Any MTB staying at Ang Mo Kio

hihi everyone, long time i never pop into this thread.. have been organising too many sprees.. hehe..

Glad to see some new faces here

Yah I bought everything Avent and my son rejected at 3 months.. but then after he was OK with the bottle, I used Avent again *phew* My girl - I give her Avent too but for some reason, couldn't find the #4 teats for sooooooooo long so I bought 4 Pigeon peristaltic bottles.. but I still prefer Avent lah.'

Carole, I think this will be known as the 'pao tou queen' thread.. hehehehe.. thanks to our involvement in weeding out illegal businesses on this forum
Hi all..just came back from gynea

my baby's engaged! but did the cervix check just now not dilated yet leh...will come back next week to do CTG.

Wendy, if i'm not mistaken the place is at 620A Toa Payoh Lorong 1,and kelcqi you're right- they have merged with Phillips...that time when i went for pre-natal class they gave out the flyer with the address..but gave to hubby's aunt coz she said she wanna go there and buy electric breast pump (i got manual one already...but she die-die wanna buy for me electric one..she said will be tiring if pump let her buy ah..heheh)
hey catz, what spree have you been organising? i have a not so good experience with my first one... now, a bit scared...

burger_girl, your hubby's aunt is really persistent...

hmm... 620A Toa Payoh Lorong 1 is the philip factory... wonder how much cheaper there...
Wendy, I did a few from for this DVD set, Old Navy (my usual), Lumiere and Everyday Minerals, - for car vacuum, 2 Banana Republic last night..kekekekek.. You organising sprees? Yah the first few times is scary but you get used to it.

burger girl, wah, head engaged?! Things can move quite quickly... make sure you have a hospital bag packed and ready to go. For my girl's birth, I went in for CTG and ended up in c-sect within 2 hours. Luckily the bag was already in the car *phew*
act the manual pump is a hand-over frm my didnt forkout money from them..and my hubby's aunties most of them like that..haiz..what to do...somemore this is the first grandchild for my hubby's everyone super the basic stuff for baby i told hubby if next time they ask what do we want them to buy/give for baby..i said why not give $$$/ least can save mah

catz...u know i super kiasu...have been packing my bag since 35 weeks...but almost every week add something so now like very heavy like that...unless for toiletries..i wanna use my own leh..even told my mom the exact location of my bag if anything happen when i outside..just grab and go..but again they say things always never go according to your plans..hehe

anyway, feel like doing my eyebrows and trim my hair this case my boy-boy wanna come least he see his mummy pretty..LOL hahaha..any place that you all recommend at amk?
burger girl, My hubs and I are not light packers.. we ended up with 1 cabin trolley (FULL) and a full duffle checking in.. checking out.. alamak, the car was full!!! :p

AMK ah.. dunno lei.. I'm quite scared of those aggressive Mandarin-speaking salons at Central and AMK Hub.
catz, i just realised that i mis-comm... i buy from spree but not i organised one... now, i think i better buy from shops even though more ex as it saved the problem...

burger_girl, i agreed with you on $$$/ang pao!
more practical!
heard metro having sales till 27th april...better go grab more nursing bras...

feel like going to the hawker centre buy ice hot leh..but must finish my coconut drink first :p
wendy, nuk teats cannot fit avent bottles =(
so yes, i rebought everything and am selling away most of my Avents. Argh. Loogi looi ah. Irritating thing is, my pump is Avent, so always need to transfer EBM and end up wash + sterilize 2x the amount of stuff.

kelcqi, yes, good idea, DUN let bb/CL choose! else you will end up like me. Infact the NUK bottle I had is not even mine but my friend who loaned me sterilizer left 1 NUK bottle inside. when my CL saw that she used that bottle and only that bottle and now my girl refuses to take Avent anymore. =(

burger_girl, hey, its such a nice gesture that your hubby's family they wanna buy things for you leh. =) take it as a blessing bah. engaged at 35 weeks is great! so exciting hor?

catz, no wonder u so quiet leh. Heh. I'm also trying to organize a spree, but not here, private one among my friends who are mummies. To gain some experience before deciding if i wanna do the "commercial" ones like in spree thread. Am doing Pumpkin Patch - they have up to 70% discount, very worth. if anyone wants, the website is
ming, your gal decided on nuk just after 1 bottle? amazing...

how does this pumpkin patch works? i tell you the item i want to buy and you let me know how much in S$ after shipment?
no lah, its cos the CL kept on using just that bottle for all her formula feeds. Use and wash, use and wash for a few weeks lor.

