i know da block opp mine ada jual...nanti petang2 budak2 bawak blk lepas main2 they juz go then buy...nak tanya segan plak

air batu mesia

masih ada jual that plastic...

my fren jual macam2 rasa...
k next time i go skp i nak carik the plastic

i nak buat bubur kacang yer .. hmmmm...

k i got some work to do now.. nanti gue mai lagi anak2 buat sendirik...tapi dorang letak pat tupperware...

air ribena,mango,bubur kacang etc...

tapi aku tak jual eh hihihihihi...

dulu nak air batu pekik ade...cik cik air batu 1...then bakul turun hiihihih
ah tu mcm lina cakap. kan sg so strict. jual apa2 takde lesen, dah kira illegal hawking. susah orang nak hidup these days. kalau tak, time maternity ni, boleh jugak aku buat air batu mesia... hehehe....

so mas nak gi BBQ, nora nak gi kiteflying.
any other plans? i probably ada bbq, tapi on monday.
Just had lunch...

whoa, so you jaga both kids on yr own?
For me, heh, when I got the job, I asked my mom if she can jaga my boy.
Her reply?
"you need to work what!"
I'm like ok, whatever!

braddle kirakan near yr bro's working place too eh? I work at toa payoh too...nearby
tapi satu kali pon i tak pernah jumpa yr bro for lunch!

Yups, rite now every morning hubby drops me at my mom's on the way to work, sends adam to sch, n i take care of both till my hub fetches us in the evening. Lucky got my younger sis at home at times so she helps. The kids' Yot (my Tok) pun ada tapi sometimes I pun boring jugak coz he loves rocking my #2 in the bouncer even when dia dah tido. I really don't wish for that to be a habit

I guess yr mom punye cara cakap memang dah macam tu...hehe but lucky jugak dia masih sanggup jaga yr boy. I guess he's the penawar in your household
so cute!
oh yeah, arnd the same area as my bro. But he works shifts and the hrs are abit irregular.
Eh, you're nearby too!
After yr maternity we can meet fr lunch.
Hopefully I can drive to work, then can pick u up, heh.

Yah, my mother memang gitu, and we don't exactly have the best r'ship.
You know, last weekend we had our boy's 1st b'day party, and she got pissed off w me over sme small thing, then her face so maSam until all my friends asked me what's wrong w her.
I got so angry that actually confronted her outside...
aiseh...that sounded serious... hope all's OK now. I think mothers & daughters mesti ada this type of friction lah. Sometimes when I react in some manner, i realise, it's something like my mom's perangai also... such as my stubbornness at times.

You held yr party at yr new place? so fun!

Yes, you can pick me up since I tak drive! UP the hill...hahaha...
or i can always meet you somewhere central. TPY is really fun to go for lunch !
at the function rm. our place is too small ler.
hah, sometimes I also think sme of my perangai sama jugak dgn my mother.
That's why eh, I'm almost afraid of having a daughter lest i become like that.
Kesian my bro's future wife. My mother as MIL, I shudder to think!

San, what type of food?
I have one that was recommended by liz, and I tried, but only fir the finger food.
But her website got other stuff also.
I can pm u later cos the link is in my laptop.
<font color="ff6000">athlete,
Need it for kenduri arwah actually.
Any contacts, sms/email me ya?

Logging off nw, attending to clients.
Bye gerls!</font>

Air Batu Seposen-
aku pun suka..! mcm2 flavor. aku nye feverit asam masin! hahaha...
now byk flavor, even ribena pun ade!
pat cck sini ade 2 tmpt jual.
kalo wkend aku pi rmh parents aku, then bwk budak2 pi playgrd, mesti bli.
bg back good memories.

CNY weekends-
best long wkends lagi...! wohoo!

i dun celebrate CNY with inlaws, only hb and kids are going.
my cousin getting married on that day.
the next day, we are off to KL for a short break.

just realised nari takde org.

nmpk nyer aku bobal sorang la nie.

