Any Mummies in Sydney

hi cutie
chatswood is a great area...its safe n close to amendities. but the rental is ex man...i was at homebush-a non classy rental is much cheaper! heeheh.i was working in syd and am currently on 1yr maternty leave

if u been reading the smh, it seems that rental is moving upwards..due to tight rental sickening

are u going to burn all ur bridges and then go to syd??


i think aust pre school or pri sch focuses on introduction via thematic approach which we aew doing in SG schools as well. I did thematical approach in school for p1 and p2. Well, to me i think that introducing topics by thematic approach is another way of introducing sci and math in a fun way. My students enjoyed it when they learnt throuhg play rather then chalk and board.

Btw what brand of formula will you baby take when you go over? Now I am having a headache for my princess formula. In aust they do not carry brands that we have currently in SG. Even if they have like, Pediasure I am not sure if the contents will be the same. how are you going to overcome that with ur baby?


it must have tough to have to have a change of plans at the last minute. Hopefully you are settling in well now with your baby. So when are u intending to return to syd?

rental going up? We were planning to go to Parramatta. It's near to some amenities so it's much easier. The rental there still considered affordable as compared to some other areas. Looking at 2 room apartment.

my hubby's friend is a engineer spealising in water treatment.


hahahah burn bridges!!

we will rent out our flat and stay in Australia for a couple of years to see if we like it. if so, will eventually sell our flat and live there permanently.

wat about you? uprooting to go there for good? are u intending to give PR status to your newborn baby as well?


thematic approach is new to me. SG is applying such approach too? wow this is a great change. u are a teacher?

i am pretty comfortable with aussie products so won't mind trying out their brands.
i am currently breastfeeding my girl of 15mths. plan to do it till she is 2 yrs old. my ultimate plan is to have her take fresh milk. i prefer fresh than processed items.

ya I am a teacher. We are currently using thematic approach esp for p1 and p2. But I guess it differs from school to school so not sure if all the schools in SG use that.

So you are still breastfeeding your princess, at least solve the problem with the formula. I did not manage to breastfeed. So sad. Hai... I will have to read up on the formula that they offer. Hubby was saying maybe buy in bulk in SG then send there. Not that I have no faith in Aust products but my worry is the initial stage when we change to their formula.

wat your hubby suggest is a good idea. just buy bulk in SG and send there. at least you can mix 2 types of FM together and change it gradually for your baby.
hi Jsim,
Are teachers in demand in Sydney. My hubby is a teacher, so he has already applied for the teaching license in Victoria. However, if he wants to try Sydney, what does he need to do?

Hi Cutie,
I think must show that MIL is dependent on us, then she can apply with us I think. Australia really need water treatment expertise, no wonder your hub's friend is in demand.

Childcare cost is cheaper in Singapore. Unless you go for eaton or pat school house type. A relatively good childcare will cost average 400 to 600 after subsidy, infant care around 600 to 800 after subsidy.
we rented out our flat n moved there with couple of boxes of personal belongings. started everything fr scratch...yup, it cost a bomb!

its a look n see attitude for us...a chance to sniff out a alternative lifestyle without giving up sin citizenship.

as i awlys tell my envious frens...aud got good; got bad. u give some; n u take some. however at the end of the day, sin is still home...i remain a singaporean in spirit n in stomach haha..

paramatta not bad. a bit far fr the city altho its near the mountains!! guess it depends on ur work place paramatta,there is a sin/malaysian rest. called temasek...not bad but pretty ex!heehee....

btw i heard that childcare is Aud100/day before subsidy!! (that was fr a fren in melb..not sure abt syd)
i thought it is more, didn't know price ranges between 400-600.

wow, u really travel light.we have intention to rent out our flat for income. at the same time rent apartments/villa in sydney to stay for the time being.

did you buy or rent in sydney? how long have you been there already?

we will bring more than few boxes of personal belonging, including electric applicances esp kitchen wares. can always ship via vpost regular or pick up some during visits to SG.

i totally agree. there are pro and cons whether in sydney or Singapore. It all depends on which one suit you better. there are so many factors to look into.
I live in Melbourne and am back for CNY. Would love to meet up with local mums with view to keep in contact in Melb.

Child care is expensive in Melb, but only if you can get a place. The ones in and around the city are in short supply. They range from about A$50-A$75 after govt rebate.

to combat craving for food...i have started to learn how to cook some SG dishes liao....hee hee


we are thinking of meeting up after CNY. when are u leaving?
HI Cutie,

ya maybe really have to buy in bulk and then send the remaining over. Haiz, but there will have to wait for some time as he just started to apply for the Aust Engineering thing.


