Any MTB staying at Ang Mo Kio

Jennifer, you got to wake your boy up in the day... wake him every 3 hours to feed and try to keep him up for a short while after feeding. That will help to turn his day and nights round.

Moomoo, I heard Healthway clinic got a good deal for 6 in 1 jab, do give them a call.


Going to see gynae tmr. The last time i went he estimated 1.9 - 2kg. I was like huh so small meh?? Thought always heard people say NB about 3kg or more. How about u?
hi Jennifer, my girl was also born at wk 36 and very colicky.. I was at my wit's end 'cos my son was a very easy baby and slept through the night by himself at 7 wks.. so I bought Gina Ford's 'Contented Little Baby' book and scheduled her.. she's so much better now!

moomoo, if good PD, I go to Dr Vella at Singapore baby and child near Courts AMK.. he was my pd when I was a kiddo and he's really good. But SBCC pd not cheap lah.. normal specialist prices.
Hi Vick, i went to see Dr Wong last 2 weeks which was during my 32 weeks, my boy weighs about 2.2kg. He gained about 800grams in a month, Dr Wong told me that if he continues to grow in such speed, by the time i pop, chances are he can weighs up to 3.8kg.. I was thinking huh how am i going to push him out man!!! I just hope my boy can be healthy and come out full-term..Everything is smooth during my delivery.. No need epidural, forceps and vacumm cup can liao. As for the weight, my ideal is 3.6kg max lah cos my gal was 3.4kg mah

on top of the playpen, go get the bouncer from kiddy palace the one with netting (abt $30) with wheels. That's very useful esp when bb is awake and wants company and you're not free.
Hi Phy, how's your bb now? feeling better? After the CL left, i guess you must be very busy.. Beside housework, still have to take care of bb.. Not easy.. Do you still have to cook?
Nicole, ahha, no lah no sifu. Wah your boy will be big hor? My son was 3.36kg,my exact birth weight.. kena huge episiotomy :p Suction also. Sian..

phy o, aiyoh poor bb. My girl caught flu from my son.. luckily she's back on TBF so only sick for 1 day then ok.

Wah ur boi quite big yah..At 34 weeks now, my girl is only 2.2 kg...


Thanks for the advise. Will go Kiddy Palace c c.
Hi Nicole,

BB is sick but better now, thank GOd. I'm busy pumping, taking care of baby. Never really do housework. MIL went Korea so tong bang her maid to my place the first week after my confinement. So at least got people help to cook and do the housework for me.

Now second week w/o CL, MIL came back, but we are paying her maid a bit to come over to cook for me a few times a week. Will be getting my own maid soon. Can't cope with pumping milk and doing housework and taking care of baby man. So tiring.

Quite thankful my mum came over to help out as and when she is free.

Ya Catz,

Everynight when bb cries and beats her nose, my heart aches. Hopefully she's recovering soon. Been so tired that my eyes are red!
phy, poor baby.. my kids are ok already.. but today like macham got sniffly nose again :p You'd better rest well also.. no pt u aso get sick right?
Catz/Vick, yah lor i just went for my 34th weeks check on tuesday, my boy now 2.5kg.. My BP was normal this time, dont know why their other time went up. Really "sian" i kana flu and cough again.. went to see Chinese Physician this morning in Ma Guang now on TCM. I realise my immune system is weaker than before despite i am on Vit C.. Drink lots of water.. Hate the coughing part as i really cough till my lungs out just to expel the flam.. *sob* The flu bug just love to attack me on and off..

Phy, you are lucky at least got maid help out.. Take a rest if necessary,, weather is real bad.. Try not to on the aircon if your baby has stuffy nose, it will make it worst..
Hi ladies,
I was wondering if any of you visited Dr Theresa Cheng at AMK central before? Hoping to get some feedback on her services. Thank you.
Higgledy, that woman is AWFUL. She's such a snob and has absolutely NO manners. Yuck... She gave my sister such a traumatic experience for pap smear and now my sis has phobia. So rude too. Talks down at people. Really horrendous experience with her.
Thanks for the feedback Catz.

I have been seeing her coz of the convenient location. I agree she's not the nicest doc around. I'm wondering if I should switch gynae. My main worry is actually whether or not she is pro natural and pro epidural.
Hi Higgledy, i totally agree with Catz, she is real awful.. My experience with her was when i was down with thrush infection last year , despite seeing GP and another gynae, my thrush infection keep coming back.. So i decided went to her cos of the convenient location.. Guess what when i tried to ask her more liked why my infection kept coming back, instead of elaborating to me , she just brushed across saying i be okay after my hubby and i took the medication w/o explaining anything to me.. Her attitude is so cold and unfriendly.. As if i owe her.. i feel liked telling her "hello i am the one paying you, you know!"..

