Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

<font color="119911">daisy, i am home mah today..will go back to kkh pd clinic from monday onwards and my assignment will end only in mid Jan but I will be away for 3 weeks (mid nov-mid dec)..can't wait for my holiday,'ll meet my black friday sale after thanksgiving and mummies you all can let me know if you wanna buy coach bag hor..</font>
<font color="119911">snowqueen, 659 behind my block I tell u hor, I hate the 2 table tennis TABLES at my RC leh, I have to call NPC almost everyday because ppl play table tennis at 12midnight loh, I have sensitive nose, hubby got asthma so we don't sleep with aircon and we are sleeping at #07 still hear laughters from the rc!</font>
hi lynzi, you going to bake cookies for Hari Raya yourself ? Wah ! Its a big project lor !

You bake pineapple tarts ? I love pineapple tarts but with special request, low sugar, hee hee ... ...
Hi mummies,

Dun know that there is this thread for woodlands area. Thanks to eniale and Jessica.
I stay woodlands too, woodlands ave 1.
Want to ask any good baby clinic around here? Went Angelin's Baby &amp; Child Clinic. Not so good leh... My bb having flu but no medicine to take only nose drops, she says he too young. Doc speaks super fast...
<font color="ff0000">diana,
ah, play tennis till midnite. I tho your area can enjoy the peace at nite. My blk is very near to the street. It's very noisy so I hate motorcycle and bus. Their vehicles make so much noise.

I'm also pineapple tart lover. <hint></font>
Hi Ladies, can I join in this thread?

I'm staying in Marsiling Rise Blk 131, 3 bus stops to woodlands mrt. i move there 3yrs ago when i got married.

Expecting 1st kid. EDD 23 Dec 08.

Anyone wants to share with me if they know any good baby sitter or infant care around my area?

Anyone else staying in Marsiling Rise?
Very strange leh!! I was on MC yesterday and today hence not able to check my emails or chat for a couple of days only but hor I realise I have not been receiving emails from this thread. Now I post it again then go back to wherever I stop to update myself what happen..
Did I miss out anything??
<font color="119911">HI juzyounme and Ivyc, welcome to the thread!

snowqueen, I thought we could enjoy the peace too.. hubby and I can't stand noise actually..ya, your side is near the street..</font>
Hi juzyounme and lvyc,
A warm welcome to this thread.

Hi Diana,
Which blk you stay huh? I am staying at blk 658.

Hi clovy,
I think there is a limit on receiving the emails relating to whatever threads. So, for eg if you post one thread. But after 50 posts (this is an estimated figure) from other mummies and you still did not post any, then you will not receive any emails liao.
diana, i used to jog there but hor that was like ancient time... now no time lor... how to jog with the kids... hahhahaha...

clovy, once the thread has been archived and you did not post anything in the new thread, you will not receive any email lor... hope this helps
Hi Juzyounme
I guess you want to continue working after 4mths maternity leave, right?

I know of an infant care at Learning Vision @ Republic Poly. But, i think one mummy said there is a HFMD case now. So, not safe for you to go view the place.
There is also one infant care which is very near to my block. I had viewed that ctr before. No aircon (which is what MCYS recommended) and small area. Fee is very very cheap. Not sure whether they have any vacancy. But for you, you will need to take the MRT to Admiralty and then have to walk a couple of mins. Unless you drive, that will be great.

However, i do not have any contact for baby sitter.
<font color="119911"> wendy, I am staying at 656, opposite your blk!! I am staying at Level 6, exactly on top of the table tennis table located. (second last unit) my window grills are always open

dry, i am getting lazier..</font>
hi welcome juzyounme. Staying quite near to you are me, enaile, jessica and janeling. All 17X and 16X.

hi welcome ivcy, ave 1 is begining with what block no ? Seems not very good review Dr Angeline has.
<font color="119911">yeah yeah...all so near, this thread is a bit more to the Admiralty Thread liao, eh...marsiling also leh..haha..</font>
<font color="aa00aa">who asked me about sambucol and probiotics huh?

sambucol i only give when my boy shows signs of having flu.
give him 3 to 5 days straight then stop.
i also give him a homeopathy drop for flu and cold.
can get sambucol and the homeopathy drop from vitakids.
for sambucol got 2 types, for kids and for adults.
its even god for those with history of sinus.

for probiotics, im giving him childlife colostrum probiotics.
as u mummies know, colostrum is good in building up immunity.
for this i will mix in his water or juice.
for babies less than 1 year old, its about 1/4 of a teaspoon.

juzyounme, ivyc,
welcome welcome!!!

daisy, batman=snowqueen,
yup baking my own cookie and cakes.
actually i have been taking orders every year, even before i was married.
except for last year i did not make cos i was heavily preggy that time.
so this year my hubby asked me to make again.
sadly, i dont bake pineapple tarts.
that's my mum's specialty...hehehe...</font>
actually admiralty, woodlands, marsiling are all woodlands lor.

