Any MTB in Punggol?

Oic. Thanks, eunice.

anyone wants to order anything from OTC?

i have disc code for FOC domestic shipping + $10 off total bill (min $59 purchase). Need to place order on Mon.. so if anyone keen to get OTC stuff, please pass me your orders by end tml or latest Mon noon so that i can co-ordinate.

wow... like hv a few newbies?

jjmum: hi hi... my boy quite close to ur gal. he is jun 06.
u never join jul 06 thead? i am regular there. :p

my boy in fullday cc. dun really noe much abt kindy... sorry.

Eunice - tots hse hv K1/K2 even for your pgl centre? from the website seems like only their 2 kindy hv till k1/k2 leh.

also, tots hse is not on moe list of kindy. u sure they qualify to teach until k1/k2 to be well prep for p1? :p

can check out here:
good document to source for pre-school education.
Eunice: I mentoned to you b4 SK areas only the swimming pool side have till k1 & k2... not sure abt punggol :p

Mtdt: My polo order got go tru boh :p
Eunice - haha.. not scaring u lah. :p

maybe recently my gang of frens were hving KS talk. so i also into this KS mode now. hahahhaha

sigh... sin education really too stress. imagine now PRIOR to Pri1... kid suppose to noe grammer, able to do compre,cloze passage, compo (new term call creative writing lah) etc.

aiyoh.. think my time, compo only pri3 then START!

how not to be KS with such stress system ard!
Hi everyone ...
I have a son sept 05 and a daughter sept 07. can i join too?
I stay in sengkang actually.

may i know if anyone have any ideas to teach phonics to their kids or successfully done so already?
Hi Florence, <font color="ff0000">Welcome</font>

We sure hv alot of newbies here.

MTDT : huh? b4 P1 know close passage? Compo? sure anot?
ya... my fren kid is pri1 next yr. so she went to beo those pri 1 books.

so now at hm - teaching her son all these at home to prep for pri1.
Hi Florence - r u the one at sk thread too?

phonics for ur boy? is he in sch?
i hv frens tat send kid to I can read...
i hv frens tat send kid to the phonics class at SK CC

both feedback see results. :p
welcome to all new mummies

yeah.. i oso feel v stress now :p coz my thot is to give the boys a carefree childhood.. but jus like looking for a nursery for him nxt yr.. and it's already full house.

last time, we where go to nursery.. only go kindy then start P1. but kids these days go PG, N then kindy

lemme go and find the site i usu use then let u knw.
MTDT (mtdt) : yes yes me in sengkang thread too

my son is in rivervale cc but not much results and still cannot say the sound of the letter.
carefree childhood - sigh.. unless migrate. hahaha

well, think the only thing we can do for them is to keep them happy, stressfree (stress for ourselves enough) and well prep for every obstacle (so tat can keep happy n stressfree for the tods)

florence - ur boy in rivervale cc for how long? :p

my boy - he learns his phonics from DVD! hahahahha thereafter was reinforce in his cc. but he can only say individual letters sounds now. cant do any blending yet.
btw how we koe kiddies koe phonics anot? is it like zoo phonics A= Ehh, B= bah bah, C= ke ke ke?

Is phonics impt? Even if kiddies knew how to say the correct words w/o learning the sound of letters?

I dun remember I learn all these. Straight away to learning words. hahaha...

PM188 : Where's my Zoo phonics lyries?
Hi Florence, welcome

Leapfrog pdts...fridge phonics to learn sounds

Mtdt: think is Cool_D not me keke
Is ok .. check mine oos liao too

PM: xie xie ni
Can i have the zoophonics lyrics too
Eunice - phonics is the new way of learning. supposely to be gd as it wld help in long term. the kid given any "new" word - can read by himself. the teacher just say a word - can based on the sound to spell it out.

there are still some words tat u need to learn by sight. those are basic sight words. but for long term.. shd be by phonics.

my boy cc - spelling for older kids. not tr give a list for kids to go home to learn/prep. is impromptu, tr read out some words.. kids based on hearing to spell out. :p

Zav noes all A-Z. song n reading. noes all A-z phonics. noes 1-30.
MTDT (mtdt) : wanna start teaching at home myself but this mummy hopeless with phonics. so looking for materials to learn and teach also. wahaha!