Ever since i know i am pregnant, i am not going to her as my gynae.. so unfriendly. Thank god, the gynae i am seeing now is Dr Joycelyn Wong from ACJ Clinic in Thomson Medical, she is a super duper friendly and patient lady.. Never regret to choose her.. She encourages mummies natural delivery unless certain circumstances which required c-section.. You can see from this forum, there are many positive feedback on her..
hi amk mummies,

i m also staying in amk st 31,will be delivering in 2008,i will like to get some CDs for baby development. tai jiao. any mummies got any recommendation or tips to share?
Hi goodbabyb,

i am a St 31 resident too. Currently i am listening to Ultra Sound Music for the Unborn Child and Abbott Baby Soothing Music.. Ultra has 17 Classical Music whilst for Abbott has blend music with a comforting maternal heartbeat..

I have read a book about Taijiao, in fact another way is to play Tap Tap game with them.. For example.. you know which area your baby loves to move everyday.. You just use your finger tap 10 times and see whether your baby has any response by moving or kicking or squirmming.. Initially your baby may not be responding, be patient, not long he/she will get used to it and know you are playing with them, there will be response..It is really fun.. cos i tried that on my baby.. Whenever i tap my tummy, i will ask him " Where are you?" ... But remember hor dont tap too much at night if not your baby will become very active kicking and moving, then your sleep will be affected liao..

Btw, when is your EDD? i am going to "pop" in another 4 weeks time..
hi nicole,

thanks for the tips,i staying next to the market,maybe we are neighbours,my edd is march 2008,is my first baby,heard maybe 2 weeks earlier which will be end feb...where u bought the book about taijiao and the 2 music CDs?thanks so much!
Hello goodbabyb,i am staying at Blk 309A.. Which blk you are staying? I never bought the books lah, i merely went to the library to borrow it. As for the CD, the Ultrasound i bought from yahoo auction whilst the other one is a complimentry CD from Abbott when i joined Thomson Medical Centre- Subsequent Born Incentive.In fact any classical music will be good ..

You can start Taijiao in fact 4 months onwards when you can feel the movement of your baby.. Remember dont turn on the volume too loud if you are putting the headphone around your belly.. (Best dont do so cos if not it will cause deafness to the baby. Baby's ear nerves wont be fully develop till 35 weeks) Each day about 20mins is good enough.
hi nicole,

i am at blk 315B,the library book is in chinese or english?u have the exact title and author?thanks so much!where to get the type of headphone around the belly type?u have msn?we can also chat there :>
hi phy_0,

we r neighbours,how r u?how is ur bb now?u looking after bb on ur own?

hi nicole,

read in ur earlier post that ur gynae is dr wong,is she joycelyn wong at ACJ clinic?if yes,very qiao,our gynae are the same :>
goodbabyb, so coincidence leh.. Phy O and you are neighbours.. Hehehehe
I still cant find any mummies stay at my blk leh
Yes, my gynae is Dr Joycelyn Wong from ACJ.. I just went to see her this afternoon as i am in my 36 weeks nw, my boy weighs 3kg liao.. if he continues to grow 500g in another 2 weeks time, chances are when 40 weeks, he will be a 4kg boy... Dr Wong is abit worried for me afraid i have difficulty pushing him out if he is big so she suggests see how is the situation in another 2 weeks, if not induce will be the solution.. She is a very nice and patient lady, never failed to greet people with her sweet smile. Really enjoy seeing her thruout my early pregnancy till now..

As for the books, it is in Chinese.. i cant remember the title liao.. sorry cos it has been quite sometime.. As for the headphone, my advice to you is dont get any.. this is what i learnt from my antenatal class with Mrs Wong Boh Boi in Thomson Medical.. It is not advisable lor.. just play the music using CD player is good enough..
and talking to your baby too..

