Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

<font color="ff6000">Mummies.. anyone know is theres any nail shop at wdlands? CWP? tort of doing pedicure this fri.. :p</font>

hi eniale, causeway point basement have one nail shop doing pedicure, u may wana try..
*eniale* - ya, there's PINC at CWP basement. best to make appt. what r ur preloved items? i don't mind hand-me-over. i don't see mkt getting gd eh, news reported some companies thinking of retretchment. hard to cheer up.
<font color="ff6000">bee &amp; Juzyounme.. thanks thanks!! keek ok will call n make appt keke :p

Juzyounme, I PM u
Market really not good. Read a news saying that millions of pple (globally) will be out of job by 2009. Nothing to cheer about....
Hahahaaa...lina yh (myohmy), Wendy Sim (wesim), bee (didibee) and *eniale* (eniale). Maybe not enough sleep/rest lah cos my gal these days like to wake up in the middle of the night 2-3pm to drink water many times cos she can't get back to sleep. Too bad she dowan to drink milk. At least I can latch her to sleep..Haiz....

Expecting? Hahahaa...dunno leh never thought of this possibility yet even though have decided to let nature takes it course le. If I have ok lor dun hv also nvm. So dun even intent to test. Wait till next mth if I still miss my mense, then I share with you the good news.

Juzyounme (juzyounme), feel so sad for you. Recession now. So really must tighten our belts esp with your husband retrenchment compensation. Even my husband said there are inside rumours within his company spreading around saying there may be retrenchment or pay cut. I hope the rumours are not true. Even if true, then I hope is just pay cut..Haiz..*Signz* But if your husband still young dun worry so much lor, ultimately will find a job. What leg injury he has that company can use this excuse to retrench ppl - sound so lame? Abt the cot, actually have or dun have doesn't matter one lah cos my gal oso doesnt sleep in cot at all.
Actually i dun have heavy discharge before..
Its been few weeks since i last try it out and it helps.. Sometimes i will feel itchy when there's excessive discharge..

But not too worry.. I got consult my gynae.. And he say's anion meant vitamins of the air so its kinda of safe.. After i give birth, i would like to try out the regular packing..

Its a bit ex bt for health benefits why not.. U staying woodlands right?? One day i get my SIl to show u the diff.. At first i cant believe all this while that sanitary pads im using are actually bleached and recycled papers.
Its been scientifically proven and there's a vagina self test kit 2 chk if u do have any inflammation..

Mine is mild inflammation like UTI like that.. So need to take antibiotics bt becos of side effects in pregnancy, im told not to but to keep cleaning every 2 hrs till my SIL recommends me this pad..

Take care of your health.. Try to catch some sleep whenever possible to restore back your energy..

I can empathy with u coz my hb was like that like last time.. No money and i keep money secretly without him knowing for the bb. Somemore both his legs are titanium plated implanted so its hard for him to get a job.. i cant do much coz its not his fault company retrench him.. I dint nag at him.. Just told my hb as long my hospital bills, my needs and bb's is covered by him, i will not say a word to him.. Bt my face very long lah everyday see him at home do nothing.. I will not cook for him all.. Reason is i need to cut down coz he's nt working mah.. SLowly he gt the picture and he put in effort to get a job.. Sometimes men are like babies.. they need to be pushed and sayang sayang at the same time..

I know u love ur hb so u must be there for him even in this situation.. Good luck.. Hugz.........
<font color="aa00aa">juzyounme,
dont be too sad hor.
maybe God has greater plans for your hubby, u and baby.

u must be tired.
if not tired then lack of rest/ sleep or might be like me...sometimes low blood or low sugar level... i have been feeling giddy for half hour.
must really get some rest but then this week i have so many things that needs to be done.

today baked these...</font>
<font color="ff6000">Yoz mummies!! Good Moring!!!!

lynzi.. wow drooling..... mus be very yummy hehe,..:p:p

<u>ON Spree Items</u>
Mummies who have ordered, the items had reach me ler.. is ready to collect liao ekke :p</font>
*eniale*/bee/lynzi - thanks.

clovy - did i read "still miss menses"? sounds like really expecting. well, the best is it's not treated as retrenchment &amp; there's no retrenchment $. even without the cot, also must have a mattress, also didn't get.

