Any MTB staying at Ang Mo Kio

goodbbb, I gave 20 at first. Cos thats what my colleague told me. =P oops seems like quite little hor.

eh, kelcqi, when you delivering? u want to borrow my breast pump first? I got spare Avent manual one cos my friend lent me her Avent Uno. skarly you kenna engorgement then you will sure need to use. but hope u dun mind used one cos I bought it 2nd hand. You PM me if you want ya.
kelcqi, this is what she says... hmm... like i say, not sure she is joking or what, plus everyone's view of big ang pao is different... hmm... have to see if she say again when i call her.

hee hee... i am very unprepared for breast feeding. didn't buy anything! only have the sample breast pads and stuff collect from prenatal course. thinking of getting the bf things only when i confirm will be feeding.
HI Ming,

Me delivering on 31st May. I ask u hor, Avent Uno good to use or not? Actually I wanna get that also leh, but out of stock now...

I PM you if nearer to the date I still can't get Uno. My friend said Medela pump good but I read reviews all complaining tt it's too noisy wor. That's why I nv get.

Ming, you got engage Massage lady? Need recommendation? I called up 1, her rates is 250 for 7 sessions upon recommendation. U want u let me know ok? Cos u C-sec rite? Now 3 wks liao can massage already rite?


You judge for yourself, how was her tone when she told u that? Ignore lah. Tell her loh, "Don't worry, if you do a good job, in the end I'll give u big Ang Pow." See what she said?

I find the Avent Uno quite good. Not as noisy as the medela mini E. The suction is not as strong but it may actually be a good thing, my coll who uses medela one told me her areolas were swollen cos of the strong suction and she gotta increase pumping interval cos too pain. In fact I have a mini E too but I used only once cos its really so darn noisy and will wake DH up even when I use in another room. I din find much difference in the expressing result between Avent Uno and Mini E. Still so "LAN". Haha!!

BTW, I have problem with letdown so I prefer 1 sided pump so the other hand can use to massage. Sure, u let me know if u need the manual pump ya. If you wanna try the mini E also I can lend you, no problem. In fact, if ur considering medela PIS, I read thread in WTS that there are people "renting" out theirs so you can try before investing the $$. I think Avent company rents out their pumps too for pp to try.

I did engage a massage lady, but I found not very effective for me cos tummy area cannot be massaged hard. It helps on the other areas of my body but the part I wan most to get rid off is the tummy mah. =P I actually started massaging at 2 weeks plus le. Ur contact is really very cheap leh, its usually 350 or more for 7 sessions! Haha, maybe next time if I succeed in VBAC will ask you for the contact.
kelcqi, your CL is not doing much! I paid 1.8k for mine but she cooked for everyone (hubby + elder girl), did all my housework too. Where got your mum got to cook for your CL one? If she dun cook for herself, then she jolly dun eat.
mich, i also second that lor.... CL cooks for herself and the mummy. where got mum cook for CL. like tt dun eat lor.

any 1 used pigeon steriliser?
where to buy the acid to clean the metal piece?mine like going to rust soon...

What's the diff between Medela Mini, Medela swing and Medela PIS? I see liao so luan. I also heard reviews on Medela very noisy, that's why intend to get Avent. But Avent so ex wor. And those departmental store very smart, everytime baby fair dun have Avent Uno and Dual one.

Ming, what us VBAC?

Carole, Mich,
I dunno leh. My mum asked the CL so what you eat, she said she'll eat the same food as my parents, say she eat everything. So means my mummy cook loh issit?

I want her to do housework leh. I scare she don't wanna do wor, since staying with my parents, she prolly think workload lessen le...

Haiz, I must call her to meet up again and clarify liao. I dun wanna pay so much for nothing done wor...
Mini E doesnt have the "2 phase expression system", Swing and PIS has. Am not sure what the 2phase thing is like cos never tried, but supposed to be better at getting milk out. SWing is a single pump and PIS is double, and PIS comes with all the travelling accessories eg. carrier cooler bag, icepacks etc. Not sure wat other difference there are between them.