Topik hari ni-
Kalo korang ade close relatives yg meninggal, korang bawak tak anak2 korang yg less than 5yr old antar pi kubur?
hello hello

the 1st one was my late hb's grandfather
i bawak my boys to the kubur...
recently my uncle passed away last yr Nov...
no doubt they asked a lot of questions...
Hello mums
Zu, sekiranya we know budak cannot behave, don't think it's advisable to bring. Mengganggu. My kids have been to visit graves but not on burial days. I won't go if they're around also. Bukan apa, kids are kids. Mana tau badi ke sakit ke kita jugak susah. When my arwah Nenek in law passed away, I left my kids with my mom.
I second SD ckp 'mothers &amp; daughters mesti ada this type of friction lah'..
I pun same jugak with my mom..
Are u the only girl? If so, i think u la ur mom's joy and sorrow..
When I was younger in sch and those days my mom had to work to support us,our r'ship was very bad..I did not want to go back home, tdo kat rumah my aunt for weeks, just so to escape frm quarrelling with her.Hmm those were the days..sekarang jarangla bertekak cuma clashes of interest biasalah tapi because of my son, we cut whatever argument short.

Kau ni mcm kerja hari2..long holidays excited betol!! Kalah org yg bekerja eh!
Anyways, pasal kubor tu, aku sendiri tak pernah pergi sana to visit..mcm takut..kau tahu la hati aku ni besar mana kan..naik lift dah takut apa lagi pergi kubor!!lol!
Pasal kubur-
ya lah dats wat i did... My kids tpo young nl faham.
Wonder when is the right age eh? Bawak kubur still ok
but antar kebumikan abit too much. Takut kene badi.
Dulu aku kecik2 saw the whole process, dari mandi,
kapabkan mayat and all. Till now masih ingat2.

Sher, mesti lah excited. CNY means laki aku pun tk keje.
Bukan senang tau dia ade esp when its holidays.

Betty, hows new place? Best eh rumah baru...
Sure byk adjustmentz.

Dan, so wic age is suitable to talk abt death?
Mcm so traumatic utk budak2 eh.
Esp so kalo yg left is close to us.
Hullo semua!

I have yet to find a girl who has 100% good r/ship with their moms w/o any hiccups. hhaha! Tapi my r/ship with my mom is very good lah except of coz when she comment2 abt me tak garang enuff to my son etc. Other than that she leaves me alone.

Did someone close to yr family pass on recently? I think Adam &amp; Sarah too small lah. when my hubby's g/ma passed away, my MIL told her toddler cucu that "Yot has gone home". Budak tu cam ok aje.

I only saw the whole process when I was a bit older, tu pun i teringat2 tau. maybe it's good also - menginsafkan kita. tapi even when i saw my own g/ma's process (sometime in Mar 09), it took me a while before i could go to sleep w/o thinking abt it. or maybe i'm just weak.

Eh, yr MIL tak bising ke, you tak pergi her house during CNY?
morning morning

i was on seminar ler ...

kau naik lift pun takot??? ooi.. tu dah melebih dari aku ..hahahah

to me kids jgn bawak lah pi kubur... bukan per.. dorang yer tak tau diam satu

dorang yer banyak tanyer, then tanyer KUAT KUAT .. haiz...
Peah, tis mite cm a bit late. Yes, jur point ade
nursing room. Tink its on the 4th level.
The cinema level. Just beaide the foodcourt.

Pasal 313@somerset,
i tink that plc is great cos its open till quite late.
On weekends most sho bukak till after midnite!!

Okay la peeps,
njoy the long hols...!
<font color="119911">hello..
anybody home?

anyway abt ke kubur, ive brought my kids few times so far ok.. mmg dorang tak bleh diam bt yet they are still oklah.. soo far no badi, nothing syukur.. cuma if pi tpt perkebumian, ill try to brg them away from e spot.. like styg at e bus or a relative's car or stay at e pondok nearby, belikan ice cream ah dah hehe</font>

lama tak masuk, cos last week was super, super hectic...

nak tanya, does the lunch delivery guy, (mr ban eh?) do delivery to new tech park at lorong chuan?
<font color="119911">athlete
abt e lunch tu, me not sure ah mayb tak, mayb ye. u can try call &amp; ask lah.. hmm u at lrg chuan? espn ke babe? u want his number? mr ban 90283423.</font>

nak tanya any lobang for kek hantaran tak yg reliable n nice n apa apa yg sewaktu dengannya....need by 14th march..macih....most probably fondant cakes?
<font color="119911">
datin NAw,
i saw u pagi tadi.. hehe hub drove u to work eh?, tak lambat ke babe? u r gg towards PIE tuas hehe nak sms u bt hdp low batt plak

anyway good morning smua</font>
reporting bright and early from the central / north-east area.