For the spree, what I gathered from reading those SMH spree threads is that the buyers would specify the items they want (name, model number, size, colour, quantity, URL etc) and would first pay the organizer the total amount for these items. The organizer will fix the exchange rate, usually at slightly higher than market rate, I guess thats where the profits come from? Then, upon shipping, the shipping cost wil be split among the buyers in proportion to the number of items ordered, the organizer will inform the mummies of their portion of the shipping cost and the buyers make a 2nd payment for the shipping.

if u wanna have a look and get any items, do let me know by this Wed yah. I'm doing this one without any profit (ie. exchange rate will be exactly as the market rate) cos I'm just trying out.
i see... so, your cl never use the avent bottles at all? mine should be quite ok as i only have avent bottles. keeping my fingers crossed that nobody buys me any other bottles as gift.

me tempted... let me check the website first... let you know if any!
yah lah!! so if you get other bottles keep them far far away out of sight. =P

sure, u let me know yeah. =) the 70% off is the winter sale clearance. u click on "online outlet store" at the top right hand corner to see.
No profit in organising sprees lah.. My credit card gives me an awful rate :p Plus the amt you spend in SMSíng, going to post office.. trust me, you cannot cover wan.

Avent - if you're clearing, let me know
ming, the clothes on the website all cute-cute one! and im actually 37 weeks this week.

how do babies know the difference if we feed them using avent, nuk, pigeon bottles..? the teats ah?
hi catz,

long time never c u,what spree u organising recently??can post here the links??
join ur spree,easier for collection at amk
aiyah catz, i just replied to a WTB for Avent bottles. Not sure if the person's taking though. But you sure you want mine? They are all preloved, only 2 125mls are BN, cos I got from other mummies or from auction sites.

BTW do you have any idea how to check what rate the credit card will give for foreign purchases?
burger_girl, yes, its the teats. The shape, material, size of hole. NUK's teats have got a particular shape that's v different from all other brands. Its supposed to be closer to the shape of the human nipple and hence the baby won't reject the breast even if bottle fed. But it varies from baby to baby lah. How I wish my girl will drink those cheaper brands ones. But too bad she has expensive taste! =P

Yah, babies recognise by the teats. My friend told me she let her baby try NUK, ended up now she don't wanna use Avent anymore.

Can let me know how much cheaper is it to get from the Avent warehouse? I wanna buy Avent Uno. But hubby said get from Ebay, after shipping and conversion only 170 plus. But no warranty. I feel very insecure for that....


At first I wanna buy a few to try. See which one better. Then heard my friend's story. I told hubby we just stick to Avent. Don't buy other brands of bottles to try. Actually at home I got 3 pigeons. But I intend not to use le. Let my gal do without choices. Haha... Maybe when she's older, then intro her new teats.
goodbbb, all my sprees are closed except for my Everyday Minerals spree #5

ming, hmm.. generally banks charge anything btw 0.03-05 more than the forex rate. E.g. I am getting about 1.39-1.41 when exchange rate is 1.34. No way of checking beforehand but you have a rough gauge only lor. Oh, thought you had new Avent for sale.. it's OK.
catz, u say me BAO TUO Queen? whahah can lahz.. call anything.. just cant stand this ppl.. knowing cant post and starts to post EVERYWHERE
I also bao tuo queen also mah.. but you CHAMPION.. hehehehehe.. I also tak boleh all these cheapos taking advantage of CL's forum lor.
bao tuo bao tuo... but gng into all threads to reas and catch, i think i wont be that FREE. But someone indeed super FREE, only aiming at the Dover Thread to BAO TUO. i think this person just kena BLACKLIST by the mummies in Dover Thread. This CC mad one, always aim at this group? Like i say, even i that FREE i wont be bothered to go into each and every thread in detail manz.

I will just scan through see who put WTS or for Sale... anyway, there are many these 2 days, just too tired to bother manz.
Carole, yah that person siao siao... by email I find it's OK lor. Maybe that fella is a photographer also and jealous of others' success.. weirdo.

Poor Ming.. hope you get this tangle with Ivy sorted out. See if she can post up evidence of her $40 bargain.
catz & Carole, pardon my ignorance but what's a bao tuo? Sounds like something unpleasant man.

catz, yes, this is turning out to be such a saga isn't it?? Sigh..
ming, bao tou means to rat on someone? something like that lah.. 'cos Carole and I sometimes highlight 'illegal' threads to the moderators of this forum

hope you can sort out with that woman asap lah..
Long time nvr post liao .....hehee.....

me still in s'pore la, haven't go to aussie yet. Most probably gng end June cos my flat gotto handover on 23rd r u? when is baby popping?

that woman really giving u problems la, she's really very unreasonable to argue back this way !

does bao tou means to complain on someone huh?btw, wat language is that?
wat do u mean by illegal threads? this forum have huh?
i think illegal threads means those posting for WTS in WTB or free threads?

haha, cutie_jace, btw how come u know about that other thread ah? I nevr publicize here leh. or u just stumbled upon it when browsing? Haiz, I feel she's not answering the crucial part of the issue, whether or not she was telling the truth about the $40. Oh well.
Tat means illegal threads huh? i oso post WTS in WTB le, cos i still not allow to post in WTS, else how do i sell my items? bo bien le...
Shd ask moderator to be more lenient, why only allow user who register after May 2007 to post la?

Haha...actually was browsing thru, then saw the thread la...doesnt matter whether she buying at $40, but the main point is she oredi agree on the price, and if she wanna bargain, shd bargain earlier la...
hi hi I heard my name hee hee... been a little busy with work so seldom pop by.

