Anybody tried Character Montessori Playgroup

Hi Constance,

Ya, my gal starting on 14 July. But now with HFMD case, dunno if i should postpone or not leh. I am now on leave before i start on new job. And once I start new job, diff to take leave and see her thru the first 3 days liao..shucks.

Btw, I was at CM last week and your gal was so cute. She could sing the chinese twinkle star song with action somemore. Best part is she did it in all seriousness!! Dun play play. Very cute girl.

yeah, i think better to postpone a while if you can. Dunno how come so funny. The hfmd cases in Singapore die down leh, but cm ones starting to bloom.

I didnt bring my kids to school yesterday also. Today will let my boi go cos he has an outing in the afternoon.

btw, my gal in sch and at home is totally different. She can be veri guai in sch, but at home, she is a Devil!!! haha
Im the one who chatted with you. hey your niko v cute and good gal in school leh..dnt call her devil lar but li lao shi was saying that you feedback the same thing to her also...hehe.
hope the HFMD case die down. I also never let ashley go school over last thur and friday.
Hi constance,

Tks for your alert and advice. Coincidentally, my ger is down with flu and cough again..Sigh. Hope to start her sch maybe this wed. War time do you put niko there? Maybe i will bump into you or does she take the sch van?
yeah, i didnt bring niko to sch last thur & fri too. but i let my Ryan attend on fri cos he has a museum outing dat day. didnt want to disappoint him. He came back telling me he did chinese brush painting in the museum.

you going with ashley for the veggie farm trip next friday? Me & hb decided to take leave and bring the 2 elder kids.

Either me or hb will bring the kids to school. I will reach cm around 8.10am. If the kids refuse to get up, then my hb will send them, cos his working hrs start later. They take the sch bus for the trip home only.
o dear, your ger is sick? hope she gets better soon. btw, you got to be prepared for your ger to get sick very easily and frequently once she start cc. until now, my niko still sees her pd every 2-3 weeks.
Yes im going to the veggie farm wif ashley....u going also? then can see you in person. Yest i took all the pillow home...wonder if my gal can nap or i brot back pillow again for her.
wah lau.. now CM like so fun.
so everyone going for outing together somemore!!

see lah... me one of the 1st few to ask Constance abt CM... till now still haven send boy there. hahaha :p talk abt procastinating queen! hhahhaha
Hi Constance,

Ya, we started sch on wed. She was better on first day but second day today a bit cranky. She was ok when i left but when i peeped and she saw me, started crying. And throughout keep wanting to go for the indoor play area.

I told mezzo and MT that having seen how your ger transformed from when she first entered CC till now, I somewat feel confident and pray that my ger will be settled soon too :)

So u goin veggie farm? My hubby would be going since I would be starting work by then. Sigh.


join us lah. I heard only left a few vacancies now. By sep must confirm liao.
MT, yeah lor, come join us lah. The swimming pool going to be ready soon leh.

yup, me and hb going with the 2 kids. Can bring pillow these few days? Tuesday Ms Bavani asked me to bring niko's pillow and bear home leh. She said better dun bring these few days first, cos dunno whether hfmd cleared already. Heng no new cases these few days liao.

Dun worry. my little gal screamed for us for the first few weeks. After she settled down, she's ok already. Give her abit of time.

The other gal, Mabel, in our kids class, is also very cute!!! I like her very much.
wahlau... i am going to skip this thread! hahahaha

Constance - u still going SM huh?

Trio - starting a new centre at serangoon area leh. hehe... but dunno which teachers will go to the new centre.
yup, niko still in sm. Just pulled my no 1 out this term cos he wants to learn swimming instead.
me interested in trio also leh. where and when?
you started ur boi there liao?

btw, you know of any language sch teaching kids japanese? I wanna enrol my niko leh. finding now......
May & Mezzo gal in Trio (bugis branch)
I still consdering Trio or the bishan sch.
$$ not enough dear :p

For Jap class - think can try this one but dunno min age is wat
i let A bring her soft toy and pillow on monday but bring hm everyday to wash lor. But thur and fri she nt in school cos coughing. oh exercusion is for all kids level?
TRIO new centre all new teachers cos old batch teacher will be the one training them.
Hi constance,

Tks for your encouragement. My ger cried badly today when i left at 9 plus. Lucily, they have enuff pple around to jaga and help out.

Ya, I saw Mabel. She seems much older than our kids? Some of her comments very cute.

Btw, the teachers really make an effort to potty trained the kids from wat i observed so thats gd.

Your ger very funny; I should video her actions when they sing and dance. U know they are preparing for aperformance for Ndational day? Very ambitious rite..Hahha.

There's audit check today for english class when they did their own playdough using flour, oil and water. The auditor really quite strict.