My msn address is [email protected].. you can add me if you wanna chat over there..
hi nicole,

i had just added u,my colleague's bb is 4.1 kg and she very small build,but she managed to deliver via natural,is dr wong pro natural or pro c?

hi phy_o,

u have msn?we can also chat there :>
hi goodbabyb,
my msn is [email protected]

i'm seldom on msn though ... cos now bz taking care of bb. haha ... like lost all my freedom once the kid is out.

i'm looking after bb on my own. occasionally my mum comes n help me to look after. which level r u staying at? wat a small world!
morning goodbabyb, i saw your add list liao.. Really huh.. my gf also said the same thing.. ask me to wait dont induce .. it is not the case of overdue mah.. Dr Wong is very pro-natural, the reason why she suggested to me induced cos she is sfraid if i push halfway, baby got stuck or what then i have to go for c-sect liao..but she said that depends.. judging from my #1 who is 3.4kg i have no problem pushing her out and my labour is short.. she said she dont see a problem of a 4kg.. hehehe.. that's rather encouraging lor,in fact it is very nice for her to encourage me to let my boy to choose his own birthday rather than inducing..
phy/goodbabyb, my MIL stays at blk 350 which is a short walk from your place. Infact she used to stay at 315 before enbloc!

Phy, how are u coping on ur own? Doing ok?
Nicole, counting down? Its good your boy is heavy... heavier babies tend to sleep thru the nites earlier leh cos of body weight
Hello Mich, yah lor counting down.. How's your baby? Hope my boy can be liked your baby gal has so much hair.. Black Black hair very nice... Now my main worry is if he reach 4kg, i also dont know can push anot or it is better to induce him out in 38 weeks

Both are us are now on standby mode haha.
Hoping that i dont deliver early - keep reminding the little one inside to wait until Papa is back..
hihi everyone,

Nicole, yah I agree.. induced is awful. My son was induced.. so painful and 24 hours of labour.. plus 2 episiotomies and vacuum assist :p
Nicole, mine was vacuumed out so dun worry, your boy will be fine
Yah induced more painful.. but if labour not fast enough then no choice liao.
yah lor induced lagi pain.. contractions like non-stop but still not dilated to 10cm so cannot deliver.. sian lor.. I was in labour ward at 6am.. all the way until my son arrived almost 6pm :p
Vick, you excited anot? Hehehe btw, when you suppose to due huh? i know is Sept but forget the date. I am now in high alert mode.. dont know this notti boy of mine choose to come out early anot. Have you went to the Taka Baby Fair? I went yesterday, nothing much for me to buy now but just went there see see look look.. You can take a look at the Pigeon Sterilizer, they have a good deal.. If you have bought Avent bottles, dont worry, it still can fit..I think the fair wont end till 2 Sept..

Catz/ Mich, thanks for sharing with me.. There ia a Taka Baby Fair on now.. Go there and check it out if you are free
Cant imagine 2 episiotomies.. next tues my gyane appt again, shall see how.. if happenens that day the cervix already dilated then no choice lor has to "pop"..
Hi mummies!can i join in?i just moved to AMK in june this year,st42.

my baby's EDD is 26th aug,this very bored cos i took leave in advance to rest at home,thought my baby gal will come early,but no leh,now still waiting...
Nicole, I have gone to the fair... so I guess u have got everything ready already? Did u buy new stuff or get hand me downs?

Hi leooh, dun feel bored, must enjoy these peaceful moments... when baby is out, these moments will be rare for a while
hi mich

ya,thats what i've been telling myself...but sometimes i feel kinda guilty not doing anything the whole day except wait;-)

how big is your baby?
Nicole, Taka baby fair - I went on the first day
Any news from your gynae?

welcome, leeoh!! Must rest more while you can!!!
hi leooh,

welcome,where is st 42?u packed ur bag already?
my colleague's due date on 11th of sept just delivered yesterday after 10 hours,so i think soon it will be your turn,don't worry

Mich, i bought the Pigeon Sterilizer, a good deal leh... thou i have bought Avent bottles, the sales lady told me it still can fit.. Got 5 free pigeon milk bottles from the deal.. so now my boy can choose Avent / Pigeon? hehehe but i prefer him to choose ME of cos
the rest of the baby stuffs are all passed down so save quite abit lot..

Catz, next Tues i am going to see her.. These few days Braxton Hicks Contraction getting very bad.. dont know why.. Think "big day" should be around the corner ... I hope next Tues Dr Wong can tell me my cervix has dilated can go labour liao.. i will be most happy.. I will sure keep you ladies updated..

Hi leooh, welcome to our thread.. i am also waiting for my boy thou my EDD is 12 Sept, i cant wait for him to come out earlier (abit kiasu).. now i am taking the chance to rest as much as possible. Keep we ladies updated ya after you have delivered.. would like to hear your birth story..

Hello Schnauzie, you staying at blk 309A also? if you are, that will be so coincidence.. How many weeks are you now?
Do take care of yourself more this first 3mths as it is more crucial..