Kelcqi, so now countin down already? How's the movements for your little one?
Morning all,

Ming, are you still doing the pumpkin patch spree? can PM me ur terms and conditions? Easier to collect lah. since u staying in AMK. i see a few that i quite like. Besides the winter collection can order the rest?
Hey rayna,
i sent the order already wor. =P let me check if i can instruct VPOST to hold the items till a 2nd batch arrives? They will usually be able to hold up to 2 weeks and send in same shipment, but i need to check first.. let u knoe again k?
hi ming,
u have the link for the pumpkin patch spree?
Me wanna get some winter wear, can wait for me?

Dr Ong EK no longer visit the AMK branch. However, there's a SBCC in AMK, near to the Polyclinic & Post office, u know where?
hi ming,cutie_jace

if im not mistaken, SBCC is at AMK central there...near courts..the same row as Logos eyecare shop, spore pools, best world, etc. facing carpark.

thought of going there for my bb's PD but I heard the queue is super long..i stay around there so whenever i pass by always got lots of peopel..waiting for their turn...but donnow leh good or not
Hi Jace, Mich,

Me ah. EDD on 31st May. But baby's cord partially round the neck, so now need to monitor closely loh. Might be anytime or till I EDD loh. So sian.

I hope baby guai guai stay inside lah. I want more time to myself. Keke...

So tired nowadays. Yesterday went Queen Street to get baby towels. Think I overwalk liao. Leg cramps last nite. Limping away now. Sian leh...

I got a question for you. You know if Medela Swing or PIS good or not huh? Cos tt time u mentioned UNO not bad compare to Mini.

Cos yesterday I went KKH, they demo the MEdela PIS n Swing for me to see, like got 2 different feature. Then I dunno heard from where got one got massage function one rite?

Avent Uno got the silicon petals pad so claimed can cushion the nipples rite? But will the milk pumped out leak from the petals huh?

Haiz, this is the bad thing abt me. Always like to compare products, ended up ownself confused which one to get. Urgh. Headache ah...
Have PM u the pumpkin patch order,hopefully still can take in mine ......hehee....
Dr Ong also practices in SBCC TMC le, cos i used to bring Jace there for jabs, but now i chg to the AMK one, no fix PD one.

Anyone tried Dr Koh from SBCC AMK ?

Burger girl, thanks for the info,hope Ming ll knwo where it is.

u better be extra caution on baby cord round the neck, pls do monitor closely.
i have a friend who baby cord round neck and she discover late, baby die before she in time to gynae & it happens 2 wks b4 her due date!!
Kelcqi, i also love to compare products before getting anything. Dun all shopping queens like to do so?? =P haha!!

I'm not sure about swing or PIS though, have never tried those before. They are supposed to have a massage function to stimulate let down or something, whereas the mini E doesn't have. I find Avent more comfortable too, cos of the silicon pads. Nope, the milk will not leak out of the petals lah~ there will just be a small amount that collects in the convex parts of the petals.. if u knoe what I mean? It won't leak past the edge of the petal all over the table.

haiyo, u.. dun walk too much leh! You're still very energetic leh! I remember I was half dead by the mid of 3rd trimester already. Dun wan to go anywhere except home to sleep! Try to massage your calves, better still ask ur hubby to massage for u.. hehe.. OR send you for a prenatal massage!!

sometimes better not to compare too much. cos hor, u will end up with lots of confusion. sometimes i just buy whatever that i feel more comfortable with. hehehe
ming, i think prenatal massage really good lei. i tried last weekend. cos i want to hire a massage lady during confinment. so my cousin advice me to try a few before settling for 1. but the massage was good. can feel instant relief after that. now like abit addicted to it. thinking of getting another lady to try this weekend. hehehe think hb going to kill me if he knows what i'm up to. hehehe
issit.. I didn't do prenatal, only postnatal, and I also felt not much help cos the area I really wan help to reduce is the tummy, and since I had C-section cannot press the tummy too hard, so end up tummy area also machiam never go down much like that. Sigh.. me still fat fat, sob sob..
BTW anyone wants some preloved girlie mittens, booties, socks and cap? I genuinely can't remember which I received from others FOC and which I bought, so am giving them away as my gal's getting past the mittens stage already.

count: 1 cap, 3 socks, 3 booties and 4 mittens.

Let me know yah.

Jace, I also heard of the cord killing the baby. II very careful now also. Tml seeing Gynae again. Hopefully can bring good news to all of you. (Not I giving birth soon but news that the cord move away liao)


U know hor, last time I always buy things on impulse. Then hor, see something nicer I regret. Or I buy double. Then now pregnant liao, cannot act on impulse anymore. No money to throw like before liao...

Haha, you so cute. I admit massage really very shoik leh. I feel like doing it also but I lazy to go back to my mum's place to do. If do at my MIL's place, later she find excuse say to my hubby I nv help him save money again.


Not that I energetic lah. Just that I too bored at home liao. Going out is my only leisure nowadays. But yet I scare I induce labour if I walk too much.

I think I know what U mean by the milk collected at the petals. Collect there won't leak out one meh? Cos e pressing sensation, won't cause any milk to press out issit?