VBAC = vaginal birth after cesaerean. I hope to be able to do this for 2nd kid. if have 2nd c-section i feel massage also no use as the massage lady wil l not be able to press on tummy area anyway.
hi ming,

u take ur gal for the hep b injection exactly 1 mth after the 1st dose??can take earlier?polyclinic conducted the 1st mth check up for u?how much is polyclinic charging for hep b 2nd dose?
kelcqi, yah must ask everything clearly now or it will be worse later on. CL should be at least cooking for you and herself even if she won't cook for your parents. She cannot expect your mum to cook for her.
Hi goodbbb,
My gal took her hepB 2nd jab at polyclinic yesterday. 1 month 2 days after her 1st dose. Cannot take earlier than 1 month, they will not allow. Yes, they conduct the 1st month checkup at same time. The checkup is free and hepB 2nd dose is $15.

Yaloh, I will try to touch base with her next week to double confirm. Haiz, I so stress now. Dunno how I should react if she tells me she not ding housework...

Me back from Gynae le. I need some hugs now. Now no matter what my MIL does or what, I can't be bothered liao. Cos my baby's life is what matters most now...

Mich, I now dun even have mood to think abt the CL now.

Happily went in to see gynae cos I was expecting myself to pound on more weight but 2kg, still ok.

Gynae said my joints prolly can't support the sudden weight gain over mths. That's why knees and hips pain. Then say I can try cutting down carbo to reduce the weight gain.

LAter during scan, I still excited to video down the process thinking no much chance to see my bb in tummy liao. 1st time take video. Stupid HP, 2 mins recording nia. Sian.

Suddenly gynae stopped at 1 position and turned on colours to see blood flow. He told me the blood flow to baby is slow. And I need to monitor baby's movement very closely these 2 wks. Cos baby's cord is particially round the neck, so affecting the blood flow and baby might lack of oxygen. Plus another concern is he's worried the cord might go round the neck.

My cousin last time her baby's cord also go round the neck and she had to emergency C-sec to take e baby out. I so scare the same thing will happen to baby and me. It's now not the C-sec that scares me. It's the movements I'm more worried le. He said if 1 day less than 10 times, must see him immediately. I'm very scared I'll miscount or misinterpret any movement for baby now.

All these while I dread the day I'll pop. Suddenly now I am worried what if baby nv gets a chance to come to this world. So feel like crying at this thought. I told hubby. He said I should have faith in myself. What will happen will happen... I dunno how to talk to him now. He don't seem to understand the fear I am facing now. I don't want the baby to die inside me... *Sobs* Feeling so lost now.

I even have the urge to tell the gynae to just cut open my tummy and take the baby out now to play safe. Me very scare now...

I keep blaming myself now. Dunno issit becos baby can't feel any love from me that's why she trying to kill herself inside me? Stupid hubby never seem to understand a mummy's mindset. Maybe all these while he's not the one carrying the baby, he'll nv understand the fear of the chance of your own baby facing danger inside your tummy. So feel like scolding him but really no mood for anything now... Think scold liao also uselss...

*This posting I just copy and paste from what I posted in May thread. Super sian and no mood now. Pardon me for my laziness...
Morning all!

Kelcqi, *hugz* don't think too much of bad things ok. i understand how you feel. don't blame yourself.
when my detailed scan did not turn out well the other time, i was like you, blaming myself for not looking after myself that's y my gal have all the water around the heart and intestine which could lead to heart failure.
but then my cousin woke me up. she told me that if the bb is not ready for the world, it's not ready for the world. if i really have a miscarriage after my amnio test, then it's the bb way of telling me that she's not ready for the world and she don't want all of us to suffer because of her. so all miscarriages happen for some reason. Please do not blame yourself if something bad happen.

try talking to your bb now. it might work. i told my bb to clear out the water in her body so that she have a chance to survive. and fight it if it's really virus attack like what the gynae said. and some how, 2 weeks later, my gal's intestine do not have water anymore. just that her heart still have a little till now. talk to your bb more often. ask her to uncoil herself and be strong it might work. and u must keep ur spirits up. don't think of the bad things. think positive.

i know it's not easy. but you have to try. and don't blame your hb for not understanding. i think they will never understand the kind of worry and anixety that we go through. but you have to remember, they also will feel sad and lost. cos they can't understand how we feel and y we so scared. and they will be scared too. cos this child is also their flesh and blood. they also don't want bad things to happen to them. by asking you to have faith in yourself, might be his way to encourage you and also take his mind off the bad things and at the same time encourage himself.
cos that's what my hb did when our detailed scan turns out not good. he kept saying we have to think positive. and it the "WE" word that he emphasis. as he is as anxious as i am to keep the bb well. so don't scold your hb liao. likely is because they do not know how to express themselves.

