Anybody tried Character Montessori Playgroup

Hi,My experience was not good ,went to see the school(punggol) during their lunch time.I don't like the environment, kids running around and so .They do not have much montessori materials too. their supervisor was not keen to show me the material. some of the kids were having lunch, no one their to help. teachers were having lunch on separate tables. their charges are 1170 (before subsidy), not cheap, so they must provide good services too.

About CM Pasir Ris - Last year there was some problem with the supervisor but the Management was very nice to settle the issue and their priority was to make the kids and the parents happy.
I noticed that my kids are happy going to school now and I can see a VERY BIG character building.
i have 2 kids attending character montessori pasir ris, and am happy to say they are once again enjoying the learning experience there (learning through discovery and fun activities). some of you parents may have been aware of the incident one year ago, where a new centre manager who was posted to CMPR introduced many changes and practices to the detriment of students' welfare and overall staff morale. i'm glad to say that, following discussions between unhappy parents and CM, positive action was taken to remedy the situation (the centre manager has since left). My kids are happy at CMPR, which provides a supportive and encouraging environment for learning, in a spacious and well-housed location. They teachers are a dedicated team who enjoy working with the kids. I like CMPR's emphasis on developing good character traits, such as honesty, patience and responsibility. In addition, the school organises interesting outings, eg vegetable farm, museum and art/drama performances -- parents are encouraged to join most of the activities with their children, and this is quite enjoyable. CMPR is having Family & Friends Day this saturday (15 May) from 10am-2pm. Interested parents might want to check this out, and speak to the lady in charge, Mrs Grace Ng.
Hi justamum2, you sound like you are the principle/ management of CMPR.

Anyway, can anyone give comments on CM Punggol? are the teachers good? Are the children well taken care of?
CM immediately notified abt fee hike the very day straits times featured abt general increase in childcare fees in the impression that they are riding the wave.
As for CM in general, the sch founder Grace is experienced indeed. However, her focus seems to be more on attracting new parents than interacting with or helping existing CM parents. Her attention is targetted to attract non-CM parents to learn more about CM and its curriculum. Hardly spend time with existing parents/kids. CM's teacher-parent interation is also generally lacking.....most of the teachers are afraid to speak to parents, unlike my understanding of other high-end childcare centers, the teachers are very proactive and open in engaging with parents.
My daugther has been with CM Punggol since she was 18 months till now (K2). There had been no problem at all, and she is growing and maturing well in the true Montesorri program.
I am giving its cirriculum and teaching a thumbs-up and it is a quality pre-school education worth investing on our kids. Depending on the individual parent's priorities, there is always never-ending expectations to be met and it may be a stress booster to the pre-school teachers too. Sometimes, it's more of us parents that all pre-school teachers have to deal with, rather than children. No wonder kids are still the angels...
Thanks for your reply, Grace. Let me clarify that I did not say "CM don't want teachers to make contact with parents". I said "teacher-parent interaction is lacking". As for why, I believe it is for CM to embrace the input, reflect and review what/how/any to improve. Blog is good but beware of technology overkill, which leaves the teachers with less time/energy for quality interaction with parents/kids. I wld rather more of the latter than former ( which is less personalized).
Joanne, you are certainly a firm supporter of CM and I am sure all mothers out there researching abt CM appreciates your view. However, sacarsm does not seem to make your inputs objective enough especially when you do not know enough of other people's situation, yet you are already taking sides. We should only speak for ourselves.

I shall leave it to the others to form their own judgement after reading all preceding inputs. Have a good weekend.
Hi. Would like to share my view on CM pgl. We have been in CM pgl for 5 yrs since its opening. No 1 who is in p2 now graduated from there, and no 2 and 3 are still there. I am also intending to put no 4 there nx yr when he turns 2yrs old.
Before CM, my no 1 had been to 2 other CCs. I feel CM so much better in terms of curriculum and enrichments. Frankly not many CCs have pottery and Chinese brush painting as one of the afternoon enrichments. I think CM has prepared my boy very well for Pri Sch. Tr parents interaction are not lacking in my case. Mayb cos I fetch the kids to and fro sch so I am able to communicate quite well with the teachers as I see them everyday. There is also a HP no which we can forward our msg to. Of cos there are other areas which I feel can be improved, eg the variety of meals served to the kids.
However we are still quite happy with cm overall.
Hi Avene,

I've taken out my earlier post after you've read it as I thought it's very long. Just so long as you are aware that I'm still very much engaged with the center although not at the daily operations level.