I am not sure if teachers are in demand in sydney but it is in demand in Aust in general. Mine was not approved when i applied through AEI as I do not hold a degree but a diploma. However, my plans were to go there to cont to upgrade myself to a degree. You might want to get your agent in Aust who is doing your application to help check it out.


when we go there, i will be a SAHM. According to my hubby's frd, his salary scale is able to allow him to be sole breadwinner with his wife, daughter and MIL staying at home. As they are in the same field, we have both decided on having me at home with my princess. And not to mention the high childcare cost. Since I am a teacher, i think i should be in a good position to teach my princess. hehehe

You very gung ho. Took so little things over. We are thnking we might need to bring over things like fridge, mattress and some electrical appliances and of course not to mention personal belongings. We more kiasu lah.

I'll be leaving at the end of the month (28th). Hope to be able to meet up before then.


Probably not a good idea to take your fridge as it may not fit into your new kitchen. Most kitchens have built-in cabinets - don't want to waste your effort. Better to stock up on curry paste and cook books!

WAT u want to bring your fridge over! my god....i can't imagine the logistics. u may need a container liao for all the stuff u are bringing.

will u rent out your flat? if so, you may want to leave these things to get more rental income. furbished flat can get more.

i have done sea frieght to perth before, it is not cheap. 1-2 pallets will cost about $300 plus, depending on weight/ u need to see which to see which is cheaper and is the effort worth.


will try to do it before you go.

yup, will start searching for good cook books to bring over.
Hi CCMum,

My family will be moving to Melbourne in Jan 2008 for 2 years. Wld luv to form a network there cos mostly likely i wld be a SAHM. I've a 11-mth old girl.

Are you a SAHM yourself and how do you find life there?
hi Jsim,
The plugs for australia is different. If you intend to use the appliances, you need to buy the convertor. About teacher thing, the links from the AEI website, it says need to go through some kind of mini practicum + test before they let you teach in sydney.

What are the hot or popular jobs in sydney now?
from my humble point of view,it really is boh hua bringing stuff like mattress,fridge etc over..the cost of shipping far exceeds the cost, not unless u intend to ship a whole container.

i bought some of my stuff fr Seconds world,ikea and ebay amd depended on frens' charity and my good luck (ie: pick fr roadside) for others.

i heard that diapers r v ex in pampers only huggies. a tip: u can try Aldi, this german supermkt for their brand of diapers. i like aldi-their stuff are pretty good and generally cheaper than Woolies n coles

acutllay no need to stock on curry paste and all..everything is available in the chinese shops..also u might have problems with the customs if u try to bring the food over lor

i learnt to make many dishes while i was who nvr lifted a finger except to cook maggie mee can now cook a variety of singapore dishes heeheeh...(not sure abt the taste tho') :p
generally the food in syd is bad. coming fr a place like sin where u can get great food at low prices, i found it hard to adjust...

no sure the hot jobs glad that u guys have a job waiting for you over there..i landed on a job after 2.5mths of being snubbed left right and centre because i got no "local experience". trust me, they are super hung up on this local exp thingy...guess im still lucky coz i know of other new migrants who took years to land on a proper job...

when will u return to sydney? planning to stay in SG for a year?

2.5mths is rather quick to secure a job.we are giving ourselves 6mths to find a job...with a job,everything will be settled pretty quickly.

i love to cook...maybe we can have some gathering and sample each other cooking over in sydney.
Have you all tried to apply a job over the net? I have a friend who got a job from the net. So she had a job before she landed in Mel.

my hubby went to 2 agencies in sydney for interview when we were there for tour last dec. all say not too difficult but need his PR to be approved.

heard from a mummy that now more australia companies are willing to do sponsorship to bring people over to australia to work. your friend is the lucky one...can go there without the hassle of getting PR.

so cute of you to want to stock up curry paste. Haiz for me it's a long way to go. I will see how as it draws nearer. Ya fridge is very bulky. Hubby just saying that. We will have to decide when he got a job there first.


ya lah. this hubby of mine lor. When he told me about those things that he wanted to bring over, my jaws just dropped. I was like wondering too. But well like i say everything is not confirmed yet. So taking a thing one at a time.


ya the plygs are different. Hubby said that just need to buy the plugs and change. Not sure how true as I do not deal with all these at home.