want to ask all the east mummies here, i want to put my boy into halfday childcare when he turns 18 mths.
anyone can recommend somewhere near pasir ris / tampines area?
been doing some reasech online, but like so confusing like that...
I masukkan Anaqi....1/2 day child care @ Al-iman Pasir Ris...I antar ard 8.30...n the helper will fetch him ard's @ $250/mth.
Hi Gals

I need ur pray my marriage is on rock, mu husb sudah 4 kali lafaz cerai within 5 years of marriage he did not report to makamah until today after he frend told how serious bila serbuk perkataan cerai.
Makamah kata is sah and we have to go for a countseling.
My gals is goin 3 on sep this year and she got alot of illnes and goin for her heart operation in this may.

Punca from me:
I find dia tak penyanyang (stuck up) and i can't get along wth my parent in laws. i rasa tersempit
i tak suka tangguh jawap mak-bapak push to my husb as he got 7 adik beradik. but i can see my husb luv hes parent more then anything else.
Sebelum kita nak kawin dia kata "Kalau nak kawin dgn dia kita kena bawak emak-bapak dia tinggal dgn dia. i tot it will be easy but selepas kita habis sanding aje dia terus gi umah mak dia alik pkul 12 midnight arus sampai rumah my mum.
AFTER we buy our hse i wish to decorate the hse and stay for 1mth den hes parent move in. but it not. my 1st day staying in the hse he the whole day at the old hse helping hes mum and dad to pack.the nxt dae they move in and they decorate the hse like it was they hse. i rasa tersempit, i can't cook or clean the hse takut kena marah.
senang kata my husb is anak emak. hes
and hes tak pernah kasih i songkongan in this matter.serously he a good man but stuck up.i selalu suruh dia cerai kan i bila gaduh i tertekan and dah berape kali nak comited suidside.
i harga dgn kasih sayang and attention from him.
bila kita kenal i feel so secure and feel dat hes can understand me better and know wat i wan from him.

dia salah kan i kerana semua dia kata dia tak bahagia dgn i cos dia nak suka buat kerja umah or tolong jaga my gals and he feel hurt if i selalu complain psal emak-bapak dia.


"Makamah kata is sah "

4 lafaz all sah...if like that cannot rujuk tau...coz dah 3 talak....

go with the kaunseling...make sure ur 'hub' attend also....

he also ade salahnya...

for a marriage to work...both kena main peranan...
dun be too emotionally attached....
focus on ur gals...
tks lina dats wat everbody said. for now i will stop praying for a miracle to happen and the same time i redha if i'm become a single.its hard but i hve to force myself to be strong.

my husb said he dia tak kuat untuk go throught this marriage skrang hati tersempit

quraisyah, sorry that you're going through this. hope you can stay strong for the kids.

ladies, just want to check something.
my boy has become so clingy to me ever since i started work.
some nights, he refuses to sleep in his own cot, will cry and cry asking to be carried.
and only wants to be carried by me!
when my hb tries to take him, he screams even louder!
and then will only sleep when i put him down on our bed.
this has never happened before. he's usually a v good sleeper at night.
and he's even stopped sleeping through, waking up at least once for a milk feed.

DO you think its just a form of separation anxiety?

I feel you must have a 3rd party involve someone who is mutual towards both side to help both of you get a solution.
I know its not gonna be easy but u must hang on for the sake of your girls..
5 tahun berkahwin, this could be your 5th year dugaan..u go thru this insyaallah whatever comes,it'd be easier for both of you to handle in future.
A piece of advise,no point breaking up over parent/inlaws issue..think of the love you have for him,dont look at what he's not good at but appreciate whats best in him that he has to offer to you and your girls.
Semoga u kuat mengharungi all this..insyaallah.

Must be separation anxiety, he dah biasa nampak u kat rumah bila dia bangun tdo. Then one day he woke up, u were not his fears stays with him thruout the night,thinking abt the morning again..Poor him!
