Any mommies staying in Hougang?

Hi msblur

thanks for coordinating!

Great to see that we can post agn..

Morning ladies!

Oh u ate alrdy....did u put inside the freezer 1st??

No prob! If u gals wan another round, i can always help.
Thanks thanks!!
wil sure be ordering again coz my colleagues loved it as well! Many asked when can order again..hehe
<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa"> ate also bought 3 left 2 tray 1 tray reserve for my sis when she visit me sat. </font></font>
so long nvr meet... maybe should arrange a meetup? Tangerine cafe? So long nvr hear from Becky also... wonder how's the rest of the pple.
Anyone want to go to the Library sale?

Library Book Sale 2010
Date: Saturday, 10 July 2010 – Sunday, 11 July 2010
Time: 9.30am – 8.00pm
Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 6A
Free Admission

Select from a large collection of used library books at bargain prices at the Library Book Sale 2010!

Price of books:
Books in all four official languages will be on sale.

* English and Chinese books will cost $2 per copy;
* Malay and Tamil books will cost $1 per copy;
* English and Chinese magazines will cost $5 for a pack of 10 issues; and
* Malay and Tamil magazines will cost $5 for a pack of 20 issues.

Limit of purchase:
Each customer can buy up to a maximum of 60 items (a pack of 10 or 20 issues of magazines is considered as one item).

Categorisation of books:
The books are categorised under 'Adults', 'Young People' and 'Children'. Under each group, they are sub-divided into 'Fiction' and 'Non-Fiction'.

The magazines are categorised under the four official languages.

Payment :
Payment can be made by NETS, CashCard or cash only.

Information on Singapore Expo:
For information on Singapore Expo, including directions, please visit their website at:

For enquiries on the Library Book Sale 2010, please contact us via:
Tel: +65 6332 3255
Email: [email protected]

Partner : Singapore Expo
Supporter : TA-Q-BIN
<font size="+2">ling</font>
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">thanks for sharing... its really cheap... will get from them next month this month stuff just restock yesterday...
if not can save $$$ liao.</font></font>
Morning ladies!

Wa...ytd so happening here ah? I didnt get to join the fun! Me bz at work men.

Hw r u nw? Hav u seen a doc? Drink some 'luo han guo'. It will help abit.

U gals hav any newborn bb gal clothes wana give away? If yes let me know hoh. Coz' my nephew's expecting his bb gal in sep. But coz' both of them nt working, thus looking out for hand me downs. Thks ya!

ya lo, so long nvr meet all the kiddos must have grown! can arrange leh...maybe weekends? but maybe have to try this month coz i'm involved in YOG so Aug is totally out :p

the offer is valid for this month only. normally its $15 per pack

aiyo, i don't know how much liang stuff i have been pumping into myself..haiz..hopefully its not those 100 day cough thingy :p
Oh dear....seriously hoping its nt those 100 days cough loh. U beta go see another doc lah, maybe should try chinese doc. It works better loh if those western cough syrup doesnt work on u anymore. Get well soon!
enen's mum,
Shd have some IT books... but I guess got to search lor... I still contemplating whether to go.

I've packed some clothes for your bb liao. Not for now to wear though cos realised that given away quite a bit. But you can keep till can wear. See when u wanna collect. Already sent you email with my hp no.

maybe next sat for lunch? White Tangerine Cafe @ Paya Lebar Kovan CC?

Any other mummies wanna meet?

sat noon my elder one has swimming lessons and wil most prob reach home only 1.30pm. unless u wanna meet ltr?
Tangerine cafe nice? Haven been there b4. My gals oso having swimming lessons on Sat, cant meet leh.

Where ur kid having swimming class? Which pool?
Morning ladies! A sleepy morning for me today.
Hope i can dong till pang gang.

My gals are having their swimming class at Hougang swimming complex. Hw come u went to yck pool?

Ic ic...wat type of food they sell? Maybe we can choose a date for meetup? See which ladies available loh.

I forgot to ask u abt the flea market. Hw was ur sale? I slept till quite late that day, in the end cant make it to find u.
<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">wow so many day never come here chat liao. i am so busy with my order till i slept late every night.flea market was only so so la alot of ppl see see only. so did anyone meet up? i hope i can join u gals but cant cos my kids so small too troublesome. </font></font>
Morning ladies!

Ya loh i agreed only many see see only loh. Dat time i was there, its till almost end of the day then i got my sales men. So anybody ordered or buy frm u?

my son lo, want to go back to his old coach with the childcare centre and he teaches at yck...haiz...who is your gal's coach?

so you think it was worth the time spent? actually i thought if getting a place too but have to clear my stuff first..hehe...i have lots!
Ic wonder u went till so far. My collick &amp; i dun wana go too far, so we chose Hougang, as we stay hougang &amp; buangkok mah.
The coach's name is Desmond.
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">msblur</font></font>
most ppl buy the 4 for $10 range but was still lucky that i managed to closed a few deal more than $30 one so for that day i think its still ok la.