JL - aiyo... thanks for sharing.
<font color="ff0000">morning ladies

hello lynzi, long didn't read or post this thread...

lynzi, yr muffin look yummy...</font>
Morning mummies.

lynzi, if you plan to sell them, pls do let me know hor.

Hi danryan, erh...don't recall seeing you here leh. I checked clovy's list, but dont hv your name leh.
<font color="aa00aa">morning mummies!!!!

eniale, danryan,

why u ask?
u wana buy ah?
i think cwp at b1 got sell muffins and mini chiffon cakes lei.
lynzi - sorry, just to ask, the "balls" at ur muffin is air bubble or u put some ingredients. the CWP B1 mini chiffon not v nice eh, not sure abt muffin.
<font color="aa00aa">juzyounme,
i made maltesers muffins so the air bubbles u see are the maltesers...
Hi everyone, this mrning went to HSBC at Alexandra. Company send us for a meeting up the saff over there. I took the taxi there and cost me S$34.50. My colleague stay in Sembawang pd S$41.00. the other one more worst stay in Tampaines pd S$50 over for Taxi fee. took her 2 hrs to reach...aiyooo...some taxi driver purposely take long way to reach there...But luckly, can claim from company...but don't know will be "interview" by HR or not...
hi lynzi, wow it looks nice... what a coincidence I happen to try out a new recipe too... blueberries muffin... here how it looks like...

mira, today traffic jam like crazee leh... suppose to bring my gal for her check up at kkh end up did not and went back because the kids all carsick and both vomitted... geez...

lynzi, where to buy maltesers? i got another recipe to try out but need maltesers too... not sure where to get them...
<font color="aa00aa">db,
i went to ntuc at civic centre dont have so ended up i bought at cold storage cwp.
lucky i went there cos they have it in bigger packets.
btw, your muffin looks good.
what else did u put in it besides blueberries?
cos i saw like got some whitish things on top.
such a coincidence...
me baking blueberry and raisin muffins tomorrow...

next week i'm going to try mini baked donuts...
bought the donut mould liao...
so might as well do it.</font>
lynzi, thanks for the info... but which section is it huh? sorry ask so many questions... hehehehhe

the muffins has toppings... those whitish stuff is the toppings, it contains, flour, butter, sugar and cinnamon powder...

wow, mini baked donuts sounds fun... hey you got any good recipe on mud pie?
<font color="aa00aa">db,
its either at chocolates/ snacks aisle.
i LOVE the mudpie at coffeeclub.
but mudpie is more of ice cream rite?
let me check and see if i have.</font>
Take note on this...

Too much melamine found in popular biscuits

KUALA LUMPUR : Health Minister Datuk Liow Tiong Lai said 18 out of 47 Khong Guan and Khian Guan biscuit products have excessive levels of melamine .
The products have been ordered to be removed from the shelves immediately, he said.
A number of food products in Malaysia are being tested following the melamine-tainted China milk scare and those that have melamine levels above the permissable 2.5 parts per million have been ordered off the shelves.
No wonder there are more and more sudden death with no valid..Maybe that is the cause! Almost everything we eat now seems poisonous.

Hey I just learned AF=Auntie Flow=Menses. So to answer Juzyounme (juzyounme) about my missed AF. Well my AF is always irregular so it is common for me to have missed AF or more than once AF in a mth. Nothing wrong..Good news is I am no more giddy le! Yeah!!

U mummies talk abt food makes me hungry too leh. Still got a few more hrs towards lunch. Hmm...maybe go and buy some snacks now.

