Anybody tried Character Montessori Playgroup

Hi, my girl is in Shekinah. Not bad lah. But they are not Full montessori, they only have a montessori materials.

Bridges is good. I have enrolled my girl next year, it is a montessori concept.

Fushigi - u referring to Shekinah CC at sengkang huh? not the enrichement centre at Punggol rite?

Why u only want full montessori is it? ya, I heard bridges is good.

For me - I dun mind partial... think a balance of montessori, multiple intelligence learing etc is good

Won't a full montessorri be abit too individualistic? I read that pure montessori is one-to-one interaction with other students.

I went recce Shekinah (punggol) already. Environment not too bad....but fully air conditioned

Maybe will opt for the 2.5hrs PG.....wanna join together?
Hi MTDT, my girl is in Shekinah punggol. She is in starter class for 2 years old.

Actually i went to Bridges to monitor the class for 1 morning. I am impress by the children as they are very initiative and independent in their work. In fact, they don't work alone, they work in groups to complete a task like making a string of beads of certain counts etc. The environment is very calm not like some playgroup which are chaotic. And in montessori concept, children of different age groups work together, which is very different in most school where each class is divided by age. So the younger can learn from the elder.

I have enrolled my girl next year for bridges because i find she is too young to take the school bus.
Hi, my point to share. My son right now is in Bridges Montessori.

Like it there because it is non aircon and good environment.

Mummies, why not pop by to take a look at this school? you will like it. =)
Fates - which timeslot r u beoing?

Fushigi / Celine - I heard good comments abt bridges. I went to the sch once, but din make appt... so they din entertain us.
then the PIC walk pass us, she is actually "free" but still din entertain us and says to make a appt first

so din go back to visit them again.
Fushigi - so instead of the "non full" montessori... wat other comments u hv for Shekniah @ PP?

Fates - i am not looking into Full.
but partial also kinda of 1-1... but i am fine with partial.. think good to hv a mixture.
MTDT: When i visited, the principle was late and the teacher didn't entertain me either. She said she has students to take care of, so can't show me around. Then the principle called and ask one of the teacher to explain to me the ciriculum. The same teacher who said she is busy started to show me around.

Think they don't want to disrupt the class loh. So on and off, there will be students coming forth and asked the teacher for instructions etc.

Curious, what good comments did you hear? Is it from this forum as well?

i went to visit Dayspring once without appointments. The teachers are very warm and helpful and show me around even though i just popped by suddenly. The thing i dun quite like Dayspring is it is too crowded and noisy. Teacher to student ratio is not what i like. But the children looks happy there.

So each school has it's pro and cons.
Hi Constance,

My ger will be joining in July. So she and your gal will be classmates :))

Haha, i think for most potty trained kids they will soil their diaper first then say. I think thats very gd progress already! I am not too worried abt potty training as i think its just a matter of time.
MTDT: i would say the ciriculum in Shekinah very similiar to other playgroups, except that they will have a montessori session. Teacher to student ratio quite good. There is a English teacher, montessori teacher, chinese teacher and a helper in my girl class (around 10 children in my girl class). Maybe because the school is new, so intake quite small.

Basically, daily program like this:
8.30am - 9am music and movement
- chinese lesson
- art and craft
- story telling
- snack time
- montessori time
- Goodbye

The teachers in Shekinah not as warm as the teachers in Dayspring. So this is the cons loh.

Look out for the Chinese teacher, i find her quite fierce looking.
Fushigi - I went to bridges in the afternoon. no class liao... but the teacher/princpal still dun wan to entertain us!

I took leave to recce for CC... so told the teacher we only wan to look ard the environment etc. but still got turn away. :p

I am fine if the teachers turn us away becos they hv class. I agree tat's the way as they hv to put priority for their class/kids. I went to skehniah CC at SK without appt and they turn us away.

bridges Comments - teacher good, environment good.

anyway, thanks for ur comments on Shekinah.
the teacher ratio really good.
haha, i will ask my dd to take care of your dd. hehe. kidding lah! my dd quite fierce some time, so pls pardon her if she bully your dd in anyway.

actually cm also not full montessori. i heard there is only one full montessori in the whole of sin. dunno whether true or not....
constance - I noe CM is not full. I am fine. I am not looking for full montessori.

Think i heard abt the full montessori... it's at siglap side. like wat Fushigi - they dun hv class... 18mths to 6yo - all same class.
whole centre only like max 15kids etc. :p
Hi MTDT, Glad to find you in this thread.

RE: Character Montessori

I just decided to enrol my son to CM AMK after today's trial class. The centre supervisor (Ms Cheah) was rather patient and the teachers look kind (more homely though), I was worried for a moment that it's not going to be worth me paying > 3X PAP and > 2X Carpe Diem type of centres.

Anyway, I'm not a supporter of Montessori methods, just thought that my kid needs to be exposed to more social activities as he is reigning like a king at home.

Though I must agree that I was very impressed on how "well-discipline" the kids are at the CM centre ... esp the remark by Fushigi too ... they do have great sense of initiative and independence as early as 18 mths ... *raising eyebrows*
Hi constance,

Haha..thats nice, will lookout for your DD when i accompany my ger there for the first three days. Your gal fierce? Haha, wait till you hear mine screaming her lungs out.

How you find the chinese teacher in the class? I was there once during outdoor play and I find that she really made an effort to impart right values to the kids. Cos i think during outdoor play, some bo chap teachers would just close one eye as long as no kid is hurt etc..
hi may
then the class will have 2 screaming gals by July.