btw, do you all know that Marsiling MRT station was first name Woodlands MRT ? After putting up the sign for a week or so, they took down and put up Marsiling. I know because I have been "supervising" the building of this MRT. Was so excited when I know the MRT was so close to my house and btw, I stayed in blk 160 before I moved to blk 168.
mummy juzyounme, mummy ivyc.
<font color="aa00aa">bee,
if u need it quick u can get it from GNC.
if not u can join the overseas spree for drugstore, etc.
even with shipping its cheaper.

no mummies live near me meh?
im at 683D.</font>
bee, no lah. Because never expect the MRT to be so near my house so very excited and everyday sure go check check mah ! :)

diana, yes big (5rms 121 sq m) but old. The stupid toilets and kitchen ceiling always give us problem. No matter how we paint, always peel off and drop. Get angry, don't paint the common toilet ceiling. Then hor, one day in the common toilet, suddenly a patch of ceiling drop on the floor and guess what, a big hole on the ceiling ! Lucky nobody in the toilet because its exactly right on top of the toilet bowl. Hahah ! Do you all have this kind of problem ?

And very strange is, almost every blocks around us have lift upgrading (160+, 300+), just 165 and 168 dun have. Sooooo angry ..... !
Thanks fot the warm welcome. 16X &amp; 17X seems nearer to Marsiling MRT station.

Wendy - yes, have to work. i have visited the NTUC infant care at Blk 401 St 41. Quite nice. I heard there's another NTUC 1 starting at Blk 347 ave 3.

the one u r talking about is it called champminds or sth like that, what is the blk no?

i know RP has one, maybe will try to schedule a visit in Oct or Nov...
<font color="119911">me me , i went to perth before, in fact i went aus twice, mid nov is the best bee..</font>
<font color="aa00aa">bee,
its in a bottle.
powder form.

yup mine very near mrt.
was a big pre-requisite from me and hubby cos we want near mrt and very near to his workplace.</font>
<font color="119911">lynzi, where is your hubby working placE? Once we moved in, hubby's company moved to fusionopolis..sian, it was at Ngee Ann initially.

Bee, you need help in planning your perth trip? we bought tix and plan the trip myself, it was fun, perth is a nice place. you can see photo at my blog</font>
Hi Juzyounme,
I think it is called Global is opened by one of the charity organization. But it is not for low income family. Fee is very very cheap, i think about $300++ for infant care (after subsidy?? Can't remember liao).
Hi juzyounme &amp; ivyc... Welcome...

Hi Bee, plan holiday to aus??? Been to
melbourne &amp; sydney before.. Go on autumn around apr to may... nice weather... Please bring more cloths with bring kids along.

Really nice place to travel....
Oh..hmm..will take note. so its nov &amp; apr, the best period to visit aust.

where is a good plc to go in jan then huh??
Alot of updates and I am confused how to post my msg to your topics. Anyway here is my contributions. Hope mummies take the time to read mine and reply accordingly. Thank you!!

Hahahaaa..*eniale* (eniale), I think I also know how to color my text le. I am so proud of myself.

Hi lynzi (lynzi1606), me feeling so much better. Rested yesterday and today plus tmr is weekend already. I should be ok to go back to work le.

bee (didibee), about your 2nd bb go for it if you can lor. How old is your 1st child? Is it updated in the excel list already...Gotta find the link which secretary *eniale* (eniale) uploaded.

BTW *eniale* (eniale), is your name elaine cos your nick is eniale (spell backward), hehehehee.

Wendy Sim (wesim), why no way and no go for you leh? After your gal is 15-16mths don't you think she may want a companionship? I am also pondering whether I should go for it or like you no way and no go. You are rite to say this <font color="0077aa">If you intend to give more to your kids (e.g. like enrichment classes, holidays etc), then you will have to consider real hard. Everthing is so expensive nowadays.</font> No wonder you invest so much on your ONO darling.

Wendy Sim (wesim), which park are you going to? I did post my msg few days ago that there sure be alot of ppl gg to the park with the lanterns at night. Wondering whether any mummies here will be taking your children to Vista Park, heheheee...

Really huh daisy (daisyt), about your gal happy to be the only child? I thought usually kid would love to play with children hence would prefer siblings..Then when they are older they can look after one another when we as parents passed away.. which is what Linda (linda_thea) said. That's what my mum inculcate this value to me too. Linda (linda_thea), what is IMO huh?

bee (didibee), I have the same concern as you too:
<font color="0077aa">For me is like: now having 1 kid, not sure if he can cope alone next time when 2 of us are not around,or having 1 more sibling to be around with him will benefit him.

Moreover, now my current life is comfortable, and only have to worry abt my 1kid.
If i going to have a 2nd bb, then life will change drastically and i really very scared to face new challenges.</font>

Nowadays parents want to enjoy their retirement and not want to give themselves more trouble by offering to look after children. Both my parents and pils oso dowan to take care but in the end by dear dear mum relent. After all I am her flesh and blood she can't possibly throw me in the shark-infested sea. That is what is good abt kinship and hence am thinking whether to have 2 or more they can look out for one another.