Oh AEI indicated that on the website? I did not read that part. I practically read the doc that my lawyers sent me. Did not have the time to explore further into the website.


it really depend on how things go for us. My hubby's frd who is already working there managed to negotiate with his company to have all these stuff sent over. Like relocation sort of thing.

This frd of his took ard a year to get his PR while he is working in SG. What happened for him is that he sourced for job via e internet and he managed to land himself in his current one. They did tele-interview then conference interview and finally ask him to go over to sign confirmation letter when they intended to employ him. (They employed him also cuz he is a PR and they do not need to sponsr his 4 year visa)Took him about many a few months in SG to complete all those interview before he went over. He made sure that he had a job 1st b4 going. Think that is a safer bet. Hubby will adopt that approach as well.

I'm currently on maternity leave and unfortunately will be going back to work sometime in May. Would love to be a SAHM given the choice - my bb gal just turned 5 months and going back to work would mean missing out on her milestones - so sad...

Apart from missing family and good cheap food, life in Melbourne is quite good I must say. Weather can be crap at times, but at least there's variety. Lots of open spaces and parks for the kids to run around. Even the pavements and shopping centres are pram/baby friendly (something that I took for granted until I came back!). Some shopping centres even have designated car parks for parents with prams!

Hi Jawz,

I use Huggies diapers in Oz. The trick is to stock up when they go on sale (can always exchange for larger sizes later). I've paid about A$37 for a box of 88 (and A$17 for a pack of 44s). I've tried 2 types of the local Huggies and I don't think they're as good. Coles just came out with their generic brand - should be cheaper, but haven't tried them yet.

I do definately agree with you re local job experience. The agencies were not interested in placing me for permanent jobs until I have local experience. Ended up having to temp for about 2 months before they took me seriously. But I didn't mind that as I was (1) desperate for a job; and (2) that was probably a faster way than playing the waiting game. Also, would definately help with PR in hand. Companies generally not that keen on applying for work visa as they have to justify to immigration why local talent can't be sought (or something to that extent).

when u move over there, did you ever use singpost to send your stuff over? are they reliable?

I am thinking of sending parcels in batches over. But my hubby's friend had bad experience so wanted to know if he is plain unlucky or singpost still delivers. he sent out his PR application via registered but failed to reach.
Hi Cutie,

I didn't have that much stuff when I went over - mainly personal stuff which I took on the plane. I had some stuff still there leftover from my uni days (rice cooker, TV, couch, bed, etc).

Why not try DHL's jumbo (25kg)boxes? Fast, safe and door-to-door - no need to pick up from post office(sometimes PO don't deliver when parcel's too big). Fedex service lousy in Melb though. DHL no problem. If you can, try not to bring too much stuff as you can get most things there: not quite the same stuff as here (esp Jap products), but close enough.

Sorry to hear about your hb's friend's PR application. That's pretty unlucky for something so important.

thanks! just checked the rates of DHL jumbo, it is quite reasonable. Singpost charges $75 for 10kg via airmail while DHL jumbo charges $117.90.

we can only carry about 20kg of luggage per person on board.....our clothes at home will definitely exceed this limit.

thanks! just checked the rates of DHL jumbo, it is quite reasonable. Singpost charges $75 for 10kg via airmail while DHL jumbo charges $117.90.

we can only carry about 20kg of luggage per person on board.....our clothes at home will definitely exceed this limit.
Hi ladies,

Saw this forum and will also be going to Sydney around June 2007. Glad to read so much about moving to Sydney on this site.

For us, my husband got a 2 year contract to work in Sydney so we do not have to apply for PR. Not sure what visa he will be holding but we will be classified under non resident.

Jazw, can you help me understand something. Just like you i will be having my baby in Sin (due in Mid april). The company does not provide medical so we need to buy our own medical insurance. How does this work? My primary concern is with the baby pediatrian and jabs/vaccin she need to take. How does it work for ur first baby. Is it expensive?

As for childcare in Sydney, i heard that is not easy to get a place. You even have to pay to be waitlisted. Is it true? i would love to work cos the dependent visa i am getting should allow me to work but cos i cannot take an x-ray now due to pregnancy, i have not apply for the visa yet. But if its not possible to get childcare then will have to be a SAHM. How do u manage?

yup, living in Sydney is defintely not cheap. We have look at some website for housing and the average is A$500 per week for a 3 bed 2 bath and 1 garage. we figure we need 3 bed cos rm1-us, rm2-baby/guest (shift the baby to our room when guest come), rm3 - store room cos most places just dun seems to have space for storing things.
Hi Cutie,

I've heard that some airlines will give each passenger 10kg more due to migration. Pls check though.