Danryan (maswan02), never seen you in this thread before at all. care to intro yourself? Where you live? How many children and how old are your children? Are you FTWM or SAHM?
So funny I was surfing in the Free Item section just now...Lynzi have you also migrated over to the Woodlands thread too? Are you interested to go condo swimming? If you got lobang, I say maybe we shd organise an outing for kids to swim lah. So far Ling(slquek) din come in to organise anymore le.
<font color="aa00aa">anyone here interested to get personalised name stickers for your kids or yourself??
hehe...cos i want to get for faiq but if order more then can get discount.
the website is</font>
<font color="aa00aa">clovy,
i havent migrated lah.
still here.
just that if i wana find pearl or chua i got to go there and find them..
Halo mommies....

Good afternoon.... MIA for quite some time liao...
Seldom log in recently due to busy to settle my new house matter and with 2 kids as well....

Really can't catch liao now, must slowly read though to follow up.

Any interesting thing to share??? Saw the pic for cup cake, look soooooooo nice.......
<font color="ff0000">hi clovy

Me FTWM, have 3 kids (2boys age 5 &amp; 3
&amp; 1 gal going to 5 mths old).
Stays at Dr 73..
yoho, Good aftn, long time din come in to chat liao.

Ya, now economics is bad. My lecturer mentioned that some companies already had retrenchment as this is the easiest way to cut costs.

Wow, Khongguan biscuits also poisonious. what else can we eat now?
ya lor, i was telling my colleagues this morning about the khong guan biscuits. they said will still eat lor, what to do. if not, eat what hah?
now even NISSIN cup noodles also cannot eat liao... aiyoyo

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Japan's Nissin recalls 500,000 noodles over insecticide fears

TOKYO (AFP) - - Japan's Nissin Food Products Co. said Friday it was recalling half a million cups of instant noodles over fears of insecticide contamination in the latest food safety scare to rock the country's consumers.

A 67-year-old woman vomited and felt numbness on her tongue after eating Nissin's Cup Noodle this week in the Tokyo suburb of Fujisawa, the city's health office said late Thursday.

The product was made at a Nissin factory in Japan. A series of previous scares have involved food imported from China.

The health office said on inspecting the Cup Noodle they had discovered paradichlorobenzene, the key chemical in bug repellent, but no puncture or other abnormality in the cup.

Nissin was voluntarily recalling around 500,000 cups made on the same factory line the same day, a company spokesman said.

They were sold at supermarkets in Tokyo and neighbouring areas with most of them already gone from store shelves, he said.

"We apologise for causing trouble to Cup Noodle lovers," Nissin president Susumu Nakagawa told reporters late Thursday.

However, he denied the possibility of contamination at the factory, saying it had never used or stored the insecticide and had seven security cameras watching manufacturing lines.

"It is unthinkable that the contamination occurred at our production lines," he said.

The noodles scare spread Friday as another company, Myojo Foods Co. of Tokyo, said it found instant noodles laced with paradichlorobenzene and naphthol, also used as bug repellent.

A man "poured in hot water and noticed chemical smells," said a health official in Yososuka, southwest of Tokyo. The man was unhurt as he did not eat the noodles.

Nissin, based in the western Japan city of Osaka, created instant ramen noodles as Japan's economy grew rapidly after World War II. Aimed at busy people on the go, it has since become a multibillion-dollar industry.

Japan has been on alert after a series of health scares involving food, mostly made in China.

Earlier this month one woman fell sick after eating frozen green beans imported from China, which were found to contain thousands of times the permissible level of pesticide residue.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Good MOrning Mummies....

Welcome welcome..
Im staying at Drive 16 too...
We may past by each other without knowing around vista point..
Congratulations on your 1st time pregnancy..

How u feeling nw??
Hope everything is better and will turn out better for u and family..

Lynzi, db,
I love muffins very much but bcos of GD, i cant eat them nw.. Im thinking of ordering them frm you guys after i deliver.. Do u think its ok.. Not so much just enough for me to devour and satisfy myself.. he he he.. Cos now i need to control my sugar intake lah..

Mummies, enjoy the long weekend...
JL - i'm still alright. I managed to get polyclinic referral letter to downgrade myself to be a subsidised patient to save cost. of coz i have to "sacrifice" seeing a particular gynae, etc...