About your disaster with your family, don't you think all the more it should not happen to you and your offspring? Don't you want to inculcate these +ve values to your children so that they will be close when they grow up?

daisy (daisyt), This is very admirable of you so independent. I also understand your situation.. Hmm...too bad there is nothing you can do to improve the current situation but you can choose to do better for your offspring yar..

Hahahaa Ling (slquek), are you just gg to think only to have more children or think with action as in ttc now too?

Actually I personally think maid/helper should help in domestic work. They are not nanny may not be experienced to handle kids so better not let them take care of kids.

Good luck Mimosa (linda347) and bee (didibee) on your ttc. Must let us know if positive. BTW, I think Diana Goh (ayoon) is also ttc right and she is not a mummy yet. Well good luck to you but having twins I say is really not as easy as you think now. Wait till you become a mummy then you will know le. =)

Linda (linda_thea), be careful of the flu and cough cos I am the victim too. Think now its the period where there an increase of flu patients. Anyway I have been coughing for 3 weeks already and now having 2 days MC. Been sleeping eating(surf abit of internet while eating) and sleeping again. Now I am feeling better, typing hard to chat in this thread now heheheeee...

db (dryperbaby), do you like being the only child? Is it very harsh and stressful for you huh? Really would love to know whether it is good to have one child or more.. Me as a parent wud want the best environment for my child...

Hi batman = SnowQueen (nglhoon), I understand you abt your boy being sick. My gal also mah...I am already very sick, my gal is also sick and so is my husband..I couldn't really sleep at nite cos my gal cannot sleep well, is very cranky with the stuffy nose and cough. Thank god I have the 2day MC to have a good rest during the day while my gal is being taken care. My gal has sensitive nose follow her dad. Doc said zytec is good for her age for sensitive nose and cough I highly recommend cos 100% herbal - ivy extract name is Prospan. Any mummies tried this?? Children wud love to take the med cos its very very sweet like honey. Doesn't taste like a med at all. I like it myself cos I am breastfeeding, the med I take are those mild med and one of them is prospan.

Diana Goh (ayoon), what is black friday sale?

Welcome IvyC (ivyc) and Juzyounme (juzyounme)!

Juzyounme (juzyounme), pray hard that you child(boy or gal huh?) born on Dec 25 lor..which is Christmas! So fun to have birthday on Christmas every year. Public holiday for birthday...Unlike most ppl still working during birthdays.

Thanks mummies, now I know. I shall try to be more active in this thread.

I live near Vista Point 5XX. Anybody staying near me? I posted where I stay the first time when I joined this thread which is not too long ago - about the same timing slightly after *eniale* (eniale) joined this thread:
Posted on Monday, July 21, 2008 - 1:20 pm:

Hi, nice to see this thread and hope to join in. I live in Woodlands near Vista Point.. =)

Initially I was looking for cc i.e. St. Anthony and Little Wonder Montessori around my working place but like I said before I had stopped looking for cc for my gal le cos my hubby wants to wait till my gal knows how to talk. Just in case she get bullied in the cc she can complain to us which I think its a good plan..
Thx clovy.. i know.
<font color="aa00aa">inculcate these +ve values to your children so that they will be close when they grow up?</font>
Probably i have no confidence, so i tend to be a snail hiding myself in my shell whenever i look back at my family.

Had a short talk with my hubby via mobile 5mins ago, he said the decision is up to me..he is fine with the final call. wahliao..
im so damn fickle-minded...OKIE, i think i will go ahead, if nothing goes wrong. know what bee (didibee). I am not trying to be religious but let God decide. Since you are being fickle-minded. Just let nature takes its course. Take it easy and just try at your own time, your own leisure. If you are not meant to have another one, you will not conceive at all. If you have another one, God bestow you this precious gift. You must also think that you are fortunate to have the 2nd one if your ttc is successful. Imagine some people try so hard but still no baby. One of the mums in this forum I know is Angeline aka Angel. I know her cos she gave away toddler clothes in the forum and I am lucky to q for it. She ttc 3 times via IVF test tube bbs and all her babies now she adopts one bb gal named Dana. Dunno whether you read her blog or not. Makes me cry when I read her blog. So count yourself lucky if you can and want to have children..To me I think children is a blessing...of course must put in alot of love and effort to inculcate/direct them to be a good person.
hi clovy, I personally believe relationships are fated, its not how much I inculcate the +ve values and they can be close in future lor. And it is not I am negative or what, its just my belief and feeling. Hhmmm ... don't know how to explain. hee hee ....

Maybe like bee mention, must be clear on what what you want. And I am quite clear what I want and my plan for my girl.

Hurray ! going home liao, bye and have a nice weekend ! Ciao ..

Thanks mummies for the warm welcome.
Did not know it is so happening here... Rx so many emails from this thread.

Yah clovy, I am also one of those that tried very hard to have a baby... Thanks to Dr lisa chin from Gleneagles I now have a cute bb boy, just reach 5 mths... I really thank god... I totally agreed with you that children is a blessing...

Ahmmm... can anyone recommend any good baby clinic around these areas?