Cheer up and take care ok.
kelcqi, dun be dishearten. I always believe in the Power of Prayers and the prayers will do miracles. Constantly pray and talk to the child to stay away from the cord and try tapping constantly on your tummy for some reaction.

I know its hard for you now esp with such a news falling on your shoulders. I am sure your hubby is just as worried, but guys tend to keep their feelings. He is unsure how to comfort you and keeping the words to the minimum. He is axious but just lost of words. But being a mummy, naturally the concern for the child is more. Just relax and keep on praying.

When i feel my girl wasnt moving inside, i always tap onto my tummy till there's a movement. I am sure you will be ok in no time.

btw, hw many weeks are u in? maybe tell gynae to do a C-sec at 37 or 38 weeks
Carole, Rayna,

Thanks for all the comforting. I really wish baby be brave. Don't be lazy cos it's very important for her to move more now. I think maybe I'm too stressed. Over in laws all these, baby started playing with the cord.

I don't dare to tell my PILs and my parents. I scare my PILs will later blame me putting more stress on me. Worsening the situation.

My hubby like still very relax now like tt. Dunno is he choose to stay positive or he bo chup.
Kelcqi, don't think too much. if ILs are not possible to talk to, talk to some one close. u need to share with someone instead of cooping up all emotions, it will add more stress on u if you can't talk to anyone.

maybe ur hb just try to be relax so that you wouldn't get so anxious.don't think ur hb is bo chup lah..
do stay cool and calm ok.

and if you believe, remember to pray. like what Carole says: "power of prayers".

Big Hugs!
can imagine how you feel now..but yes,must try to think positive and just concentrate on telling your baby that she must be ok,like what Rayna said.Pray and pray.
hi kelcqi, don't scare yourself... have faith in your gal as she is a survivor!
you are in your 33rd weeks now... just a few weeks more and she will be fully ready for the world!

we will be here as a listening ear and support you all the way!
Thanks ladies,

Yesterday after 13 hrs, only 10 moves.

From morning till now, only 2 moves. It's getting scary for me...

I kept praying and talking to baby. Haiz... Baby not co-operative...
Kelcqi, hugs.. Be strong and of good courage. I've read that baby may tend to slow down in movements towards the last few weeks of pregnancy due to limited space in the womb. Also, we tend not to notice the baby's movements that much when we ourselves are moving around or busy. So maybe that's the cause of the low number of movements you're feeling. But as long as you can count the 10 movement in a day, as according to your gynae said, it means that your gal is still fine.

How often are you seeing your gynae now? Does he recommend more visits or monitoring using the CTG to check on baby? Maybe you want to discuss with your gynae the possibility of getting baby out once you have reached 37 weeks? My colleague had the same circumstance of slow blood flow to baby, she had twice weekly CTG from 32 weeks onward to monitor, and her gynae recommended her to take the baby out by elective C section at 37 weeks once her gal had reached full term. Her baby is doing just fine now.

Do rest more and take care! Hugs again!
kelcqi, dun get too worried. if you just dont feel good abt the bb's movement, always try tapping onto tummy and gets the bb to wriggle. if not just call Gynae and ask for best method.

You are getting too stress with your bb movement and its not going to help you at all.

kelcqi, everything will be fine. think positively and relax..
I am jst 10-week mummy,not much experience to share.

err, need advice on which gynae is good in ang mo kio? I had been visiting dr jen in ang mo kio. any comments? thanks and appreciate it.
Hello quen! Welcome and congrats!

Did not see a gynae in AMK, but my gynae was CH Koh in Toa Payoh, so won't be able to help you out there.. =(
Welcome to the thread. Not too amilir with gynae in AMK so difficult to advice but if you are comfortble with the gynae, then it should be ok. If not, can always go to KK clinic located in centre, afterall, KKH specialise in child birth.
Stay strong, yup. agreed with ming that movement might slow down due to limited space. I also read that sometime if you walk a lot, bb tends to be 'rock' to sleep in your womb.

Anything you feel unsure at this point of time, consult your gynae immediately. He is supposed to be your main source of assurrance and confident.

Don't worry, trust your baby and yourself. She has accompanied you a long way till now, fighting with you through all your difficult times. I'm sure she will definitely continue the journey with you till she arrive to this world
yeah, i also see dr jen, in my 32 weeks now... there is only 2 gynae in amk: dr jen and dr theresa cheng... for me, dr jen wins!

unless you want to travel for gynae, then there is a lot, a lot of choices.
Good day ladies,

Sat: Less than 10 moves.
Sun: 10 moves at 4pm
Today: 8 moves till now.