Re Trio:
I think its much better than SM and the pace is gd. SM tends to rush thru the acivities. The activities they do are also very creative. Last week, they made their own handweights for kids to understand heavy/light concepts. Two thumbs up.
Seems like all the CM mummies still awake at this hour.

i think the veggie farm trip only for the PreN. I am letting No 1, who is in K1, tag along with us too. hehe

serious? preparing for N day? Hmm.. R they singing the National Anthem? we have tics for NDP NE show 2mrw leh, but i am not bringing niko along. Too much of a challenge. I think she wont be able to sit still.....

potty training at CM
haha, i just spoke to Ms Bavani over the phone today regarding this. She told me niko can express her need to go toilet and pass urine when she is in sch. But she simply refused to do so at home!!! Sigh...

You have any idea when Trio at Kovan will start? I am interested to go for trial.
Ms Bavani stopped me from bringing Niko's pillow and bear to sch on Tues leh. She asked me to bring back home when i sent the kids to sch in the morning leh. ???
Hhaa.. CM mummies awake at this hour.

I feel more hyper now after celebrating my ger's birthday today. We went hortpark, beautiful place!!! My ger loves parks in general and she started singing a few songs while sitting at the playhground there where there is sandplay too.

For the Nday performance, its a chinese performance led by Li laoshi. Some song and dance. Lovely!

Oh NDP preview eh? ?Now that u say, I better avoid suntec area tomorrow ..Hehhee.. we often go to suntec for breafast after Trio and feed the koi fish there :)

Hmm,, Niko maybe not used to home environment yet for potty trained eh. I saw her doing her business in sch today. One interesting conversation between ur gal abd mine during meal time:

Phoebe: Who's that talking?
Niko: Its not me! (Look around like a detective..)
Niko: Its nigel!
Phoebe: Ok..
Haha, May
yeah, i think the 2 two years old's conversation is very cute. My Niko very kpo one. She always report to me when she sees Kor Kor on the tv at home. She will go "Kor Kor Ryan on ben 10, Mei Mei never watch." haha.

Let me guess. Is the chinese song taught by Li laoshi "Guoqi Guoqi wo ai ni"? Cos niko is currently singing this song at home now. haha

Where is hortpark?

The bishan sch website not working.
You mean trio's classes conducted in the 3 languages? Do they rotate?
Right now only exposing Niko to Japanese Songs thru cd. She is able to sing some Jap songs already. Used to be able to count to ten in jap. but i think she forgot how to now liao.
Hi Constance,

Ya, Niko vey cute; she saw me peeping from the window ths morning and she told Bhavani also.. Hehhe..caught me 'red-handed'.

Yes, besides that "guoqi; song, they also have this song abt "papa mama going to work, while they go CC etc." dunno the title though.

HOrtpark is at Alexandra road area. Opposite hortpark is the much-publicised Alexandra arch and henderson waves. It's really a nice walk esp around 5 plus. U can consider bringing your 3 kids there too :)

Re Trio:
The classes are such that one week is Jap, other week Eng, then another week is Chinese. I doubt the effectveness of doing that but anyhow the kid enjoys it so ok bah.
how long have your gal been in trio?
I actually quite like SM lessons, but battery flat liao. no time to do home practice anymore.....
Hi Constance,

I just joined far attended around 6 lessons or so. If you like SM, maybe should continue. I suspect Trio may not have the depth and richness that SM offers cos the pace is slower and there is no speed reading, sawako, no esp stuff. But the overall feelin i have at Trio is better.
So far i have bringing Ashley's pillow and bear to and fro school so i make it a pt to wash the cover daily. Maybe cos A is still new to the school so they "allow" it and i assure teacher bahavni that i washed it then she said i didnt even know got national day performance...hehe...
Constance if you like SM then perhaps you will not like TRIO cos TRIO is of much slower pace but i feel they teach simple concepts not as stress as SM.
Sighhh I just called CM and very disappointed they told me no vacancy and their license to expand the class was delayed by MCYS. I was in the top waiting list and Christine told me she'll call me to let me know in around August when I went there in May. Very disappointed. Any mommies got any other recommendations? Quite lost as I really thought Jonas can get into CM Punggol, which is quite near my place... Finally found a school that my husband and me like but...

Mrs T
mayb you wanna try Shekinah Montessori nearby? I went there before, not bad too. Esle wait for another half a year for the K2 kids to graduate first? By then shld have vacanies bah?

Trio got trial lessons rite?
interested to go if their kovan branch is open.
MrsT - how old is ur kid?

Constance - i heard no more trial liao. but they the new arrangement is after 3lessons, if u wan to stop is full refund for remainding $.

My fren says the are opening 3 branches in OCT. Kovan/TPY/Jurong. Then i hv concerns over their teachers QC if they expand so fast.

Yea, I'm thinking of waiting until January loh, she told me by January sure have. Just that very sian loh, most of the kids his age already go to school liao... I'm thinking of teaching him myself at home, but quite lost what kind of montessori books/toys to buy..