Last 2 years I was more concerned about establishing a structured in-house training programme for teachers (so they know how to handle our children and curriculum well) and a coaching programme for children who need more support academically.

This year I intend to focus on doing more work with parents. Tonight I have a Parent's Talk at AMK center. Next month we are planning one for Punggol center.

If you have any suggestions on how we can improve on teacher-parent interaction and how I can support better parents , please do email me @ [email protected]
Hi Constance & Joanne,

Thanks for your support and sharing.

Constance, noted your comments on the menu and will work on it.
My son, Ian (K1) has been in Character Montessori (Punggol) since January this year and I am really happy about his progress. If, like us, your child is from English speaking background, you would appreciate the unique ways in which Chinese and all the Chinese enrichment subjects are taught. Once, I glanced through the window and saw how a Chinese character was separated into a few cards and how the children were taught the steps to recognize and arrange the strokes. He learnt how to address relatives in Chinese through some recitation. Wonderfully, in just over a month at Character Montessori, Ian, together with his classmates, could perform a Chinese Dance and present a Chinese song for Chinese New Year Celebration!

Ian enjoys all the lessons there. One day, he came back spelling numbers one to ten using “Oh My Darling Clementine” song. On another, he aspired to be an author and illustrator when he grows up. He learnt to make jelly, dumpling, etc, and he told my friends he could make jelly for them. Once, he asked for brush and water colour and presented me with a Chinese brush painting artwork which I am proud of and which I pasted on the wall of my living room. Part of my living room displays are Ian’s lovely pottery objects done at the center, two of them were unfortunately broken by his sister. He shows off his ability to draw to his grandparents. And one thing for sure is that all art works which I treasure are genuinely made by Ian and not partly by his teachers! Above all, Ian’s character development and his tremendous improvement in his social skills are definitely noticeable!
I received a flyer this afternoon when I went to Thomson Plaza. Seems like there is a new preschool cum enrichment centre opening beside Thomson Plaza in Jan 2013. They have playgroup programme (2-4 yrs old), reading enrichment and Primary school preparatory programme. They having opening promo now. Got waiver off registration fees and discounts too.

They have quite an interesting reading programme from Australia. My 3-yr-old kid went for their trial and enjoyed the lesson, cos he got to learn to read the words through online games and activities. I've brought him around many places but he didn't quite like the "worksheets-and-reading" approach in those schools. So, in the end, I've signed him up for the reading class at "Giving Tre3" in Jan 2013.

You may want to check out the centre on their FB:
cant help but notice all the 'fake' reviews by 'mommies' suddenly barging in and saying how good the CM centres are.

if u notice, its their first post.
inside job?
Kee Kannie is confirmed not an "insider" of CM.
His boy, Ian, was in my girl's class in K1 and K2. Both of them have since graduated last Dec.
Ian's sister is still in CM, together with my no 3(in K2) and no 4 (in PreN 2). If I continue to work, I will put my no 5 in CM too.
We have been with the school since June 2006. Almost 7 years liao. Very comfortable with the school and the teachers.
Hi all mummies,

I am new to this thread. Just registered my DD in CM Punggol this morning and she will be joining in Oct 2014! Keeping my fingers crossed that I made the right choice, the price tag is not cheap indeed!
I have 1 concern though, i need 1 way transport back from CM to my mother's place in Hougang..and the staff told me that they don't provide bus service to Hougang...Sighz...
My hb told them to check with the bus drivers again because Hougang sounds far, but actually it's not at the other end of the world. My mother's place is actually just opposite Punggol Park.
I really hope they can get a seat for her on the bus, because our work plc is not nearby and it's really very challenging for us to fetch her before 7pm daily.