Hi Christine,

Sory to "interrupt" but thought I'd give my 2 cents worth. Companies in OZ don't usually provide medical - quite unheard of actually. You would have to take up private health insurance for hospital cover. I'm paying about $130/mth for the family (irregardless of no. of kids). If you are eligible for Medicare, Medicare will cover the majority of the GPs' fees, approx $3o. Some doctors will charge above the medicare schedule fee, which means you will have to pay out of pocket.

As for pead, you will require a referral from a GP, and GPs don't usually give them out unless your child is in need of specialist care. Immunisations are usually done at the GP clinics, or at your council's maternal and child health centres. Jabs are free at council centres (again if you're eligible for M'care).

Re childcare (in Melb), I've been on the waiting list since I was 5 months pregnant. BB now 5mths old, and still about 200 people in front of me! Think the situation is similar in Sydney.
thanks ccmum. will check out which airlines offering extra kg.

$500 per wk is pretty expensive. we saw nice ones at chatswood only about $400.which areas are you looking at?

wow, it is costly to get an extra room for storage.hmm...u can try ikea to solve storage problems....hee hee just like the ad.

if you are going to be sahm...welcome to the club. i be there around july07 or earlier. plan to start packing but just don't know wat to start first.most items are still in use, how to pack. but if i don't start, won't get going. hmm...will pack my winter clothes first...hahaha
thanks ccmum, agree, the company does not provide medical. how do we know if we are eligible for medicare. If we are not eligible then now? does it mean if i buy private insurance, i do not need to pay out of the pocket at all? i agree that childcare will be an issue. so u are at SAHM as well?

Cutie, my husband just got there on Fri and was househunting already. He went to a few at cremone, lane cove etc and with $500/wk u get nothing, either the carpet are burnt or the living/dining area is so tiny that u cun squeeze much in.

i would like to just get a 2 bedroom but we have so much things so we are hoping to get a 2 bed with a store room. Well, we have golf clubs, bicycle, wind surfing things, diving gears, ironing, etc. unless we are going to put things into the baby room or our bedroom we would need another room to put all these things. btw, prices are also increasing a lot as well, the sydney paper just mentioned that rents are increasing and i think its going to be even harder finding a proper place for less than $500.

i think we might even consider buying a property instead if the rent is going to go up so much. might as well use it to pay a mortage and at the end of the 2 years sell the property and still make a profit.
Hi CCMum,

Glad to know that Melbourne is quite a child-friendly place. I've not visited the city yet. Will be staying in the suburbs cos due to the location of my husband's uni.

Saw your posting on the childcare centres in Melb. Now my hopes of getting a place for my girl are dashed. :p

How about babysitters? Are there many and how's the rates? Was thinking of engaging one for couple of days in a week.
Hi Christine,

I'm not sure about your eligibility for medicare as you're not holding a PR (?) In any case, check out the medicare website:

Private insurance is only for hospital expenses, not the usual doctor visits

My GP consultation fees are about $45, minus rebate, out of pocket about $15.

Chilcare centres in and around the cities are full. You'd have better chances in the suburbs if you're going to live in the suburbs. I don't have that choice as I live in the city. Have to "fight" for spaces between the city dwellers and workers. I'm currently still on maternity leave, but am looking to go back to work sometime in May. If nothing comes up before then, might have to ask my mom to go over and help for a few months.(that way don't have to worry about cooking!!)

Hi kkh,

Which suburbs are you looking into? Which Uni? Maybe your hb's uni has a childcare facility that you might have priority over others (Melb uni does).

As mentioned, chidcare centre spots in the suburbs are easier to come by. Apparently also easier if you book your child in at the start of the year.

There are a few childcare options: regular childcare, home-based where the carer/babysitter (could be you or me) registers with the council and the council then allocates you there. Max 4 kids includding their own. Nanny-sharing is another option like the home-based one, just not registered with the council. Rates are all about the same as c'care centres (A$50-A$75 approx).

