Any Mummies in Sydney


Congrats on you PR!
I would love to meet up, unfortunately I'll be going back this Wednesday. Feeling a bit panicky - end of MY holiday...
Hi everybody,

Hope that all of you enjoyed yourselves during the lunar new year.

Congrats! I might be overseas during early Mar therefore cannot confirm whether I can make it for the meeting or not.

Is it ok if i can contact you thru email if i have questions on living in Melbourne?

we hope to get there before winter(july). if hubby can get a job earlier then we will move over as soon as he settles down.

have u taken the IELTS test? when are u planning to submit your application?
Hi mummies,

Can anyone advise where to visit with 18MOS toddler? Is the Sydney Royal Easter Show worth going? Appreciate any comments. Thanks
hi Cutie,
I have taken my test, and I passed. grin. Doing skillcertification. After certification, should be able to submit. All the notary public stuff done.

i have the past year qn to be given away....PM me for details.

That's great! U are one step closer now...

My hubby got a job offer in brisbane and we plan to accept it.won't be seeing u in sydney so soon.
hi cutie,
That is fast that your hubby got the job. Your hubby is in the construction line? My certification is completed, was able to be certifed as one of the job in MODL. Now need to finalise some final details should be able to submit. It is ok, but keep in touch ok. We may still be able to meet up. When are you all leaving for brisbane?

yes he is in construction line.think he is quite lucky to get it.

he plans to leave this month either 2nd or 3rd week. we are busying packing and trying to rent out our flat. i will be joining him once he found a place to rent.

once u submit...u will have great sense of satisfaction as well as relief. once they contact u for police clearance and medical report, u should get your PR within 1-2 mths.
Thanks will be a good life experience for us :eek:P

earlier u mentioned u stay in melbourne right? how long u been in australia? just wonder why did u choose melbourne among other states?
Hi Cutie,

I am in Melb. Chose to study in Melb Uni 'cuz my dad studied here too, and he's got 2 cousins here. For peace of mind on his part I guess. I've been here since '93 (gasp!). Went back after graduation for a year plus before deciding a long distance relationship wasn't sustainable.

I quite like it here. Have been to all of the capital cities (except Perth believe it or not!), and I still like Melb. Don't think I can live in Sydney - to me it's like comparing S'pore (melb) with HK (Syd). Bris and Adel too quiet for me. Also in terms of job opp, I think it's better in Melb or Syd 'cuz most of the larger companies have their HQs here.

How are you going with your paacking?
wow since 93! are there alot of singaporeans over in melb? i hope to find a small group and feast on home cook singapore food together but this will take time.....

our packings are almost done. 10 carton boxes via speedpost. we are renting out our flat so most of our stuff will remain.

my hubby and i hope to travel around australia during long weekends so maybe we can meet in melb when we pop by. but first it will be gold coast...the closest place to brisbane. i heard many australians will go to NZ for ski instead of sydney and melb as it is cheaper. is it really cheaper over in NZ?

Perth is HOT. actually we have been to perth many times for work and honeymoon. yes, our honeymoon was spent there....boring right. but my hubby loves windsurfing so we decide to make it a honeymoon cum windsurfing trip. think it is even quieter than bris and adel.

if you retire, which city will u choose?

I am new to this website. I am excited to read this as I am working and living in Sydney.
I hope to get to know you guys
hi sonny,


we were supposed to to sydney but my hubby got a job offer in brisbane so here we are :eek:)

we got to know 2 singaporeans here. one of them married an australian wife while other is here alone working while family remain in singapore.

the weather has been nice so far over here. but do gets abit hot during mid day. which part of sydney do you stay? you here alone or with family?
hi mummies,

glad that i found this thread ... me also gng to sydney somewhen in Jan08 ... wanna know more mummies in sydney
happy.gif r u doing?