can i have lyrics for zoophonic song too? or better still the song itself. wahaha ...
quick one

hello... hello.. all..SHORt intro.. me FTWM staying in sengkang... invaded in here when i rented a flat in punggol last time..therafter shifted to sengkang... but stayed in this thread.. coz kiddos ard same age.. all mummies like online shopping .. and met up with the mummies n kids here regularly... i got a boy born in feb 07 and another girl coming up next month... shucks.. next month sounds so horrifying..

i received a sms from Huajing.. u girls oso? how how???? :ppPPp..

the conversation u had with the cso on the address darn funny..

hey hey, we chatted in the sengkang thread before right?

the feb 07 mummies oso did a recent survey on counting 1-20 and singing the a-z song.. QY can count 1-8 (no meaning, cannot relate with actual object) a-z song he can sing but misses some alphabet (like counting, cannot relate to numbers).. ehhh when u become soo kiasu.. last time u bor chap bor chap leh..

frankly speaking, i have lost touch with his development stuffs oredi... all that in my mind is that he is well fed daily and bathed... and sleep...
lynn!!! sorry.... mistaken.
urs is my 1st spree right?

think i ordered for u liao.
let me check my orders. :p
okok.. let me be more specific.

can recite 1-30
but counting only 1-20. :p

can recite A-Z
can recognize A-Z

now working on some sight words - so far can read 30sight words.

dunno how to do blending of phonics yet. :p
Mtdt: Hehe, wat &amp; how to teach sight words :p

Gals, I tink i m saying bye to 1st toothpaste soon cos she knows how to gaggle :p
She even initate to brush teeth after her nap juz becos she enjoys gg to the sink, turn on the tap....
ehh u SAHM ar? how come u can bumped into my boy? that disgusting boy runs very fast right? ppl in the market have told him to stop running.. grandma cannot catch up... :\
smurfy (smurf_ling) : half half. hehe my off days are weekdays and 1 weekend. and i work some days from 830 - 3pm only and other days are from 12 - 7pm. so can get to see ur boy. he is adoreable. use to see ur blog. but u very long never update le.

last time we blur blur one mah. tr give 20words, we learn 20words.

21st word comes - we blur, stuck - ask tr/parents.

but with phonics - maybe/supposely kid can DIY learn the word. the word might not be new... used everyday, he might noe the meaning. but just tat in word, he cant read it.

tat's wat i think lah.
Smurfy : Sms from Huajing some received. We will talk likely in e-mail. Petite did sugguest on something and we working on it.

Yr TW items still with me. I see when I go SK. now seldom liao

A-Z songs/ 1-20 : Smurfy QY and Elbib alike. I tink he sings very well with no meaning :p

I ask him how many items. Everytime is 2 :p

All new mummies : kekeke... dun mind call me Eunice? U all call my full name sounds funny

Anyone gg admirty? I need blank flash card
no energy to update. i update onli when my boss not in office.. these few wks he's ard.. and me needs to clear my work.

errr u help me hold onto the taiwan items first? most probably at huajing's.. can?

there;s a ongoing bp on letterland.. since QY preschool using letterland phonics.. will just buy and intro him that.. instead of zoophonics.

funny, these Elbib koes. maybe teacher teach bah... sometimes Elbib usage of words surprise me alot.

Really hope Elvis 1 day will surprise me :p
Zoophonics song lyrics:

Allie, Bubba, Catina Cat.
Dee Dee Dear, and Elephant.
Francie Fish and Gordo too.
They all live at the zoo.

Honey Horse and Inny who?
Jellyfish and Kangaroo.
Lizzy, Missy, Nigel do.
They all live at the zoo.

Olive Octopus is sweet.
PeeWee Penguin’s tux is neat.
Queeny Quail her babies too.
They all live at the zoo.

Robbie Rabbit in no stew.
Sammy Snake and Timmy too.
Umber, Vincent what a crew.
They all live at the zoo.

Willie Weasel, Xavier Fox,
Yancy Yak just talks and talks.
Zeek the Zebra welcomes you.
Come meet us at the zoo.

Zeek the Zebra welcomes you.
Come meet us at the zoo.

matt can count from 1-10 (no prob), 11-20 (usu can count all but occassionally miss out one or two) and these days, he's counting to 30 or 30+. but i dunno whether he really understands or not.

he can also advanced to using 'I', 'You', What, This etc. he used to only call himself by name.. but these days.. he'll say 'I want to...'
