Anyone has good contact for home massage?

my sis & me using origins jamu massage for nomal home massage now... last time we use them to do post natal...

their normal javanese massage is really good.. we took a package and share ...

u can visit their website for services

wao..all the massage here so expensive one.May I ask izzit pain that when u do the massage?
cos I did in Malaysia,is my MIL introduce one.RM20 for 45 mins.

may I know after u massage,how u feel?
hi chua,

sing cannot compare to malaysia... my friend stay in indonesia it super cheap cos labour cheap and they do for 3 months... = to our 1 week session

usual for massage 1st few days you feel pain at certain parts cos these parts are strain .. like inner thige etc.. slowly as the session goes the pain is relieve ... for myself i feel more energentic after massage.

for massage i more kiasu,,, take qualified therapist though cost more but health and body more important.( i engage origins jamu massage) , cos i heard stories some auntie just anyhow do and they use talcom powder just pour and massage,,, so scary....

I've been searching so many website for my postnatal massage 3mth before my EDD. My aunt recommend malay heritage jamu massage as she has been using their service for the past few mth and really enjoy her sessions.Few of her frens that she recommend also gives gd feedback too.And got to know frm some mums here that company owns by hubby & his partner of Mdm Rokiah who is highly have gd comments of her professional service.Since,heard of their gd service makes me decide to have their service for my postnatal massage. Yes I agree with my aunt that I feel very relax after every sessions, sleep well and have not been passing my motion for few days after my delivery. But now everything is fine and don't feel like so stress as before the sessions, as no milk supply and so on. The therapist really encourage on breastfeeding and always helps me to compress with their special hot stone. Visit their website
If you all would like to try a chinese post natal massage, i know a very good and experienced massage auntie who do chinese style massage. She claims that accupressure will helps to stimulate or blood circulation, digestive gland and certain pressure points will promotes strinking of the cervix thus regular and reduce the menses during the first month post natal, most importantly i belief that it helps on my breastmilk supply!! I lost 15 kg in a month after it started with her, i belief because i'm breastfeeding more and digesting better. I tried malay and chinese massage and i personally prefer the chinese style. It works for me. And she aso helps and give tips during confinement. I recommended my friends and now they are totally hook with her.

we always call her auntie siew and her no. is 98796991, her session is 1 hour 45 bucks.
Hi Yahui,

What does her massage include? Got binding???
Does she do pre-natal massage?
Sorry for asking so much, wanna knw more before calling her... thks
hi veron,
i use origins jamu massage for my post natal massage. my therapist help to massage my breast with hot stone compres and does binding with herba & sliming cream... she also teach me how to do bb massage...overall i had good exp with her .. very professional and punctual...

Hi moms,

I am on the verge of booking post natal massage, but kind of unaware when post natal massage can take place, according to massage website is "five days after natuaral birth; one month after c section." Assume I am going to have natuaral birth, is it real that after only 5 days your body is ready for the massage? Or the ealier you have it, the better result for recovery?

Hope moms who had post natal massage service could share some experience! Thanks.
hi lisha, i started on the 7 day after natural birth. 3 day i was in hospital so when went home its the 4th day.. lots of coping with the newborn. i wanted to start a week later. I think its up to individual but i think it is still effectivess to do even after 1 month for c sect cos my sister did her after 6 weeks as recomm by her doc.
lisha: depends - mine was abt 1 -1.5weeks after birth..just make sure u are comfortable and stitches etc not pain.
Hi Lisha,
I get my gynae advise before I start my postnatal sessions. He advise me to start after 1 wk of my delivery since I'm having a natural birth.
hi mummy's...u can try my massage lady mdm ida 94361463 from hougang, she can do hard massage and swedish massage u can choose, very professional and experience especially for those who having neck and shoulder problem!..pre-natal massage as well, tks..
Hi Maia,

How many kgs u lost?? Say if my fren gave birth 3 yrs ago.. Can she lose weight now by massaging.. Anyway im considering a good slimming massage lady once in give birth..
Hi Glennia,
Frankly, it'll be quite difficult to lose weight after 3 years by just massaging. The best time for postnatal massage will be 2nd or 3rd day after normal delivery. But maybe the body wrap can still work for the sliming as the essential oil can burn fat. I'll advise to have exsercise at the same time (if after 3 years of delivery). Postnatal massage is more effective if you do it the first week after delivery.
Hi Hui Ling,
Thanks.. My EDD is end of March(Long way more..haha). Do I have to book her now or is mid Feb all right? U have any good post natal masseuse to recommend. My main concern is of course to lose weight and to tighten the tummy(I am not an unreasonable person.. LOL) I do know I have to watch my diet and exercise as well...
Glennia, Hui ling is a massage lady herself la, don't you see her username?
Btw Mar is just around the corner lo, you got to book your massage lady now. You can consider Huiling, she's quite an honest massage lady. She's my massage lady last time, although my tummy is not totally gone but i quite satisfied with the result. You can visit her blog if she don't see your posting here:
omg!! see what pregnancy does to me... SO blur... Yar.. i see it now..Okies.. Ill consider her...

Huling: Im interested in you.... Can you let me know when I can start booking you?
I am looking for a prenatal massage lady for myself and a normal massage for my husband..anyone can recommend?
Hi all I have this Malay massuer whom is serving west side clients for pre natal as well as post natal massage. Her charges are relatively affordable and is good. Interest pls let me know and I will give you her no =)
Hi all I have this Malay massuer whom is serving west side clients for pre natal as well as post natal massage. Her charges are relatively affordable and is good. Interest pls let me know and I will give you her no =)
Hi. Can i have the number please. Thanks.
I have can recomend Indonesian massage lady who only charge $40 per session. I try her before, she is really great compare with those local malay massage. PM me if you need her number.
Hi. Can i have the number please. Thanks.
Hi all I have this Malay massuer whom is serving west side clients for pre natal as well as post natal massage. Her charges are relatively affordable and is good. Interest pls let me know and I will give you her no =)

Hi can i have the number pls
Hi mummies! you guys can consider my masseur. She is local chinese and her charges are super affordable and she is amazing. She is certified and have been doing this for 20 years. And no, I am not related to her. But i always go back to her. I have gotten mastitis 4 times and she is my go-to person to clear my lumps.


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I have can recomend Indonesian massage lady who only charge $40 per session. I try her before, she is really great compare with those local malay massage. PM me if you need her number.

Hi. Can i have the number please. Thanks.