WIND SURFING! wow ...guess wat. this is my hubby's passion too. he loves wind surfing. haha they can go wind surfing together in sydney while we picnic there, enjoying the sun and breeze with our babies.

we are thinking of getting just 2 room and the rent ranges around $400. we plan to get a car so we can get bigger house with cheaper rent. hubby plans to go to work via train as it is faster. will drive him to the station if he needs to take bus to the train.

the rent(room smaller too) is higher if you stay closer to the station.


do you mean we can register ourselves as babysitter and earn extra income? hmm....this is a good way to let my baby interact with others while earning an income. taking care for another kid is managable but 4 is really hard to cope.
Hi Cutie,

I believe so, but I have to check the criteria with the council when I get back. Heard they will also pay a visit to your house to ensure it is safety compliant. 4 is the max - don't have to take in if can't cope. I'm not as brave as you - my little one keeps me on my toes as it is, and she's only 5mths
Hi CCmum,

Thanks. I think i am not eligible for medical. I guess i will just have to be healthy and not fall sick then. Well at least can still buy the insurance to cover any major hospital bills so i guess that should be ok.

Hi Cutie, well i am trying to discourage him from too much windsurfing since the water ard sydney are usually shark or jelly fish infested, have to tell him to be careful.

i think u will need a car in Australia dun think u can live without one. It's not like Sin where public transport are so reliable and cheap. i think 2 bed at ard $400 is quite possible. We are most likely going for 2 bed with at least an extra storage room or study room, will just have to keep hunting for the right one with the right price. Basically, its not going to be easy. If you check the website and compare price between last year and this year, the price has increase by ard A$100/week for similar property.

wow, are u experienced with baby sitting? I find it such a heavy responsibility to take care of other ppl kids. If they are well behave then not so bad, if those that are naughty then it will be so tough.

haha i tried to discourage him but his love for this sport just gets stronger and, singapore also got jelly fish. we have check out some bays while in sydney and look safe.

my girl of 15mths is my first child, i have been coping quite well with her so far. children learn really quick, just need time and patience.

i find sydney public transport pretty good. in train there are always seats available(except abit dirty) and fast. it may be more expensive but it covers longer for bus, the ride is comfortable. whenever i take SG public bus, i have to bow all the time due to bad driving habits.

it is true, i "bow my head" each time when the driver jam the brakes to stop suddenly.i really wish the ride would be more comfortable. at times, i even get dizzy.....
Hi Cutie, thanks. I am expecting my first in Apr so being first time mum sure more Gan Chiong :p

Good to hear that sydney public transport is not too bad. i guess we just have to cope with the different options available. just hope i will be able to manage a stroller and baby while taking public transport. Don't want to cope at home all day. Even if i do take the car also have to think twice since parking and petrol are not cheap either.

By the way ccmum, are grocery and basic necessities like shampoo etc more expensive in Australia compared to Singapore?

rest assured that it is really easy to bring your baby out with a stroller when taking public transport in sydney, including buses. there are designated area for stroller/wheelchair in the bus and lifts in all train stations.

also pushing the pram around is a breeze everywhere. even the nursing rooms in shopping malls are really big, nicely decorated and well equipped.

yes, grocery and basic necessities are more expensive as lots of stuff are made in australia/new zealand. i find the quality of food products better even though it is slightly more expensive. but it is definitely cheaper than new zealand.

fyi i paid $11.50 for a whole chicken(raw) in queenstown!
Hi Christine,

Good luck for your 1st bb! Cannot blame you for being gang chiong.

I think cost of living generally is lower in Melb than Sydney, but higher than S'pore. Eating out there is definately more $$. Bowl of noodles easily A$10. So if you must, stuff yourself full of local food before you go!! And bring along a local cookbook for desperate times!

Diapers (Huggies) are more expensive there (but better quality), but there are cheaper ones which I have yet to try. Toiletries are about the same price. Either that, or I've gotten used to the prices over there.

Speaking of silly prices, I've paid $10 for HALF a papaya - yep, really craved for it then. Never again...(To be fair, it was out of season, and it was a big half papaya, over 1kg)
No mummies interested to get my copy of IELTS specimen materials for 2003?

Will do light spring clean for new year soon....
still interested to meet up?

if so, let's meet up in town as it is more convenience for all.

9th march at 7pm ok? did so to avoid crowd as 4th Mar or earlier is still within the 15 days of CNY.

any suggestion for place to eat?
hi Cutie,
I am still interested to meet up, but I have cell group that night. How about 8th night or lunch on the 10th?