my hb & i r thinking of going Brisbane for hol wif Nikki end of the year...u hv any idea how the weather will be like then? we thot of having farm stay there but not sure to go Perth or Brisbane as thot can go Gold Coast for the latter.
Hi mommies, need a advice, can I know which brand of baby carrier is good in Sydney ? something like the sarong slings but I would want the base to be in netted materials and what kind of therma bags is good for storing milk bottles, Many thanks
Hi All,
I am one Sydney mommy now live in Singapore,
I have a house I want to sell back in Sydney, just thought some of u might be interested, it is in a suburb of Blacktown, 30 minutes drive on the freeway to CBD and the train station is one of the major ones, which means all train stops there.
I will post a pic and details soon, house is as new bought b4 wedding in Oct 2004 off the plan, good sized rooms and modern layout n just next door to Aldi (one of the budget European supermarket chain now expanding rapidly in Aust), selling not to make profit, just to get our money back, now we are looking to stay here for a while.
I am working on getting the ads up on the net, any early interest pls e-mail [email protected]
<font color="aa00aa">hihi, only stumbled upon this thread today. Glad to see so many mummies settling/going to settle in Sydney/Down under. So far I've made contact with jojos who is leaving mid Jan (yes this month). Our family is going there in mid Feb. If able to get a small group of mummies together to share and interact there, that would be really great. At least get companionship for SAHMs. I was doing some packing yesterday and deliberately left behind my mahjong set as I thot not many SG mummies I know in Sydney leh. Haa haa now maybe got some hope liao. As most postings are made earlier this year, I do not know if the mummies's original plan to go Down under still stands.
In summary,
Sydney - jojos(Jan08), opercms(Feb08), tweetie(mid08), Sonny(aldy there), JSim(??), hopeac(??), jawz(aldy there), christine(aldy there),
Brisbane - cutie
Melbourne - CCMum, kkh

Do update if needed, ok? Maybe I missed out someone. :p</font>
Hi mummies. So glad to find this thread. Would like to seek your expert advice!

My husband and I are thinking of migrating to Australia. We are only in the preliminary stages of deciding / finding if there are jobs there. May I ask if you all used an agent or did all the paper work yourselves?
What should we do first? Find a job or apply for PR?
Thanks for the advice!
Hi opercms,

so happy for you and family that you are going to Aust next month.

Hai..I finished my paperwork and submitted everything last june and they only replied in Oct saying that they have received the application and be allocating an officer to our case. Well we take it that they were very busy with the election that was ongoing soon after we submitted so we just waited.

Then hubby checked and found out that they were only processing the applications that came in in feb 07 (hubby checked in dec) So now is to wait and wait lor.

How long did your application take?


we used an agent. However, now there are many changes to the rules and regulations on applying for pr in aust. go to the website and check it out.
Hi mommies
I am new to this thread.
I have been chatting in the Mummies In Australia thread instead.

Err.... i may be going either Melbourne / Perth.

Have not tot of sydney
hi JSim,
Do you have a job in MODL? If you do, I think it may be faster. We submit end of May last year, end of October, we were assign a case officer, they ask us to do police report etc. Then ask us to do updates of passports in december.

We used an agent who is based in Aus. But you can do it yourself. If you submit your application online, it will be much faster than paper.

ours is an agent in aust. Actually is my hubby's frd's cousin. They charged us 3-4K if i dun remember wrongly.


hubby's job is in MODL. The certification from the association was very fast, took less than 2 weeks when the usual is ard 3-4 months. The delay is at the immigration department. They did ask us to go for the medical checkup and police clearance while waiting for the allocation of officer. we decided against going it then as it was valid for only 12month and no officer has been allocated yet.

so you already there in aust now or preparing to go soon?
hi JSim,
Did they send you the letter for you to do medical and police clearance? Becos, for police clearance in singapore need letter

I am in singapore. For us, certification took 2 months. But immigration side took quite fast. We do not have the PR yet. But when they send the letter to update our passport, they told us we have to make the first entry by Nov 8 2008.
hi, like mngo, i've been chatting on the other thread. Moving to AU sometime this year but haven't decide on which state. 3 choices: Perth, Melbourne &amp; Sydney. Just gave birth to my #2, will apply for her PR, once approved, we'll all go over. Now, am starting to look for a job there.

they did send us the letter to do medical and police clearance but they also mention that its optional at the point as no officer has been allocated.

Since they have indicated when you need to make the first entry, you most likely will get your PR soon. So will yoube working or SAHM?


Congrats on being mummy the 2nd round. good luck.
hi hopeac,

we just got the letter yest informing us to go for medical and police clearance. Do you know how much it cost to do the medical? Btw where did you got for youe medical and how long did it take?

We know that police clearance will be 45 per pax.

Most likely we will be going tmr
Hi all, I have some friends leaving for australia because of child's education. Is education there better? What about job opportunities? Taxes? And what about racial discrimination? And medical and other benefits for PR?
Hi, all

I'm new to this forum and a soon-to-be mum and glad to know there are quite a few mummies in this thread.