Yeah, i find the chinese teacher very patient with the kids. If she finds any kid hitting the other kid, she will tell the kid hands are for loving, not for hitting.
good idea mtdt
so have you confirm which school to go to?

my colleague's kid go to learning vision at temasek poly.
they actually have blogs for the daily activities there leh.
CM also have website, but the activities updated there more like recording of major ones only. Everymonth got newsletter, though. via email.
constance - any sch excursion so far? how often huh? Pre-N kids get to go together?

Also, both ur kids take sch bus to/fro the cc huh?

Me uh... huh, huh, haven confirm! hahahaha
*talk so much in the end not joining! hahaha*
hi mtdt

my K1 boi went for a trip to the zoo and musical plays 2 times since he joined last yr mar

PreN never go out yet leh.

They only take the sch bus one way home lor. Morning time we fetch them to sch.

hehe, do let me know if you r joining.
oh, go for plays huh! not bad lah.

Wat time u send them to cc?
sch bus - wat time reach ur blk huh?
think if i join, next time ur 2kids, may's kid n my kid = all same bus! ask ur ds to be "da ge ge" n take care of the smaller ones! hahahaha
We sent them to sch bet 8-8.15am. sch bus will reach my blk ard 6pm.
Haha, i think my boi will faintz if i ask him to be da kor kor. one mei mei he already complain she very noti liao.

May also stay in punggol?
ooh.. sch bus so early?

May's mom is same blk as me... her hse is in pgl too.. but nearer to the greendale sch there.

hhahaa.. start to "instill" in him the "da kor kor" responsibilities!! hahahah
Hi Constance, blog in cool.
School excursions for your boy sounds interesting. I think for preN probably not yet eh? Btw, any speech and drama component for preN class.

I also want my ger to take sch bus but the ever-doting grandparents object. They rather fetch her home themselves. SIgh.
parents pressure - as CM to hv blog loh! hahhha :p

or do they hv mthly/qterly newsletter or anything? :p

yup cm got mthly newsletter via email.

if grandparents drive, then okie. esle quite troublesome for them to take bus and fetch everyday leh, cos bus stop to our place quite far from the school.
Hi constance,

No..they dun drive. They intend to take cab back..sigh. Hopefully when she is older, will take bus to and fro...Hehhehe
Hi Constance,

ya, around 4 plus. So one month, around $100 dollars. No choice then, for their convenience.

ANy idea what measures the school is taking in view of the rise of HFMD? besides temp taking etc?
$4 plus is only one way. really very ex.
the sch bus is $90 for both ways.

on hfmd
they check the kids' mouths, hands and feet just before taking temp. actually they have been doing so even before this hfmd.

btw, my dd got sent back 2 x liao bcos of ulcers in mouth.

both times false alarms.
I think the 2nd time, they abit pai say, so use the sch bus to send her back lor when i say me and hb buzy at that moment.
Hi constance,

glad that they are quite diligent in the checks.
Wow, twice false alarm eh? They are nice to get the sch bus to send your your kid back eh?
Is the fees at Cm ard $700 plus?And is it by a term of maybe 3 months??Was looking through the threads here,hoping to find a 'suitable' place to enrol my dd,turning 16 months soon.They do have school bus service right??
hi huckleberry
700 plus is for every month. yup, my kids taking sch bus now.

mtdt/ may
yesterday just celebrated my dd's bday at the school.
Hi Constance,
Is the full day session ard $900 plus??I understand that they actually starts at 7am-1pm,does it means that my bb have to reach there so early??How much is the subsidary?
Hi mummies,

I'm glad to finally find a thread on CM.

Spoke to Ms Chia over the phone (CM, AMK) and she made CM sound a good school. But it was office hours, so could not talk too long over phone.

Thinking of enrolling my younger son 19 mths into a playgroup or half-day childcare.

My older son is in Cambridge now, but I think their circulum not as advanced as CM (From what Ms Chia descrbied).

Though sounds impressive, I don want to stress my older kid out too much. She said by 4 yrs old their students can dunno do what and what, and I was like, can my son catch up!!??

Any comments pls? My sons are born in 2004 and 2006.
Hi Constance,

Happy birthday to your dd!! Btw, wat's your gal's name
How was the celebration in school? What things do we need to prepare?? All the children must be very happy!!
My gal cried during the celebration!!!
Haha, dunno Y.
anyway the teacher told me beforehand that the kids may cry when parents r around lor.
I brought cupcakes for the kids. Prepared some goodie bags also, and brought photos of no 2 to show the kids.

i think the actual lessons start ard 9 plus. before that it's playtime. I bring my kids to sch ard 8am every morning. Considered quite early already.

Subsidy for full time working mummies - full day cc is $150, half day is $75
Hi constance,

think your girl must be overwhelmed!! So cute. Cupcakes sound like a good idea..fuss free, i suppose. Sounds fun.
Hi Carebear,

Could I know how your ds is doing at CM amk? I'm thinking of trying it out for my 19-month old son.

How do u find the school?
Thanks Constance for your info.Now I am considering putting her in full day session instead of bringing her to nanny's place and half day school.Cos financially very xiong...
Hi Constance,

you there?? saw your little darling yesterdy at the playground near 132. She's so cute..and she has very gd motor skills eh. i think she must be wondering why this auntie kept talking to her. I broughgt my ger there to play too . Hahha, such a coincidence!
so it's you with your little gal!
my mum was telling me someone approach my meimei and you ask her whether her mummy's me. hehe. I was still wondering who???? So Qiao. btw, my meimei is a daredevil, so even if her skills no good, she also bochap.
Hi constance,

Hahha.. but thats good mah if she is daring, wont be so apprehensive next time. She sure looked like she was having lots of fun with her hair soaked in perspiration. Very cute!

Constance - May is starting her dd on 14th jul.

1st - is another fren's gal... the one i email u to chat one. :p

ur gal will hv a fren to stay with her wholeday liao.