Jonas birthday is 30th June, so he's coming to 25 months...
Nice meeting you today! so did Ashley nap in the end 2day? We brought Niko & Ryan to Kids Explorer at Downtown East in the afternoon. They had great fun there!

your Phoebe has very beautiful eyes!! envy envy.
all my kids r single eye-lidded....

I just PMed you gals my mobile.
we keep in touch via sms also yah?

wow, Trio expand so far ah...

Mrs T
dun worry. half a year passes by very fast. Actually my no 1 was not exposed to montessori methods also until he enrolled in CM at age of 3.5 yrs old. Hehe, i was half expecting him and no 2 to ask for a mat when playing toys at home. so far, never yet. :p
Hi Constance,

Yup, got your message!

Tks for your compliment. Your boy also very hammie mah. My girl is a rascal..heard from my hubby she was a real handful at the veggie farm. Sigh.

Those days when I sat in the class would see your boy really take gd care of his sister. He would go and take a peep and say gdbye to her. Really sweet.
Hey constance, saw tat u took over 3books of the scholastic first discovery books.. how are the books? good?

thinking of buying a set from amazon too. :p
Hi constance,

for your boy, what other montessori stuff do they do? currently for pre-n, there is really very little stuff ..
My kids fight alot at home leh. Can't imagine when my no 3 start to stand up for his rights as well.....

CM uses montessori methods to teach my boi phonics and maths now. Eg sandpaper and those wooden stuff at the back of the classroom....
He's quite ok. Knows how to read simple books by himself and can read aloud to his sis at home too. :p
For pre-N, yeah, i think besides the stuff at the back of the classroom, not much lor. But i remembered when my boi was in Nursery, they were teaching him to recognise the chinese strokes via tracing of sandpaper. The chinese teacher once told me that they will only let the kid start writing words in K1. before that, it's just recognising the words via sight or touch.

Haha, nicole fights eh.. i really cannot imagine. But i am sure each fight would end off with lots of hugs eh :)

Oh, sandpaper eh? Trio uses similar methods too for letter recog and chinese strokes also.

Gd that your boy can read to his sister. Another plus pt for having sibligs around.
yeah, you r rite. after each fight, will come the hugs and kisses. but not from me. The 2 kids also very funny. When they fight, i will scold or punish them. Both of them will end up crying and hugging each other and apologising to each other. Haha. actually very funny. :p

Any other comments on CM AMK? Is it very difficult to get in? Should I call them early to be put on waiting list?

Hahahhaa... so sweet! Weeping and hugging together.

Experience with CM Punggol
I like it due to its a new building. CM is my first other school after Julia Gabriel's playclub. Then my son was 3 years old, he joined CM during Jan 08. As usual crying and got nightmare... further more he is so skinny already, he slimmed down. Withdraw him after his 2nd month. Now back to school, currently in Learning Hubz(AMKhub).
My son's CM teachers kinda, rojak. China teacher speaking Singlish, translate Chinese to English in front of the students. JG do not allow such things and I believe that if you want to encourage kid to speak Mandarin, we cannot do translation. Mine was in the childcare system, most of the time comsumed in waiting for other students. Son reached school ard 9am+... play, snack, separate into groups for learning, lunch and home time. Unless, parents are keen on childcare system else for learning school, CM will not be a good choice. And for $600+/mthly, 5 days of school, daily means $30+ isn't cheap.
actually which china teacher was that? cos my kids K1 and PreN 1 teachers are quite good.

check with you, how is YCK Kinderland? you brot your boi there after cm rite? cos one fren is interested in the sch.
Hi Constance,

Do you think Montessori method focus too much on individual development & creativity rather than academic? Children may have difficulty in adjusting to S'pore education system in Primary 1 as mention by alot of ppl?
I am surprised the chinese teacher at CM Punggol speak in singlish and translate chinese to english infront of the kids.

My daughter is at CM AMK. Her chinese teacher insisted that my daughter speaks to her in mandarin. That was how her mandarin improved.
talking about child care centres in Pasir Ris, has anyone enrolled in Treasure Box at Pasir Ris Terrace, near Elias?

How's the environment there like
Hi Ladies,

May i know is the teacher in CM branches, are they good? Any comments? I intend to send my boy to CM @ amk..... Thanks
Dear Parents,
Just to share with you some experience with Character Montessori Pasir Ris Branch. My son attends PN class since 2008 Jan and didnt have any complaints and he was very happy there until the new supervisor (Jean) came.
Now its like a army camp and all the kids are so scared of all the teachers. All the old teachers have left the school as they cannot see how she treats the kids. They have even complained to the management about this supervisor, but management close one eye.
According to the Montessori theme, kids cannot be punished. But this supervisor will punish the kids (even the 2 year old).
But when we confronted her, her excuse was that it she only asked the kids to sit on the "thinking chair" and cool down. But thats not the ex teachers are saying.
IF you need more info, please feel free to contect me through this post.

Hi May i know more on the Pre-N & N1 curriculum for CM Punggol?
What is covered throughout the day/ what type of snacks is given?