The education system between the 2 is very different. But I think kids here have more opportunities in terms of career choice. In spore, one really need to do well in school, otherwise, opportunities is limited. This also explains why there are so many spore students going overseas.

Taxes is high here. But the govt subsidises a lot of other things too, which is too much to elaborate. Medical and other benefits are open to PR, also one reason why taxes are high. For example, if you go to a GP clinic, you usually don't have to pay anything for consultation. You don't get medication with it, at most what the GP will do is give you a prescription and you have to get the medication from pharmacies.

I feel racial discrimination is everywhere even in spore. There are both good and black sheep everywhere.

Job opportunities really depends, some have already mentioned local experience is important and I agree. If you can get a job before coming here, it would be great. Otherwise, if you come here without a job, then you need a fair bit of savings to see you through some jobless period. Don't be too choosy or expect to be hired in a similar position as in spore, just get a reasonable job first and the next one will come easy with local experience. Take things one step at a time.

did anyone manage to get any confinement help in sydney?

it's hard to believe that the asians in sydney practice it enough to still demand such help..
Hi Val,

i am thinking of going over to aust soon before i give birth in sept...are there any confinement help in aust? so far i have not read anything abt it and was thinking of doing it on my own...
hi jsim

i haven't heard of any and that's why i thought i'd ask here.
i'm rather concerned because i am very clueless on the strict diet, and i'm sure there will be extreme exhaustion during the 1st month of having baby

please share if you manage to find any info on confinement help in sydney!
Hey val,

what i know is that they have midwifery services and they are not really cheap. I saw one that is at Parramatta. Her hourly rate is Aus75 and another 50 for travelling. Moreover hers is more like advising on post natal and breastfeeding help. Cooking confinement food wise will not be done by her. Not sure how australians did their confinement. maybe they are not as strict as asians. I will most likely do on my own and send my elder gal to childcare. Will have to see how things go along the way.

So are you already in aust or going soon? U preg now too? Me preg with no 2 now. will be due in sept.
Hi, just tought I give my two cents on the confinement, the Australian don't do confinement, but some do get their parents to help, but nothing special with the food, even the asian in Australia, will either fly their mum from abroad, or if their mum or MIL there even better.
I gave birth there last year, was living with MIL, but wasn't really on the bed the whole time, MIL cooks, I take care of baby and she will help with bathing, but since I have to move here on week 6, then I have to pack and also learn to handle things myself from the start.
If you have no family there, there's rantangan (catering) asian food just like here.
Maybe look at the Asian Newspapers.
hi jsim
im in syd and just missed my period so its too early to be sure if i can keep the baby

hi lia
there is rantangan (catering) for confinement food in singapore but i guess not so in syd... which is very unfortunate
Sorry I did not realise, u want strictly confinement catering, my MIL is from Canton now in Sydney, she can too, not try to sell her service, but she may knows someone that does it professionaly.
Hi Val,

maybe it's good news. Hehehe. Wait another 1 week and try the kit again. How abt asking ur neighbours or asking ard to see if there are any Asians who can help out ard ur neighbourhood? Unless you want very strict type of confinement then got to ask ur family.

Hi Lia,

thanks for the info. Honestly i dun want to fly in either set of parents. My parents are working while my in laws are old(both in their 60s close to 70s) My Mil did my confinement for my gal and i nearly died and to think that she does not stay with me. Just sent over the food that she cooked at her place, bathe my gal, wash her clothes and she will go home. So practically i was with my gal 24/7. Dun think she is of much help and on top of that she dun really know how to cook confinement food so everyday same food. I mean i know that food quite restricted for confinement but she only cook fish and meat. No vege no nothing.We can actually eat kailan but she nv cook a dish of that for me and i am a vege lover lor. Lol. And she very chinese, so she will not be able to cope staying one month with us to help when we go to aust. So i was thinking i need to adjust to having a new baby so i cant have anymore energy to help her adapt to the life there. And moreover with new mummies, i worry abt depression cuz she did caused a little depression in me previously. Sounds like i am nagging.

It sounds like a great thing if your mil can help out. I no need profession help lah. Just very basic things like cooking for me if possible for hubby and my elder gal, looking after newborn, wash her clothes. But which part os Sydney does she stays?

hi lia
really? i have no family in sydney so my network is bare-bones. would be great if your MIL is aware of confinement food catering... or even better, confinement help.
if you could please find out more to share, that'll be great! thanks!

hi jsim
my suburb is very caucasian and mainly students so im not hopeful.
family availability is up in the air so im looking for alternatives in the meantime.