Sian leh, I dunno what is wrong. I dun want baby to come out so early. I hope e cord is off her neck liao. I keep praying and talking to baby tell her dun play with the cord, dangerous... Hope she co-operates.

I haven pack my hospital bag yet cos haven got my PJs. Jia liat. Tml need to go buy liao...
Kelcqi, tats good that she has been giving u reassurance by moving around! =)

yesss.. PJ very important.. dun be like me "lao kui" and forget to bring. Remember to get a button front one if u wanna breastfeed, also a loose bottom with elastic band at the top so its easier to wear.

BTW, if ur still looking for Avent Isis Uno. I saw at City Hall's Robinsons. They now have 20% discount till this sunday so quite worth to get.


City Hall's Robinsons have ah? Check with you, u have any idea how much are they selling?

PJs over there have sale?

I just reached my last kick. Phew, can rest my mind for e day liao...
Erm. Not sure leh, I didn't look at the price, I just noticed that they have.. =P

Should have sale for PJs, almost everything is on sale.

yeah, ur gal letting u sleep early tonight.. reach her quota at 10plus pm =)
kelcqi, which hosp u gng? Mt A? Mt A u must prepare ur PJ. I delivered in another hosp, and i do not require to bring my own PJ, but if i wan i can wear anything i want.

dont worry too much, by the next visit, who knows the cord is away from neck. as bb grows bigger in tummy, she will moves less too. carry on the prayers!
kelcqi i will be going to town tmr, will hep u check out the price of Avent Isis Uno. U interested in Ameda or Medela too? Cos I remb they had discount also

I going to TMC... Haiz, haven got the PJs yet.

Thanks Ming. I think likely get Avent bah. Cos easier to pump into all e bottles mah... I only got Avent bottles. Think I better don't get a variety of bottles for bb to choose, later make my life miserable only...
How come the thread so quiet?

Wondering how come Nicole, Vickvick, Catz, Jace, Mich & Leooh seldom log in liao.

Vickvick, how's things in Japan?

Jace, How about Aussie?

Take care over there wor...
anyway been quite busy over the past few days, had some work things to settle (yes, they called me out of maternity leave to do.. ugh).

had this super irritating experience with one buyer from forum.. grrrrrrrrrr... too lazy to retype long story here, basically she was very mafan with lots of emails and sms about the item, then after agreeing to meetup then last minute tried to bargain by lying that she saw the item cheaper elsewhere which is totally not true when i went to check it out. Ugh!!!

anyway i started a thread to complain about it. Gosh! so unbelieveable!

I saw at JL yesterday also. But nothing much. The Avent uno pump also no sale. Sian...

Don't worry lah. My hubby said he'll get it off Ebay for me. He calculate liao, if get from Ebay, plus shipping now, convert to Sg dollars, only 170 plus, much cheaper than even we get 20 percent off in Sg...

I am trying to pack my hospital bag. Ask u all hor, married cert can bring photocopy one???
hi mums!

just registered and hopefully im not too late to join this staying at amk central..near banquet there

im 37 week preggy..due date 10 may...hope not too late to get any tips from u all..hehe..cant wait for my boy-oy to come out soon..

my gynea in tmc also...going for check up tomorrow...

i have bought avent stuff also..dunnow why..but my SIL has been using it for her 3 kids and looked good. they have a warehouse in toa payoh..where you can get avent items at cheaper price...
burger girl, congrats and welcome!

Avent is supposed to be a very high quality bradn

Hey, try not to buy too many of Avent things before your baby comes out.. not cos Avent is not good but certain bb may have preference for certain things. Like my gal, I bought everything Avent before she was born, now she rejected Avent teats and only like to take NUK, I have to re-buy everything for her =P Also, maybe you will be 100% successful in TBF and never need to use bottle/pump/sterlizer too!
ming, can you fit nuk teat on avent bottle? don't tell me you rebuy all the bottles! wow...

burger girl, where is this avent warehouse you are referring to? i also bought all avent product but haven't open yet, only intend to open when in use...


I also everything bot Avent ones leh. I tell hubby I don't wanna buy other brands so the baby no chance to choose. Hopefully my baby don't reject Avent cos I got 8 bottles for her liao. 6 big, 2 small.

Avent is with Philips nowadays. Think the warehouse should be where the philips is.
