangement is still the same for one child or two child? Just wondering here if having two children means tightening your belt even more?
Gal, ya lor, it doesn't change whether its 1 or 2 child cos my hubby still has to pay for all the expenditure. But he had increment so it helped to cover expenses. And his "allowance" has been stagnant for a while so that the increment can go toward funding the kids' expenditure which gets more and more expensive!

Nowadays besides diapers, and milk powder, also have childcare fees. Another big ticket item is medical bills (though quite fortunate hubby's company subsidies some of it). I have to guess that kids expenditure is about $500 a month at least. How much do you reckon you spend on Serena a month?
We put aside 1K for serena every month. Her medical bills are paid for by my hubby's company. When she is not schooling, we will just save for her. If she does go to school, we will deduct it off serena's allowance. I think Serena might need more allowance when she gets older and going to school for full time cause nursery onwards, the school fee is really expensive. I think when we Do have no 2, all the $$ needs to divide by 2.
gal, wow u got a very good deal leh!!!
i wouldnt mind being a SAHM if given your type of allowances hehehe

mine is mostly split half half. but we dun go and count to the last cent on how to split exactly 50-50 for the items. we have this joint a/c which will pay for the household bills like the water, electricity & gas, tv licences, property tax etc for this a/c, we contribute equally every mth. the rest, like car we paid half each, then he takes care of monthly petrol and season parking, parking charges etc while i pay for annual road tax and insurance. for gorceries, i pay if i buy during weekdays (meaning during office lunch hrs) and he will pay if we go on weekends to buy.. but actually hor, all those online sprees i join for clothes, shoes, books etc that i bought for trishelle.. i never claim back from him de
now that i m going to stop pumping very soon, he has agreed that he will pay for all FM.

Come next yr, he will give me "allowance" coz this yr i dun even have AWS whereas he will be receiving AWS + bonus and a promotion..

mich, your life also not bad!!! hubby pays for everything in the house and your salary is extra
Gal, yup 1k for 2 kids actually sounds quite ok. 1k for just 1 child is actually very generous!! Yup school fees is actually quite expensive, can be up to $200-300/month. But now there is childcare subsidies for Serene from the Government, so I actually save quite a bit there. Next time still got enrichment classes to consider, think really expensive!

Sweet, you're getting an allowance next year! Now can use it to join sprees kekeke

This arrangement where hubby pays for everything is less stressful for me, so that means I can choose to work or not to work. If I work, its just for myself
Basically, the philosophy is whatever we cannot afford on hubby's salary, then we don't have it.

There was once, my hubby and I were discussing what happened if he actually lose his job. So we were saying if sell the car, and dun have maid, still can survive on savings. Then at least dun feel so stressed out esp in these economic situation.
Will arrangement be the same when no 2 comes along? I understand financial will change and not be the same when no 2 comes along. Everything also must cut and subdivide one share to no 2

Really must plan. Next year will be worse . Bigger storm ahead.

I like your arrangement. Whatever can't afford with Hubby's salary then don't get. I am thinking here, actually the sky has no limit. If hubby earn 10K or 20K a month - there's always not enough cause human is greedy. Also the rat race situation. So, just spend and save all according to plan is the best.