<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">ling</font></font>
wat do u intent to sell? alot of ppl is selling used stuff and i see alot of ppl crowd around and buy but they selling very low price like some $0.50 to $3 some selling 4 for $10.
<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">advise pls. my 18 months boy cry if i dont accompany him i must sit beside him when he play sometime when i carry the sis he also wan mei mei drink milk he also wan but he is not hungry.nowaday very fed up with him keep crying for attention if not will shout. yesterday was so angry as i was so busy with all my order he keep crying so in the end punish him ask him stand there dont move. then i see him crying there so poor thing.</font></font>
I also thought of taking stall at flea market. But scare cannot sell then waste time.

he's just jealous. kiss him and hug him more... when mei mei sleep, play with him. He feels threatened especially since punished cos of mei mei. must let them have good relationship. Otherwise when older, will keep fighting and quarrel.
Tink this is quite common bah. Esp when he's still so young. Might be jealous of his meimei loh. Give him some time to adapt or talk to him nicely loh. If u punish him, he may tink mummy love meimei dun love him alrdy.
<font size="+1"><font color="0077aa">marmum</font></font>
<font size="+1">wat do u intent to sell i will be going to blk 110 hougang flea market on the 18th. maybe u wan to join. </font>

<font size="+1"><font color="0077aa">ya i also think he jealous and have tried many ways but he still like that sometime very good sometimes "siao" again. think the only way is to give him time to adapt lor. still remember last time when i was pregnant he always wan to sleep on my tummy.</font></font>
<font size="+1">anyone know where got flea market. i am looking for other places (neighbourhood one prefer places near hougang). </font>
Blk 110 flea market is the at the market? I thot that one can only sell brand new stuff? I've got 2nd hand bb/kids clothes and adult clothes. But 18th sunday so I cannot.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">marmum</font></font>
<font size="+1">ya its near the market. i dont know can sell used stuff u can call them to check.if u keen u can call cos they have one flea every month.</font>
Im keen to join the Blk 110 Hougang flea market leh. If u joining again let me know can? Btw...i looking for some personalised items for my gals for teacher's day. Can i hav ur website? Coz' cant find ur thread in SMH.
allo ladies!

i have a lot of stuff, baby and adult clothes etc. most of my bb clothes are branded and stil in pretty good condition. think i have some shoes, avent stuff etc also. if u have any lobang, let me know?

aiyo, my elder one is til jealous of his younger sibling...purposely will irritate him and the younger one will make noise etc...its a phase that i hope will pass someday!

ya, me also looking for personalised items for teachers' day. anything you can recommend?
Haha...mine the opp loh. My younger will purposely disturb her elder sis, den the elder one will scream as if the whole hse gg to collapse! Hai...

Oh ya...any of ur kids drinking Friso? I have Friso 3 to let go.
<font size="+2">msblur</font>
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000"> ok will sms u when i wan to join again. see how is the responds this sunday first.
hand towels is "hot" now. visit my BP another is the personalised arcylic</font></font>

<font size="+2">ling</font>
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">come join me in the flea market wan? i see alot of ppl selling 2nd hand stuff but all adults. how old is yr kids? i am very stress out by my elder one nowadays. as for teachers day u can get personalised hand towel or keychain. </font> </font>
mine is the elder one can't stop disturbing the younger, will purposely snatch the toys he is holding etc...and the younger one will scream like no tomorrow...sometimes really can't tahan the noise.. and then i'll add to it! hahaha...

maybe next time will join you coz i have not cleared my stuff yet! hehehe...and am involved in YOG so Aug is also out for me :p my kids are 2 and 7, yours? i just posted on your thread! hehehe
Ya ya....the kids are noisy, but no choice we hav to add on to it! Haha...sometimes can hear me screaming at the top of my voice men. Tak boleh tahan! Haha...

No prob. Let me know if the crowd at Lor ah soo is gd. Den nex time, maybe we can go together!
<font size="+1"><font color="0077aa">ling</font></font>
<font size="+1">ok no problem let me know when u free then can join flea together. my boy 18 month and girl 4 months. so headache now when 2 cry together. yes saw yr post btw hand towel with name and text happy teachers' day now at promo $11 only.</font>
anything to pass on? ha ha!

you let us know how is the crowd at Blk 110 ok? Is actually very near my place, but sunday is out for me. I've got bags, adult clothes, children clothes etc...

Maybe can check out Hougang Hub (hougang mall there)? I think Punggol CC organised a flea market there in June.... maybe you can liaise with them to have another one and then we mummies can set up stalls there?
